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Just Bring IT HollyWood
People Used
The Rock
Alot of people

.::The scene opens in the back where Coach is set to interview the peoples champion himself the Rock..all of the fans go crazy at the sight of the rock as he takes his sunglasses off and gets ready for the interview::.


"Hi rocky whats up..i have a couple questions to ask you about the world championship title tourney and your first round opponent have him in a kendo stick match on raw and i am sure it will be good"

{.::The Rock::.}

"Shut up coach! Finally the rock has come back to North Carolina...yes the rock has heard about his match against this jabroni HollyWood...the rock went to the backstage area and demanded he be put in the tourney to vince mcmahon...and now here the rock is getting ready to take on hollywood in a kendo stick match...the rock says what is a kendo stick match? Even though the rock has never even heard of the damn match the rock will come out on top just like he does in front of the millions and MILLIONS of Rock Fans!


"Well ok Rock...more about your...

{.::The Rock::.}

"Didn't the rock tell you to know your role and shut your mouth! Well since you are really chatty today the rock is going to ask you the questions...instead of you waisting the rock's time asking him stupid questions that don't lead to the rock says you like cookies?


"WEll yeah my mom makes me some good ones....

{.::The Rock::.}

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa..are you telling the rock that your mother still makes you COOKIES!


"Well yeah my mom still makes me cookies...she does my laundry also..

{.::The Rock::.}

"The rock says this..shut up COACH! Get out of here just go...get out of here you pathetic LOSER! The rock was sitting on his leather couch watching some old movies when vince mcmahon knocked the rocks door and told him he would be facing HollyWood in a kendo stick match...wll the rock says this...the rock saw you come down to the ring a couple days ago talking about how you are gonna become world champion and how you actually think you are the best in the buisness...the rock is going to give you a bit of advice...HollyWood don't say you are the best untill you can prove it...but the rock already has...and the rock will even prove more when he wins the title tourney and shows the federation that he is the most electrifyin man in sports entertainment today! The rock wants to tell you this hollywood...monday night on raw the rock and your case one on one with the great a kendo stick match! Now the rock hasn't really thought of a reason to use the kendo stick but the rock has just thoug about this one...listen very carefully and do whatever the rock says...go get that kendo stick on the top of the turnbuckle post...the rock wants you to shine that thing up real nice...and when the rock means shiny he means stone cold steve austin's head shiny! And once it is perfect...the rock wants you to hold that kendo stick in the air...yeah the rock wants you to be proud of yourself...then the rock wants you to turn that son of a bit** sideways and stick it right up your candy a##! The rock is a genius ain't he...well you can do that or the you can give the kendo stick to the rock so he can beat your a## all over the ring...ok hollywood...the rock sees you talking about your little group and how you are getting people that you really aren't getting...the rock thinks you are almost as pathetic as Coach himself which is pretty see hollywood the rock has something not alot of other guys in the XWE say they have...and that is the people that cheer the rock on whatever the rock hollywood during our match on raw you are gonna hear alot of Rocky..Rocky...Rocky..over and over again untill the rock wins the match and the cheering you get it will be the first one checked into the smackdown hotel and all you jabronis out there yes the rock does keep track of who is in the smackdown hotel...The rock says this...hollywood you are the unlucky one in the tournament that has to take on the great one...something no one wants to do..if you dont believe the rock then why did no one answer the rock's open challenge...he made it very clear he wanted a match against someone and no one answered the rock's the rock made the decision for all of you and decided to take on hollywood...a jabroni that needed to get his mouth shut and the rock is going to be the perfect guy to do one understands that the rock is serious about winning the world title...sure it seems all the rocks opponents ressemble a hair on a hippopatmuses a##! But the rock says it doesn't matter what they look lie...all that matters to the rock is that they dont get in the rocks way or they will get a beating they will never forget...the rock says that this match may be hollywood's very last..after the rock beats him he will be too tired or even humiliated...because the rock plans to do one thing and one thing teach hollywood a lesson...oh make that two things...the rock only is planing to do two teach hollywood a lesson and to beat him in front of the millions and MILLIONS of rock fans! The rock sees a bunch of others come down to this ring and talk a bunch of smack for instance we have uncensored...that jabronie came down to the ring and talked a bunch of trash about his opponent lance storm and how he as going to win the tourney...well uncensored the rock says this...get some hair you hairless ape! Thats all the rock has to say about that roody poo...the rock hopes he faces uncencored so he can know his role and shut his mouth! AS you all know if the there is one thing the rock doesn't like and that is people who think they are the best because if there is a federation with the rock...the rock is the greatest and everyone else like i said befor is number 2! The rock says what is up with all of these people in the XWE...all thinking they are big shots because they are in the title tourney...the rock says this..for gods sake we have molly holly in this tourney..the rock doesn't really think that it is a big shot kind of deal...but what the rock does thing is a big shot deal is the World Championship...a championship the rock will walk out with around his waist...whenever the finals the pay per the rock it just doesn't matter as long as the rock wins the world title and becomes the number one best in the buisness today..oh the rock is sorry for the mix up...the rock already is the number one best in this buisness today! And if you do not believe the rock then ask all of his fans...the brauma bull just isn't going to sit around and take torment from anyone...whether it is hollywood,uncensored,an elephant...the rock isnt going to sit around..nono the rock is going to get up and tell you to talk smack in his face! To the rock smack talk is ok when the other person knows about or it is to their face...but if that jabroni hollywood wants ot talk smack back in the locker room his ie going to get what is coming to him..the rock is wondering where in the hell Coach went! But like i said before nothing matters to the rock accept winning...HollyWood all the rock has to say to you is JUST BRING IT! The rock wants you to bring all you have got to the match because a match isn't worth it unless the rocks opponent actually has a hollywood get ready...because jabroni the rock isn't going to be foolin around come monday in the hollywood to close it out..the rock is going to run wild over you jabroni...

{.::If Ya SmeLLLLLLLL What the Rock........IS COOKIN!::}

.::The rock gives the peoples eyebrow to the fans as the scene fades to a commercial break::.