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-It's Showtime Folks!-

-[Foward]- This Thursday, live from SPIKE TV. We present TNA Total Non-Stop Action live from the Orlando, Florida Universal Studios inside the iMPACT ZONE! And what a night it is going to be. James E. Cornette is planning on making a huge announcement regarding the Pay-Per-View event coming up later on this month. Also we will see the best of the best X Division style.. and just in from the TNA Office.. this Thursday, The Return of The Icon.. THE MAN THEY CALL.. STING! Don't miss out. -[End Foward]-

-[Scene One]-

Location: Somewhere along the iMPACT ZONE
Event Taking Place: TNA iMPACT!
Time: 2:00 PM

((The scene opens up from somewhere along the iMPACT ZONE. The camera pans around searching for anything that would bring us to this dark place in the arena. Then we saw a light that would swing from left to right in a constant pace. Behind the light we could see the outline of someone standing just watching this light swing back and forth. Then from out of nowhere we heard a voice..))

-[Man's Voice]- "How can you forget? I was one of the first to ever join this company, and this is what I get in return?"

((After few little words the voice stops. We could hear him taking deep breathes and letting them out really slowly, like something was wrong. And then once again we heard this voice..))

-[Man's Voice]- "And now.. after you realized that there was no other resort.. so you did what the guys at the office said you would never do.. leave me behind! It's hard to believe.. that after an entire 5 years this company wants to shove me in the graveyard."

((You can feel the cold chills off of this man's voice but no one can see him all you can see is someone standing there. Then from out of nowhere it's like this man who ever it may be has set free some type of bird.. it's a BLACK CROW! Oh my god. Is this who I think? Then from out of nowhere you heard the voice once again.. this time with a brief pause and a deep breath, exhaling it slowly, then he begins to speak..))

-[Man's Voice]- "TNA was real good to me. They treated me really well until they figured out how to steal guys from the other company, when they figured that out then they knew they no longer needed my services. Cornette.. I know you know who I am and lemme get one thing off my chest, on Thursday Night.. you will see me again for the first time in over a year and when you see my face just remember.. just remember the name James.. 'cuz after I'm finished with you the only announcement that is going to be made is that at Final Resolution.. I WANT THE TNA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!"

((The voice as it kept talking began getting closer and as you could hear it get closer the view of who this man was became more evident or so we thought. The guy was wearing a mask and approached us looking dead into the lens of the camera.. grabbing ahold of the camera and looking right in the lens.. before looking up and all you could see was his eyes and he began to mutter out something..))

-[???]- "TNA was off to a great start. TNA was off to the best start since the company opened it's doors 5 years ago and then something happened and that's when it became more evident to me that Cornette was killing TNA and the virus was not who I had thought it was for so long. James E. Cornette was that virus that was eating away at TNA. It kept eating away at the main structure slowly but surely, taking it to the ground and someone needs to stand up and fight against it because Cornette is planning on putting TNA in the same damn place he put the NWA! In the graveyard six feet under the ground that we walk on. The place that we built Cornette you threw away, we made wrestling in North Carolina.. we made wrestling in Louisville, Kentucky and by god if I mean anything I'm speaking Cornette.. we made TNA Wrestling in Orlando, Florida and when the time is right and only when the time is right then we go to bigger venues and bigger crowds until then leave it alone. I thought long and hard Cornette and it's about time you met your maker and it's time.. IT'S.. SHOWTIME.. FOLKS!"

((With them words we knew who this man was but just why was keeping himself a Mystery, and why is Sting not showing his face? I guess we will have to wait until Thursday Night to find out why the Stinger is actually back in TNA?))

-[Scene Two]-

Location: A Graveyard
Event Taking Place: TNA iMPACT!
Time: 11:38 PM

((The scene opens up from a Graveyard. It's dark and looks really scary, with all the tombstones sticking out of the ground. Back towards the back of this long Graveyard is a house, all white with black trim. And sitting in the driveway beside the house is a brand new truck. We walk towards the truck and notice someone is standing at the tailgate and has the tailgate down. He's grabbing ahold of something that looks like a body bag. He throws it on his shoulder and begins walking towards the Graveyard. Once the man got to where he was going he stopped and dropped the bag. He reach down and unzipped the bag pulling out shovels, pitch forks, and other dirt digging materials. Just then we realize that this man is no ordinary, Undertaker of the Graveyard.. IT'S STING! He walked by the camera and we saw him plain as day, Sting is in the Graveyard digging but why?))

-[Sting]- "A night like this.. people are usually sleeping.. but tonight.. is different because for some reason when TNA Management called me they never spoke to me about returning.. they never mentioned The Stinger coming back to the iMPACT ZONE! NO! They just wanted to see how I was doing."

((Sting began digging into the ground. You could tell by the sound of his voice he's upset. He's not even wearing his face paint he is his normal self right now. And Sting is upset with Management not wanting to give him a contract.))

-[Sting]- "There has to be a reason Cornette is doing this. Because I've known Jim for a very long time I'd say around 21 years actually, and when it comes down to it.. Jim Cornette is a big reason on why I have not heard from Dixie Carter.. so lemme just tell you what I think of Cornette, better yet.. lemme just show you what I think of James E. Cornette!"

((Just then Sting took the shovel and drove it furiously into the ground. Then he walks off and heads towards his truck. He opens the door and climbs in and then begins to drive backwards through the Graveyard going back to where he just walked from. He got out leaving his truck running and grabbed the tools besides the shovel that he drove in the ground. He through the tools in the back of his truck bed and got back in it. He does nothing for a brief second and then gets back out. This time he grabs ahold of the camera man and tells him to climb in and he does. Sting then drives away fast. Sting is going somewhere but no one knows where he is going.))

-[Scene Three]-

Location: Backstage in the iMPACT ZONE!
Event Taking Place: TNA iMPACT!
Time: 1:38 AM

((The scene opens up from right inside the office of James E. Cornette and I can only imagine what Sting is getting ready to do. He has a baseball bat in his hand and swings it crazy, busting up Cornette's desk and tv monitors. He's tearing this office apart. He then paused and looks at the camera as himself, Steve "Sting" Borden and speaks out.))

-[Sting]- "You see it don't pay off to piss me off. James when you get here tonight don't worry, you'll know who done this because the footage is gonna play tonight James. Live on iMPACT! I'm gonna show the whole world what I've done.. and once it's finished I'm gonna show the world that I made a promise to kill the Cancer that was in TNA and I'm gonna keep it because tonight.. IT'S.. IT'S.. IT'S.. SHOWTIME.. FOLKS! Hey Jim.. just don't charge this to your tab because I'm not finished, not by a long shot.. You coming to iMPACT to make an announcement makes me sick and I can guarantee that this announcement had better be the signing of The Stinger!"

((Sting swings back again with that baseball bat but this time he's swinging for the camera. And smashed it all up so that he could take the tape out, how smart? Sting busted up the office of Cornette and what is gonna happen tonight on iMPACT!? Sting is in the building and not happy with Management and Cornette planning on a big night being the first iMPACT back since the new year started. What is gonna be his announcement and what will James E. have to say about this massacre that took place when Sting wrecked his office.))

-[Sting]- "I just wanna see the look on your face when you realize that I'm Back.. what is it gonna take for me to finally, get your attention? I hope this knocked some sense into you because if it didn't then Jim.. we're in for a long night.. and after iMPACT tonight I'm looking forward to Final Resolution.. because not only, will Final Resolution be the first event of 2008 but it's going to be the first Pay-Per-View that Sting has been apart of in a few monthes. And I'm not happy, that TNA did not try and resign my deal because they were too busy with Booker T. They was too busy trying to take a shot at the other companies short hand guys if you catch my drift. The other company, was finished with Angle and Cage and Booker.. they we're finished and that's why TNA stole them away, but don't lemme forget to say, they helped out. Now TNA signs Austin.. Triple H.. Syxx Pac.. I mean where the hell is the guys that started this whole thing five years ago? Where are they at now Cornette? They are sitting home like Samoa Joe.. he busted his ass for five years for this company, and never got a title shot because the company didn't have faith in putting the belt around someone other than a WWE Throwback! TNA forgot about the guys who built T.. N.. A! Who built TNA from the ground up? Guys like Samoa Joe? Abyss? AMW? Triple X? Jeff Jarrett? THE LIST GOES ON AND ON.. and that List.. it contains one name Cornette who just recently signed back with TNA.. THE MAN THEY CALL.. STING! And I'm coming for you on iMPACT.. you can bring Matt Morgan your right hand man because he'll be the first to fall and if you dont bring anyone then it's better it means I don't have to swing for the yards! THURSDAY NIGHT.. iMPACT.. IT'S.. SHOWTIME!"

((Fade Out.))