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This layout and all of its graphics were made by me! I am not affiliated with the WWE or Edge in any way. I make these graphics using Paint Shop Pro 7. If you would like me to make you something, layout graphics etc, just ask unstead of stealing. I spent a whole 15 minutes making this thing, and I don't think that it is right for you to steal it in 15 seconds. Now I don't have any tracking systems, but I might just have to put it on .cjb for safe keeping! Now read the roleplay, because I'm sure I spent some of my day writing that too! -Mike

Current Record:-

Most Recent Beaten

I Dunno

XwF Acheivements:-

T.V CHampion, Cruiserweight Champion



Different Times
Anyone who is good enough!
Anyone who is good enough!



Some Basic Info!

Height : 6'4"
Weight : 240lbs
Hometown : Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Signature Move : The Spear ; Diving Reverse DDT
Finishing Manouver : The Edgecution ; The Spear

..:Scene:..The scene comes on halfway through the week leading before Redemption, the next XwF PPV. We are in Tokjo Japan, at a festical in honor of the XwF coming to Japan for the show. Several XwF Superstars are walking around signing autographs and spening time with their fans. We join Edge as he is walking around. He is tlaking to his fans, who are having a hard time understanding him. But suddenly, all the Japanese people around him start running and yelling. Just like a Godzilla movie.

(Edge:) Why are all you guys running?

(Someone In The Crowd:) ¬O GodzillaˇI

(Edge:) What?

(Someone in the crowd:) ??????? godzilla?

(Edge:) Gosh darnit, I'm just going to have to see what all this commotion is about!

Edge walks down the street, against where the people are all running. There he sees it. It is not Godzilla! It's.....

(Someone else in the crowd:) 検索結果に該当するものが見当たりませんキーワードを変更して再度検索をしてみてください。

(Edge:) Oh my, it is not Godzilla It's Anna Nicole Smith!

Walking down the street with a cheeseburger in hand is Anna Nicole Smith. All the little Japanese people are running around screaming as this giant woman is walking down the street.

(Edge:) Ah, everybody run, it's Anna Nicole Smith!

(Someone in the crowd:) AAAAAAHHHHHH!

(Edge:) I am getting out of here!

Edge runs and runs down the street. He runs into a big convention center building. There music is jamming and people seemt o be enjoying themselves. Edge looks over at a poster. He grabs someone and asks them......

(Edge:) I speak English, could you Translate this for me?

(Person:) 検索結果に該当するものが見当たりませんキーワードを変更して再度検索をしてみてください。

(Edge:) What?

(Person:) It is Lonkon Pok, the biggest Alternative group in all of the island of Japan!

(Edge:) I wonder if they are like Linkin Park.

(Person:) Yea, you have Linkin Pok, we have Lonkon Pok.

(Edge:) Oh kool, do they play the same songs?

Edge has trouble translating what the Japanese person has to say. But then Crawling hits the air waves. Edge runs up to the stage and begins jamming, even though he can't understand what they are saying, it is the closest thing to Linkin Park..:Scene Over:..

..:Scene:..The next scene comes on after the Lonkon Pok concert. By now the fans have realized who Edge is. Since there is sort of a celeberity in the building, Edge gets the privelage to meet Lonkon Pok backstage. He is takin into the back by guards, and sitting there is Lonkon Pok.

(Edge:) Hey guys, nice show You guys are just as good as Linkin Park.

(Benningwok:) Thank you very much. We are glad to see that even people that don't live in Japan can respect our music.

(Edge:) You guys can actually speak English?

(Mr. Hon:) Yes, very well. You see, we spent many years in Maerica trying to make it big. But when Linkin Park made it big, there was no room for us. So we got with their record company Warner Bros, and decided to become the Japanese version. So it is like we are the same band, but are Japanese.

(Edge:) Really? Thats kool. So do you have the same names?

(Benningwok:) Yea to a point, just add wither an o instead of an a, or add wok, and you can't get our names wrong.

(Edge:) Yea that seems to be about it around here.

(Mr. Hon:) Yea, true that.

(Edge:) What I can't help but notice is, all you guys are chinese, except Jo Hon, who looks American, and a lot like P Diddy.

(Mr. Hon:) Well, you see, In the band Linkin Park, all of them look American, except for Mr. Hahn, so it is the complete opposite here.

(Edge:) Oh, I guess I get it.

(Benningwok:) Its really simple to understand. Well guys, I think it is about time that we head to our next gig.

(Mr. Hon:) Yes, thank you Edge, and good luck with your match against Lionhart at Redemption.

(Edge:) Yea thanks guys, nice show.

They all shake hands, and Edge walks out the back door...Then he has some words to himself.

(Edge:) Japanese people are wierd. Everything is the opposite. Well, now to head back to the hotel to sleep on the rug on my floor. What a crazy place this is, I should share some words with Bischoff to make sure we don't come back here. Someone like me shouldn't have to be in this sort of place.

Edge continues into the night. Until he reaches his hotel room. Then he checks in and heads upstairs for a nights rest..:Scene Over:..

..:Scene:..The new scene comes on as Edge is trying to get to sleep on what appears to be a rug. He already has had a $45 fine for wearing his shoes on the carpet, and another $45 for takinga bath in the giant fish tank. He is lieing there as the phone rings.......

(Edge:) Hello?

(Dominic:) Hey theres my favorite Superstar!

(Edge:) Hey dominic, whats going on in the states?

(Dominic:) Well LeBron Jamed got drafted by Cleveland, the Indians lost, and McDonalds came out with a new burger.

(Edge:) Don't ever remind me of McDonalds. That whole thing with Mae Young last week has me up the wall man. So Lebron went to Cleveland? Maybe they will actually win now.

(Dominic:) So how is good ol Japan?

(Edge:) I hate this country. How does Eric Bischoff expect us to put on a good show when we have to sleep on rugs, and there is no showers?

(Dominic:) No showers?

(Edge:) No, I got fined $45 freakin dollars for taking a bath in what they called a fish tank. Now who has ever heard of a fish tank the size of a bathtub?

(Dominic:) Oh, everybody knows about the, we just haven't told you about them.

(Edge:) Haha, very funny.

(Dominic:) So man, how you gonna do at Redemption against Lionhart? Big match!

(Edge:) I'll get beat, I mean c'mon, I only beat him without breaking a sweat 3 weeks ago! ,p/>(Domninic:) Yea, but here he had some words to say about you. He said it will be you that will be beat in 5 seconds.

(Edge:) 5 seconds? Thats it? Man I will walk down to that ring in atleast a minute. Kick his ass for about another minute, then hand him over to the janitor who will then proceed to whip the floor in another minute. That leads up to atleast 3 minutes. Man I'm not gonna get the job done in 5 seconds!

(Dominic:) Gosh darnit! Your just a loser then.

(Edge:) Don't hurt my feelings like that.

(Dominic:) Yea I'm just kidding. So you think you can take this bum out?

(Edge:) No problem, come Sunday, I will become the United States Champion like it was like taking candy from a baby. You know, I said it before. Lionhart can come through with wins, but they are against nobodys! When he steps into the ring with a real opponent, he gets squashed. And that is what happened a few weeks ago between me and him. I know the dude is afriad.

(Dominic:) True that. Well I'm gonna let you get some sleep. I might call you Saturday or sumthin, depends on what the wife wants to do.

(Edge:) Try to get sleep? Thats not an underestimate. Well cya!

Edge hangs up the phone. Then he turns his light off again, and tries to go back to sleep, as the scene is over..:Scene Over:..
