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Y2J Chris Jericho
Shane O'Mac
Adam Master


Y2J Chris Jericho
(1x) XWA World Title (1x) Tag Champion (with rock)(1x)Iron man chamion (1x)Crusier Weight chamion (1x) IC Champion

Adam Master
non titles yet

Non titles yet


Y2J Chris Jericho
Y2J Vs New HBK Chris Kharnage

Adam Master
no match this week

no match this week


Y2J Chris Jericho
Adam Master


Come on, Jerichooo
You know I got ya, yeah One, Break the wall down
(Break down the walls)
For those about to rock and what ya want
Baby you know you're judas and I'm your priest
Baby what I got is not from the least
Bring it through the stage in the rage of a beast
Step in the arena and break the wall down
Step in the arena and break the wall down

Here Comes The Breaking Of The walls blast from all the P.A system as the New XWA Crusier Weight Champion Y2J Chris Jericho. Chris and Shane O'Mac both come down to the ring and grab mics from ring workers. Jericho Begins to speck.

Y2J Chris Jericho::: With Hard Kore Hell just two days ago many of you seen that I got my record to be a perfect nine wins zero loses zero ties. Then again you see that I ddid not get the title that I was gunning for. My goal was to win the XWA heavy weight title but I was not able to live up to my word and get my self that title a part of me feels bad the other half feels OK with that. It was a good match guys like Cena my self and JK gave it our all and we really did wrestle to our full skills.

Y2J Chris Jericho::: Know before I go on I know that you thinking why I feel good about the win slash lost at hard Kore hell. I feel bad cause my goal was to walk in that match with the IC title around my waist and walk out that match with the world title around my waist. I did not get to do that as many of you seen I in steed walked in the IC champion and walked out the Cruiser weight champion. I got the pin over some ass clown during the match I think his name was cam Taylor or someone else, but once I got the pin I knew that I made a mistake that I just got one more win for my record but I got a new title and I had to leave the match. That's were IM mad cause I seen a person like john Cena come out here and cut six great promos that's four more then I did and still lost the match to that no good ass clown Shane Lobo.

Y2J Chris Jericho::: How frickin great is this the V. P was able to walk out the match with the World title when he cut two promos that were not even as good as mine. Is this ass clown power hungry or is just my eyes? Well, IM telling you this Lobo I want you in a one on one match for the world championship title. It can be in any paper view or any voltage but I want to get my hands on you in any type of match for your world title. Don't be an ass clown and say no to my request for you and be go one on one in a match for the world title. I am a former world champion I was a champ before you were one so I deserve a title shot don't go and be a chump and say no cause if you do then it proves that you are scared of the High Light.

Y2J Chris Jericho::: Lobo when I seen you pick up the win over Cena a million and one taught went threw my head and most of them were that you had Cena job for you, you had Cena fake it and made you hit the F U on him for the win. That's probably what happen you power drunk basted. Lobo I been in this fed for more then five months and me and you never locked it up I held 4 titles and I want to get back my world title. Seeing that you are the champion and Im a former world champion I am more then qualified to get a title shot so don't back down lobo cause IM your maker IM the guy who well not let your money and power in this fed get in my way. Its a yes or no question.

Shane O'Mac::: Hard Kore Hell was a fifty-fifty night for Jericho he walked in a title holder and walked out a title holder. He wanted to get the world title but he let that pass out of his mind but know he wants a true one on one match not some bull sh*t five man battle royal with you Shane Lobo. You can be a nothing of a champion and say no to the world title match or you can be a something and say yes to the match its your call. Jericho has proven time and time again that ever seance the day he lost the title in a match he was not in he dissevered a title shot. He last the world title but yet went on to win two other titles on his way back to the top of the ladder. Know Jericho stands there with his nine and zero record ready for that final step back to greatness and that is to get a title shot from you Shane Lobo. Do the right thing and say yes cause indeed Jericho well walk out of the match if it happens the New XWA World Champion.

Y2J Chris Jericho::: "The New HBK" Chris Karnage, yes he well be the guy I well face this coming Friday at voltage in a flag match. IM guess that Shane Lobo made the "Y2J" Chris Jericho Vs "The New HBK" Chris Karnage in a flag on a pole match. That's right Shane keep running away from me but trust and believe me I well, catch your goofy ass and when I do you like the rest well stop and drop for the walls of Jericho, But hey this is not a match with Shane Lobo this is a match with some ass clown with the most ass clowned name "The New HBK" Chris Karnage.

Y2J Chris Jericho::: "The New HBK" Chris Karnage well have to face me in a fag on a... oh excuse me I taught I was still talking but Shane Lobo for a second. "The New HBK" Chris Karnage the match well be a flag on a pole match. A match were you and be must beat the crap out of each other until some was is knocked out which well give the other a chance to clim the turn buckle grab there flag and get the win over the other. Know we all know that Y2J Chris Jericho is from the good and strong Canada, But were in the hell are you from. Know I checked out the XWA official site and looked under the jobber section and seen your name there and clicked on the link. Then I checked for your home land and all I seen was that you are from a play called highland.

Y2J Chris Jericho::: Know answer me this were in the word is this High Land area? Come on "The New HBK" Chris Karnage you can tell us is it under a rock? oh wait I think it is next to Shane Lobo worthless wrestling skills. No, that can't be it may be its is America but then again which land is not kissing America ass besides Canada. Well, were ever you are from ass clown you better stay there when Friday comes, just don't show up save your self the time and engery and just forfeit the match cause we both know that you well lose to me hands down. You have no shot in hell of beating me in this match face the facts kid your chances of beating me are like Shane Lobo chace of beating me and that is low very low.

Y2J Chris Jericho::: Know lets move on to your name and that name is "The New HBK" Chris Karnage. The New HBK? as in heart break kid? As in a use less has been who I use to idol as a little good looking kid? How great is this I got to face some one with a useless name like that, know if your name was The New Y2J" Chris Karnage then you might be going some were in life but looking at your current name I can tell that you well stay what you are and not is a wanna be nothing.

Y2J Chris Jericho:: "The New HBK" Chris Karnage be smart don't be a retarded ass clown and dare try to even cut a promo for this match it well prove no ponit cause i am on a mission a mission that nothing can stop me a mission that you are in front of and this Friday i well just run all over you so just Shut The Hell Up and never evvvvvvver try to get in my way for the title hunt cause i well hurt you ass clown, i well hurt you bad.

Shane O'Mac::: "The New HBK" Chris Karnage just stay home in highland were never that is and play with your flag cause Jericho well just grab his Canada flag and win him self a noter match all you well do "The New HBK" Chris Karnage well get in the way of the greatest wrestler way and you don't want to do that just don't show.


::: Y2J Chris Jericho Drops the Mic as Here Comes the Breaking of the Walls blast over the sound system as all the fans hop to there feet as Jericho takes off the title and sticks it out to show all the fans who is the greasiest in this fed.