As "The Anthem" by Good Charlotte hits the arena, the titantron lights up with a blood red glow as the fans scream at the top of their lungs as the lights flash all around the arena. Then the ring announcer starts to speak.

ANNOUNCER- Welcome to NMW's FIRST Pay Per View!!!!! The First Match will be Kidd vs. Executioner. Winner Is Enforcer..... Next is Kurk Angel vs. The Game for the Intercontinental Title! Next is a TABLES MATCH with "The Narcissist" Curt Reed vs. Smash!!!!!! After that is Strike Force vs. The Bodydonnas For The Tag Titles!!!!! The Fifth Match is Matt Hardy vs. Javex Valerius!!!!! Next is the World Title Match with Scorpion vs. Xanta Claus with Thy!!! And Finally the Main Event...... A HELL IN A CELL MATCH UP FOR THE ACROSS THE SEA TITLE......Black Sabbath VS Vince!!!!!

Just then "Three Sheets to the Wind" by Kid Rock hits as the man who lost to Black Sabbath enters the arena.

Announcer- Coming to the ring weighing in at 225 lbs from Morrison, Tennessee.......... KIDD!!!!!

The Fans then start to chant Kidd, Kidd, Kidd!

Then Undertaker's Theme Song hits as the cocky Executioner runs down to the ring to a bunch of boo's from the crowd. Not giving the announcer enough time to announce weight or where he is from, Executioner runs to the ring and attacks Kidd.

Crowd- Holy S*it, Holy S*it, Holy S*it, Holy S*it!!!

The two lock up as Executioner gets the first hand with a few knees to Kidd's stomach putting Kidd into the turnbuckles. Executioner than goes for the Hanger but it was too early and Kidd reverses it into a stunner!

Maven- WOW! Josh did you see that!?

Josh- I sure did that's crazy..... I haven't seen that move since Stone Cold was here!

Executioner than try's to kick Kidd in the stomach but Kidd reverses it into a Kazaam!!! one...two...thre KICKOUT! Kidd picks up Executioner and made a big mistake on doing that. Executioner than kicks Kidd in the midsection and grabs him by the throat.

Maven- Oh no!!!!! He's throwing him out of the ring!!!!!

Executioner than Chokeslams Kidd out of the ring onto the mat below. The ref starts to count Kidd out.....1.....2.....3.....4.....5.....6.....7.....8.....9.....te and Kidd slides into the ring!!!!! Kidd with all the energy he has left he gets a boot to the face. Both men are down and the ref starts to count.....1.....2.....3.....4.....5.....6.....7.....8.....9.....10!!!

Announcer- This match is a DRAW due to count out!!!!! The next match is a match for the Intercontinental Title..... Making his way to the ring THE GAME!!!!! 

Just then Time to Play The Game Hits as The Game Walks Out To The Ring.

Announcer-Coming to the ring weighing in at 260 lbs. from Greenwich, Connecticut....THE GAME

Then after The Game does all his taunts All The Things She Said by T.A.T.U hits as Kurk Angel comes to the ring wasting no time to fight!

Kurk Angel than starts to kick The Game in the lower left leg as The Game tumbles over..... Then Kurk starts to taunt in the ring..... Just then The Game stands up favoring his left leg as Kurk turns around The Game taunts and goes for the Pedigree.......

Maven- Oh My God!!!!! That ended the match!!!!!

The Game goes for the pin one...two... KICKOUT!!! Kurk then kicks up and grabs The Games left ankle as he starts to tap wildly on the mat.

Announcer- Your winner by submission and NEW Intercontinental Champion KURK ANGEL!!!!

Maven- WOW! I didn't see that coming!

Josh- Well miracles do happen. Next is the tables match!

Right after Josh's comment Mr. Perfect's Theme hits as Curt Reed comes to the ring.

Announcer- Coming to the ring weighing in at 310 lbs. from Grand Rapids, Michigan..... Curt Reed!!!!!

Curt then spits his gum up in front of him and then slaps it as it fly's by his hand. Then as Highway to Hell hits Smash slides into the ring and hits the confused Curt with a chair. 

As the bell rings Smash starts to kick the passed out Curt..... Smash slides out of the ring as Curt starts to grab the ropes to stand up. Smash slides the table into the ring as Curt sets it up in the corner. Smash throws Curt into the table but it doesn't break. Curt than again is passed out as Smash starts to taunt then goes and grabs the chair he used earlier on. Smash starts to beat Curt's body with a chair..... Smash then throws the chair out of the ring and sets the table up in the middle of the Squared Circle. As Smash gets on the turnbuckle to jump and put Curt through the table..... Curt rolls off the table jumps into the ropes which makes Smash lose his balance and fall onto the turnbuckle..... Curt then sets up and executes the Body Rack than a Back Drop through the table winning the tables match!

Announcer- Your winner CURT REED!!!!!

Maven- That was interesting!

Josh- Well Smash had the upper hand in the beginning but Curt had the experience and balance to pull off the win!

Announcer-The following match is scheduled for one fall and it is for the NMW Tag Team Titles. First, coming to the ring, at a combined weight of 504 lbs., from Coca Beach, Florida, Strike Force. And weighing at a combined weight of 451 lbs., from Los Angeles, California!!!!!

The match starts out with Rick Martel and Zip brawling in the ring. Skip comes in to save Zip, and he does. Then Zip crawls over to Skip and tags him in. So now, its Skip and Rick Martel in the ring. Then, Adam Garvin runs over to Zip, pulls him down and hits him with a Superstar Drop on the floor. Skip is looking over the top rope as Adam Garvin is beating on Zip. And then from nowhere, Rick Martel gets a roll-up on Skip. One.......Two......Three. 

 Announcer-Your winners and Still NMW Tag Team Champions, Strike Force!!!!!

Maven- Well it happened once and it happened again!

Josh- Yep well the Tag Team Strike Force is Unstoppable!

The Hardy Boyz Theme Hits Matt Hardy accompanied by Black Sabbath and Lita slowly walks to the ring for his debut.

Announcer- Coming to the ring accompanied by Black Sabbath and Lita..... weighing in at 225 lbs. from Cameron, North Carolina.......MATT HARDY!!!!

Just then Javex Valerius walks out to Bombs over Baghdad by Outkast as he runs down to the ring but gets trampled by Matt Hardy's kicks to the back but the ref hold's Matt back. 

Announcer- Weighing in at 195 lbs. from Ciudad Zacatecas, Mexico....Javex Valerius!

Matt Hardy starts to grapple with Javex Valerius but Javex Valerius gets the upper hand with a kick to the mid section dropping the rookie Matt Hardy. But it doesn't take Matt too long to get back up as Matt distracts the ref Black Sabbath slides into the ring hitting a Burning Flag after dropping Javex Valerius with a J.L.T (Just Like That) MODIFIED TWIST OF FATE. As Black Sabbath slides out of the ring Matt rolls up Javex Valerius for the 1...2...3!

Announcer-Your Winner by pinfall..... Matt Hardy!

Maven- We're only 2 matches away from the Main Event. We bet the next match is going to be a great one!

Josh- Yeah but put into consideration that Thy will be at ringside and could be a main player in Xanta Claus' evil plan!

Superstar II by Saliva hits as the Scorpion walks down the ramp with the shiny NMW Heavyweight Title. Just then Pyros shoot out of the stage as Xanta Clause and Thy walk to the ring with Santa Clause by Black Sabbath playing in the background. The ref holds Scorpion back as Thy and Xanta Clause get into the ring.

Xanta Clause grabs Thy by her arms as a human shield from Scorpion. Then Xanta Clause throws Thy towards Scorpion but Scorpion grabs her and tosses her outside to the mat. Scorpion than chases Xanta Clause in and out of the ring for a few minutes but Scorpion finally catches up and connects with a dropkick to the knee. The bell rings and the match starts. Xanta Clause stands up weakened from the dropkick gets hit with a tough clothesline from Scorpion..... Scorpion taunts for the end as he grabs Xanta Claus' left ankle until he starts to tap but the second time his had hit the mat Scorpion rolled him over on his back. Scorpion than stands on the turnbuckle getting ready for the Stinger when Thy steps on the apron but Scorpion hits her in the face with his foot knocking her back down and unconscious. Scorpion than hits the Stinger on Xanta Clause pins him for the 3 count!

Announcer-Your winner by pinfall and still NMW Heavyweight Champion Scorpion!!!!!

Maven- WOW that was impressive!

Josh- Well I was right..... Thy tried to stop Scorpion!

Announcer- Next is The Hell In A Cell match for Across The Sea Title!!!!!

The Hardy Boyz Theme Hits as Black Sabbath sprints to the ring.

Announcer- Weighing in at 215 lbs. from Cameron, North Carolina.....Black Sabbath!!!!!

Click Click Boom by Saliva hits as Vince slowly walks to the ring.

Announcer-Coming to the ring weighing 350 lbs. from Scranton, Pennsylvania.....VINCE!!!!!

The two lock up as Vince throws Black Sabbath towards the ropes. Vince goes for a clothesline but Black Sabbath ducks and hits a Azusa Kick (like Sweet Chin Music) but Vince isn't effected. Vince grabs Black Sabbath by the throat for a Chokeslam but Black Sabbath kicks the 7'2 giant in the midsection dropping both men. Sabbath gets on the ropes as Vince slowly gets up and executes a perfect Hurricanrana! Vince Phased from the move Black Sabbath kicks the broken door open and starts to climb the cage. Vince then slowly climbs to the top as Black Sabbath awaits his arrival. Vince and Sabbath fight it out on the cell when Matt Hardy and Rod Rage come running out with chairs. Rod and Matt climb the cage as Sabbath Rod and Matt triple team the 7'2 giant with chairs and fist!

Maven- This is like a street fight.......... all the ref can do is watch!

Josh- Well that may be a very bad thing! Black Sabbath said that the Black Rage will take out their aggressions on Vince and..... They are!

Well The Black Rage climbs down the cage leaving a bloodied Vince on top of the cell. As Matt and Rod walk up the ramp they go backstage and come running out with a table. Black Sabbath then yells MATT!!!!! GET THE TABLES!!!!! and Matt pulls the table into the cell as Vince is climbing down the cage..... Vince gets dragged into the cell as Rod throws the staggering Vince into the side of the cage. But Rod slides Vince into the ring as Matt hits a Twist Of Fate..... Rod picks Vince up and hits a Attitude Adjustment and Matt and Rod both put Vince's limp body onto the table as Black Sabbath grabs a ladder and hits a Whisper in the wind onto Vince..... Black Sabbath pins the knocked out Vince for the 1..........2..........3!!!!!!!!!!

Announcer-Your Winner and NEW Across The Sea Champion.......... Black Sabbath!!!!

Black Sabbath than points at the titantron as it lights up with.....