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Here Comes The Pain..
The Next BIG Thing.

:-/ Disclaimer \-:

This Layout was Made By Me, Marc Counterman, and shall not be used by any other person, transfered to another character or not, If it is, There will be dier consequences.

> Role-Play Number <
> Profile <
Height: 6'4''
Weight: 295lbs

:-/ Forward \-:

After Losing The Next Big Thing, WWE is on a losing streak with UCW. There is one thing that is in mind though, what will Brock Lesnar say and do after joining the Unedged Championship Wrestling Foundation? Find Out.... NEXT.

Location: Backstage Area
Time: 5:56PM

UCW returns from a commercial break, and the UCW cameras are outside the arena, showing a glimpse of this great arena in Washington. As the scene goes on, voices of 'Good Ole' JR and Jerry 'The King' Lawler are then heard as they speak to the people who have tuned in tonight.

:-/ 'Good Ole' Jim Ross \-: Text Here

:-/ 'The King' Jerry Lawler \-: Text Here

:-/ 'Good Ole' Jim Ross \-: Text Here

:-/ 'The King' Jerry Lawler \-: Text Here

:-/ 'Good Ole' Jim Ross \-: Text Here

Brock is here!

Brock Lesnar is seen at the top of the ramp as the next big thing is heard all around the arena. Brock Lesnar walks around at the top of the ramp as he looks for something in the crowd. He Shakes his head and then he walks down the ramp with people booing him and cheering for him at the same time. Soon, he stops at ringside and walks over to the protection wall and walks alongside of it. After walking down a whole row, Brock Lesnar stares at the ring as the people fall silent. He jumps up onto the apron and the fireworks fly out of the ring posts. He Enters the ring as a wave slowly sweeps around the arena. Brock Lesnar looks angrily at some people and then he puts the microphone to his mouth and he begins to speak.

[-|'The Next Big Thing' Brock Lesnar|-]

Text Here
After he finishes, Brock Lesnar drops the microphone and walks around the ring. He Walks to the ropes and gets out of the ring and drops down to the ground. Brock Lesnar walks up the ramp, not looking back as the crowd cheer and the cameras fade.

Jim Ross & The King address the fans.

:-/ 'Good Ole' Jim Ross \-:

:-/ 'The King' Jerry Lawler \-:

:-/ 'Good Ole' Jim Ross \-:

:-/ 'The King' Jerry Lawler \-: Neither can i, JR! I can't wait for Stephanie and Triple H to renew their wedding vows! It's gonna be fabulous, JR!

:-/ 'Good Ole' Jim Ross \-:

:-/ 'The King' Jerry Lawler \-:

:-/ 'Good Ole' Jim Ross \-: Well he's known for his cheating. And....

Jim Ross cannot finish his sentance, as Brock Lesnar's music hits the PA system! The fans covering the arena all stand and respect 'The Next Big Thing' and cheer loudly for him as he walks out from behind the curtain and has a huge grin on his face. He walks down the ramp all focused, but still grinning, as JR looks disappointed that he couldn't finish what he had to say. Brock jumps onto the ring apron as he always does and gets in the ring, then jumps up and down for the fans flexing his shoulders. He walks over to Howard Finkle and grabs a microphone off him. The fans won't stop cheering, as he waits for his turn to speak to everyone. Finally, he gets it.

:-/ 'The Next Big Thing' Brock Lesnar \-:

Brock drops the microphone and lets out a huge grin on his face, he looks into the crowd and grins again.