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[~*{{The Queen Of Xtreme}}*~
~~**{{The Beautiful Stacy}}**~~
[~*~People Used~*~] [~*~Mentioned~*~] [~*~Next Match~*~] [~*~Titles Held~*~] [~*~Disclaimer~*~]

[...::The scene opens up where Stacey is backstage in the THW arena, and she is heading to the ring::..]

~~Stacey's Music hits out into the sold out THW arena, and out walks the newest sexy THW Diva Stacey Johnson. She makes her way down to the ring with the fans having a mixed reaction~~
~~*The Fans*~~ ~~BOO~~Stacey~~BOO~~Stacey~~BOO~~Stacey~~

~~Stacey then gets into the ring and does her pose, then she gets the mic holds it up and begans to speak~~

~~**{{Stacey Johnson}}**~~
~~Well i really dont know what to say about that greeting that i just got...but let me say it really wasent what i expected at all. But now i didnt come out here to talk about all of you in the frist place see i came out here to talk about me of course. Now you all see the reason i came here was because well i plan on being the most domanite female here and well i plan on domanting the THW womens division. So you so called THW divas have better watch out because now that iam here you all dont have a chance against my the Lovely Stacey. Well i gues that about sums it up for you all and well if any of you bitches in the back have a problem with it then you all can just GET OVER!!! because after all i really dont give a damn what you all think{{Stacey then smiles and begans to laugh, as the crowd 'BOOS' her loudly}}You people all suck and i really dont give a shit what you have to say about me because people like you dont count anyway, your all just a bunch of idiots.~~

~~Stacey's music and video hits the arena again, and Stacey then makes her way up the ring with the fans booing her loudly~~
~*The Crowd*~

[...::The THW Camera's then go to a commerical break as the newest member to the THW Stacey Johnson heads to the back and to her locker room::...]

[~*{{The}}*~] [~*{{Sexy}}*~] [~*{{Beautiful}}*~] [~*{{talented}}*~] [~*{{Stacey}}*~]