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Monday Night Mayhem
Tazz and "Prime Time" The Vine vs Syren and Matt Madness

None Currently

Tazz, Bricks, Billy a fan, Kevin Kelly, Eric Tione.

Matt Klein, Syren, Matt Madness, Razor Blade, J. Ried, Ruckus, Viper, Funkstar, Eric Tione, Slickie T Ruckus

Who knows...

"Survive if I let you..."

(The scene opens up on a nice balmy day. The sun hangs in the sky. Shedding light down upon the earth. It is nice out at 8 O’clock in the mourning. The sound of birds singing can be heard in the distance. We pick up in In Indianapolis. The buildings around us are all run down and dirty, we see hookers on the street being whores for money to support there drug habbits. They are dressed in sleazy tube tops with there sagging breast hanging out of them. There fishnet stockings with rips all up and down them. There faded blonde hair is dirty and muggy looking. We see red marks with puss coming out of them, due to the virus of AIDS. As they smoke the cigarettes and begin to call out "Hey hunny looking for a good time?" we drive by. Then we pass the drug dealers with there black hoodies and hair bradied. They have there hands in there pockets and are looking around for any poilce officers. They begin to talk to each other and we see a junkie walk bye and get some crack off them. Then they jump him and look around. They see the car and stare, we begin to drive faster down the street avoding the broken glass and drug pharphniela. The night is warm, it is spring of course. The scenes of downtown indianna is slowing dieing like a disease with no cure. But is there a cure to poverty? The downtown is very worn and torn with the ever so declining economy that is happening due to the war. A slowly but surely recession is happening in the states. Espically here in indianna. We drive up to the arena which happens to be threw the suburbs. And past the indianna freeway. Then were here now in the arena. The car pulls to the back of the arena there are many screaming fans around. the fans are cheering and going nutz. They are waiting in anticapation to see which one of there favorite XHWF stars is arriving to this arena tonight. Some fans are wearing older XHWF t-shirts which were sold on the XHWFwebsite before the XHWF closed down for a second time. They are white and silver with the XHWF logo. Other fans are wearing newer XHWF shirts, that were made when prez mike linsday took over. They are baby blue and black, alot of female wrestling fans wear these ones cause of the color we presume. The camera picks up on a few younger fans wearing some older XHWF tazz shirts. They are also holding up tazz signs. The limo is getting engulfed with fan mania. Fans are pressed up against the glass. The black tinted window gets rolled down. And out from the window we see a face. There are many cheers, as the fans are up in a frenzy. The camera man pushes threw the sea of people. It's Tazz! Tazz takes down his orange and black oakley sunglasses and nods to the fans. Some fans are giving him poster and such to sign. He begins to sign them. He takes time and talks to a younger fan who is way behind all the other fans. He calls secruity over.

Tazz- Hey secruity!

(Security comes running over)

Security- yes what can we do for you sir? <

Tazz- See that little boy in the back?

(The secruity looks over threw the sea of people. they begin to push some people over and then they spot the little boy. They spot him.)

Secruity- Yes, sir? what about him?

Tazz- Grab him and taking him over here. These other fans are crowding him, he wants to see me.

(Secruity nods, and goes over to get him. They begin to push people out of the way. Some people begin to push back, one secruity guards gets into a scuffle and hits a fan. There is a brawl. THe limo driver begins to drive but tazz stops him. Then secruity finally gets the boy and brings him over. Tazz looks at the boy and begins to speak.)

Tazz- Whats your name little boy?

(The little boy is in shock that he is getting to meet his idol. We can tell the boy is a big tazz fan by the way he is dressed and his manerisms around tazz. He looks to be in his early teens, maybe thirteen. He is small for his age so tazz treats him as if he was a younger fan. The boy is wearing a older ECW tazz shirt. His hat is a FTW one, when tazz had his own clothingline a few years ago. He then begins to shake hands over a picture of tazz. Tazz signs it and smiles. The boy, gazing into tazz eyes begins to mutter out his name.)

Boy- My name is... Bill.... Bil... Billy sir. (Tazz smiles, he sees that the boy is bald. Thoughts begin to ponder up in Tazz's head. Wondering what is wrong with the child. He is a little dirty as well. Not in hygene, but in his clothing. Tazz then realizes the boy has cancer. His eyes well up with tears, he does not shed the tears. But you can see in his stare that tazz is deeply afftected by this. His heart has been touched. Tazz looks at the boy and says)

Tazz- Pleasure to meet you Billy, im Pete. Billy, how long have you been a fan of mine?

Billy- Since i was 7 sir.

Tazz- Really thats cool Billy. I noticed you seem to wear a hat, well billy i think it looks really nice on you.

(Billy's smile is very wide. He looks at tazz like a father looking at his son when he does something to make him proud. Billy really admires tazz, you can see that.)

Billy- Well, i have cancer...

(Tazz looks troubled by that statement.)

Tazz- Billy its ok, you will beat it. You look good kid.

Tazz- Hey, here is some money kid. Take it to your family.

(Billy smiles, and then says to tazz)

Billy- Thanks sir, i could really use this. Im pretty poor. I want to be a wrestler...

(We cut inside the limo. the limo is decked ou with orange seats and a full bar. We see a man sitting there dressed in black leather and a muscle shirt. He has 2 very sexy woman with him. They woman look hot, and are all over him. Like black on a dark night. They are kissing him and stuff. THe man looks very pissed off. He rolls down his window and moves tazz out of the way.)

Bricks- Yea really kid, thats fucking great. The world is a better place knowing that you want to be a wrestler, thanks for sharing. Now get the fuck out of here baldy, before i stick my foot in your ass freak!

(The kids begins to cry, tazz looks pissed off)

Tazz- Bricks, yo what the fuck is wrong with you man? Are you fucking mental? Your a jerkoff.

(Bricks pulls out a tic tac.)

Bricks- Hey kid.....

(Billy turns around, hoping that bricks will apolgize for his actions.)

Bricks- Heres a tick tack you smelly prick!

(Tazz looks really pissed and q's for the limo driver to continue to drive. so the limo driver drives and goes into the garage of the Conseco Fieldhouse. Then limo stops. We arrive inside the concesco fieldhouse. The concesco fieldhouse is WCW old stomping ground before they were bought out buy the WWE. We see metal objects all over the place. The set for monday mayhem is being set up. We see the big metal XHWF sign being asembled, and some freight lifters moving things around. There are many superstars standing around. Including Eric Tione, tione is dressed in a XHWF shirt and some black swooshie pants. Tione is on the cell phone, he seems a little upset. The limo driver steps out of the limo and opens the door. The limo driver is a bigger man, it shows that he works out. The door opens, and it swings out. The camera man comes in for a close shot of Tazz and his crew getting out of the car. Tazz steps out of the car, the camera man gets a shot of tazz's black lugz boot. That can be seen in the commercial with Grand Master Flash. Then it pans up to his black dress pants, and to his leather jacket with a t-shirt underneath. Bricks follows him, and his all pimped out in aramani as shown earlier in the camera shot. Two very hott woman follow. He grabs both of there arms and walks out.

Bricks- Yo bro, its been a long ass time since ive been here in the XHWF. Damn i see the production and ring crew is really busy, setting shit up and all yo. Brings backs memories Pete, brings them all back. Like all those times we kicked ass, and took names. Hell none of this motherfuckers could ever hold there own against the IWO Bro see all they are now are memories in our heads. But are they Pete? Well i belive there not. Sure i had a carrear ending neck injury thanks to some jap who didnt know what the fuck he was doing. Dude, back in Japan them motherfuckers were jealous of the "Sexy One". See not only was i bigger then them little bastards in stature, but down south i had them beat bad like the pacers in the NBA playoffs, or like the colts. See all the little japs wanted the big bricksbowski, they would line up to taste the magnifcent baby juice that i would serve to each and every ho. Dude they loved my cream, and i would always serve it to there peach. If ya know what i mean Pete. Bro this one time...

(Tazz cuts him off.)

Tazz- Ok dude thats enough. Thats all great and shit, but can you shut the fuck up for like 5 min. Damn you get on my nerves sometimes.

(Bricks is making out with one of the hot ass girls.)

Bricks- What you say? i was a little busy?

(tazz just shakes his head. We see Eric Tione, he walks up to tazz.

"Tazz and Tione meet!"

Eric Tione- Yo Tazz! How the fuck you been man? Havent seen you in ages. What you been up 2?

(tazz walks up to tione, and shakes his hands. They begin to talk.)

Tazz- Whats up brotha? How you been?

Eric Tione- I have been good man, so what made you come back? I heard about your knee injury in Japan.

Tazz- Yea man, that sucked i blew out my knee working Masato Tanaka for Zero One, at the Tokyo dome. They were gonna give me the strap, but since i got hurt the match went the other way. So you know. It sucked bro, finally i was gonna win a title again. But got screwed over. Same old shit, its all good though. SO you wanna know why I came back? Aight it goes like this bro, imma be straight wit u. See i got a call from matt at the begining of this month. I was at my resturant and doing shit. O yea by the way i own a resturant and a wrestling school. So anyways, Eric. He calls me up, i take the phone call. Now i figure this is a little shady that he is calling me out of friggin nowhere. We have not spoken in a while. Pretty much a year. There was alot of bad blood between us you know. As everyone knows. So he tells me about this great idea. He wants to give me a title shot. So im like aight, but i got this knee injury. So im debating on wheter to take him up on his offer or not. You know? Im pretty much finacial secure and all and dont need to wrestle to support my family. So i said, yo you know what. Ill take it. Dude all the blood, all the sweat, all the tears i have shed for this company. The time and dedication i put into this company to get it off the ground when it was just starting. All that time. I sat back and reflected. You know Eric? It really hurt how i was fucked over so bad in my carrear in the XHWF. Not once, not twice. but three damn times. Never once did i even recive a title shot. Hell never once did i ever recieve a rematch against madness for my european title. Guys who never even deserved to be in the ring let alone, get title shots? Come on bro thas fucked up ya feel me. Papercutt got to wear that strap, what the fuck did he do? Nuttin, linkin park wow. Your cool, you all bite of Limp Bizkit. Hell even slickie T got a title shot before me. I brought his ass in to this fed. But he gets the strap? I made his carrear eric. You damn well know that. But i aint hating on slick. Dont get me wrong. Me and him go way back. Im just making my point clear. Again another guy who got the title, viper. Another guy that i brought into this federation. Gets a title shot before me. Whats up wit dat? I again, made vipers carear. He was nothing wit out me, just a independent wrestler. But o how they soon forget dude, o how they soon forget. They forget the sacrafices i made for them. They bit the hand that fed them. See way back when, the XHWF used me as if i were a whore. You know what, i was a whore. I was a whore. Ill tell you why, because just like a whore. I made them money and they used me. Well you know what. fuck that no longer would i be a whore for this company. I left and made more money outside of wrestling and in japan then ever. I have my fame, im not after that tione. Im after what is rightfully mine. Im after that world title! I want it to say in the history of the XHWF to say Tazz held that title. You know what, i have my chance and at wrestle mania 2. I was not at the first one, but i am now at this one. Its gonna be great eric. I get to beat 2 guys i dont care for 2 much and win what always was mine!

(Eric Tione nods)

Eric Tione- Yea your right dude, aight well nice seeing you again. Take care.

(Tazz nods to eric)

Tazz- Peace, bro.

Tazz and bricks walk towards there dressing room. They enter the dressing room, it is all pimped out. There is a big screen Tv in there and leather seats. With a full bar, Bricks goes over and gets a drink from the bar. Then he chills wit his two smuts. Tazz sits down and chills. Kevin Kelly walks into tazz dressing room)

Kevin Kelly- Hey Tazz! How have ya been man!?!

(tazz looks at him funny)

Tazz- Don't you know how to knock you stooge!

(Kevin kelly looks upset.)

Bricks- Hey kevin, glad to see your still a dooshbag. So hows the one testicle thing going?

(Kevin begins to cry)

Bricks- O for gods sake, ill do the damn interview. Get out of here flunkie. Go get me a diet coke.... with a lemon, And some condoms. Magnum, cause im a big fella. Fucking dork.

(Bricks begins the interview)

Bricks- SO bro, you got Matt Madness and Syren this week on mayhem? You and vine are teaming up? What are your thoughts on that?

(Tazz scratches his black goatee.)

Tazz- You know they say some things never change. That seems to be true. See, i noticed syren is still a cum rag. I noticed matt madness is still a loser who likes gay porn. I noticed that the new little faction old school is shitty just like all the rest. With the exception of one.......

(Bricks and tazz look at each other)

Bricks- O fo shizzle, the IWO bro.

Tazz- Damn skippy brotha. See don't you people realize it by now, that your little factions die quicker then a fat guy on a treadmill? Come on, your little "groups" always dissapear like shandra levy in a black suit on a dark night. So whatever. Here is my question, why the fuck would you start a faction? Come on, you got Chill, Viper, cum rag.... i mean syren, and Razor Blade? What the hell, your leader is Razor Blade? For christ sake what the hell made you want to call your self razor blade? Am i supposed to be scared? What you gonna do dude, give me a shave? I could use one anyways. The grill is getting nappy. First off let me spit this shit, while its still hot. Razor blade..... ahhhh. Bro I remember you. You were the guy who was undeafted in competion. Ok but so was Bill Goldberg. So whats your point? They fed your ass guys who couldnt wrestle. They fed you J.Ried, they fed you, Ruckus, they fed you Funkstar. Who was another reject who sucked! So what are you all stomping around here for like your high and mighty? O please bro your a dooshbag. You couldnt lead a pack of drunks to happy hour. So why the hell you leading this gay ass group old school? Now that brings me to my next point, why the hell are you guys called oldschool? Razor you havent even been in the fed for a year? so that clasifies you as old school? Guys like Bruno Sammartino, Bob Backlound, Iron Shiek. There old school. Your just a punk with a catchphrase pall. You have no respect for this buisness. You show it buy your actions. SO like my man fabolous says "You can't deny it".

Bricks- Fo sho, get on em pete.

"Damn im sexy!"

Tazz- Now to my next victim... Syren. Uh o shes gonna cry when she hears this. Too bad she should be used to being humilated anways. You know with all that sucking and being on her knees. im surprised she can wrestle. Im surprised she did not get knee replacment surgery. But i guess thats just a natural positon for her.

(Bricks laughs)

Bricks- Your coming at there grill bro.

Tazz- Now syren i know your old and shit, so i guess its cool that you want to call yourself old school. Hey, George Washington called he wants his underwear back you big bitch! I know your old. Father time is jealous of you. Look baby, i know your pipes are a little rusty. Its ok, don't feel bad. Im sure fat guys will still want you. ya know? Syren let me ask you a question he she. When you wake up, and look into that mirror of nothing you call a figure. Does it upset you to see all the lines on your face? Does it make you upset to know that your ugly looks are getting even uglier. Does it make you upset that no one cares that you came back. And everyone on the internet and all the fans love the fact that im back. But syren listen, you always were a no good whore. People realize those things. The fans these days are smart. So while i was gone i hear about you winning the title? Well what happened wit that? O your the first female champion. Big friggin deal. I guess matt didnt check down there. cAuse bitch your voice is way too deep to be a woman. You got tits sure, but so does matt madness. He aint a girl, even though he make act like one he aint one. So wait, let me ask you this. Did it hurt when i t-boned your amazon ass in the ring. Im sure your fucking infuriated you. Ah well what you gonna do about it? Nooottttthhhhiiiiiin. So listen bitch imm a be straight wit you ok trick. You get in my way this monday and i will choke you out! Not the way you want to be chocked out either, which im sure would be hard cause i heard you could suck the chrome of a trailor hitch. Ill choke you out wit my hands. O and one more thing. For gods sake, can you please was down there? Last week when i t-boned you it was fucking disgusting. It smelled like i was on a fishing show or something. Come on.

(Bricks starts to laugh again)

Bricks- Damn dude. Fuck her though.

Tazz- Yo bricks, start rapping about syren.

Bricks- Aight bro, here we go. Hey you your name is syren, but you aint turning. But when guys have sex with you there dicks be burning. You got every stds in the alphabet. But bitch big bricksy wont make your ass wet. Dont get me wrong, i aint gonna sweat it. But bitch you dont have a clit. So syren this monday at Mayhem be prepared to get chocked out by man tazz. Now i know when you see this promo your big ass will probally spazz. Choke on that bitch!

TaZZ- Yo bro, that was hot. Solid, solid.

(They give each other high fives)

Tazz- Aight now to my last problem in the match on mahyem. Matt Madness. Ahhh i guess some people never learn. I hear the shit your saying, ive watch the XHWF while i was gone. "I beat tazz, i took his belt. No one could beat tazz but i did it.". Wellllll whippyyyy friggin deeeeee. Yea you beat me, like 12 years ago. Ok well im gonna bring the truth out. See dude the night before we had that little match. Me, bricks, kashmere, and acid were all out partying. It was great we had bitches eating bitches. I had so much to drink, so i was pretty fucking shitfaced. Then i had a match the next night. i didnt get up till like 5. Thats why i was late that day. I didnt really care, but out boy mr matt klein made me wrestle. So i did. So bro you beat me when i was 20%. But even though you beat me, i still tuned your ass up wit some ever so awesome suplexeS. Yea you can thank me for that little speech impedimate you got. " I..I...I.. B..ee...a...t... T..a..zz.." Shut the fuck up. Who cares. You still suck. Let me ask you a question, who is wrestling for the world title at mania. O, snap! Its me. So how you like them apples bitch. so madness hows the gay, crazy thing going? Come one, i know you and riot like to visit hersheyville. So im gonna ask you a favor, yea tazz is asking captain brownie a favor. Please do not feel my ass in the match. For real, i know you hate me and all. But i also know you like my ass. Dude i saw the way you were looking at my ass before. Its scary, ever notice when i do promos my ass is always facing a wall. There is a reason for that, i dont trust you fruitcake! So madness just like old times, im gonna win. You will lose. So go ahead and cry like the bitch you are. O and do a little promo, i hope you do. Cause your promos fucking suck. You talk about dumbshit. "Im matt madness, here comes happy man" Dude you really think your gonna get over with the fans that way? UMMMM NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. So i aint sweating you.

Bricks- Nicely done dude, nicely done.What about the vine?

Tazz- vine, look i dont like you. i think your a punk. The only reason i helped your ass last week is so that you wouldnt pull the little injury shit for mania. And fuck me over. SO dont get your hopes up, im sure you like "Mommy i made a new friend" errrrrnnnnnnnt wrong bitch. So stay out of my way, and do your job. Aight.

(Just then Kevin Kelly walks in again with bricks diet coke.)

Bricks- Huh were is the lemon bitch?

(Kelly looks scared)

Bricks- I said diet coke with a fucking lemon you moron!

Kevin Kelly- Im sorry sir, they didnt have any lemons.

Bricks- SO, you have 2 legs to a fucking store and get some moron!
(Tazz creeps up behind him, and pants him. Kelly is exposed.)

Bricks- Damn Kevin, can't you do a SMALL... favor.

(The girls are laughing away)br>

Tazz- I guess he was just another victim to shrinkage....

(Bricks laughs. kelly runs out of the room and his pants falls down. He gets up and leaves. Tazz and Bricks give each other high fives.)

Tazz- So syren, madness.... beat me if you can.... survive if I let you!!!!!!

(Scene Ends)

"The mood has changed!"