XEF: Taking you to the next level of EXTREME
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10/31/02- We are currently in the recruiting process of building the fed. If you have anyone that you know that may be interested in joining, please tell them about the XEF. Also, since we have people who Rping well, we will have a mini-show coming up very soon. The card should be posted by November 3, at the latest. One match that I know of right now is going to be Monster vs. Cobra for the HardKore title. Remember, the HardKore title is 24/7. If you have any questions, contact one of the owners.

10/27/02- I am glad that people are beginning to RP already. Please continue on with it. Those who RP will be the ones with the shots at the titles when we get enough people. Also, please if you know anybody that would like to join, recruit them. Hopefully by the end of the month, we will be able to start. I think that we need at least 10 ACTIVE Rpers to begin. Thanks a lot to those of you who RP. If you got any questions, comments, or suggestions, w/e, please AIM either myself at Milwnumba1cracka or Big Beats at Thetotalpackage4. You could also e-mail either one of us by adding @aol.com to the end of our AIMs. Peace.

10/26/02- I want everyone to know that I don't care how long your RP's are. I don't care if they are one line or 1000 lines. But I also want to let everyone know that you will NEVER EVER win if you write 1 line RPs. Also, as some of you may have found out from Pagan Loser, your name WILL BE tarnished, until you can prove to us that you can at least write a 5 line RP. Until then, you will be known as "gay". If y'all don't believe me, go to the roster page and check out Pagan Loser's page.

10/26/02-We have a wrestler! Welcome "Pagan Loser" To The X.E.F! He Has Been Added To The Roster Page.

10/24/02-The new revolution has started! Recruiting has begun and banners are coming in. Also, new announcement, the new 50% owner of this fed is... Big Beats Geis.

10/19/02-Welcome to the new Revolution of XEF. This time were taking it past the level of EXTREME!