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XCW's Brock Lesnar
Next Match: XCW World Heavyweight Title
Record: 0/0/0
This RP Layout was made by and is not to be taken and used without permission. This RP was made by Howard who rp's in XCW.
The XCW cameras are appearing on telvision as it's "The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar's turn to have a promo but before the cameras get to that they do something a little different. They talk about the pay-per-view event XCW Blood Bath instead before getting straight to it all with Brock so that way Xtreme Championship Wrestling will be advertised all over the world for viewers to get the chance to become a part of it all.

The XCW cameras are located at the arena for the big XCW pay-per-view Blood Bath where there will be a lot of great matches on hand such as a Bra & Panties match, a Women's Title match, a Television Title match, a Tag Team Title match, a United States Title match, and of course the big main event match of the night, the battle royal for the World Heavyweight Title.

Brock Lesnar is one of the 13 superstars who will walk into that ring and dook it out with the rest for a chance to be crowned the NEW XCW World Heavyweight Champion. It's every man for himself, no help from anyone, everyone against everyone in this epic battle for not only the richest prize in XCW or wrestling in that being the World Heavyweight Title but also for ring supremacy.

The XCW cameras are going around the arena checking out who's at the arena already and who is not. It appears that there are still a few more people who need to show as the event starts Sunday, October 16h, 2005 only on pay-per-view. There still are people here though like U.S. champion Hulk Hogan and is his challenger Lucas Pain and not to also forget about the new guy who is already wreaking havoc in Xtreme Championship Wrestling, and that's HardKore Comley along side with Pamela Hurt.

Not many tickets left as they have almost all been sold out. Many fans wanting to see the event and want to live the memories forever once they have seen it. Remember though that you can only see this event once and it will air at 8 PM time only on pay-per-view.

Just then out by the ringside there are barely any seats left as the crowd is staying a few days early to make sure they've got their seats for the show that will just be awesome and off of the charts.

All of a sudden "The Next Big Thing" hits over the pa system as Brock Lesnar comes walking from the backstage area with his wrestling gear already on. He stops and stands at the rampway top and looks around at all the people in attendance already. He then jumps up and shakes his body back and forth taunting to the crowd who do not know what to expect. Fireworks go off as Brock then thrusts his shoulders and arms forward.

He then continues to walk down the rampway and he then stops right in front of the ring apron as he does the whole dancing taunt thing that he did just seconds before walking up there. He then jumps straight up and onto the ring apron with such ease as fireworks come exploding from the turnbuckle posts as he then gets into the ring. He then grabs a microphone.

["The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar]

"What's wrong? Everyone is silent. Did my introduction not impress you or something? Or maybe it's that I have been out of a wrestling ring with a major company in so damn long that you just don't know what to say anymore, is that it? I think it is. But wait, no, it can't be, I know why it is, you people don't know if I am a good guy or if I am a bad guy, yeah that's why, that's the reason. Well don't worry because I am a changed man this time, I am not here to wreak havoc like that sick twisted bastard HardKore Comley is. I am simply here to be all I can be, to give it my all and see what's left of me because even if I want to admit it or not I am getting old and my body won't be able to take as much as it use to but that's ok because I can take a lot of pressure, a lot of attacks, a lot of fights, a lot of wrestling and I can return the favour because I am Brock Lesnar and I will do it all for my fans!"

He then takes a pause for a minute as the crowd cheer him sort of. He then continues on the microphone again.

["The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar]

"Still not good enough for you is it? Well how about I say that I don't care about you either, would that piss you off? Of course it would. But anyways, let me just that I am not the old Brock Lesnar everyone knows that went around looking for a fight, disrespecting others and breaking others bones because I have changed for a better. I am now the new and improved Brock Lesnar, I am still "The Next Big Thing" I am still bringing the pain and I am going to win that XCW World Heavyweight Title, and not just for me, but for the owners because they can see a real champion, a man who will defend his title whenever needed. It is a very good thing they got rid of Triple H before I got a hold of him because I would of kicked his ass all over this XCW ring. You can all trust in me to be the greatest champion alive and I will show you just what I mean after this Sunday when I am crowned the NEW XCW World Heavyweight Champion and not only am I doing it for myself, and the owners but I am also doing it for all of you great fans!"

The fans then cheer him like there's no tomorrow. He then continues on talking.

["The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar]

"Now I know I sound so cocky and confident about winning this match up and everything but I can already taste it ladies and gentleman, I can already feel it, I can already smell it guys and gals. I know you all think I am weird but when you've held the best gold in the world before you would know what I am talking about. I am confident that I will be the youngest XCW World Heavyweight Champion just like I was the youngest WWE Champion in the World Wrestling Entertainment. We've got many many members in this battle royal as it is an odd number of 13 who are lucky enough to get the chance to be in this match up. I don't have to be lucky, the reason they put me in it was because they know my talent, they know how good I am and they know that I can lead this pack onto fame and fortune."

["The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar]

"So we've got guys like the lame ass sick ass HardKore Comley, we got the beer drinking S.O.B. Stone Cold Steve Austin, we've got The Rock who may I add I beat one on one at Summerslam 2002 for the WWE Championship and because of him losing to me I did become the youngest WWE Champion in all of World Wrestling Entertainment but let's not stop there because there are many many more contestants in this match up. We've also got K-OS the man who has not yet shown up to any XCW event since it started, we've also got Lucas Pain who is not a god or anything, he is just plain pathetic. I mean, really dude, can you do cock push ups? I didn't think so, can you carry logs over your shoulder? Yeah that's what I thought. Anyways, there's quite a few more as you know and I will name the rest in a minute as I must stay on task with this assignment and not think about anything else like naughty thoughts of oh I don't know, Pamela Hurt!"

The crowd then starts to boo her

["The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar]

"Anyways, I've named 5 so far, 8 to go haha. We've also got that money talking piece of garbage they call John Bradshaw Leyfield. Yeah that's right, I'm talking about JBL. Not only him but there's also guy's like Shelton Benjamin who I wrestled in university with and he did not stand a damn chance against me ever and still won't. There's also Edge, the little CLB Christian, Matt Hardy, one member of Toxic Tears who I have no clue about all I know is the name and that's Lars Numan, Phoenix, and there's also God's Masterpiece."

The crowd looks bored as he continues on.

["The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar]

"Now I know that must of been pretty boring and all but you all needed to know who was in this battle royal even though it doesn't matter much seeing as how I know everyone will be cheering me on this Sunday and will be hoping I am the next champion. I will be talking more about my opponents later in my stage of promo's but it will be later. I do have one thing to say though about HardKore Comley and the little sick and evil and just idiotic thing he did and does. You are just so boring man and you just go blah blah blah and I know that when we face off in that rumble you will be my target, my first target and I will make sure you are eliminated before you get any chances on taking what's mine and that is the XCW World Heavyweight Title!"

["The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar]

"It does not matter to me if I am the 1st entry in this rumble or the last because either way I am definitely walking away the next World Heavyweight Champion and that's final because I am not an ordinary person or an average man, I am "The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar and watch out everyone because HERE COMES THE PAIN!"

"Here Comes The Pain" hits over the pa system as Brock Lesnar drops the microphone and gets out of the ring. He then