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These Were The Rules That Made Our League Possible.

1. Welcome

Welcome to XBWL! We are the Premier Organization for Roleplay Wrestling on the Internet today! We are the best and we know it! If you want to be a member of this Elite group then you've gotta work and you've gotta be dedicated!

2. League Statement

To Provide a fair roleplaying environment while assuring the highest standards and quality unbiased treatment.

4. Getting Started

To get started in XBWL, you need to join. To join you must first fill out the XBWL Application with your wrestlers information, just follow the link on the main page.

5. Roleplaying

Here in the XBWL we require [2] Two Roleplays a week. We encourage you to roleplay more. Matches are decided by taking the roleplays of the person who roleplays the least and then compare those to his opponents best of the same number.

For Example: Player A and Player B are scheduled to face each other in a match. Player A sends in [4] Four roleplays for that week and Player B sends in [2] Two roleplays. Both players met minimum requirements. First we will take Player A's [4] Four roleplays and pick his best [2] Two. We will then judge those v/s Player B's [2] roleplays. Neither have the advantage for doing more or less, but the player who does more has the added opportunity of sending in quality roleplays, and making sure only his BEST is judged.

6. Kayfaybe

Going out of character, or breaking "Kayfaybe" is unacceptable. It is the WORST violation you can make here in the XBWL. You are NOT your character and your character is NOT you. Keep that in mind when doing roleplays.

7. Using other Wrestlers

You may not use any other wrestler in your roleplays. Period. Not with thier authority or not. The only exception to this is if you are co-writing a roleplay with your Tag-Team Partner, or Stable Mate for a match in which you are both involved.

8. Getting Matches

The XBWL books matches for it's wrestlers. That is our job. Your job is to roleplay. You may not make any public challenges in your roleplays for matches or titles. The way you handle this is to simply write an email to the booker or the President and request a match. They will contact your opponent. If your opponent agrees to accept this match then we will let you know and either schedule interview time on the next card for your challenge or tell you to go ahead and write it in your roleplay. The reason for this is because when it comes down to PPV's we usually like to award angles and pushes to those people we feel have a chance for winning the belt. Or at least someone who deserves it. We can't have the champion rightfully facing a reputable opponent if [4] Four other guys have already challenged him for the belt and he had to decline. Even harder if the champion is a face. Breaking this rule will result in a warning, and suspension if it is something you continue to do.

9. Events

XBWL has one show per week. Sunday Slaughter. We have a PPV every other month. The PPV's are HUGE and we will defend all titles at the PPV. PPV's are expected to either bring completion or begin large scale angles as well as most angles surrounding the World Title. Other than that, we will have angles for wrestlers which do not involve titles, but which involve gimmicks or angles. We expect wrestlers who are involved in gimmicks or angles to put forth as much participation as those going for the titles. If you are here for the titles, please do not expect to be involved in the World Title every time around.

10. Titles

The XBWL recognizes the following titles. XBWL North American Title, XBWL International Title, XBWL Hardcore Title, XBWL Unified Tag Team Titles and the XBWL World Heavyweight Title. To be eligible for the North American Title you must be involved with the XBWL for One months time. To be available for the XBWL International or the XBWL Hardcore, you much be involved for two months.. and of course, the XBWL World Heavyweight Title requires that you be involved in the XBWL for three months time.

11. Strats

It is important that you fill out at Strat for your match. A form for Strats can be found on the XBWL Home Page. Remember, No Strat means No win.

12. Time away from the XBWL

We at the XBWL understand that you sometimes need time away from the Fed. There are two ways to have time away from the XBWL in a planned way. The first one is Vaction. You must provide one week advanced notice so you are not booked on the following cards. The second way is due to injury. If you are injured it will be used only in an emergeny or if you violate the rules. Injuries are for undetermined time away. You must miss the following [2] Two shows as well as lose the match you are scheduled for.

13. Getting Fired or Suspended

If you go for [2] Two Cards without a Strat or a RP then you will be injured. If you are injured then the previous injury rules apply. If you break the rules and are given repeated warnings and still continue to cause problems then your character will become property of the XBWL and you will be fired.

14. Champions

Champions will be expected to go beyond the call of duty.. If you are given a title belt and you do not roleplay and send in your strats then you will find yourself fired very quickly.