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Night One - Friday Fracus

:: The screen opens to a grey XBWL Logo. Underneath it says XBWL Memorial. Suddenly a voice comes on. Three days of XBWL action you remember. Three days of XBWL action you love. Every XBWL World Champion will be making thier return to compete in a tournament to decide once and for all who TRUELY is the XBWL World Heavyweight Champion. After which, the XBWL will embark on one more tour around the United States... It will be the last major XBWL PPV. Friday Fracus, Saturday Night Slobbernocker and one final WrestleWar 2003. All taking place this weekend. ::

all goes dark...

:: "Only God Knows Why" by Kid Rock begins to play. Suddenly the grey XBWL logo shows again and begins to flash Red and Blue, before finally settlling on the navy blue XBWL Logo we have all come to know. It cracks down the middle and then FRIDAY FRACUS appears. Several scenes from the XBWL History are shown. Many superstars, many World Title wins.... From the very beginning when the XBWL was born from the ashes of the USWL, through the history... From Michael Andrew's triumphant's reigns all the way to the evil damnation cast on the title by Legacy and the WWFW. The counter balance of Matt Austin, Jack Diamond and the new generations of Lincoln Stone and Krueger Roberts.. The XBWL logo twists in the middle of the screen as the Kronos Klan, Armageddon, Evil Empire. Elements of Supremacy, WWFW, High Intensity, The Alliance, Darkness, and International Army are showcased. After a brief run down the scene opens to a jam packed XBWL Arena. It closes in on Johnny Diamond and The Wrestling Doctor sitting at the announcer booth. ::

Doc: Welcome fans! Welcome everyone! Welcome to the XBWL! MAN It feels good to say that WOOO!!!

Johnny Diamond: We're back on the air Doc. We're back on the freaking air! How long has it been!?

Doc: Man, a long time. A long, long time.

Johnny: Three JAM PACKED shows. What better way to kick off the Final World Tour of the XBWL? What better way to bring it to a close?

Doc: You're right, It's the perfect ending... The XBWL World Heavyweight Championship will be decided when all former champions will step in the ring this weekend and fight for a shot at walking out of here with the belt...

:: Hail To The Chief by the U.S. Air Force Band plays over the speakers and the former owner and President of the XBWL, Johnny Macaroni steps out from behind the curtain. He waves to the fans as they hit thier feet with an amazing pop for the living legend of the wrestling world. He walks out smiling and is carrying a stack of papers. He wears a traditional business suit with his brown hair slicked back. He walks down and climbs in the ring, looking around to the capacity crowd before finally taking the microphone to his mouth. ::

Johnny Macaroni: Did you ever think you would see this again?

:: The crowd breaks out in a deafening XBWL chant ::

Johnny Macaroni: Neither did I... Now we've got a hell of a line up for you tonight. I know you will appreciate it. But I'd like to talk a little about the history of the XBWL. I founded this great organization with a dream that I would be able to entertain the fans and still be able to pay my bills. It's been way up and above that. For many years I have collected royalties and paychecks for my work around here.. It seems like the XBWL Video library is still in high demand! Well, Tonight... I would like to announce that I finally had enough money to buy back the XBWL arena!

:: The crowd goes crazy, Not sure what to make of it, but happy that Johnny Macaroni is in charge. ::

Johnny Macaroni: For many years I fought for control of this place and tonight I finally got the chance to correct the mistake I made all those years ago when I sold part of my stocks. Tonight, I am once again in control of the XBWL, and just like it used to be, It's going to be a HELL OF A SHOW! The first round of the XBWL World Title tournament will be tonight! That's right!! You will get to see former XBWL World Heavyweight Champions compete tonight as well as some of the best talent we ever had. Let's get ready XBWL... It's time to make it happen!

:: Johnny Macaroni leaves through the ropes as "Hail To The Chief" plays again. He walks through the curtains as the crowd hits insane chants for the XBWL. ::

Doc: What an awesome reception to the founding father of the XBWL. The man who was started it all, Johnny Macaroni. It looks like he is the full fledged owner of the XBWL once again. Screw the corporate crap, screw the backstage, screw the angles. That man is the boss, he signs every check here tonight and he is the one taking home the bank once again!

Johnny: I bet he got this dump for a steal.. I mean what was the bank going to do with the XBWL Arena really? Were they going to hold Hocky Games? Bingo? Come on...

:: The camera fades to the back. Doors open and four men walk in together. For a moment silence and then you can hear from the capacity crowd a thunderous ovation as Awesome Australian, Legacy, "Superslam" Ted Wilder and Lizzard walk in together. They all seem to be in good spirits talking and carrying on as the camera fades back to Johnny and Doc. ::

Doc: OH MY GOD! Did you just see that?! DID YOU JUST SEE THAT!?


Doc: Those men were at the foundation of the XBWL.. People like that.. Their blood, sweat and tears made the XBWL! And over the years they maintained thier friendship. But they split ways a LONG time ago. I never in my wildest, NEVER did I think I would see Armageddon together again. That's stuff dreams are made of Johnny!

Johnny: Wow, now all we need is for the Kronos Klan to reunite in the center of that ring tonight!

Doc: Oh god... Please no.. NOT the Kronos Klan...

Johnny: Don't think you could handle it?
Doc: The Kronos Klan is history... The next thing you'll tell me is that you want the WWFW to reunite and while they're spray painting everyone, the Guardians of Destiny can burn down the Arena?

Johnny: I'll pass, but it would be great to see the Klan again.

Doc: Some things are best left alone...

Johnny: Well Doc. I'd say it's time to get the party started!

:: "Rhythms" by Sum 41 fires into the XBWL Arena and Butch steps out. The fans cheer, seeing thier old favorite underdog in person! He has on a T-Shirt for the XBWL show. He is dressed in red tights. His hair is cut short and he's clean shaven. He laughs a bit at the fans cheers and continues on down the ramp. He slides into the ring and motions for the crowd to bring on the cheers. ::

Doc: We all remember Butch. He had some memorable matches here in the XBWL. He came really close to capturing the World Title at one time.

Johnny: It's taking the fans a little bit to get back in the groove. I think they are just so exciting that they are seeing action, they don't care who they are cheering for
:: "End Of The Rainbow" by E-Town Concrete blares over the speakers and we see the red and yellow lights flash as Sunbird steps out. He immediatly starts playing to the crowd, all his old fans immediatly behind him. He runs down to the ring and slides in. Butch stands in his corner watching as Sunbird grabs a microphone. ::

Sunbird: That's right XBWL! Now let's get it started right! Did I hear some of you cheering for this fool? Do you remember who he was? What was his biggest thing? Fueding with his alter ego Roberto Blade? Come on guys, Let's hear it one more time for old times sakes....


:: The crowd immediatly picks up thier old favorite chant and this immediatly IRRATES Butch who rushes across the ring and starts attacking Sunbird as the bell rings. The referee walks over and tries to get Butch to come back outta the corner but Butch just pushes him aside getting a louder boo from the crowd. Sunbird finally pushes Butch back and pulls himself back to his feet. ::

Doc: Doesn't look like they are gonna waste much time. Sunbird and Butch kicking off Friday Frasco!!

Johnny: My money is on Butch, He's pulled it out some in the past and he's really shown us some drive and emotion when the going gets tough.

:: Sunbird unloads with a right hand, stunning Butch. Sunbird rushes forward with a clothesline and takes Butch down. Butch immediatly is back to his feet and he catches Sunbirds next punch and turns it over into a falling armbar. Sunbird's shoulder slams hard into the mat. Butch twists his arm as Sunbird struggles towards the ropes and finally achieves his goal. ::

Doc: Referee forcing the break now. Sunbird's back up.

Johnny: Here they go again!

:: Butch kicks Sunbird in the stomach and rushes with a clothesline sending Sunbird to the outside. Butch then leaps to the top rope and uses it as a springboard to cross body the staggering Sunbird on the outside. They both crash to the floor and the fans at the ringside area begin chanting BUTCH BUTCH BUTCH, but the chant doesn't carry into the rest of the arena. Butch is immediatly up and goes to get a chair. ::

Doc: Butch wasting no time here, He wants to put Sunbird away.

Johnny: Go Butch, Give it to him HARD!

Doc: I worry about you sometimes...

:: Sunbird stands up to his knee's and Butch rushes forward, slamming the chair into Sunbirds skull. Sunbirds eyes roll back and Butch drops the chair He pulls Sunbird up and rolls him into the ring... Butch rolls in after him and immediatly goes for a cover.. ONE!!! TWO!! NO! Kickout! Butch is in shock as he stands back up and stomps Sunbird again. ::

Doc: Not going to put this extreme mastermind out that easy. He's been hit with many a chair shots that put that one to shame.

Johnny: Butch was just getting a little premature, but he's still in control of the match so don't expect your boy to do a whole lot because he kicked outta a chair shot...

:: Butch stomps Sunbird again and then picks him up and prepares for a DDT! Butch signals to the crowd and suddenly Sunbird grabs his arm and spins it around, reversing the headlock into an armbar and then sweeping the back of Butch's leg sending him to the mat. Sunbird holds the armbar before leaping and spinning Butch's elbow, letting go as he almost snaps Butch's elbow out of place. Butch howls and holds his arm as Sunbird immediatly stomps it into the mat and twists his boot on it, causing more pain. ::

Doc: Butch looks to be in trouble now, I think Sunbird almost ripped his arm off!

Johnny: A minor setback, Trust me.

:: Sunbird turns and looks to the crowd who is firmly behind him and then lifts Butch up. He takes him over and sits him on the top rope and climbs up. He pulls him over and performs a perfect Superplex, and rolls over pinning Butch. ONE! TWO! THR- NO!!!! Butch kicks out! Sunbird stands back up and staggers a bit, still confused from his trip off the top. Butch low blows him with a punch to the groin and follows through with a small package! ONE!- NO! Sunbird kicks out immediatly! Sunbird now back to his feet, and he seems to be cleared up now. Butch stands up still holding that arm a little, shaking it out. They lock up in the center of the ring and Sunbird pushes Butch back into the corner and unloads with a loud chop to his chest!

Doc: This is getting to be a close match, I don't know who's gonna win at this point. It's anyone's game right now.

Johnny: No, It's Butch's game. Trust me on that one. Look at how he is controlling the match!

:: Sunbird backs up and delivers another hard chop to the chest of Butch and Butch curls up, showing agony in his face. Sunbird then slams his shoulder into Butch's ribs and takes him out of the corner with a fireman's toss. Sunbird now locks a sleeper on the sitting Butch. Butch struggles, realizing the predictiment he's in and Sunbird jerks him back into position, locking it in tighter. Butch begins to flail his arms around and hits the ropes out of pure luck. The referee forces Sunbird to break the hold. ::

Doc: I think Sunbird may have Butch's number tonight. Don't you think so Johnny?

Johnny: It's not over yet, Don't count Butch out just yet!

:: Sunbird pushes Butch away as he comes in with a punch and Sunbird kicks him to the midsection. Sunbird now steps back onto the second rope and tried to deliver a modified tornado DDT, but Butch counters and drops him with a facebuster. Butch now unloads a fury of stomps on Sunbird who has to roll out of the ring to escape them. Butch again goes to the top rope and leaps off but NOBODY HOME! Sunbird moves out of the way and Butch smashes into the floor. Sunbird pulls Butch up and attempts his finisher the Sunburn, but Butch has to much life in him. Butch slams Sunbirds face into the guardrail and then slams him back into the ring apron ::

Doc: This has turned into an all out brawl. There's no wrestling left here.

Johnny: That's how they usually turn out. Especially with someone as barberic and extreme as Sunbird.

:: Butch balances himself on the guardrail and leaps off driving both feet into Sunbird, performing a dropkick that slams him once again into the ring apron. Sunbird winces in pain as the wood cracks into his spine. Butch now back to his feet and he grabs Sunbird by the tights and rolls him back into the ring. Butch climbs the top turnbuckle and leaps off, performing a perfect moonsault but NOBODY HOME! Sunbird rolls out of the way. Sunbird now rolls Butch up! ONE! TWO! THREE!!!!!! ::


Johnny: Damn it Butch, There you go embarassing the XBWL again!

Doc: Shut up Johnny...

:: End Of The Rainbow by E-Town Concrete plays and Sunbird steps to the top turnbuckle celebrating. He climbs out of the ring and hits the floor, walking over around the ring slapping hands with the fans who are in a roaring XBWL chant as he walks up the ramp and steps back behind the curtain ::

Doc: Wow Johnny... Our first match here on the XBWL Memorial Weekend. Looks like Butch is making his way out now. You can see he is horribly disappointed in this finish.

Johnny: Of course he is. He just blew his chance to be known again. This man was once considered a future contender and he just got embarrassed.

Doc: Fans, We have something special here for you. Former XBWL World Heavyweight Champion, Matt Austin is in the building and he's on his way out here!!! He was one of the most popular superstars ever-

Johnny: You mean one of the most arrogant...

Doc: No, He had NOTHING to be arrogant about. He was one of the very best!

:: "Sugar" by System of a Down plays over the XBWL Arena and Matt Austin walks out into the light. He is wearing a black sleeveless t-shirt and torn blue jeans. His long, brown hair hangs down around his face in tight curls. He looks to each side of the fans as they hit thier feet, a deafening AUSTIN, AUSTIN, AUSTIN chant fills the arena. He steps down the ramp and takes a drink of his water. He tosses it over to the side and pulls a microphone from the back of his pants. ::

Matt Austin: Cut my Music!

:: The fans roar, still chanting as his music dies down. ::

Matt Austin: You didn't think you could have an XBWL reunion show without Matt Austin did you!!?!

:: Fans roar thier approval at his presense. ::

Matt Austin: Well what can I say? It's been a few years since I stepped into a wrestling ring. Unlike some of the others here, I didn't go out and look for work anywhere else. The XBWL was always my home and this was the last place I hung my boots. I know alot of the boys in the back still have some resentment for me. They don't feel like I deserved alot of what I got in the XBWL and I guess I can understand that, but when you are the best, you just can't help that!

:: The fans cheer at that comment. ::

Matt Austin: So I guess this weekend is my chance to prove that huh? All XBWL generations are going to fight here for the chance at walking away crowned the XBWL World Heavyweight Champion. And who did I draw? Let's see... I know I have it around here somewhere.. It was some old geezer...

:: Matt Austin starts digging in his pockets looking for his slip of paper. ::

Matt Austin: Ah, Here we go... Creeping Death! hahaha... I remember watching this guy a long time ago. He fueded with Mad Jester for a while... Ah hell, He's a former champion, but I don't know if he was really in MY league.

:: "I Disappear" by Metallica plays over the XBWL arena and Matt Austin turns around and backs down the ramp a little bit as Creeping Death walks out. Behind him, walk the entire Empire of Damage.. First King Nothing, Motorbreath. Mr. Rage, Machine, Snakecharmer and finally Mr. Misery. Followed closely behind is thier longtime manager Phantom Lord. They step out and stare at Matt Austin before Phantom Lord takes the mic. ::

Phantom Lord: You got a problem? You think you're gonna walk all over this monster? Well, here's a ego-killer from the Empire of Damage!

:: Creeping Death rushes forward clotheslining Matt Austin down. King Nothing, Motorbreath and Mr. Misery begin to beat on him. ::

Phantom Lord: See Austin, This is what it's about. Teamwork! We were the most elite stable in history. We dominated the entire time we were here and now we will walk out with the XBWL World Heavyweight Title! Here's a little piece of history for you Austin!!

:: King Nothing and Mr. Misery hold Austin up and Creeping Death pulls his head back forcing him to stare at the XBWL-Tron which comes alive. ::


DIAMOND: CD executes a sleeperhold. IRON YUPPY submits after 5 seconds. The winner is CD! Who is this monster!

DOC: We have a new WORLD CHAMPION! The man known as CD gets the win!

DIAMOND: I can't believe it! This man in his first match ever in the XBWL has become the World Champion! What kind of Bull Shit is this? Iron Yuppy executed his IRON SPIKE finisher and it had no effect on this man. Who is he?

DOC: Well you are about to find out Johnny because he's taking of his mask and it appears to be......


DOC: Uh oh here comes Deathstroke!

DIAMOND: Oh yeah it's payback time now! Deathstroke hates Creeping Death! These two have had a feud going on forever.

DOC: Wait a minute! Thats KING NOTHING, MOTORBREATH and MR.MISERY that have all jumped out of the audience. Where did they come from?

DIAMOND: They have chairs and the four of them are beating Deathstroke and the Iron Yuppy with the chairs! Where is security?

DOC: They are backstage! I'm getting word that the rest of the Kronos Klan is all laid out in the back courtesy of the Evil Empire's Mr.Rage, Snakecharmer and Machine.

DIAMOND: Finally here comes some security. GET THESE CLOWNS UNDER CONTROL!

DOC: I understand that the RUMOR GUY is on his way down to ringside to get an interview.

RUMOR GUY: I can't believe my eyes. The EMPIRE OF DAMAGE has returned. I never thought I'd see it.....

MOTORBREATH: And you aren't going to see much more of it if you don't shut up and give me that microphone! Right now, I would like to introduce to all of you, the 2 men who made all of this possible. These are the 2 men that make the entire XBWL possible....they make it all happen!!!!! Ladies and punks, stand up and recognize the 2 most brilliant men in the history of mankind.....JOHNNY ROCK and PHANTOM LORD!!!!!!!

(Johnny Rock and Phantom Lord make their way down to ringside. Johnny has his hands in the air, jumping around and Phantom Lord is walking slowly using his staff)

JOHNNY ROCK: It couldn't be the same without you!!!!!! It just could not be the same without the 5 men from Damage!!!! Thank you so much....thank you for making my day, my month, and my year!!!!! And thank you for making every single loser in the XBWL shake in their little booties tonight!!!

(Johnny Rock hands the mic to the ever-patient Rumor Guy)

RUMOR GUY: Phantom Lord, where have you been???

PHANTOM LORD: Like aways, the Damage of the EMPIRE OF DAMAGE was out doing what we do best. We were conquering, destroying, causing pain, and frankly ruining every wrestling-wanna be league in the world! But, the point is simple, we are back because the XBWL simply has the best their is to offer in professional wrestling. It is the best and always will be. Just ask the WWFW who are still crying from that PPV we saw last month!!!! And like we always did, are doing right now, and always will do.....we are here to dominate the XBWL and to every single one of you.....I have one message......YOU WILL BE DAMAGED!!!!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha.......

JOHNNY ROCK: I promised myself I wouldn't cry......and I won't......but you will....I PROMISE!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(XBWL TRON goes off)

:: Matt Austin is violently slammed face first into the ramp after being forced to watch the Empire of Damage's hour of triumph from Christmas Chaos, 1997. Matt Austin lays motionless and Phantom Lord laughs. ::

Phantom Lord: Unfortunantly Johnny Rock overdosed on Heroin a few years ago and couldn't be here tonight, but in his memory we will destroy Matt Austin and anyone else who gets in the way of the Empire of Damage's return to the top of the Wrestling World!

:: Suddenly there is a commotion and Phantom Lord collapses! Hawk Henshaw and The Beast are standing with steel chairs. They rush forward and begin to take apart the Empire of Damage! Hawk Henshaw levels Mr. Misery and King Nothing tastes steel from The Beast. Motorbreath and Creeping Death square off with the chair wielding duo. Hawk Henshaw swings the chair and Creeping Death steps up and takes it in his chest and laughs as he snatches the chair out of Hawk's hands. He swings it as hard as he can, sending Hawk Henshaw flying back, bleeding from his face. The Beast slams his chair forward hitting Creeping Death in the knee but he gets attacked by Motorbreath. The Beast leaps and quickly performs a perfect DOWNWARD SPIRAL on Motorbreath and comes back to his feet standing face to face with Creeping Death. ::

The Beast: You wanna fight someone? Let's go bastard!!

Creeping Death: You just fucked yourself Beast..

The Beast: Fuck you!!

:: The Beast charges forward and attacks with a couple punches that seem to have no effect. Creeping Death slams his hand around Beast's throat and slams him down on the ramp with a chokeslam! Creeping Death stands up and raises his hands as the fans boo at the carnage the Empire of Damage has caused. ::

Creeping Death: You have ALL just been DAMAGED!

:: Creeping Death picks up Phantom Lord and King Nothing and carries them off as Mr. Misery and Motorbreath help themselves up and follow along. The camera surveys the damage of Matt Austin, The Beast and Hawk Henshaw laying bleeding on the ramp in front of the XBWL-TRON still showing the Empire of Damage logo... It cuts back to Johnny Diamond and Wrestling Doctor. ::

Doc: WOW! What carnage! That would have been one hell of a fued in the old days. Elements of Supremacy against the Empire of Damage! Wow, I would have paid money to see that one!!!

Johnny: You may not have to, It looks to me like you just got to see it for free. I believe the outcome would have been the same, either way.

Doc: They're helping Austin, Beast and Henshaw to the back and it looks like it's time for us to get another match underway, although I don't know if we're going to see much more action than what we just saw!

Johnny: It's going to be one of the founders of the WWFW taking on one of the top stars of the XBWL's when it closed down. "Superslam" Ted Wilder taking on Lincoln Stone!

Doc: Wow, What a match. We're going to see Superslam wrestle again after all these years!

:: "Hero" By Chad Kroeger plays and "Superslam" Ted Wilder steps out into the spotlight. The video playing over the XBWL-Tron shows many of his matches and achievements including the formation of the WWFW in the old USWL. "Superslam" walks down and rolls into the ring. He walks to the corners and takes the crowd reaction in listening to the mixture of boo's and cheer's.

Doc: Superslam's out here tonight! He's ready to go against Lincoln Stone!!

:: "Bent" by Matchbox 20 plays over the speakers and blue lights flash and strobe lights turn in circles as Lincoln Stone steps out from behind the curtain. The fans hit thier feet, paying respect to the former Tag Team champion and partner of Sean Dudley. He walks down to the ring and climbs in, stares at Superslam for a moment and then throws his hands up to the fans as the music dies down and the referee checks him ::

Doc: Here we go! Time for this match to get underway. Who do you think will win in this match Johnny?

Johnny: Who knows. I remember Superslam, He was one of the greats, but he also tried to tear the XBWL apart so I don't know who I want to throw my support behind. Lincoln Stone was one hell of an athlete and I think he may have the youth and speed advantage here tonight.

:: The match begins with a lock up in the middle of the ring. Superslam goes behind and applies a hammerlock and receives an elbow in the face from Stone for his efforts. Stone catches Superslam's wrist under his armpit and headbutts him in the face. Stone turns Superslam's arm over and jerks at the shoulderblade. Stone then drops an elbow into the back of Superslam's shoulder area. Superslam falls to a knee and Stone turns over his arm again and falls to the mat applying a very painful wristlock. ::

Doc: Both of these men were excellent techincal wrestlers.

Johnny: And the fans want to see some hardcore ass kicking so they better pick up the pace!

:: Stone reaches around and pulls on Superslams leg, trying for a boston crab, but Superslam uses his leg muscles to flip Stone instead. Stone and Superslam stand back up and lock up again in the center of the ring. Superslam sends Stone to the ropes and catches him with a tilt a whirl backbreaker and a cover! ONE!! TW- NO! Stone immediatly kicks out. Stone stands up and stomps on Superslam's hand causing Superslam to go a little off balance in which Stone uses to his advantage and leverage for a snap suplex. Superslam hits the mat and Stone stands up, then drops an elbow across the sternum of Superslam. He pulls him up a little and applies a reverse chinlock. ::

Doc: Very technical match so far here tonight Johnny.

Johnny: It won't stay that way, trust me.

:: Superslam begins moving and finally gets his shoulder under Stone. Superslam stands up and dumps Stone with a standing slam. Superslam then kicks Stone in the shoulder and lands several before Stone rolls off and stands back up. Stone and Superslam lock up and Stone slings Superslam into a turnbuckle. Stone rushes in with a high knee and Superslam falls to the matt face up. Stone leaps to the top turnbuckle and comes off with a flying elbow but NOBODY HOME! Superslam rolls out of the way and comes back to his feet. He walks over to where Stone is laying and pulls him up. Superslam grabs the top rope and begins driving Stone's head into the top turnbuckle. ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FIVE! SIX! SEVEN! EIGHT! NINE! TEN! ELEVEN! TWELVE! THIRTEEN! FOURTEEN! FIFTEEN! SIXTEEN! SEVENTEEN! EIGHTEEN! NINETEEN! TWENTY!! Superslam then pushes the unconsious body of Lincoln Stone backwards and he collapses on the mat. Superslam climbs to the middle turnbuckle and drops a guillotine legdrop which hits right on target across Stone's chin! ::


Johnny: Superslam just beat the CRAP out of Lincoln Stone's face!! His nose is busted open and he's bleeding from several spots on his mouth where it was busted. He may have lost some teeth! WOW! Way to go Superslam!

Doc: I think Superslam is realizing just how much he used to love this business. I haven't seen him this fired up in a LONG time!

:: Superslam pulls Stone up and he gives the signal to the crowd for his finisher, The Superslam. He lifts Stone up, but Stone quickly rolls down his body and drives him down with a huge DDT. Stone rolls back and stands up, wiping the blood from his nose and charges forward to clothesline Superslam, but Superslam catches him in with a drop toe hold. Stone lands, hanging on the middle rope and Superslam hits the far rope and comes running and leaps across his back, driving his entire body weight into Stone's back. Stone winces in pain and falls forward to the outside, crashing into the cement. Superslam exits the ring and mounts Stone on the outside. Superslam begins slamming his fists into Stone's face as the crowd chants along ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FIV-! NO! Stone reaches out and gets his hands on a chair sitting at ringside and brings it to him, slamming it into the side of Superslam's head. Superslam falls backwards and Stone stands to his feet and drives the chair into Superslam's throat. He then lifts the chair and slams hit down as hard as he can into Superslam's skull. Stone drops the chair down and pulls Superslam up and drives him down hard into it with a fisherman's DDT. ::

Doc: Looks like the match has gotten a little hardcore now and Superslam is on the recieving end of most of it here.

Johnny: Stone is showing us why he was one half of the tag team champions and why he was one of the top superstars in the XBWL when it closed down. He's not a pushover!

:: Lincoln Stone stands back up and pulls Superslam, who is bleeding from his skull, up and rolls him into the ring. Lincoln Stone enters the ring and goes for the over! ONE!!!!! TWO!! NO! Kickout by by bloody Superslam! Superslam quickly sits back up as an astonished Stone looks on. Stone rushes him and knocks him down again with a clothesline and drops a knee into his ribs. Superslam flinches as the knee hits him and Stone stands up, realizing this and drops another. Superslam grabs his side and seems to be in severe agony! ::

Doc: Uh Oh, It looksl ike Superslam has hurt those ribs somewhere tonight and Stone just realized he's found the weak spot on this veteran.

Johnny: This is a tough break for Superslam but it's just what Stone needed.

:: Lincoln Stone picks Superslam up and drops him hard across his knee, all of the impact striking Superslams ribs. Superslam immediatly rolls away howling as he clenches the ribs! He rolls to the outside and drops to a knee holding his ribs again. Stone backs up and rushes forward, nailing a baseball slide into Superslam's face and sending him back into the guardrail. Stone slides out of the ring and kicks Superslam in his ribs. Stone then pulls Superslam up and applies an abdominal stretch and starts to steadily pound on the ribs. Superslam immediatly starts tapping but there's nothing the referee can do to stop it. ::

Doc: Superslam is finished, He's tapping furiously but they are outside the ring. The referee can do nothing!!! This is brutal! Someone call for the bell!

Johnny: All Stone has to do is get Superslam in the ring now and he could win this, but he's just trying to hurt him now. Another veteran superstar that Stone can say he completely destroyed. That's what is on his mind now. Putting Superslam on the shelf permanently.

:: Suddenly the arena comes alive as Legacy charges from the back and rushes to the ringside area carrying a chair. Stone lets go and goes to face Legacy who stands ready for him to make a move. Superslam falls to the ground but he immediatly begins crawling to the announce position. ::

Doc: What is he doing. Give him a microhone Johnny!

Johnny: Here you are Superslam!

"Superslam" Ted Wilder: LEGACY!! Get OUT of here! Tonight I don't want your help friend. Tonight I have to do this on my own! I want to prove that I still have what it takes to be in the game!

:: Legacy looks over to Superslam and see's the determination on his face. Legacy turns and walks to the back as Stone slides back in the ring. Superslam Ted Wilder climbs back in again, holding his ribs and half falling into the ring. Lincoln Stone grabs him and lifts up and drops him hard with a brainbuster DDT. Stone walks over to the turnbuckle and climbs. He climbs to the top and flies off with a moonsault. He covers "Superslam" Ted Wilder. ONE!!!!! TWO!!!!!!! NO!!!!!::

Doc: He didn't mean he was FINISHED!!!


:: Legacy stops at the top of the ramp and turns. He watches the action in the ring, shaking his head as "Superslam" pulls himself to his feet. Lincoln Stone immediatly goes to work. Kicking the back of Superslam's knee. Superslam goes down, but holds onto the rope. He pulls himself back up, only to face an elbow into the ribs. Stone follows as Superslam pulls himself down the ropes into the corner. Superslam turns only to meet a front elbow from Stone into his face. Superslam grabs his face as he slumps back into the corner. Stone pulls Superslam by the back of his head and slings him across the ring to the other corner. Stone charges in, but Superslam turns and sticks out an elbow at the last second!! Lincoln Stone is stunned and reeling!! ::

Doc: Wow! Superslam is actually back in this! Legacy is getting the fans to thier feet chanting SUPERSLAM! SUPERSLAM!! Wilder is feeling it!! The fans respect what he's doing.

Johnny: We may witness a miracle tonight!!

:: Superslam grabs Lincoln Stone and pushes him into the corner! Stone quickly responds with a thumb to the eye and drives his shoulder into the knee of Wilder. Wilder drops to the ground again and Stone flips over his back, catching his neck with a ruthless reverse snapmare. Lincoln Stone lifts up Ted Wilder... Driving him to the mat again with a german suplex and then locks his hands around Wilders waist. Stone lifts Wilder up again and this time drives him face first into the mat!! Wilder is gasping for air as Stone pulls him up by his hair and drives him down with a DDT. Wilder is motionless and bleeding as Lincoln Stone rolls him into a small package!! ONE!! TWO!!! THREE!!!!!

Doc: Well that's it... Ted Wilder did give it his best tonight. To many years of lingering injuries and false hopes I suppose.

Johnny Diamond: He put too much faith in his ability to actually win a match! HAHA!

Doc: Great determination by "Superslam" Ted Wilder but it looks like Stone had his number here tonight.

Johnny: Nobody feels sorry for him. Time for the old man to hang up the boots!

:: Legacy walks down and enters the ring.. Lincoln Stone immediatly exits. Awesome Australian and Lizzard walk out as well and roll into the ring. They help "Superslam" Ted Wilder up and hold his hands in the air. He can barely stand from the beating he just took from Stone. The four friends stand in the ring as the fans stand and cheer, showing the founders of Armageddon much appreciation for all thier years in the business. Legacy helps Superslam out of the ring and the four walk to the back. ::

Doc: Great showing here by "Superslam" Ted Wilder. He used to be one of the greatest in our sport and now he's going to settle down, but it just goes to show you what the XBWL means to these people. No matter what condition, or what stage of thier life they are in... Everyone that was once a World Champion here has come back to wrestle on the return memorial.

Johnny: It's not all over though. It's just getting started. We've seen some amazing action already though! I cannot believe it!

Doc: Armageddon is leaving now... They are helping the fallen hero out of the ring. "Superslam" Ted Wilder isn't in very good shape here tonight...

:: "Allstar" by Smashmouth plays through the arena and a well built man steps out wearing a red and blue traditional wrestling uniform. He has short blond hair and is accompanied by a beautiful young woman with the same blond colored hair, except hers is halfway down her back. They step out into the arena and the fans recognize them as the team known as Simply Marvelous, comprised of Mr. Marvelous and his sister The Element. Mr. Marvelous walks down in front, slapping hands with all the fans before he makes his way over the top rope with a flip. He holds the ropes open for his sister who steps through. They celebrate in the ring as the music dies out. ::

Doc: Mr. Marvelous here for singles action. They were most commonly known as Simply Marvelous in the tag team division before the XBWL folded.

Johnny: I think I liked Mr. Marvelous better when he was in a mask and called himself Jiestor. Element on the other hand, She can leave the mask off and drop the clothes to match!


Johnny: Hehe

:: "Evenflow" by Pearl Jam plays and the crowd immediatly hit thier feet. Mr. Marvelous and Element seem kind of annoyed that the response for thier opponent is blowing thiers away. Suddenly white and blue lights flash and Kruger Roberts steps into the entrance. He raises the XBWL International Title above his head and comes down to the ring. He smiles to the fans at ringside and climbs into the ring. As soon as he does, Mr. Marvelous gets a mic. ::

Mr. Marvelous: KRUGER ROBERTS! Good to see you old friend, but I thought that the XBWL International Title was declared vacant when the league folded, yet I see you wearing it!

:: Kruger Roberts gets a mic. ::

Kruger Roberts: Actually Mr. Marvelous, That is a good point. And there's nobody better to answer that question for us than the man who gave it to me and told me to take it to the ring.

:: "Hail To The Chief" by the U.S. Air Force Band plays out into the arena and Johnny Macaroni steps out into the spotlight. The fans immediatly hit thier feet, cheering and screaming as he waves to them and then motions them to be quiet as the music dies down. ::

Johnny Macaroni: The way I see it. The only reason we stripped Kruger of that title was because we were closing. Since we will become an active federation, at least for a short time, I feel that there SHOULD be a champion. So what I have decided is that the match between you two has just become a THREE WAY DANCE. And to make it better. It's a LADDER MATCH.

Mr. Marvelous: But.. Who is going to be the third man?

Johnny Macaroni: Mr. Marvelous... I'm glad you asked that!

:: "Lonely Road of Faith" by Kid Rock plays and the fans come to thier feet to see who is coming out and it's none other than XBWL legends, ROBERT THE DEMOLISHER!!! He walks out and the fans explode with a chorus of cheers for one of the best in XBWL history. He walks out, waving to the crowd and carrying a ladder. He carrys the ladder down and the referee attaches the XBWL International Title to a cord and hoists it in the hair. Robert The Demolisher drops the ladder at ringside and climbs inside. ::

Doc: OH MY GOD!! I didn't even know he would be here tonight! It's Robert The Demolisher!!

Johnny: Yeah, I got that the first time. Thanks Doc!!

:: Mr. Marvelous, Kruger Roberts and Robert The Demolisher circle each other, looking for an opportunity to rush in. Kruger Roberts and Mr. Marvelous seem to come to some kind of agreement and they rush in first with a double clothesline, taking down Demolisher. Demolisher is back to his feet and he delivers a hard knife edge chop to Roberts and then a dropkick to Marvelous. Marvelous rolls out of the ring and goes under it. Roberts and Demolisher tie up in the center of the ring and Mr. Marvelous comes back in with a kendo stick. Mr. Marvelous drives the kendo stick into the ribs of Kruger Roberts and then spins around slamming it into the head of Robert The Demolisher. ::

Doc: Looks like Mr. Marvelous is getting the early advantage here.

Johnny: Either that or he's the only nimrod who realizes he can use weapons in this LADDER match.

:: Demolisher falls to the ground and Marvelous slams the kendo stick into Roberts who is on the ground. He raises it again to swing again, but Demolisher hits him from behind with a chop block, sending him crashing to the mat. Demolisher gets the kendo stick now and swings it as hard as he can into the stomach of Mr. Marvelous. Mr Marvelous rolls out of the ring and drops to his knee's holding his stomach. Demolisher then turns his attention to Kruger Roberts who is laying out on the mat. He walks over and raises it only to be met with a kick to the groin by Kruger Roberts who was not completely out. Roberts comes to his feet and kicks Demolisher in the stomach and delivers a falling suplex into the kendo stick. Kruger Roberts then notices Mr. Marvelous slowly getting to his feet outside and flies over the top rope, delivering a corkscrew plancha into his back which sends him face first into the guard rail and he falls to the ground. The fans at ringside begin screaming HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT! :

Doc: Wow, Kruger really wants to walk out of here tonight with his International Title!!

Johnny: I'm going to have to put my money on Robert The Demolisher. He is a old school XBWL legend and he knows what it takes to rise to the occassion here.

:: Robert the Demolisher begins to stand up and see's his opponents outside. Demolisher rolls outside of the ring and begins setting up a table. He walks over and stomps Kruger Roberts in the head and pulls Mr. Marvelous to his feet. He rolls him back into the ring and begins dragging him over to the side where the table is. Demolisher pulls Marvelous through the ropes and sets him between his legs. Demolisher pulls him up and sits back.. PILEDRIVER THROUGH THE TABLE!! Demolisher rolls out of the rubble and tosses the ladder inside the ring. He walks over and pulls Kruger up, slams him into the steps for good measure and then rolls into the ring and sets the ladder up. Demolisher starts up the ladder!!! ::

Doc: Demolisher is being extremely violent here tonight. The fans are loving it, well.. Unless they are fans of Mr. Marvelous and Kruger.

Johnny: And I'm not so I'm loving it!

:: Kruger Roberts slowly begins to pull himself up as Demolisher climbs. Kruger climbs the steps and then the turnbuckle. Demolisher reaches out for the belt and Roberts comes off the top robe, dropkicking the ladder and sending Demolisher crashing down to the mat without the title belt that was within seconds of being his. Roberts lays for a moment and then rolls over to the ropes and uses them for leverage to get up. He walks over to where Demolisher is laying and drops an elbow into his sternum. Demolisher jerks from the impact and Roberts is up again, pulling Demolisher up. He drives him down into the Ladder with a running bulldog and then pulls the ladder over the center of the ring. Roberts opens it up and begins to climb.

Doc: Kruger Roberts now is starting up the ladder but I see some movement from Mr. Marvelous.

Johnny: And Demolisher isn't out of it yet, Come on Rob!

:: Mr. Marvelous pulls himself into the ring and rushes the ladder, pushing it over and sending Kruger Roberts to the outside, all the way to the floor. Mr. Marvelous now setting the ladder up and climbing himself. Element walks over to the announcer position and sits down, putting on a headset as he climbs. Mr. Marvelous reaches the middle of the ladder, but Robert the Demolisher starts up the other side. They exchange punches as they both climb the ladder. Robert The Demolisher kicks Mr. Marvelous in the knee and thumbs his eye, causing him to let go and topple to the ground. Demolisher turns to where Mr. Marvelous is laying and leaps off the ladder with a flying guillotine leg drop that connects with Mr. Marvelous. Demolisher stands up and pulls Mr. Marvelous up and puts him in the middle of the ladder. Demolisher closes the ladder and topples it, trapping Mr. Marvelous between the two halves. Demolisher now, climbs the top rope... Wait! Kruger Roberts pushes him off, he falls to the outside hitting the steps and falling lifeless on the cement outside. Kruger Roberts flies off the top rope, Corkscrew Plancha, slamming Mr. Marvelous in between the two halves of the ladder! ::

Doc: Welcome to the Announcer Position Ms. Element.

Johnny: YAY! Ladies! Just like the old days eh Doc?!

Doc: Hmm.. What brings you here Ms. Element?

Element: I just can't stand being out there at ringside. I keep wanting to get involved, but I promised Belgian I wouldn't.

Doc: By Belgian, you mean your current fiance, Belgian Sensation?

Element: That's right, We've been together for a year now. We dated for about six months before he proposed.

Johnny: Interested in a fling before you settle down with a Waffle?

Element: Um, Not in this lifetime Johnny..

Johnny: Awww...

:: Back in the ring, Mr. Marvelous is bleeding from being crushed by the ladder and Kruger Roberts. Kruger Roberts sets up the ladder and starts to climb it. About halfway up, he notices Demolisher standing up on the outside. NO! OH GOD! Roberts leaps off the ladder to the outside and sends Demolisher into the guard rail with a huge missle dropkick! Kruger Roberts then slings Demolisher into the ring and climbs back in. Kruger sets Demolisher between the two halves of the ladder and lays him out in the ring as well. Roberts climbs to the top robe and leaps off, Corkscrew Plancha towards Robert the Demolisher! Demolisher isn't out though! Demolisher pushes the ladder open and catches Roberts with it. Roberts crashes into the ladder and hits his head, falling to the mat with some blood running from his skull. ::

Doc: OH GOD! Demolisher had his number on that one... Roberts looks like a train wreck!

Johnny: Told you he would come back!

:: Demolisher lays the ladder down and walks over to Mr. Marvelous. He pulls him up and Mr. Marvelous swings, only to be nailed with a fisherman's DDT into the ladder. Demolisher stands back up and pulls Marvelous and Kruger up. He slams thier heads together and then locks both of them. One under each arm and falls back, driving both of them into the ladder with a double DDT! Demolisher now rolls both competitors out of the ring and sets the ladder back up. ::

Doc: I think he just ended this match Johnny.

Johnny: I told you he was going to!

Element: Wow, I can't watch this. Jess is hurt isn't he? Oh God.. I should have helped him. He wanted to win this International Title more than anything else. He never got a chance at it in the XBWL.

Johnny: Well his hopes and dreams are getting crushed, just like my heart.

Element: Cool it Johnny. OH god...

:: Element watches in horror as Robert the Demolisher climbs the ladder and locks his hands around the XBWL International Title. He pulls it down and starts climbing down with the belt on his shoulder. He falls from about midway down the ladder but keeps the XBWL International Title outstretched. The fans come to thier feet celebrating with him. He stands back up and raises the title belt and then kisses it. He hugs it and straps it around his waist, climbing each turnbuckle and raising his fist to the approval of the fans. ::

Doc: He's an old schooler in the XBWL and he just walked out of here tonight with the International Title.

Johnny: Now is this a SANCTIONED title reign or what exactly is going to happen? Is he going to be stripped of it after the show?

Doc: I don't know exactly, I'll try to get some information on that. Maybe he gets to defend it on our world tour.

Johnny: Good point. It could turn into a very interesting reign. He's got two men that just lost there in the ring and I know that both of them want a shot at getting it again.

:: Element goes down and helps Mr. Marvelous to his feet and he turns and pushes her down. Suddenly the camera is focused on the action in the ring. Mr. Marvelous grabs a microphone and points at her. ::

Mr. Marvelous: Where the hell were you!?! I was fighting the most important match of my career! You were NOWHERE! I spent the end of my XBWL career helping you, carrying you in a tag team that was doomed from the start because my partner was a fucking woman! You may be my sister but right now, you are nothing more than a BITCH! If you want to be in my corner, then you fucking help me when I need you!

Element: Jess, I'm sorry.. I just thought you would want to do it on your own.. I didn't think...

Mr. Marvelous: You damn right you didn't think!

:: Mr. Marvelous grabs her by the hair and pulls her up, quickly dropping her with the Marvelous Ride! This brings a huge boo from the crowd and from the back Belgian Sensation hits the ring at a full gallop. He leaps into the ring as the crowd roars approval. Belgian Sensation pushes Mr. Marvelous out of the way and kneels down beside The Element. ::

Belgian Sensation: Jess.. What have you done?!? This is your SISTER!

Mr. Marvelous: Maybe I need to quit giving a shit about my family and start concentrating on my wrestling career. I've watched you drag us all around, competing in two bit shitholes for a few dollars every night. Tonight was MY night. It was dropped in my lap and I was going to take it, but you both fucked me over. So you know what, Fuck you both.

:: Mr. Marvelous hits Belgian Sensation with a boot and drives him into the mat with the Marvelous Ride and leaves the ring. Medical officials rush down and begin loading the Element on a stretchet. Belgian Sensation comes to and begins to tend to her. They take her to the back and begin loading her on an ambulance. Belgian Sensation hops inside and we see Johnny Macaroni walk up. ::

Johnny Macaroni: Belgian Sensation! What do you think you are doing? I understand that your fiance is out here hurt, but you are supposed to be wrestling up next against Jack Diamond in the first round of the XBWL World Title tournament. Are you going to walk out on this?

Belgian Sensation: That belt doesn't mean anything to me if she isn't there by my side to see me win it.

:: Belgian Sensation slams the doors and the ambulance sirens come on and the ambulance speeds away. ::

Doc: I cannot believe what we just saw. Mr. Marvelous just tried to kill his own sister. What is coming over this man? He used to be one of the most popular young superstars in the XBWL. He showed so much promise.

Johnny: I think he is still showing promise Doc, He's just not caring who he runs over to get it.

Doc: I don't know what we're going to do about the rest of the show...

:: "Block Rockin Beats" by the Chemical Brothers blares into the arena followed by THE BEAST IS UNLEASHED and the entrance goes crazy with red and white lights, followed by fireworks. The Beast steps out into the arena and the fans go crazy!!! He soaks up the attention before finally continuing down the ramp. He walks over to the ringside area and slaps hands with a fan wearing a t-shirt that says THE BEAST IS A HARDCORE GOD. The Beast finally climbs the ring steps and goes into the ring. He motions for his music to get cut and then pulls a microphone up to his mouth. ::

Beast: It seems to me that Mr. Marvelous and Belgian Sensation just caused a little problem here. And now we are absent one of the competitors for the World Heavyweight Title Tournament. Well Johnny Macaroni, I have a solution if you will be so kind as to join me.

:: "Hail To The Chief" by the U.S. Air Force Band plays again in the arena as Johnny Macaroni walks out to the ramp. He motions for his music to be cut. ::

Johnny Macaroni: I'm listening...

Beast: As you can probably guess, the XBWL World Title is a very important belt to me and I am honored to fight for the belt here tonight. But let's be real for a second Macaroni. I was never interested in the World Title. I only filled the spot there because there was no one else to do so. Now Jack Diamond has no opponent tonight, and rather than have him get a by to the next round, I offer this solution. Put Jack Diamond against my opponent tonight, and tomorrow night... I want CARNAGE for the HARDCORE TITLE!

:: The fans explode as the Beast makes mention of the belt he was so well known for. Six reigns, holding the record in that division. He was a hardcore monster and the fans loved it. Nothing satisfied them more than to hear "THE BEAST IS UNLEASHED" and to know that he was coming out here to do whatever it took to destroy and take apart his opponent. ::

Johnny Macaroni: Ok, I can handle that. Carnage was one of the most hardcore men in the business and he does hold the record for longest title reign now... Beating you by one day. Sounds good to me. But it won't be any match Beast. It will be a Tables Match, Best of Three Falls!

Beast: And that Macaroni, Is why you make the best President ever!

:: "Block Rockin Beats" by the Chemical Brothers plays again and Beast makes his way out of the arena. Johnny Macaroni signals to the crowd and walks to the back as well. ::

Doc: Can you believe that? The Beast has given up his shot in the World Title division and he is going to fight Carnage to settle once and for all who is the hardcore champion!

Johnny: Yeah, I can believe it. The Beast always was an idiot. Then again, Considering who he was facing tonight. Maybe he made the right decision.

Doc: Wow... His opponent tonight was ... LEGACY!

Johnny: So the other Diamond, with no relation to myself will be going one on one with Legacy tonight. That's a hell of a match... It's almost as awesome as the main event, but of course it's not because the main event puts a former Kronos Klan great, Chris Scarlet against the Awesome Australian!

Doc: That's going to be one hell of a match! That match deserves to be the main event. Another chapter in the war of Klan v/s Armageddon will be written tonight!

Johnny: But our first match is a rematch of sorts. Monster Mac taking on Preying Mantis.

Doc: Monster Mac was the first ever XBWL World Heavyweight Champion and he dethroned Preying mantis!

:: "Return of the Mac" blares through the XBWL Speakers and Monster Mac steps out to a HUGE ovation from the crowd. They hit thier feet showing thier years of respect for this two time XBWL Champion. He walks out into the spotlight and looks around. He is wearing black sunglasses covering alot of his face, but his well built muscular frame stands poised on top of the ramp. The crowd really gets into him immediatly and he walks down, slides into the ring and works them up a little before finally settling into his corner. ::

Doc: MONSTER MAC is in the building! Can you believe it? This former Trio of Terror great is here, ready for his first match in the World Title Tournament against Preying Mantis!

:: "Wake Up" by Rage Against The Machine plays and Preying Mantis steps into the arena. Never being a favorite of the crowd, they immediatly bombard him with boo's and start throwing trash at him, totally disrespecting the former champion!. He walks down to the ring and slides under the bottom rope and stands up to meet Monster Mac. ::

Doc: Well here we go. Bell is sounding Monster Mac is taking on Preying Mantis!

Johnny: I will have to have my support behind former Klan and Trio of Terror... The Hardcore Legend.. Monster Mac!

Doc: I figured you would Johnny...

:: Monster Mac and Preying Mantis begin to circle each other. Suddenly Monster Mac points to the entrance and the referee looks to see what he is pointing at. Monster Mac takes the opportunity to slam his foot into Preying Mantis's groin and pick him up, driving him into the mat hard with a Death Vally Driver. The referee looks back, asking Monster Mac what he was referring to, but the damage has already been done. Monster Mac pulls Mantis to his feet and levels him with a short clothesline and drops a knee into his ribs. Monster Mac stands up and splits open Mantis's legs, before falling face first into his groin. The referee warns Monster Mac for his actions, but the fans are behind him 100% as an ear deafening MONSTER MAC chant strikes out through the arena. ::

Doc: Monster Mac isn't even pretending to follow the rules.

Johnny: He never did, but the fans loved what he did and they're loving it here, right now!

:: Monster Mac pulls Mantis to his feet and plants him hard with a DDT and springs to his feet. He reaches down and grabs Mantis again, but Mantis responds with a strike to his groin. Mantis stands up and boots Mac in the face before driving a short elbow into the back of his skull. Mantis now pulls Mac back up by his bald head and slams him face first into the turnbuckle. Mantis immediatly follows it with a school boy roll up on the staggering former World Champion Monster Mac. The referee hits the mat.. ONE!!!!!!! TWO!!! NO! Kickout by Monster Mac! Monster Mac grabs Mantis's wrist and flips him, locking him in a wristlock, applying the pressure to Mantis's elbow. Mantis reaches out and grabs the ropes and the referee threatens Monster Mac again. Monster Mac springs to his feet and drop kicks Mantis in the face as he tries to come back up. ::

Doc: Monster Mac isn't here to play, He's here to kick some ass!!

Johnny: Yeah, I believe it. Bringing the World Title home would be the best thing in his career right now.

:: Mac drives an elbow to the sternum of Mantis and he flops on the mat. Mac stands up, looking down at his former adversary. Mac bounces off the ropes and does a sliding drop kick towards the head of Mantis who rolls out of the way. Mantis rolls over and grabs Mac with a sleeper. Mac begins to fight, trying to push off Mantis and pull to his feet, but being already on the mat, Mantis quickly sets it in perfectly. Mac starts rolling, trying to get out of the hold but Mantis holds tight. Mac starts working his elbows into the ribs of Mantis and finally connects with a couple, causing Mantis to loosen the hold. It's all the opening that Mac needs as he stands up and turns Mantis around, then lifting and sending him flying with a fireman's carry into a suplex. Mantis slams into the mat and Monster Mac begins to apply some boots. Mantis takes them in the arm before finally rolling out of the ring. Mantis starts shaking the cobwebs out of his head, but Monster Mac slings himself over the top rope and lands on Mantis with a splash. Mantis and Mac both crash to the floor. ::

Doc: Great move by Monster Mac. He's taking it to the floor.

Johnny: This isn't the place that Preying Mantis wants to be with Monster Mac. The floor is the LAST place I'd want to be in with this hardcore machine.

:: Mac stands up and looks at Preying Mantis. Mac holds his hands up and points at Preying Mantis as the crowd explodes. Monster Mac goes under the ring and pulls out a table. The fans immediatly begin to recognize the rage in Monster Mac's eyes. The hardcore drive that they remember from this innovator of the XBWL's violence. ::

Doc: Monster Mac set the standard for many hardcore legends to come. Many in the locker room call him the "Father of Violence".

Johnny: I think Preying Mantis is about to find out why too eh!?

:: Mac sets the table up and stomps on Preying Mantis. Preying Mantis slams his fist into the ribs of Monster Mac and causes Mac to wince. Preying Mantis then snaps the leg of Mac under his arm and lifts Monster Mac up! Preying Mantis turns and SLAMS Monster Mac into the hard concrete floor!! ::

Monster Mac: AHH!

Doc: Monster Mac just got slammed and slammed HARD!

Johnny: I didn't expect to see this much aggression, but Preying Mantis is the man that defeated Monster Mac for his very first XBWL World Heavyweight Championship.

:: Preying Mantis grabs Monster Mac's leg and twists his angle and falls back, locking his legs around Monster Mac with a single leglock. Monster Mac starts flopping around on the ground as Mantis grits his teeth and tightens his grip. Monster Mac grabs the guard rail and starts trying to turn against the pressure. Finally after a brief struggle, Preying Mantis lets go and stands up. Monster Mac pulls his knee under him and lifts his body up, only to have an elbow driven into the back of his neck. His body crumbles again, face first into the cement. His body is forced to exhale all the air in his lungs as he hits the cement with force. Preying Mantis puts his foot on the back of Monster Mac's neck and grabs the guardrail for leverage. He begins to twist his foot, grinding the chin and nose of Monster Mac into the cement. Monster Mac screams and uses his elbows to push himself to his side and swings his foot, catching the back of Preying Mantis knee and sending him off balance for a second, but Preying Mantis holds onto the guard rail. Monster Mac rolls out from under his boot and stands up. Preying Mantis delivers a chop to the chest of Monster Mac, but Monster Mac just stands there and shakes his head!! ::

Doc: Monster Mac has come alive. He's definantly not happy!

Johnny: Let some grind your face into cement and let's see how well you take it Doc..

Doc: I'll pass, Thanks...

:: Monster Mac lunges at Preying Mantis's throat! He pushes him back over the railing and raises an open hand and brings it crashing to the chest of Preying Mantis. Preying Mantis's arms clench over his chest and Monster Mac pulls him forward and delivers a knee to the midsection. Monster Mac picks him up and drops him hard with a suplex on the concrete!! Monster Mac springs up and points at the table and the fans once again come alive! ::

Monster Mac: IT'S HAMMERTIME!!!

:: The fans come to their feet and begin stomping and cheering as Monster Mac starts walking around giving the signal to the crowd that it's time for his patent finisher, Hammertime. As soon as Monster Mac pulls Preying Mantis up, Preying Mantis unloads with a low blow!! Monster Mac drops to a knee and Preying Mantis picks him up, and drives him down with a DDT into the concrete. Preying Mantis stands back up and pumps his arms and pulls himself up on the apron. He climbs to the top turnbuckle and flies with a moonsault splash! It connects with Monster Mac!! Both men are down on the concrete floor!! ::

Doc: Great move by Preying Mantis!!

Johnny: Very impressive, Preying Mantis came to fight tonight!

:: Preying Mantis slowly rolls over and puts his hand on the apron. He uses the apron to pull himself to his feet. Monster Mac lays motionless. Preying Mantis pulls Monster Mac up to his feet and clamps his legs around his neck, spinning around and locking in a deadly looking submission hold. Preying Mantis begins to tighten his grip and twist the neck of Monster Mac as the fans try to throw their support to the "Father of Violence". Preying Mantis stands up and smiles. He looks down at the mess in front of him and pulls him up again. He drags Monster Mac over to the table and lays him across it. Preying Mantis pulls himself up once again on the ring. He climbs to the top turnbuckle! This time he flies with a body splash! MONSTER MAC MOVES!!! Monster Mac pulls what little energy left in his bruised, beaten body and rolls off the table, crashing the floor. Preying Mantis falls head first into the table, smashing it and landing hard on the floor. Both men lay motionless for what seems like an eternity but suddenly Monster Mac's head lifts. As he pulls his tired arm up and it hits the concrete with a thud, the crowd cheers. As his other hand follows, the crowd cheers more. Monster Mac pulls himself up and to his knees and begins to feed off the crowd!! ::

Doc: They're ready for him to do it!!

Johnny: The excitement is in the air! I can feel it!

:: Monster Mac stands up and raises his hand. Giving the sign for the HAMMERTIME!! The fans come to their feet once again. Monster Mac begins going crazy. He throws a chair, a garbage can, a couple garbage lids and finally a table into the ring. He pulls up Preying Mantis, drives him to the ground with a piledriver and then rolls him into the ring. Inside the ring, Monster Mac sets up the table and then grabs the chair. He tosses the garbage can under the table, and the two lids on top of it. The crowd is on fire as Monster Mac taps the chair on the mat. He just stands and waits as Preying Mantis begins to gain consiousness. As soon as Preying Mantis stands, halfway to his feet... His knees are wobbly. Monster Mac slings the chair, one handed and catches it on the side of Preying Mantis's head. Preying Mantis falls back and into the turnbuckle and Monster Mac drops the chair!! He signals for Hammertime!!! Monster Mac grabs Preying Mantis and the blood pours from the open wound where the chair just hit him. Monster Mac tucks his head..... Monster Mac lifts him up and turns him towards the table!!! HAMMMMMERRTIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::



:: Monster Mac falls onto Preying Mantis and pins him!! ONE !! TWO !! THREE!!! ::

Doc: WOW!


Doc: And he's advancing in the World Heavyweight Title Tournament!! Monster Mac!!

Johnny: I can't believe that Monster Mac has put up such a great showing. He avenged the loss so many years ago when Preying Mantis defeated him for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Doc: The very first title change was replayed here tonight and the result was much different. Monster Mac has really shown he has improved and moved to legendary status in the wrestling world.

Johnny: They are helping Preying Mantis to the back and he's not looking real good, but you can tell that he was really happy just to be able to compete here tonight.

:: It fades out to the back where it shows the XBWL World Heavyweight Championship and then the camera fades back and shows Johnny Macaroni sitting in his office. He is looking at the title belt and a piece of paper in front of him. ::

Johnny Macaroni: I just thought I would personally announce the next match. I know a few of you knew before hand who you would be facing, but some of you didn't get the paperwork him on time so I have had to prepare a whole lot of tonights event at the last minute. So this next pairing is going to happen RIGHT NOW. It will feature Grizzle against one of the most hated men in XBWL history... But tonight he's here in THIS arena in a match SANCTIONED by the XBWL... Grizzle's opponent will be "Mean" Mark Mease!!

:: The fans boo at the mention of the man who tried to tear apart the XBWL, both in the ring and in the front office.. They are even more upset when it fades back to Doc and Johnny and we hear "BOOM" by POD blast into the arena and a man who hasn't been seen in a very long time steps out into the light. Standing before the XBWL fans for the first time in many years is "Mean" Mark Mease!!! ::

Doc: I never thought I'd see this man in an XBWL ring again.

Johnny: I didn't either... This is certainly a shock!!

:: "TOO BAD" by Nickleback blares over the speakers and Grizzle steps out into the light. The fans go crazy upon seeing this veteran of the XBWL walk out. Grizzle steps down on the ramp and raises his hands before walking down to the ring. ::

Doc: Wow! I can't believe it! It's good to see Grizzle again after all these years.

Johnny: Doc.. Um.. I think Grizzle might be a bit out of shape.

:: As Grizzle is walking down the ramp, we see what Johnny is referring too... This former World Champion has in no way kept his conditioning or his wrestling physique. Grizzle's stomach pokes under his tights and peeks through the midsection where his pants and shirt meet. Grizzle appears to be attempting to fit into the same size tights he wore when he was the XBWL in his prime, and he's not the same size he used to be. Grizzle pulls himself up to the ring and is already breathing out his mouth as he hops from foot to foot and stretches on the ropes::

Doc: This may not be very good for our old friend Grizzle.

Johnny: Yeah, I think Mease is going to RIP him apart!

Doc: "Mean" Mark Mease is pointing and laughing at poor Grizzle here tonight. "Mean" Mark Mease is mocking this former champion.

Johnny: Mease always was an ass...

:: The referee checks the two combatants and then motions for the bell to be rung. Mease just stands and stares at Grizzle who rushes forward and begins pounding on his chest. Mease looks down at him and then with an open face slap, hits Grizzle in the face. Grizzle spins around and goes face first into the mat and lays there a second stunned. Mease walks over and grabs him by the hair, pulling him up. Grizzle makes a weak punch at Mease who just ignores it and grabs Grizzle by the throat. Mease lifts Grizzle up and bench presses him before stepping out from under him and allowing him to crash straight down to the mat. ::

Doc: OUCH! That's gotta hurt!! This veteran Grizzle sure isn't looking much like a veteran here tonight!!!

Johnny: I don't think that Johnny Macaroni put much thought into this signing. It's great to see these old XBWL Veterans again, but sometimes they just shouldn't step back into the ring!!

:: Grizzle grabs the ropes and starts to pull himself up, but Mean Mark Mease rushes forward and boots him in the ribs which sends him sprawling through the ropes and down to the floor. Mease climbs out of the ring and pull him up, then picks Grizzle up and gives him an airplane spin and crashing his midsection down on the guardrail!! The fans begin to boo at this horrible treatment of the XBWL veteran! ::

Doc: This is beyond words. I can't believe that Johnny Macaroni would book this.

Johnny: He never was a virtous man... Just a good promoter.

Doc: Well this isn't promoted very well.

:: Mean Mark Mease grabs Grizzle and rolls him into the ring. He rolls in after him and as Grizzle stands up, Mean Mark Mease drives a drop kick into his back, sending him into the turnbuckle. Mean Mark Mease pulls Grizzle up and powerbombs him head first into the turnbuckle! The top of Grizzle's head collides with the turnbuckle and Grizzle collapses to the mat. Mean Mark Mease pulls him back to the center of the ring and locks Grizzle in a sleeper. ::

Doc: He's going to make him submit to a Sleeper! How embarassing!

Johnny: Yeah... I gotta agree with you on that one. Nobody loses to a sleeper anymore.

:: Mean Mark Mease holds on, clenching the hold in and laughing as the referee begins to check Grizzle. The referee lifts his hand and it falls limp. The referee looks around and then lifts the arm again. He holds it for a second and then lets it go again. The referee looks around, almost afraid to lift it again. He lifts the hand up... Holding it and looking at it. The referee slowly lets go... The arm stays in the air! No! Only for a brief second and then collapses!! The referee calls for the bell and Mease continues to hold on. Finally Mease breaks the hold and stomps on Grizzle a couple more times before walking over to the ropes and demanding a microphone. ::

Mease: You know... If this is the best that the XBWL has to offer then there's going to be nothing stopping me tonight. I'm going to walk out of this arena with the XBWL Title on my shoulder. And after I leave here tonight with it, I am going to BURN that piece of shit in an incinerator and say FUCK YOU to the XBWL. Tonight is going to be MY night! There's nobody in the XBWL that can stop me!!!

:: Mease throws down the microphone and starts to leave the ring. The fans react with boo's at the disrespect of not only Grizzle, but of the entire XBWL... ::

Doc: I don't think that Mean Mark Mease is going to be very popular backstage.

Johnny: Me either... But he does have a point. If this is the best we have, then he's going to be the World Heavyweight Champion!

Doc: Don't even say that... There's a whole lot of XBWL superstars in the back who DID keep in shape and who would KILL for one more shot at that title.

Johnny: Well tonights the night! Someone better go postal!!

:: "MOTIVATION" By Sum41 hits the XBWL Arena... The lights go crazy flashing... Suddenly the XBWL-tron lights up with a shot of a bloody face screaming. The lights start flashing red and white and then the XBWL image shatters and the letters T - N - T flash on the XBWL-Tron ::


Johnny: Holy Shit....

:: Suddenly the black curtains covering the entranceway FLY back and out runs one of the most hardcore legends in the history of the XBWL.. "TNT" Nick Stevenson. He runs down the ramp... Slapping hands with the fans who hit their feet screaming in a roaring, deafening chant T-N-T... T-N-T... T-N-T!!! TNT runs down the aisle and turns, with one motion letting his black leather jacket slides to the ground, revealing the scars on his upper torso from the years living his life on the hardcore edge. He leaps to the apron and flips over into the ring and dances on one foot with his hands in the air. The fans are going nuts.... TNT pulls a microphone outta the back of his pants. ::

TNT: Sounds like somebody missed the XBWL!!!!

:: The fans go nuts again. ::

TNT: OH HELL YES!!! This is what I'm talking about!! My fucking home! My playground!! The XBWL!!! Tonight I get to walk out of here with the XBWL World Heavyweight Championship around my waiste... Who knows.. Maybe Legacy will meet me in the finals for the EVCW belt too!!

:: The fans cheer as TNT gives a shout to his old alumni, and the five time former champion. ::

TNT: Now.. I'm about to blow the roof off this MOTHER FUCKER!!! Brandon Thornton!!! GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!!!

:: TNT throws the mic to the ground with a thud and the fans are going crazy... TNT starts pushing against the ropes and leaning over bringing the fans to the cause. ::

Doc: Well you wanted Postal...

Johnny: I wanted postal... Not fucking crazy...

Doc: Well you get what you want... You better just hope he doesn't come over here.

Johnny: I know you'll save me doc .. hehe.. ::Weak laugh ::

:: "MY SACRIFICE" by Creed plays and the lights start to dim and flash purple. As the curtains slowly open, we see a figure standing in the entranceway. The spotlight hits him and it's revealed to be "The Future" Brandon Thornton. He has his dirty blonde hair, much longer now, tied back in a ponytail. His eyebrows still bear the eight piercings, representing the eight XBWL singles titles that "The Future" has added to his collection over the years. He steps out into the arena and looks around. He is dressed in his traditional attire, and he has a couple of new tattoos. He is holding a microphone. ::

Brandon Thornton: TNT... I don't really know what you are thinking here tonight, but let me just remind you of something. I have held the XBWL International Title twice.. The North American Title twice.. The Hardcore Title twice.. and finally... THE XBWL WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE TWICE!!

:: The fans boo at his arrogance. ::

Brandon Thornton: Whatever... I was the XBWL World Heavyweight Champion when the XBWL folded. I am the man who rightfully deserves to wear that title. I am the man who should be standing at the top of the bracket to meet whoever can make it through this tournament for a right to face me...

:: Brandon Thornton is cut off by TNT. ::

TNT: BLAH BLAH BLAH! SHUT UP! Either you get beat NOW by TNT or you get beat in the finals. Either way.. YOU GET BEAT BY TNT NOW GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!!!

:: Brandon Thornton starts to speak but just shakes his head. He tosses the microphone to the side and starts down the aisle. The fans boo him as they chant TNT's name, but Brandon Thornton doesn't seem to care. He walks down the aisle and begins to circle the ring. TNT stands in the middle and just motions for him to join him. TNT continues to taunt him as Thornton steps to the apron. TNT rushes forward and Brandon Thornton drops to the ground and laughs at TNT. ::

Doc: Well we're seeing the strong point of Brandon Thornton.. Those mind games have beaten some of the best in the business.

Johnny: Yeah... I really do believe that Thornton has TNT's number tonight Doc.

Doc: I don't know about that. TNT is one of the most agressive superstars in the history of the XBWL. And one of the most violent.

Johnny: But Brandon Thornton was the final champion. He beat Jack Diamond in the final match sanctioned for the XBWL Title.

:: TNT continues to get agitated as Brandon Thornton continues to play mind games. Pretending he's going to get in the ring and then backing off. Finally the referee pushes TNT to the middle of the ring and demands he stay there. As he does, Brandon Thornton jumps into the ring and rushes forward leaping over the referee's head and planting a fist in the face of TNT! TNT falls back stunned and Brandon Thornton hits the ropes and comes off with a shoulderblock, sending TNT to the mat. The referee motions for the bell to be rung. TNT comes to his feet and hits the ropes, shoulder blocking Brandon Thornton, who braces and does not move. Brandon Thornton just laughs as TNT backs up and hits the ropes again, coming off towards him again. Thornton once again braces as TNT hits him. TNT hits the other rope this time, but instead of hitting with the shoulder, this time he swings for a viscous clothesline that nearly takes Thornton's head off!! The clothesline sends Thornton for a spin to the mat! Thornton starts getting up, shaking his head and he is met with a boot by TNT. TNT then grabs the top rope, pushes his boot into Thornton's throat and then stands up, applying pressure. The referee counts ONE!! TWO!! THREE!! and TNT breaks it before the four count, pulling back and holding his arms up. ::

Doc: TNT's really showing his aggression.

Johnny: Brandon Thornton is just baiting him. He's toying with TNT. TNT's a dumb animal. As long as he believes that he is winning, then everything is ok. It's just part of Thornton's master plan.

:: Brandon Thornton pushes himself up, holding his throat. TNT rushes forward and slings his leg across the back of Thornton's neck, pushing him onto the middle rope. TNT then grabs the top rope and applies tremendous pressure, choking Thornton out again!! The referee is back on the job again... ONE!! TWO!! THREE!! and once again, TNT breaks the hold before the referee can throw the hand for the fourth time. TNT backs up, pretending he doesn't understand why he's being warned. TNT then rushes forward and slings his foot across the neck again and grabs the rope, pushing again on Thornton's neck. The referee doesn't even the first count before TNT breaks the hold and backs up. TNT smacks the back of Thornton's head with his hand and then kicks him in his ribs. Thornton falls to his hands and knees. TNT walks over and goes for another boot but Thornton quickly responds with a low blow on TNT. TNT grabs his groin and stumbles forward. Brandon Thornton grabs him by his hair and drives him backwards into the mat. Brandon Thornton then grabs TNT's legs and spreads them apart, then falling forward with his head, driving a headbutt into the groin of TNT. TNT rolls on the mat, holding his groin. Brandon Thornton stands up, rubbs his neck and then grabs TNT's arm and rolls him forward for a modified small package!! The referee counts! ONE!! TW--- NO! TNT quickly kicks out. Brandon Thornton slaps the mat in anger.

Doc: That low blow really changed the course of this match.

Johnny: Mind games Doc.. Mind Games.. :: Johnny points to his head ::

:: Brandon Thornton raises his boot and goes to stomp on TNT's chest, but TNT catches Thornton's boot and stands up. Thornton hops on one foot, shaking his head no as TNT steps forward and performs a one legged sweep on Thornton. TNT then drives an elbow down into the groin of Thornton. Thornton grabs his groin, feeling the effects of his own devious plans. TNT stands up and hobbles a little, holding his groin and picks up Thornton's leg. He prepares to stomp on Thornton's groin, but Thornton uses his other leg to push TNT back. Thornton then performs a kick up and rushes forward, using a clothesline to knock TNT down. TNT rolls over and starts to stand back up and Thornton steps over his head and grabs his chin, sitting down into a camel clutch. TNT fights as Thornton tries to get his arms up onto his knee's. TNT eventually loses the fight and Thornton sits in, sinking the camel clutch in and causing TNT to scream in pain from the submission hold. TNT begins to kick his feet, trying to off balance Thornton. Thornton sits back further, causing more damage on the back. TNT finally manages to causes Thornton to stumble a bit, and TNT uses that brief moment to unlodge one of his arms and push his body enough to pull the other one free. TNT starts to push up and Thornton releases the camel cluth, but grabs TNT's hair and uses his huge arm to club TNT across the right ear. TNT slumps to the mat holding his back and Thornton stands up.

Doc: That submission move was almost the end of TNT. TNT does not need to get into a mat wrestling game with the crafty Brandon Thornton. Thornton can take the mat wrestling game to anyone.

Johnny: And he's proving it! TNT needs to use weapons and hardcore wrestling to win. Thornton will decimate him with this mat wrestling!

:: Thornton steps forward, grabbing TNT's wrist and turning it over. Thornton sits down, throwing a leg over his arm and locking in another submission hold! TNT begins to fight as his wrest and elbow take tremendous pressure. TNT reaches out frantically for the ropes, but Thornton holds on tight. TNT pushes down on the mat, barely pulling himself an inch and lunges, this time close enough to the ropes. Thornton pushes himself up and releases the hold as the referee counts. TNT uses both hands to grab the bottom rope and pulls himself towards them, and then uses the second rope to pull himself to his knees. Brandon Thornton walks over and grabs TNT by the hair. He pulls TNT up and applies a front facelock. Thornton grabs the tights of TNT and sets in for a suplex, but TNT blocks it by sticking his foot behind the calf of Thornton. Thornton kicks back, forcing the leg to dislodge and tries to suplex TNT again. TNT slams his fist into the ribs of Thornton and blocks again. TNT then snatches Thornton and off balances him, planting him with a northern lights suplex! The referee rushes over and hits the mat. ONE!!!!! TWOOOOO!! NO!! Brandon Thornton kicks free!! Brandon Thornton rolls away and stands up, looking pissed. TNT stands up and Thornton grabs him, tucking his head again and falls for a DDT, but TNT pushes free and Thornton hits the mat without TNT. TNT stomps on the stomach of Thornton who is shocked from the DDT counter. Thornton lunges forward from the stomp and TNT grabs the top rope and starts stomping furiously on Thornton!! Thornton rolls away and stands up as TNT stomps on him. Thornton pulls himself up as the boots fly. Thornton drives an elbow into the sternum of TNT and tucks the head of TNT again... This time Thornton connects with a brainbuster into the mat. Thornton stands up and laughs at TNT. Thornton starts climbing the ropes, facing the crowd. It looks like Thornton is about to try a high flying move, but TNT leaps up!!!

Doc: TNT wasn't out of it!! He just tricked Thornton!! Looks like the mindgames are reversed!

Johnny: TNT is getting his ass kicked... I don't even want to hear you try to pin some petty mind game attempts on his thick skull. He probably doesn't even have enough brain left in there to knock him out.

:: Thornton looks shocked as he is grabbed from behind by TNT. TNT hoists Thornton across the shoulders and steps to the top rope.. ::

Doc: High flying move coming from TNT! Top rope to the ring!!

:: TNT aims Thornton towards the ring... Then looks, and suddenly changes his aim to the floor. ::


:: TNT leaps off the top rope and drives Brandon Thornton straight down to the concrete floor with a devestating reverse death valley driver!!! Thornton's face skids into the concrete!! TNT falls on his side and back as well and lays back against the ring apron smiling. TNT pulls the hair of Brandon Thornton back and reveals Thorntons face which is bleeding from his scalp. TNT begins to laugh as he tries to pull his demolished body up. ::

Doc: TNT sure hurt the hell out of himself right there, but he put the exclamation point on Brandon Thornton!!

:: TNT stands up and kicks Thornton square in the head, opening the wound up more. Brandon Thornton doesn't move at all. TNT stumbles a little as his body suffers from the pain he is enduring. He pulls Brandon Thornton back up and lifts him up, suplexing him hard on the concrete. Brandon Thornton's body crashes into the cement and TNT stands up again. The fans are on their feet, loving this display of violence. TNT goes under the ring and pulls out a table and starts setting it up!! ::

Doc: Shades of his mentor and best friend Monster Mac right here!

Johnny: That table was what won Mac that match against Preying Mantis.

Doc: Perhaps it'll do the same for TNT tonight as well!!

Johnny: I don't think Thornton is out yet. He's just pretending to be out till he's ready to make his move!

:: TNT reaches back under the ring and pulls out a can of lighter fluid. He sprays the table and then lights the table into flames. The smoke billows into the rafters and begins to choke out some of the people at the ringside. After that, TNT goes under the ring and pulls out a bag of broken glass and spreads it all over the table. He grabs Thornton and locks him up. ::

Doc: Oh hell...

Johnny: OH GOD NO

Doc: He's fixing to hit DYNAMITE on Thornton into that flaming table, which is now covered in broken glass!!!

:: TNT pulls Thornton up as the table flames!! He drags him up on the ring apron and starts to look around as the crowd is madly cheering him on chanting T - N - T!! T - N - T!! TNT just smiles and goes to lift Thornton up. Thornton starts punching TNT as the smoke and the fire hits his nostrils. Thornton starts fighting back as he realizes what is about to happen to him! He slugs TNT two times in the face and TNT reels!! Both men dangling on the apron above the glass covered, flaming table. TNT fights back with a backhand chop into the chest of Thornton. The blood splatters as Thornton's body jerks back, but he catches himself with the top turnbuckle!!! Thornton then fires back with a closed fist into TNT's face. TNT holds on with one hand and swings at Thornton who ducks the chop and then drives his shoulder into the midsection of TNT!!! TNT is stunned for a brief moment and it's all that Thornton needs!! Thornton grabs TNT by his hair... Pulls his head down and steps over!! THORNTON LIFTS TNT UP AND STEPS FORWARD OFF THE RING WITH AGGREVATION ELEMENT!!!! The table is already weakened by the fire, but it still splinters and TNT's head crashes into ash, fire, coals, glass and splintered wood! Thornton immediatly rolls clear and starts brushing the cinders off his tights, but several spots are burned. His knee pads are still smoking. Thornton drops to his knees as blood continues to pour from his head and weaken him. TNT lays for a moment before the XBWL security rush over and spray him down with a fire estinguisher to make sure he doesn't catch on fire or seriously burn himself. His body and face is scorched with first and second degree burns!! ::

Doc: I cannot believe that Brandon Thornton just did that to TNT!!

Johnny: TNT was going to do it to him! What do you expect?

:: Brandon Thornton walks over to where TNT is laying and pull him up by his hair... The blood from Thornton's face drops down into the white on TNT and clumbs on his back. Brandon Thornton rolls TNT into the middle of the ring. Brandon Thornton rolls in after him and covers him... Brandon Thornton counts with the referee!! ONE!!!! TWO!!!! THRE- NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TNT's shoulder sticks straight up!! Almost like an automated response!! TNT falls back onto the mat again! Brandon Thornton doesn't know what is going on.. Thornton leaps up and stares at the referee!! He's pissed!! Brandon Thornton pushes the referee who quickly threatens him with a diqualification! Brandon Thornton puts his hands on his waist and looks down. He looks back to TNT who is laying motionless still. Brandon Thornton shakes his head and then looks around the arena.. Brandon Thornton pulls TNT up by the hair and TNT unloads with two weak punches... Brandon Thornton easily blocks them and locks TNT up and drives him down with a butterfly piledriver!! Thornton covers TNT again!! ONE!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!! THRE- NO!!!!!! TNT KICKS OUT AGAIN!!!!

Doc: Where does TNT get this energy!? This emotion!? This strength!! He should be OUT!!

Johnny: I have no idea, but Brandon Thornton is getting highly PISSED!!!

:: Brandon Thornton once again pulls his bloody body up... TNT starts standing as well. Brandon Thornton lays a fist into the face of TNT... TNT stumbles backwards and reacts with a chop back into the chest of Thornton who reels backwards. Thornton again with a fist into the face of TNT!!! TNT chops but Thornton blocks it and slams his knee into TNT's stomach. TNT falls to his knees... He is severely weakened! Brandon Thornton pulls him back up and locks his hands around his waist!! Brandon Thornton lifts him up!! He turns him.... locks his hands.. AGGREVATION ELEMENT!!! Center of the ring!!! Thornton falls backwards, lacking the energy to do anything else!! ::

Doc: TNT is finished... Even I have to admit that Thornton has put him down here tonight.

Johnny: I told you Doc... Brandon Thornton is "The Future" of this business...

:: Brandon Thornton crawls over to TNT.. He drapes a hand across the chest of the former World Champion... The referee counts!! ONE!!!!! TWO!!!!THRE- NO!!!!!!!!!! STILL NO!!! TNT's shoulder flies up and Brandon Thornton just turns, looking at the referee with an unbelievable look on his face and falls back onto the ropes. TNT sits up... He looks at Thornton and starts getting up!! Thornton lays on the ropes.. he is exhausted.. he has tried everything to put away TNT and nothing has worked... TNT uses what little energy he can muster to go after Thornton, he falls on Thornton and begins to punch on him!! Thornton falls backwards, holds the ropes and TNT falls through them to the floor. Thornton lowers himself slowly to the floor. Thornton pulls TNT up and slings him into the guardrail.. NO! Reversal by TNT!!! TNT reverses the slingshot and Thornton collides with the steel barricade!!! TNT grabs a steel chair and as Thornton is standing up.....CRACK!!!!! TNT slams the chair into Brandon Thornton's face!!! Brandon Thornton collapses to the ground... TNT goes under the ring and gets another table. He pulls it out and slides it into the ring... He sets it up near the turnbuckle!! TNT drops back to the ground and goes under the ring. He pulls out the same bag of glass and slides it in the ring. TNT grabs "The Future" Brandon Thornton and rolls him inside!! TNT rolls in and covers the table in glass. Brandon Thornton lays motionless on the mat. TNT pulls Thornton up and drags him to the corner. TNT slings him into the corner and then delivers two more punches!! TNT lifts Thornton to the top rope!! He climbs the ropes and sets Thornton up on his shoulders!! TNT gives the signal for DYNAMITE!! The crowd goes wild!!! The finisher is coming!!! ::

Doc: I have to say... I counted TNT out and he's not out!! He's fixing to WIN!

Johnny: Like I said... Brandon Thornton just isn't in the game anymore.. TNT is the real deal.

Doc: What?

Johnny: It's what I was saying all along!

Doc: Yeah... Sure...

:: TNT lifts Thornton up!! NO!! THORNTON WITH A HEADBUTT!!! Thornton clenches his arms around the wrists of TNT!! Thornton quickly delivers three quick headbutts and the eyebrow rings rip and tear the flesh from TNT's face!! Thornton holds him tight as he is limp in Thornton's hands.. Thornton again slams his head into TNT's face four more times!! The metal tearing and smashing TNT's face!! Brandon Thornton stands looking almost drunk as the blood pours from his own face... several of his piercings are now missing and one is imbedded in TNT's face.. Brandon Thornton pushes TNT down off the ropes and TNT falls back across the table, but he doesn't break it!! Brandon Thornton gives the signal that it's over!! Brandon Thornton steps off the top rope and onto the table... It's holding well under the weight of the two men!! Brandon Thornton pulls TNT up!!! He lifts him up.... AGGREVATION ELEMENT!!!!!!!! Right through the table!! The glass!!! TNT is ripped up!! Brandon Thornton simply collapses on TNT and the referee counts!! ONE!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!! THREE!!!!!!!! ::

Doc: WOW!!! Your Winner!!! "The FUTURE" BRANDON THORNTON!!!!

Johnny: I told you!! He's the future of the business!! That's why I was behind him the whole time!!

Doc: Nobody can deny that Brandon Thornton didn't win this match. His final stand on that top turnbuckle was unbelievable!!

Johnny: I have to agree... Brandon Thornton really showed something here tonight. It's gonna take a few minutes to get this cleaned up.

:: The camera fades out to a locker room. It is deserted except for one man. He sits in the near dark. His hair is slightly long, hanging down over his ears. His beard is noticable. He stands up and a locker is open. Inside the locker see see several faded pictures taped to it. It's a picture of Michael Andrews and Awesome Australian, shaking hands at an old XBWL autograph session... The other picture visable under it is a picture of a cross and it says Andrews down it. The locker suddenly slams and the light illuminates the face of former XBWL champion Michael Andrews. He walks out of the locker room, dressed for action!! When we cut back to the live crowd they are cheering at the brief glimpse of one of their favorites. ::

Doc: Was that Michael Andrews?

Johnny: I believe it was Sir...

Doc: Wow! We're used to such a clean cut Michael Andrews... That sillouette wasn't the same clean cut young man we're used to, Johnny.

Johnny: It's been several years Doc... Michael Andrews isn't really a kid anymore. From what I've heard, he's had some problems over the years and it hasn't just been with the wrestling world. He's been battling some personal issues as well.

:: "SIGOR ROS" by Svefn G Englar starts to play into the XBWL arena and it starts to darken. The entranceway lights up and Michael Andrews steps forward into the light. He is unshaven, but not unkept. He has a neatly trimmed beard and his hair is his natural blonde, but down past his ears. As the gloomy music emmits, he walks down the aisle... The fans nearly drown the music out as he enters the arena... Michael Andrews walks down to the ring as the fans are going crazy cheering for him. They are in total shock that they are seeing their former champion here tonight!! ::

Doc: I can't believe the change in Michael Andrews...

Johnny: People grow up... Let's hope he's grown up for the better and gotten over his childish fantasies.

Doc: I always thought Michael Andrews was one of the most grounded young men in the XBWL during his time..

Johnny: Yeah.. Well hopefully he's turned into a smart adult.

:: Michael Andrews enters the ring and he walks around, looking at the fans and finally he cracks a smile and calls for a microphone. He stands there nodding in the center of the ring as the fans continue to show their respect. Finally he motions for them to stop and pulls the mic to his mouth. ::

Michael Andrews: You know... When I walked out through those curtains I didn't really know what I was going to say. I didn't know if I was going to need to come out here and explain myself... I didn't know if you were going to remember me. I didn't know if you were going to hate me. I know I have let a lot of the fans down over the years, but tonight will not be one of those nights. I am going to walk out of this arena tonight as a winner. I am going to redeem what was lost to me... I guarantee it...

:: Suddenly as Michael Andrews starts to talk, the entrance way lights up... "NOW I KNOW WHY YOU HATE ME" Blares into the Arena and first steps the Iron Yuppy from the curtains. Shortly he is followed by Mad Jester... Christopher Scarlett... Chang Takata and Monster Mac... ::

Johnny: OH........My.......Sweet......JESUS!!!

:: As Johnny stares in disbelief, and the Doc is at a loss for words the curtains open and out steps the man behind it all.... Standing before the XBWL audience for the first time in so many years is Kronos.... The founder of the Kronos Klan... The Kronos Klan who are usually hated and despised by the fans can't help but feel the shock as the fans give them a standing ovation. The thunderous ovation drowns Michael Andrews out in the middle of the ring. Michael Andrews looks down and shakes his head as the fans cheer for the Klan... Iron Yuppy runs to one end of the ramp and starts a riot as the fans break into a "FRANCHISE" chant... Mad Jester brandishes his sceptre and bows to the crowd. Chris Scarlett gives an arrogant nod to the fans and Monster Mac starts running around violently getting the fans on their feet. Chang Takata stands, staring a hole in his opponent for tonight... Michael Andrews... Mad Jester is the first to take the mic::

Mad Jester: What's wrong Mikey? See something you didn't want to see??!!?

:: Mad Jester laughs as Michael Andrews just stares forward at the crowd assembled in front of him. Kronos steps up and takes the mic. ::

Kronos: Michael Andrews... Tonight you have to face off against Chang Takata. Chang Takata is a member of the Kronos Klan so I'm sure you know what that means. That means we will all be down there supporting our boys!! You know... The other day I was digging around, watching some old videos and I came across something I think you might be interested in!!

:: The XBWL-Tron comes on... The date at the bottom reads 7/25/1998. ::

DIAMOND: The Franchise is still alive! Wait, where's Andrews going? Andrews goes outside and grabs that almost broken table! He's going to end it right here, come on Franchise! Michael Andrews brings that table back in the ring and bang! Stick over the head, the Franchise is going nuts, he has plenty of gas! The Franchise now takes the unconscious Michael Andrews and sets him up on that table! He gives him the double middle finger and Iron Spike through the table! It's over! Here's the cover, one, two, three! We have a new champion! Yeah!

WINTERS: Here is your winner, in a time of thirty-eight minutes and eight seconds, and new XBWL World Heavyweight Champion, the Franchise Iron Yuppy!

DOC: This place is electric! We have a new champion in the Franchise! Both he and his opponent are about passed out in the ring there as this place is rocking!

DIAMOND: Yeah, the Klan has the title! Yeah!

DOC: Finally both men begin to move slightly and pull the pieces of the table from out of their body! The Franchise gets to one foot and Richard Cranium hands him the gold! The Franchise has won the title again!

DIAMOND: Man, you have, have to give credit to Andrews. He gave the Franchise all he could give, and it was one of the toughest matches in the Franchise's long storied career! Andrews begins to leave the ring to a standing ovation but the Franchise calls him back into the ring. What's he doing?

DOC: Andrews has a confused look on his face as, the Franchise offers a hand shake to Michael Andrews! Michael Andrews looks around at the crowd, they go insane, and they shake hands!

DIAMOND: What a class act by the Franchise right there Doc! He knows what a great competitor Michael Andrews is and he's showing him the much deserved respect! As the Franchise raises Michael Andrews' hand in the ai-- wait a minute, from behind, Andrews goes down!

DOC: A man dressed in black with a mask takes out Michael Andrews and the Franchise gets ready to fight him. This place s going wild as the man begins to take his mask off, it-- IT'S MONSTER MAC!!!

DIAMOND: It's the Monster Mac! This place is insane! The Monster Mac kicks Andrews out of the ring and gives the Franchise the Rock as the Mad Jester comes to ringside to join the party! You can bet Andrews will have a lot to say about the Monster Mac after this incident! But, the party's going on, and I gotta' join it!

DOC: Well have fun Johnny, don't drink too much! Man, what a night it has been! We've seen wrestlers exploded, tables broken, bones broken, what more could you have asked for? Oh man, well, We're just about our of time for this year's Summer Sizzler! For my broadcast partner Johnny Diamond, I'm the Wrestling Doctor saying goodnight, we hope you enjoyed the show

:: The XBWL-Tron goes off and Kronos stands there laughing and Michael Andrews just shakes his head, remembering the night he lost of the World Title.. ::

Kronos: I thought you would LOVE to see that right before you match tonight with another Klan member!! That's right!! I knew you would!! I can tell by the look on your face that you absolutely LOVED it!!

Mad Jester: Oh but Mikey!! That's not all!!

Kronos: (Laughing) No... It's not! I also came across THIS!!

:: The XBWL-Tron comes on again!!.. The date reads 03/29/99 ::

DOC: Andrews just fall into Henshaw and he has hit the challenger off balan-- wait!!! Hawk grips Andrews by the neck and coils his other arm around his ba-- no time to expl-- Soviet suplex!!! Good God!!! From the fallen lighting rig!!! Both men collapse into the ring, but Hawk is on top of Andrews. The referee has been there the entire time!!! The count. One...


DOC: THREE!!! Oh my Lord!!! We have a new champion and it has come as an end for Michael Andrews as well!!! Both men are out, neither man can muster an awakening!!! Let me explain that Soviet Suplex... look at the replay.

(The replay flashes on. It shows Andrews lose his balance as the rig breaks and slip downward, as is natural when a suspended object snaps. It than shows Andrews plow into Hawk, he is holding onto the broken cable a few feet above the ring. Andrews plows down Hawk and both go towards the mat. However, in the confusion. Hawk hooks Andrews in a modified Soviet form and manages to spin his weight against Andrews, creating a corkscrew effect. Hawk ends up on top of Andrews and puts him down for the one, two, three. )

:: The XBWL-Tron flashes off. ::

Kronos: Wasn't your career on the line during that match? Shouldn't you be retired? Oh wait... No... You weren't done!

Mad Jester: Show him the next one Kron! Show him the next one!

Knonos: Yes.. Let's move onto the NEXT one... The final one...

:: The XBWL-Tron comes on once again... This time the date reads 08/04/99. ::

The Wrestling Doctor: Legacy kicks Mike Andrews and helps him up. Legacy unfolds the table as Mike Andrews rests in the corner as Flyguy gets up. Mike Andrews begins to climb the ladder as Flyguy then pulls himself up and follows him up the ladder. Legacy pours that liquid on the table. It smells like, it smells like, it smells like, GASOLINE!!!!! Legacy has drenched the table in gas! WAIT HES NOW PULLED OUT A MATCH AND LIT THE TABLE ON FIRE!!!! Flyguy and Mike Andrew's don't suspect a damn thing! They are brawling on the top of the 15 foot ladder!! A burning table is right below them!!

Flyguy blocks a hard right hand by Mike Andrews. He gets him up in a firemans!! WHAT!!!! A DEATH VALLEY DRIVER OFF THE LADDER AND THROUGH A BURNING TABLE!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>>The whole crowd goes ape sh*t and begins a deafening chant of, "XBWL! XBWL! XBWL!!!!!"<<

Johnny Diamond: I HAVE nEVER SEEN THAT BEFORE IN MY LIFE!!!! Flyguy with one arm goes for the cover. Legacy counts 1-2-3!!!! WE GOT A NEW WORLD CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!

>>"My Own Worst Enemy" by Lit plays as Flyguy gets up and goes crazy as he is handed the belt. He sits in a corner and stares into the belt.<<


:: The XBWL-Tron flashes off... Kronos and Mad Jester stand laughing. ::

Kronos: Yeah... FLYGUY!!


:: Michael Andrews walks over and kicks the ropes... His anger is swelling.. He has just witnessed all three of his World Title losses and now it's burned in his mind. Michael Andrews pulls the microphone up to his face, red heat rising from his neck and flushing his face. ::

Michael Andrews: FIRST OF ALL!!! The Klan has lost more belts combined than any other group in the history of this league! You guys are great! Comical! You interfere with matches and you can get the job done!! Good for you!! You must a proud papa Kronos, because you have just assembled the biggest bunch of failures that the XBWL has ever seen. Let me just break this down real quick for you ok?

:: Michael Andrews pauses and looks over the fans who are stunned at his sudden show of emotions... He looks up at the Kronos Klan who have all stopped talking, and are standing, staring at Andrews. ::

Michael Andrews: You have a big mouth Mad Jester... Let's look at your history shall we? You won your first World Title because Flyguy VACATED the title! You won an 18 man Battle Royal that featured half of your friends who threw out the other competitors and cleared the way for you before you cleared the ring of THEM and took the title for your own greedy pleasure! Then let's look at your defeat shall we? You didn't even have the guts to defend the belt! YOU LEFT THE XBWL AND LET THE TITLE GO VACANT!! I defended my World Heavyweight Title every opportunity that I got... The law of averages say that I had to lose it eventually... Oh! Oh! Let's go to the second one shall we? Ok... You and Awesome Australian convince the nieve Legacy that it would be a great idea to defend his title at what was basically a TRAINING event for us. You pinned him outta no where and made it count! Do you even think he realized what was going on? NO! Imagine how confused the fans were when not only did you have the title, but you LOST it that same day only a few minutes later to Awesome Australian! Now... Let's look at your next match. You were picked as an opponent by Creeping Death as PUNISHMENT to your brother Deathstroke! You were just a sacrifice so that Creeping Death would be able to smash you up... I guess they didn't expect the Trio of Terror to manipulate ANOTHER World Title win... And by the way Jester.. That night was the night I had one of my first pay per view wins! After the lights went out and they ended the show, they let me and a couple other rookies have a nice little three way dance and I WON! I was on fire that night and I was SO excited... I walked to the back with my head in the clouds... I ran into you and told you how awesome it was to see you win the title, just making some conversation and all I get is "Who are you?" and then you walked away with Iron Yuppy and Monster Mac... Well you found out who I was didn't you?

:: Michael Andrews shakes his head and looks up at the ramp, glaring at the group of former champions in front of him. ::

Michael Andrews: Now.. Let's dissect the career of the "Franchise" shall we? The Iron Yuppy!

:: Iron Yuppy steps forward at the mention of his name... He looks down the aisle at Michael Andrews. ::

Michael Andrews: You're very first World Title win came over a man named Grizzle. Now back in the day.. I have to say, he was a nice mid card talent maybe. He never deserved to a World Champion! But that's what happens when a league is very new and they're trying to get on their feet. People like you take advantage of people like Grizzle and take away the World Title after he's only had it for eight days. Good for you Yuppy... That's the actions of a TRUE champion right there!

:: Iron Yuppy acts like he's going to go down the aisle, but he is stopped by Monster Mac and Mad Jester. ::

Michael Andrews: And for your second World Title... You beat.. ME... Yeah... I lost.. Big deal. That's what happens when you defend the World Heavyweight Title on nearly every show because the fans can't get enough. And you couldn't STAND it when I offered my hand and you had to shake it. Two seconds later, here comes Monster Mac attacking me from behind.. Klan orders I am sure... How many times did you defend that title before you lost it Yuppy? Once? Twice? You finally had to put it up in a best of three falls match, and you lost the belt to Awesome Australian! Hell.. You didn't even try for a rematch. You came out four days later and begged him to tag with you against the WWFW.

:: Iron Yuppy grabs a microphone. ::

Iron Yuppy: I can't believe you want to be disrespecting me! I didn't do anything to you! I'm Klan and that's in my blood! I am going to be out here with my boys. You have a match tonight against Chang Takata and that's just the way it is. It's between you and him, but you're really working on making it between you, Chang and the entire fucking Kronos Klan... WHATCHA' THINK ABOUT THAT STICK!?

:: Iron Yuppy stares a hole in Andrews. ::

Michael Andrews: Bring it on Yuppy... Bring it on... I've been waiting nearly seven years to get another piece of you!

:: Iron Yuppy starts back towards the ring again, but he's held back by the rest of the Klan.... The situation begins to get volitale and Kronos starts ushering the Klan to the back. ::

Michael Andrews: What's wrong? I was still ready to go? Let me have a turn at Monster Mac! Chris Scarlet! Come on? Where you guys going?

:: The Klan leaves except for Kronos and Chang Takata who make their way to the ring. ::

Johnny: I cannot believe the NERVE of Michael Andrews to suggest this bullshit! He's disrespecting the Kronos Klan! The greatest group of wrestlers to EVER grace the XBWL!

Doc: You can't honestly be that blinded by loyalty to the Kronos Klan! They were trying to screw with Michael Andrews head before his match here today with Chang Takata! They wanted to distract him from being able to focus, but I think that Michael Andrews just turned it around and put some fear into the Klan!

Johnny: Nobody puts fear into the Klan... NOBODY!

:: Chang Takata enters the ring and listens to Kronos and nods as he hears what he has to say. Michael Andrews gets checked out by the referee, constantly keeping his eyes on both Kronos and Chang Takata. ::

Johnny: Chang Takata is one of our japanese aquisitions. He was originally brought over as extra muscle for the Klan and eventually he captured the AJCW World Title and when he won the XBWL World Heavyweight Title, the belts were unified.

Doc: Have any Klan members ever NOT won the World Title?

Johnny: Well... I have never held an XBWL title!

Doc: But you're not a member of the Klan... You're just a tag along.

Johnny: I might as well be... I'm there for everything.

Doc: I wouldn't let Andrews hear you boast about being a Klan member.

:: Johnny Diamond stops talking as the match gets underway. Chang Takata and Michael Andrews circle each other in the ring. Finally the lock up in the center of the ring. Chang Takata goes for a wristlock, full arm drag and twist! Chang Takata slams his elbow into the shoulder area of Andrews and Andrews goes to a knee. Chang Takata holds on and delivers a couple of quick stiff kicks to the chest area of Michael Andrews. Michael Andrews rolls forward, breaking the wristlock and he nails Chang Takata with a single leg takedown. Michael Andrews floats over the sternum of Chang Takata and drives his elbow into the ribs as he rolls. Chang Takata exhales air rabidly as Michael Andrews stands up. Chang Takata pulls himself up and Michael Andrews connects with an elbow into the top of his head. Chang Takata drops to his knees and Michael Andrews lifts him up for a suplex! Michael Andrews drops him hard on the mat and rolls away. Michael Andrews stands up and walks over to where Chang Takata is laying. He pulls Change Takata up and delivers a belly to back suplex, crashing the former AJCW Champion into the mat again. ::

Doc: Looks like we are going to see a very technical match here between these two.

Johnny: Yeah... Boring... I wanna see some blood..

:: Chang Takata stands up. holding his back and Michael Andrews drives a knee into his midsection. Chang Takata drops to the mat and Michael Andrews goes to pick him up again, but Chang Takata quickly slams a pair of fists into his stomach. Michael Andrews backs up as Chang Takata grabs him around his waist and picks him up with a belly to belly suplex! Michael Andrews crashes into the mat and Chang Takata is on top of him, locking in a dragon sleeper on Andrews!!! Andrews bridges up quickly, and Chang Takata turns it into an inverted DDT before Andrews can turn the hold around on him. Chang Takata stands up and drags Michael Andrews to the center of the ring. Chang Takata locks in a reverse chinlock, squeezing Andrews. Andrews begins slapping the mat around him, trying to get a grip to turn the move! He finally does and twists sideways, then picks up Chang Takata as he lifts himself in the air!! Michael Andrews rests Chang on his right shoulder and then locks his hands around his waist! Michael Andrews begins to use all his strength to bear hug Chang Takata!! Michael Andrews finally rushes forward, driving Chang Takata into the top turnbuckle! Michael Andrews then pulls himself back and begins to deliver shoulder blocks into the mid section of Chang Takata over and over. Chang Takata takes each one with and gasps for breath and Michael Andrews uses a hip toss to send him out of the corner to the center of the ring. ::

Doc: Michael Andrews is fighting hard here tonight. That earlier footage really put Andrews in a pissed off mood and he's taking out that frustration on Chang Takata!!

Johnny: Chang Takata is clan and the Klan doesn't get pushed over or scared. The Klan will ensure that Chang Takata wins this match!

:: Michael Andrews pulls himself up to the second turnbuckle and leaps off with an elbow, driving it into the chest of Chang Takata. Andrews stands up and starts putting the boots to Chang Takata who takes them and still starts standing up. Chang Takata fires a punch into Andrews midsection, and Andrews fires back with a boot to the midsection of Takata. Takata stands up and they lock up in the center of the ring again! Andrews with a hammer lock on Chang who fires back an elbow to dislodge Andrews. Chang Takata turns around and headbutts Andrews in the jaw and it stuns Andrews for a second, enough for Chang Takata to bounce off the ropes and fire a tremendous dropkick that sends Andrews down. Chang Takata now goes over to the turnbuckle and climbs to the top. He leaps off with a diving headbutt, but Andrews moves out of the way!! Michael Andrews comes to his feet as the crowd cheers him on. Michael Andrews is on fire now! He runs over to where Chang Takata is getting up and stomps him in the back of the neck sending him to the mat! Michael Andrews pulls him up!! Michael Andrews lifts Chang Takata up for a brainbuster DDT! NO! Kronos hooks Michael's ankle and pulls him outta the ring!!!

Doc: Come on! That's not right!

Johnny: HAH! Yah it is! It's awesome! Kronos finally getting a bit of the action.

Doc: It's a shame tha the rules say tonights matches are no disqualification and it's a shame that we thought we could depend on all the superstars here tonight to really show some class and not get involved in each others matches for this memorial!

Johnny: It's allowed Doc! The rules say it's Ok! Kronos can interfere all he wants! haha!!

:: Sounds echo through the arena as the fans boo CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Kronos slams the staff into the ribs of Michael Andrews. On the fourt swing, Michael Andrews locks his arm around the staff and jerks it out of Kronos's hands! Michael Andrews snaps the staff over his knee and throws it to the ground. Michael Andrews grabs Kronos by his tie and prepares to punch him in the face!! NO! Chang Takata comes off the apron with a double axe handle and drives it into the shoulderblades of Andrews. Andrews drops to his knees and Chang Takata fires a viscious roundhouse kick to the back of his skull! Michael Andrews falls face first on the ground and Chang Takata pulls him up and quickly rolls him back in the ring! Chang Takata rolls in after him and covers Andrews!! ONE!!! TWO!!! NO!!!!! Michael Andrews kicks out of the pin! Chang Takata sits back and Andrews sits up.. Chang Takata takes a couple steps forward on his knees and locks in a sleeper on Michael Andrews. Michael Andrews starts fighting it, flopping his arms around. He immediatly twists it before Chang Takata can set it in good. Michael Andrews rolls forward, and causes Chang Takata to loosen his grip. As Chang loosens his grip, Michael Andrews slings him into the center of the ring with a fireman's carry. Michael Andrews grabs his arm and stands up. Michael Andrews pulls Chang Takata up and steps into his midsection with his shoulder and picks up Chang Takata! Michael Andrews spins Chang over and drives him into the center of the ring with a screwdriver!!! Chang Takata's head bounces off the mat and Michael Andrews goes for a cover!! ONE!!!! TWO!!!!!!! NO!!! Chang Takata kicks out!! ::

Doc: Michael Andrews has managed to get back in control after that attack from Kronos. Thank God that didn't end the match for him.

Johnny: Michael Andrews is going to lose here, just like he lost to Iron Yuppy. Just like he lost to Flyguy... Just like he has lost everytime he has held the world title. Michael Andrews just can't come through in the end. The Klan will annhilate him.

Doc: Don't like it, but I have to agree... The Klan won't take to losing... And there's way to many of them.

:: Michael Andrews stands up, and walks over to the corner. Kronos hops up on the apron and starts yelling at Andrews. Andrews starts over towards Kronos but Kronos leaps down at the last second as Michael Andrews reaches for him. Michael Andrews points at him yelling and suddenly Chang Takata grabs his tights and rolls him up holding the tights!!! ONE!!! TWO!!! THR- NO!!! Michael Andrews kicks out at the last moment. Chang Takata hits the mat in frustration and immiediatly boots Michael Andrews in the ribs! Michael Andrews winces and grabs them. Chang Takata looks down and the light bulb goes off. He realizes the ribs are tender and hurt from when Kronos hit him with the staff earlier! Chang Takata begins to unload with the boots into the ribs! Michael Andrews crawls over to the ropes. As Chang Takata goes for a waistlock, Michael Andrews fires a uppercut and sends Chang back! Michael Andrews stands up and slaps Chang on the chest with an open palm. Michael Andrews with a clothesline, knocking Chang Takata down!! Michael Andrews immediatly pulls up Chang Takata and starts to lift him up! Chang Takata fires a right hand into the injured ribs of Michael Andrews! He almost loses his grib and has to change his plans.. Michael Andrews instead delivers a reverse suplex, planting Chang Takata on the mat on his face!! Michael Andrews drops an elbow onto the back of Chang Takata and then stands up, Chang Takata gets to his knees and Michael Andrews fires a fist downward into his face! Chang Takata blocks it and grabs the hand of Michael Andrews. Chang Takata and Michael Andrews lock up hand to hand!! ::

Doc: Wow! I haven't seen this in a VERY long time!! They are playing a common schoolyard game known as Mercy!

Johnny: This used to be a very popular wrestling move, but you don't see it much anymore. It's a great test of strength!

:: Michael Andrews steps in for leverage and Chang Takata does the same. Shoulder to shoulder, they push each other!! Each man trying to get the better of his opponent. Chang Takata throws a couple of high knees into the injured ribs of Michael Andrews!! Michael Andrews starts to drop! Chang Takata starts turning the wrists to lock it in! NO! Michael Andrews stands up! He exerts a tremendous amount of energy and drives the shoulders again! Michael Andrews drops Chang Takata to a knee!! Michael Andrews turns his wrists over and locks Chang Takata in this painful submission hold!!! Chang Takata screams as Michael Andrews starts shaking as he applies all the pressure he can!! Chang Takata screams again, but refuses to say "I Quit". Chang Takata tries to push against the hold, but Michael Andrews has it completely locked in and has locked his elbows in place. Michael Andrews yells at Chang Takata to give up!!! Chang Takata drives his head into the injured ribs of Michael Andrews!! Michael Andrew's hold loosens! Chang Takata once again drives his head into the ribs!! Michael Andrews nearly collapses and it's all the time that Chang Takata needs to pull away!! Chang Takata drives a boot into those injured ribs and snatches Michael Andrews into a front facelock! Chang Takata spins Andrews around and drives a knee up into his ribs. Chang Takata does this again, as Michael Andrews tries furious to get away from the front facelock! Chang Takata hooks up Michael Andrews arms in a double underhook and drives his knees into Michael Andrews ribs again! Chang Takata lifts him up! BUTTERFLY POWERBOMB!!! Chang Takata holds the shoulders down!! ONE!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!! THR- NO!!!!!!!!!!! Michael Andrews kicks out!! ::

Doc: I cannot believe that Michael Andrews is still going with those bruised ribs.. He's a true warrior.

Johnny: It will be fruitless Doc.. He's against a Klanmember. That means he's against the entire Klan!

Doc: I agree.. Kronos has already caused a distraction and nearly cost Michael Andrews the match already.

:: Michael Andrews lays motionless on the mat after kicking out. Chang Takata stands up and stomps on his ribs again. Chang Takata pulls him up and steps behind him. Chang Takata locks in an abdominal stretch, exposing the injured ribs of Michael Andrews! Chang Takata pulls on the area, causing the referee to check with Michael Andrews to see if he is ok! Michael Andrews refuses to quit and behind the referee's back, Kronos leans on the apron, allowing Chang Takata to hook up with his hands and cause the Abdominal Stretch to be even more painful! The referee doesn't know what's going on, but Michael Andrews is screaming from the pain! The referee goes around to the back, but Kronos lets go and drops down below the view of the referee. The referee doesn't see anything so he goes back to check on Andrews, allowing Chang and Kronos to double team on the move again. Michael Andrews begins to yell again as Kronos pulls on the hand of Chang Takata, putting tremendous pressure on those ribs. The referee finally goes back around and this time catches Kronos in the act. Kronos lets go, but isn't fast enough and the referee warns him that he's going to the back if he tries that again! Michael Andrews lays motionless in the abdominal stretch. Chang Takata pounds the ribs and then releases the hold. He lets Michael Andrews fall to the mat and drives an elbow down into the ribs. Michael Andrews grimaces and grits his teeth. Chang Takata pulls him up and boots him in the ribs before picking him up and dropping him down, ribs first across his knee. Michael Andrews twists and turns as he rolls off the knee and onto the mat, holding his ribs. ::

Johnny: Wow.. That was incredible!

Doc: Blatent cheating by Kronos and Chang Takata. That's unbelievable. Kronos needs to be sent to the back.

Johnny: It's all too late now!!

:: Chang Takata pulls Michael Andrews up again and Michael Andrews fires a punch into Takata's face! Michael Andrews is spaghetti legged as he falls foward, driving his elbow into the face of Chang Takata. Michael Andrews throws another punch, but it is blocked off by Chang Takata. Chang Takata grabs Michael Andrews by the back of his head and slings him face first into the top turnbuckle. Chang Takata slams his head again and climbs up two steps and then finally to the top rope, still holding Michael Andrews by the hair. Chang Takata lets go and flies off, hooking his legs around the head of Michael Andrews and spiking him into the mat with a viscious frankensteiner! Chang Takata stands up and climbs back on the ropes again. He climbs to the top rope and comes off with a flying headbutt into the ribs of Michael Andrews! Michael Andrews grimaces as Chang Takata grabs the pants of Andrews and hauls the leg up, pinning him!! ONE!! TWO!!!!!!!!!! THRE- NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Michael Andrews kicks out again!! Michael Andrews refuses to go down! Chang Takata is livid at the referee but he keeps his temper under control! Michael Andrews stands up, weakened by the match, and holding his ribs!! Chang Takata picks him up and drives him again to the mat with a suplex!! MICHAEL ANDREWS FEET HIT THE REFEREE!! ::

Doc: Totally unintentional by Michael Andrews. It was actually Chang Takata's fault. He's the one who lifted his feet up there in the first place!

Johnny: Nah... Michael Andrews just doesn't want to be pinned...

:: Chang Takata goes over to grab Michael Andrews again! Michael Andrews blocks his attempt and fires with a right hand, connecting with Chang Takata! Michael Andrews now blocks another attack! Chang Takata fires a chop and it doesn't phase Michael Andrews! Michael Andrews grabs Chang Takata and slings him into the ropes! As he's coming off the ropes, Michael Andrews grabs him and spins him around, slamming him into the mat! Chang Takata hits hard and Michael Andrews starts stomping on him! Michael Andrews continues the assault on Chang Takata and Kronos grabs the half of his cane that has the metal head. He climbs into the ring and starts stalking towards Michael Andrews, but Michael Andrews turns around!! Michael Andrews grabs Kronos by his shirt and blocks the attempt to swing the cane! Michael Andrews grabs it and chunks it out of the ring!! Michael Andrews now balls his fist up and prepares to punch Kronos is the faces as the fans roar approval. Suddenly Michael Andrews goes limp!! CHRIS SCARLET WITH A CHAIR SHOT!!! Chris Scarlet drops Michael Andrews to save his mentor from attack! Chris Scarlet now helps Chang Takata up as Kronos straightens his tie! Kronos, Chang Takata and Chris Scarlet all begin to stomp on Michael Andrews!!! ::

Doc: This is despicable!

Johnny: I told you the Klan wouldn't let this rest!!


:: The crowd goes nuts as they see the man they know as a Klan hater... The man they know as Michael Andrew's friend.. Awesome Australian comes down the ramp with a chair. He slides into the ring and his first swing takes out his opponent for later tonight! Chris Scarlet hits the mat, face first and Chang Takata swings his foot at AA. AA just backs up and swings the chair again, this time connecting with the side of the head of Chang Takata!! Kronos runs out of the ring as both of his warriors fall! He begins waving from the back and Iron Yuppy, Monster Mac, and Mad Jester come running out!! The Trio of Terror hit the ring and immediatly go after Awesome Australian... Only a few seconds pass before Legacy and Lizzard come out from the back as well. Legacy and Lizzard, both members of Armageddon with AA are quick to defend their own. They rush the ring and begin brawling with the three men in it. The referee wakes back up to the carnage and has no idea what to do. He leaves the ring and just waits for the chaos to clear so he can get back to the match. And chaos it is, as the old fued between the Kronos Klan and Armageddon begins writing another chapter. Legacy is immediatly double teamed by Iron Yuppy and Mad Jester to take turns trying to take the monster down. Michael Andrews lays motionless on the mat still, as does Chang Takata and Chris Scarlet! Awesome Australian and Lizzard are working over Monster Mac in the corner! This match is completely out of control!! Awesome Australian notices Legacy on his knees as Iron Yuppy and Mad Jester keep bunching him. Awesome Australian grabs Iron Yuppy and plants him with a bulldog! Mad Jester turns his attention to AA and they lock horns with each other and fall out of the ring!! Lizzard continues his assault on Monster Mac in the corner and Legacy stands back up. Legacy notices Chris Scarlet is getting up and he grabs him by the throat. Legacy yanks him up into the air seven feet and drives him down with his thunderous Choke-Bomb! Michael Andrews stands up and looks at Legacy, his eyes still out of focus from before! ::

Doc: OH NO! Michael Andrews doesn't know what is going on! He just woke up and he doesn't know who hit him with that chair! The bodies of the Klan and Armageddon are laying out everywhere!!

Johnny: GO GET LEGACY!! Yeah!! That's what you need to do!!

:: Michael Andrews looks around unsure what is going on. He lifts his hands up for defense and looks at Legacy again. He isn't sure if he's friend or foe and he doesn't want to take any chances. Michael Andrews notices Chang Takata laying on the mat and looks around for the referee. ::

Michael Andrews: What's going on!?

Legacy: You're Match!!

Michael Andrews: It's still going on?

Legacy: YEAH!

:: Michael Andrews looks down at Chang Takata and then falls across him for the cover! The referee enters the ring and quickly counts!! ONE!! TWO!! THR- NO!! Chang Takata kicks out before the referee's hand can hit for the last time. Iron Yuppy pulls himself up, looking around but he is quickly grabbed by Legacy!! Legacy locks his hands around Iron Yuppy's throat and Iron Yuppy responds with a swift kick to the groin! Legacy falls to his knee's and Iron Yuppy pushes him backwards through the ropes to the floor! Iron Yuppy rushes at Andrews who is still getting up! Iron Yuppy plants his shoulders into the injured ribs of Michael Andrews and Michael Andrews goes down. About this time, Monster Mac fires back with a couple of right hands and a chop on Lizzard!! Iron Yuppy turns and notices Mac is in trouble! Iron Yuppy walks up behind Lizzard and Monster Mac decks him, sending him spinning around.. Iron Yuppy grabs Lizzard and lifts him up... IRON SPIKE!! Iron Yuppy drops Lizzard with his devestating finisher!! Monster Mac grabs Lizzard.. HAMMERTIME!!! Monster Mac drives Lizzard down as well. Iron Yuppy and Monster Mac roll Lizzard out of the ring!! Chang Takata stands back up and grabs Michael Andrews!! He slings Michael Andrews to "The Franchise" Iron Yuppy and Monster Mac! Monster Mac lifts Andrews up.... HAMMERTIME!!! Monster Mac drills Michael Andrews into the mat!! Chang Takata smiles and walks over, he steps his foot on the chest of Michael Andrews!! ONE!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!! CRACK!!! Chang Takata falls forward, standing behind him wielding a steel char is SUPERSLAM TED WILDER!! Superslam is taped up and grimacing, you can tell it hurt just to swing that chair. Superslam looks to the outside and noticed that Mad Jester has AA on the floor, smashing his fists into his face... Legacy is slowly getting up on the outside!! Michael Andrews is still out cold... Chris Scarlet is not moving... Chang Takata is down.. Superslam then lifts his eyes to meet he furious pair standing in front of him. He backs up as Iron Yuppy and Monster Mac start towards him!! ::

Doc: That was a brave move by Superslam to step in there and help out Armageddon, but he isn't in the condition to be doing this!! Not at all!!

Johnny: And he's about to get crucified by Monster Mac and Iron Yuppy! HOPE YOU ENJOYED THAT, HERO!

Doc: Chill out Johnny!!

Johnny: It's the Klan!! I can't help it!!

:: Iron Yuppy grabs Superslam by the arm and Monster Mac motions for Yuppy to bring him over. Yuppy holds Superslams hands behind him as Monster Mac begins to strike his ribs over and over!! The fans are going crazy booing what they are seeing in front of them... The men they were so anxious to see are now being pelted with trash!! Suddenly Iron Yuppy lets Superslam go and the looming shadow of Legacy comes hard and fast! He strikes Monster Mac from behind with a thunderous clothesline! Surveying the damage outside, Iron Yuppy notices that Mad Jester is now laying out cold on the concrete floor, bleeding from his head. Awesome Australian is propped up against the guardrail. Chris Scarlet is slowly beginning to stir, but is still out of it. Michael Andrews and Chang Takata, who are supposed to be having a match are now laying out cold in the ring! Lizzard is unseen, but remains on the ground outside. A folding chair is around the neck of their manager Kronos and he's laying on the ground outside as well.. Only God knows who put it there. Iron Yuppy turns and faces Legacy who backhands him in the face! Iron Yuppy reels and Monster Mac comes from behind with a chair, hitting Legacy's back as hard as he can!! Legacy rolls is neck and the huge seven foot four monster turns to face his former rival. Monster Mac swings the chair again and it connects with Legacy's face! Legacy stumbles and Iron Yuppy clips the back of his knee!! Legacy topples over them both and Monster Mac begins violently unloading on him with chair shots on the head!! Iron Yuppy pulls him up and lifts up the monster... IRON SPIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Iron Yuppy connects!!! ::

Doc: SWEET LORD! Legacy just got planted by the Iron Spike!!!

Johnny: Nobody can stand up to the Kronos Klan.. Not Legacy.. Not Awesome Australian!! It doesn't matter how many title belts, you have held... It doesn't matter how many times you've stood as the winner!! When you face the Klan.. YOU LOSE!

:: Iron Yuppy rolls Legacy out of the ring and slaps Monster Mac on the chest! Monster Mac yells as Iron Yuppy screams and they look around the area!! Chris Scarlet rolls into the ring and stands up with his Kronos Klan brothers!! Mad Jester is still laying unconsious!! Suddenly, Ted Wilder's body is jerked from the ring. Awesome Australian pulls him out and pushes him against the guardrail. AA tries to avoid further damage to his injured friend. The Klan doesn't even notice as Iron Yuppy and Monster Mac start stomping on Michael Andrews. Chris Scarlet drops back to the floor and begins to help up his mentor Kronos! It's all too late for him though as he is once again nailed in the back of the head by a chair!! AA is the wielder once again and he slams it on Kronos for good measure. AA is being flanked by Legacy who is shaking off the cobwebs. AA points at Mad Jester and Legacy pulls him up, driving him into the cement with Revenge De Grace to be sure that they have no further problems from him!! Legacy and AA enter the ring and Iron Yuppy and Monster Mac quickly turn to face them. AA and Legacy rush forward, AA swings his chair, nearly taking Iron Yuppy's head off!!! Monster Mac throws punches at Legacy, but AA quickly dispatches him with a chair as well!! Chang Takata starts to stir on the mat, but AA just pulls him to his feet and levels him with a chair as well!! ::

Doc: YEAH! It's about time! Armageddon is getting this back under control! AA and Legacy are taking out the Klan!

Johnny: They're a bunch of lousy cheaters!!

:: The fans are on their feet, chanting X - B - W - L!!! X - B - W - L!!! AA lifts the chair into the air and blood runs from it. Legacy points to the crowd and then back to his t-shirt which reads Armageddon, and the fans break into a chant of ARMA-GEDDON, ARMA-GEDDON, ARMA-GEDDON! AA lifts up Michael Andrews and sits him in the corner. He then lifts up Chang Takata and sits him in the other corner. He yells at the referee to get into the ring!! The referree enters and AA pushes Iron Yuppy and Monster Mac outside!! Legacy and AA step to the outside and the ring is finally clear!! ::

Doc: Finally we can get back to this match!

Johnny: YEAH! RIGHT! Awesome Australian just took out Chang Takata with a chair less than a minute ago!

Doc: Where were you with the Klan was tearing apart Andrews?

Johnny: Andrews provoked them... The Klan did nothing to Armageddon!! :: Michael Andrews is the first to rise to his feet, staggering around, looking at the carnage around him.. He doesn't know what has happened... He looks at the entire Kronos Klan, including their leader, laying out around the ring. AA and Legacy are standing near the ramp with Lizzard and Superslam supported on them. Michael Andrews looks around to the crowd and they're all cheering for him!! ::

Doc: He feels it Johnny! It's time!

Johnny: This is a disgrace!

:: Michael Andrews grabs Chang Takata. He lifts him up!!! SIDE SWIPE PLEX!!!!!!!! The fans hit their feet, showing their support. Michael Andrews falls across Chang Takata and the fans are all counting with the refere!!!!! ONE!!!!!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!! THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::

Doc: HE'S DONE IT!!!


Doc: MICHAEL ANDREWS HAS ADVANCED!! Along with Monster Mac and Mean Mark Mease... Michael Andrews is finally on the road to the XBWL World Heavyweight Title again!!!

Johnny: He hasn't seen the last of the Kronos Klan, and Kronos is going to be pissed when he reorganizes his troops. You can guarantee that we will see more of this tonight in the Main Event! Awesome Australian and Chris Scarlet STILL have to meet in the Main Event of tonights show!!!

:: Michael Andrews celebrates in the ring with Armageddon!!! The Kronos Klan slowly makes their way up and back to the back, they are all very pissed off and threaten the competitors in the ring. Chris Scarlet gives a ME AND YOU signal to Awesome Australian as he walks away! ::

Doc: Looks like the main event is heating up here tonight. I have to say that I am looking forward to this. Michael Andrews is in the title game once again. This could be his greatest accomplishment!

Johnny: Kronos Klan is going to destroy Awesome Australian later in this very show.

Doc: Maybe, but Armageddon has already won round one with the Klan.

Johnny: I thought that Michael Andrews wasn't in Armageddon?

Doc: He's not.. But the battle lines are drawn.

:: The screen fades out and fades to the back locker room. The Beast, Matt Austin and Hawk Henshaw are sitting in the locker room talking. Hawk Henshaw is strapping up his tights and lacing his boots. ::

Matt Austin: So Hawk man... I heard a whole lot of rumors. I heard you might have died in 9/11. I called and paged... I tried my best to get in touch with you, but I couldn't find you at all. What happened man?

Hawk Henshaw: Not really something I want to talk about. I lost my fiance in the towers... I had a tour of Afganistan, but I learned quickly that the military life was not for me. They gave me special permission to reenlist, since I had been in before, but seeing a few of my brothers die out there made me start to miss civilian life real quick. I was given a release for psychiatric reasons.

Matt Austin: Man.. I'm sorry to hear that. I guess the three of us really lost touch over the past few years. It's good to see the Elements of Supremacy back together again. ya know?

:: The Beast pats Matt Austin on the back. ::

The Beast: One of you are gonna bring the World Title home to the Elements of Supremacy and I'm bringing home the Hardcore Title where it belongs. No reason for all three of us to be in this World Title tournament because they'd have a Elements of Supremacy lined card and we'd all be fighting each other!

Hawk Henshaw: The talent here isn't all push overs though. And now we have the Empire of Damage breathing down our neck and we have Kronos Klan and Armegeddon here tonight as well.

Matt Austin: Let Legacy get within ten feet of me and I'll end his fucking career again!

Hawk Henshaw: Careful there stud. I think we have more problems to worry about with Kronos Klan and Empire of Damage.

Matt Austin: Well I'm going to make Creeping Death my BITCH, but right now you have Mr. Rage and you gotta go out there and take care of business. If you get in any trouble at all, me and The Beast will have your back!

Hawk Henshaw: I know Matt... I don't doubt that... Let's take care of business!

:: The screen fades back to the sold out XBWL Arena and finally back to Wrestling Doctor and Johnny Diamond. ::

Doc: And that's the next match we have!!

:: "I Dissappear" by Metallica blares into the XBWL Arena. The XBWL-tron lights up showing Mr. Rage winning the XBWL World Heavyweight title and his original days as a member of the Evil Empire before finally finding his home in the Empire of Damage. The lights flash and flutter and Mr. Rage walks out, flanked by Phantom Lord and Creeping Death!! After a couple of moments, the crowd dies down with the booing enough to let Mr. Rage continue to the ring. He slides under the bottom rope and Phantom Lord stands in the corner. Creeping Death begins circling the outside of the ring, looking in. ::

Doc: Hawk Henshaw may have his work cut out for hime here tonight.

Johnny: Yeah, I couldn't have said it better. The Empire of Damage really wants to pull it together and I think they have to do it tonight by taking out Hawk Henshaw now, and Matt Austin later.

:: "TOUCH ME, THRILL ME" by U2 explodes into the XBWL Arena and the XBWL-tron starts to flash with images of great leaders and heroes in history... both real and imaginary Martin Luther King, Superman, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Ghandi, and finally President Bush... The fans explode in cheers for the current American President, expecially when Hawk Henshaw walks out, waving the American Flag!! He is dressed in his traditional attire, and wearing a long blue coat that reads USA on the back! Around Hawk Henshaw's waist is the Interfed Championship that he won in the Suicide Tournament... A belt that he won a few years ago and has defended all over the world. ::

Doc: The fans are on their feet for this XBWL legend!! He considers himself to be one of the true heroes of the XBWL. He has always been respected by the locker room and the fans! He is loved the world over... He is one of the best!
Johnny: But tonight he has to beat one of the best! He has to beat Mr. Rage! Mr. Rage is a member of the Empire of Damage and he's flanked by Creeping Death!!

:: Hawk Henshaw looks down the ramp and looks at what is waiting on him. He shakes his head and walks to the back. His music starts again as he comes out... This time without the belt, without the flag, but being flanked by Matt Austin and The Beast! The Elements of Supremacy makes their way to ringside!! ::

Doc: They aren't gonna take it laying down! Empire of Damage is going to have to take them ALL on if they want to interfere!!

Johnny: There's a lot more Empire of Damage than there is Elements of Supremacy...

:: "Hail to the Chief" plays and Johnny Macaroni steps out from the back. ::

Johnny Macaroni: This isn't going to turn into another group combat brawl! If anyone from the Empire of Damage or Elements of Supremacy interferes in this match, then I will disqualify both teams from the rest of the tournament!!!

:: Creeping Death and Phantom Lord start going spastic at the ringside area. ::

Johnny Macaroni: Now don't you all have matches to get ready for? Get the hell back to the back, I don't want any excuses!

:: Creeping Death and Phantom Lord don't like it, but they have no choice but to go to the back. Matt Austin and The Beast wait until they go to the back, and then they go to the back as well. ::

Doc: Well it looks like Johnny Macaroni has laid down the law.. Looks like we're just going to see a great wrestling match here tonight! Not a huge brawl!

Johnny: That wasn't really fair for the Empire of Damage, but as long as Matt Austin and The Beast are gone.. I'll be ok with it... Mr. Rage is an old school competitor and he'll do just fine against Hawk Henshaw. When Hawk Henshaw was still a kid wrestling has Hollywood Henshaw, Mr. Rage was winning World Titles!

Doc: And when Hawk Henshaw grew up and was winning World Titles.. Mr. Rage was sitting on his ass at home... No offense to him.

Johnny: Strong words there Doc.. I'm impressed!

:: The referee rings the bell and Hawk Henshaw locks up with Mr. Rage in the center of the ring. Mr. Rage pushes Henshaw back and Henshaw responds with a chop to the chest of Rage. Rage grabs his chest and Henshaw unloads with one of his patented jabs! Henshaw's career as a professional boxer comes into play early as he unloads with several stomach punches, followed by a roundhouse punch that sends Rage sprawling backwards into the ropes. Rage shakes it off and walks forward, only to meet a short clothesline by Henshaw. Henshaw pulls him back up to his feet and Rage's lip is already bleeding! Henshaw slings Rage into the ropes and catches him on the return with a backdrop! Henshaw turns around and drives a knee downwards into the skull of Rage. Rage grabs his skull and Henshaw stands up, pulling Rage up as well. Henshaw holds his head still and swings another punch! Rage blocks it and thumbs Henshaw in the eye! Henshaw is temporarily blinded and this gives Rage the opportunity to quickly give him a snap suplex! Rage sits up immediatly and stands, turning around and stomping on Henshaw's shoulder! Henshaw quickly gets up as well and nails a punch to the midsection as he does. This causes Rage to double over... Henshaw delivers a stiff kick to the midsection as well and then applies a front facelock to Rage that he uses to start his suplex! Rage hits the mat hard and Henshaw faces the back of his head and applies a reverse chinlock! Rage is still too fresh for this move however, and he quickly delivers some back elbows to break it up! Henshaw stands up and drops his knee into the back of Rage who feels the impact, but is still able to get up. Henshaw and Rage circle each other before locking up again! Henshaw drives a knee forward into the gut of Rage and uses the momentum from Rage's loss of balance to nail him with another short clothesline! Rage stumples even further and Hawk Henshaw rebounds off the ropes with a flying fist that does the job and takes Rage down! ::

Doc: Hawk Henshaw is really taking it to Rage here tonight!

Johnny: Those punches of Henshaw should be illegal! He was a boxer!

:: Henshaw pulls Rage up and slings him to the ropes. Henshaw prepares for a back drop but Rage realizes what he has planned and delivers a swift kick to the shoulder. Henshaw grabs his shoulder and Rage locks him in a front facelock. Rage lifts Henshaw up and drops him with a belly to back suplex! Rage stands back up and grabs the stunned Henshaw. He pulls him up again and this time drops him with a Fire Thunder Driver!! Henshaw hits hard on the mat and lays there! Rage covers him! ONE!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!! NO!! Hawk Henshaw kicks out! Mr. Rage stands up and pulls Hawk Henshaw to his feet. Henshaw is a little off balance, but still had the presence of mind to kick out from that three count! Rage nails Hawk Henshaw with a belly to belly suplex and walks over to where he lands. Rage boots Henshaw a couple times and then drives an elbow into his sternum! Henshaw rolls away to stand back up! Rage walks over and drives his fist into the forehead of Hawk Henshaw who falls back a little bit, sitting down. Rage boots him in the chest and then walks behind him!! Snapmare!! Henshaw snaps forward and then back as his back and neck are jerked. Rage stands back up and grabs Henshaw by his hair. He pulls him up to his feet and slings him into the turnbuckle! Rage runs in with a body splash! NO! Hawk Henshaw with a boot up! Hawk Henshaw gets the boot up and nails Rage right in the face! Rage reels and Henshaw follows it up by grabbing Rage behind the neck and slinging him back first into the turnbuckle! Henshaw now climbs the turnbuckle and closes and raises his fist!! ONE!! TWO!!! THREE!! Henshaw slams his fist into the head of Mr. Rage three times as the fans count along! Suddenly Rage grabs Henshaw's legs and powers him out of the corner!! Rage takes Henshaw to the middle of the ring before driving him with an inverted Atomic Drop! Hawk Henshaw grabs his groin and turns, allowing Rage to grab his arms.. DRAGON SUPLEX!! He's holding it and the referree is counting!! ONE!!!!!! TWO!!!! NO!! Hawk Henshaw kicks out of the Dragon Suplex!

Doc: Hawk Henshaw and Mr. Rage are all over each other! A very good test of these two athletes. I expected Mr. Rage to have some serious ring rust with his years away from the squared circle.

Johnny: It's just like riding your bike.. Once you remember, you never forget... Well.. Unless you're Grizzle.

Doc: Heh.. I'm not gonna laugh.

Johnny: You did to!

Doc: Did not!!!

:: Hawk Henshaw gets up to his knees and Mr. Rage gives him a boot to the midsection. This causes Henshaw to flip over on his back. Mr. Rage pulls him up and goes to punch him again, but Henshaw blocks! Henshaw fires a punch to the midsection and then one to the ribs. Mr. Rage grabs his midsection and Hawk Henshaw stands up. He whips Rage into the ropes and catches him coming back with a flying punch to the face! Henshaw sends Rage to the mat and Henshaw climbs on top of Rage! Henshaw pushes Rage's chin up and starts unloading with several shots to the chin. The referee warns Henshaw of the closed fist and Henshaw dismounts Rage. Rage starts getting up. holding and pushing his jaw from one side to the other to make sure it isn't broken. Henshaw grabs Rage and steps over his head! Henshaw lifts Rage up for the powerbomb!! No!! Rage punches Henshaw in the face and rolls forward!! Rage splits his legs and drops down, hooking Henshaw's head!! Rage attempts a tornado DDT, but Henshaw drops down, forcing Rage to his feet. Rage still has Henshaw hooked in a front facelock and he tries to use it to suplex Henshaw, but Henshaw blocks two attempts! Henshaw drives fists into Rage's ribs, trying to get him to release!! Henshaw is jerked around by Mr. Rage and his neck takes some serious jerking! Mr. Rage tries again and this time is successful in his fall away suplex attempt on Hawk Henshaw! Henshaw hits the mat and Rage springs to his feet! He pulls Henshaw up again and slings him to the ropes! Mr Rage with a sunset flip!! Attempting to pull Henshaw down, but Henshaw is able to maintain his balance! Henshaw drops to his knee's but Mr. Rage slides out at the last second! Rage stands up and grabs Henshaw's arm! Mr. Rage with a crossface chickenwing on Henshaw! He locks his legs around his waist and sinks it in! ::

Johnny: Henshaw may be in trouble now! Looks like he's going to submit!

Doc: Mr. Rage is deciding the pace of this match and that's not good for Henshaw. Henshaw needs to slow it down and use those hard hitting fist to stun Rage and go for the Hawkdrop if he wants to win this.

Johnny: Tap out Henshaw!

:: Hawk Henshaw tries to fight against the hold but to no avail! Rage pulls harder and harder on the hold, sending the pain into his shoulder and neck! Henshaw reaches out with his free arm.. Trying to reach the ropes.. They are only slightly out of his grasb, but Henshaw can't budge Rage that short distance! Henshaw lays in pain, trying and struggling to find a way out of this devestating submission hold! Henshaw reaches and reaches, each time it seems like he pushes a little further and almost gets to the rops! Hawk Henshaw pulls and pulls, the fans chanting his name and FINALLY! Hawk Henshaw reaches the ropes! The referee forces Mr. Rage to break the hold, but Rage holds on for his full three and a half seconds before letting go! Henshaw pulls himself towards the ropes and then uses them to get back up! Mr. Rage goes right after him. Grabbing the arm that he was just inflicting the damage on and pulling Henshaw to the center of the ring and locks in a standing armbar, putting pressure on the shoulder. Hawk Henshaw once again feeling the pain of a submission hold with no ropes in sight! Hawk Henshaw twists and turns, eventually causing Mr. Rage to lose his iron grip and then Henshaw jerks his arms free and spins around, delivering a hard punch to the jaw of Rage! Rage is stunned! Henshaw slings him to the ropes and catches him coming back with a backdrop! Henshaw now on fire as the crowd comes alive! Henshaw stomps on the chest of Mr. Rage and then pulls him up again. Henshaw sends Rage into the turnbuckle and rushes in! Leaping up on the calves of Rage and sending him flying out of the corner with a monkey flip! Henshaw back to his feet and starts climbing the ropes! Henshaw comes off the top with a flying elbow that connects with Rage!! Rage is hurt as Henshaw pulls him back up and delivers a stunning crucifix powerbomb into the center of the ring! Henshaw goes for the cover!! ONE!! TWO!!! TH- NO!!!!!!! Mr. Rage kicks out! ::

Doc: Henshaw has really regained control of his match. He's got his second wind and the crowd is loving it!

Johnny: Mr. Rage isn't out of it though.. Look at him! He's still getting back up!

:: Hawk Henshaw and Mr. Rage both stand up at about the same time. Mr. Rage fires a punch and Henshaw fires a punch! Back and forth trading blows... Henshaw finally connects with a punch that sends Rage down!! Henshaw covers again!! ONE!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!! Mr. Rage kicks out!!

Johnny: That didn't take him out! Henshaw should no better!

Doc: Mr. Rage cannot go punch for punch with Hawk Henshaw... That's a losing battle!

:: Henshaw gets up, a little bit of frustration evident on his face. He pulls Mr. Rage up and slings him to the ropes. He catches him coming back with a tilt a whirl backbreaker! Hawk Henshaw now applying an STF to Rage! Rage reaches out for the ropes but they are too far away. Rage furiously trying to find a way out, but refusing to submit! The referee continues to check on Rage but he doesn't tap out! Hawk Henshaw eventually decides this isn't going to work so he releases Rage! Hawk Henshaw now pulling Rage back up! Belly to Back Suplex by Henshaw sending Rage down! Henshaw now with a leg drop on Rage! Henshaw pulls the leg for the cover again! ONE!!!! TWO!!! NO!!! Hawk Henshaw gets back up and pulls Rage up as well. Rage unloads with a fury of gut punches and finally a european uppercut that stuns Henshaw. Rage now off the ropes with a flying forearm smash that takes Henshaw down!! Mr. Rage now pulls Henshaw up... gut wrench suplex by Rage! Rage pulls Henshaw back up! RAGE SETS HIM UP FOR THE BOMBTRACK!! HE CONNECTS!!! Rage lifts his hands high in the air and turns to the fans to celebrate, but they are booing him. He drops across Henshaw with an arrogant cover!! ONE!!!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!! NO!!!! Hawk Henshaw kicks out of Rage's devestating finisher!! Rage is beside himself! Rage is accusing the referee of counting to slow, but it was fair! The referee called it right down the middle!! ::

Doc: That's very impressive for Hawk Henshaw to kick out of the Bombtrack! I cannot believe it!!

Johnny: Mr. Rage cannot be happy about that one.

:: Henshaw slow to get up and Rage boots him in the ribs a couple of times and pulls him dead center of the ring. Rage takes him up for another Bombtrack, but Hensahw kicks him in the stomach and delivers a knee to his face! Henshaw unloads with a pair of punches on Rage and slings him to the turnbuckle! Hawk Henshaw hits him with a splash and Rage falls to the mat! Hawk Henshaw pulls him up and slings him tot he ropes, catching him on the return with a powerful bodyslam! Hawk Henshaw pulls him up and drives him down to the mat with another slam for good measure and then goes to the top rope!! Hawk Henshaw is setting up for the Flying Hawkdrop!! FLYING HAWKDROP!!! NO!!!!!!! MR RAGE MOVES!!! Henshaw hits hard and sits holding his leg as Rage slowly gets up. Rage boots Hawk Henshaw in the shoulder and then drops an elbow right into it! Hawk Henshaw starts trying to get up, not putting pressure on the leg he just jammed. Rage notices the tender leg and immediatly starts putting the boots to it! Hawk Henshaw is forces to roll out of the ring to avoid the pain from his leg! Mr Rage hits the opposite turnbuckle and comes at Henshaw!! Baseball Slide!! Henshaw's takes two boots in the face and fles back into the guardrail!! Rage leaves the ring and grabs Henshaw, slamming his skull into the guardrail! ONE!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!! THREE!!!!!!!!! FOUR!!!!!!!!!!! Henshaw blocks the fifth attempt! Henshaw with a back elbow, He's bleeding from his face!! Henshaw now slams Mr. Rage's face into the guardrail! ONE!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!! THREE!!!!!!!! FOUR!!! FIVE!!!!!!!! Hawk Henshaw pulls him back and blood pours from his nose. Hawk Henshaw spins him around and rolls him in the ring! Hawk Henshaw rolls in quickly after him and pulls him to his feet!!! Hawk Henshaw with a butterfly suplex! It positions Mr. Rage in the center of the ring!


:: Hawk Henshaw leaps to the top rope... FLYING HAWKDROP!!!!!!!!! Hawk Henshaw covers!!! He rolls over and grabs the leg! ONE!!!!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!!!!! THREE!!!!!!!!!!! Hawk Henshaw is the winner!!! The bell rings!!

Doc: Hawk Henshaw has put away Mr. Rage!! He's standing up for celebration!!

Johnny: Unbelievable! Hawk Henshaw with the victory!

:: Hawk Henshaw stands up as the fans come to their feet to cheer him on! Hawk Henshaw climbs to the top turnbuckle! *CRACK!!!* Hawk Henshaw falls to the floor!! Creeping Death and Mr. Misery start stomping on Hawk Henshaw!! Creeping Death picks him up and slams him in the center of the ring! Matt Austin and The Beast hit the ring!! As soon as Matt Austin and The Beast get into the ring they push Mr. Misery to the outside and start working over Creeping Death!! King Nothing, Snakecharmer and Machine come in from behing with Phantom Lord! They all begin to assault Matt Austin and The Beast! The odds are just to much! Matt Austin and The Beast get taken out quickly and Mr. Rage takes his turn planting Hawk Henshaw over and over with the Bombtrack!! Mr. Misery, King Nothing, Creeping Death, Mr. Rage, Snakecharmer, and Machine take turns destroying Matt Austin, The Beast, and Hawk Henshaw!! The Empire of Damage leaves the Elements of Supremacy laying in their own blood and start up the ramp. When they get to the top, Phantom Lord pulls out a microphone. ::


:: Creeping Death grabs the mic. ::

Creeping Death: Matt Austin! Later tonight... Me and you are going to meet in that ring!! And you know what? I won't need the Empire of Damage to get the job done... I will take care you PERSONALLY!

:: Empire of Damage turns and walks away as "I Dissappear" plays through the arena. ::

Doc: Can you believe what the Empire of Damage did? How horrible! This is unbelievable!!

Johnny: They were warned!!

Doc: Are you serious? You are SUPPORTING this?

Johnny: They were warned Doc... They were warned...

:: Doc and Johnny fade out to the backstage area where Johnny Rebel is shown lacing up his boots. The fans cheer and pop when they see the "New Franchise" for the first time in years. As he laces, a large shadow falls over him and he looks up to see the face of Legacy standing over him. Johnny Rebel drops his boot to the floor and stands up to face him. ::

Johnny Rebel: What do you want?

Legacy: We coulda used your help out there tonight. The Klan was all over us.

Johnny Rebel: Yeah... Well your battle isn't really mine anymore.

Legacy: I wouldn't really say that Johnny. I'm just looking over the information for tonight and it looks like you've drawn Iron Yuppy for your match tonight..

Johnny Rebel: I think I'll be ok old buddy.

Legacy: Suit yourself... You're fighting the whole Kronos Klan..

Johnny Rebel: Whatever man... I don't need your help... I can do shit on my own.

:: Johnny Rebel walks off, leaving Legacy standing watching him. Legacy shakes his head and turns around and walks back down the hall. Johnny Rebel walks towards the entrance. ::

Doc: Wow! I guess Johnny Rebel and Legacy aren't on good terms anymore!

Johnny: Well what do you expect? Legacy used Johnny Rebel over and over for years! He played mind games on him.. He made him his little gimp for as long as I can remember. Rebel was one of the original WWFW members that he recruited from the XBWL. They traveled together up and down the east coast... west coast.. All over the country together.. Rebel was always getting the coffee though HAH!

Doc: And here I thought you were gonna have an intelligent statement!

:: "Till I Collapse" By Eminem blares into the Arena and Johnny Rebel steps out of the curtains. He walks out to the cheers of the crowd. The XBWL-Tron shows clips over his career. It starts out with Rebel as a young man in the WWFW all the way up through his hardcore years and his evolution from the WWFW member Johnny Rebel, to "The New Franchise" and finally to his now infamous worldwide known persona of "Simply Put" Johnny Rebel. Johnny Rebel absorbs the fans cheers... The man that was once so hated has become a worldwide sensation since his time away from the XBWL. Johnny Rebel walks down the aisle slapping hands with the fans... As he gets into the ring, and the fireworks go off, the image of Johnny Rebel holding the XBWL World Title after winning it from the tournament in 1998 flashes on the XBWL-Tron and then it fades to nothing. ::

Doc: Johnny Rebel is know the world over since his times in the XBWL. He has gained popularity all over the world as one of the hottest wrestling tickets alive today.

Johnny: But he couldn't pass up a chance to come back home I guess... Because this XBWL title means more to him than any other reward could ever mean!

Doc: He's got a tough fight a head of him, but it's nothing that he hasn't faced before.

Johnny: Yeah... But Iron Yuppy has the Klan behind him this time!!

:: "Now I Know Why You Hate Me" by Limp Bizkit plays into the XBWL arena and the lights flicker and flutter as "The XBWL Franchise" Iron Yuppy walks into the arena. Even though Iron Yuppy isn't one of their favorites, the fans can't help but feel a little bit of excitement and electricity here tonight as they witness Iron Yuppy walking into the XBWL Arena. Iron Yuppy has a shirt on that is an old school, retro Trio of Terror shirt. He draws his fingers across it as he walks down the aisle. As he is walking, the XBWL-Tron shows his two XBWL victories that won him the World Title, once over Grizzle and once over Michael Andrews. Iron Yuppy works the crowd down the aisle and he comes into the ring. He spits at Johnny Rebel and it gets him a chorus of boo's. Johnny Rebel walks to the center of the ring and offers his hand. "The XBWL Franchise" walks up and slaps Johnny Rebel in the face instead and the crowd continues to boo. Yuppy walks back to his corner as the bell rings. ::

Doc: Unbelievable show of disrespect by "The XBWL Franchise."

Johnny: Johnny Rebel isn't worthy of standing in the Klan ring and he burned his bridges backstage! Johnny Rebel is screwed here tonight! Hah!! Iron Yuppy is going to tear him apart!

:: Johnny Rebel walks over to the corner where Iron Yuppy is facing the crowd taunting them. As he turns around, he meets a stiff right hand from Johnny Rebel and Johnny Rebel immediatly goes to work, stomping on Yuppy. Yuppy rolls out of the ring, dazed... Rebel slingshots himself over the top rope and lands on top of Yuppy, sending them both crashing to the concrete! Iron Yuppy and Rebel both come to their feet, exchanging blows as they do! Johnny Rebel slings Yuppy to the guardrail! Yuppy hits hard and Rebel follows up with a clothesline, sending Yuppy back into the guardrail again! Johnn Rebel starts throwing punches on the downed Yuppy and Yuppy responds with a low blow on Rebel! Rebel doubles over and Yuppy grabs Rebels head and slams him head first into the guardrail! Rebel's body shakes as he hits! Yuppy pulls Rebel up and slings him shoulder first into the steel steps! Rebel grimaces in pain as he hits! Yuppy stomps on Rebel's shoulder and starts slamming the back of Rebel's head into the steps. He pulls Rebel back up and grabs him for the Iron Spike!! Too early though! Johnny Rebel comes alive after the brief stun... Rebel pushes Yuppy off and boots him in the stomach! Johnny Rebel grabs a camera cable and starts to choke Iron Yuppy!! ::

Doc: Iron Yuppy thought he was going to make quick work of Rebel, but Rebel didn't go down so easily! He was already going for the Iron Spike this early in the match!!

Johnny: Iron Yuppy was just testing the waters. He knows that Johnny Rebel can't "go" on the floor...

Doc: I think he's going to be really surprised.. You haven't been following Rebel's career the last few years have you?

Johnny: Well.. No.. Why would I follow something that silly?

Doc: Prepare to be amazed Johnny...

:: Rebel twists the cord around and around Yuppy's neck until Yuppy is going purple. Rebel then pulls him up and slams him head first into the guardrail! Johnny Rebel controls Iron Yuppy's body movements with the cable and drives Yuppy's head from the guardrail to the ring pole over and over until the Iron Yuppy isn't moving at all! Rebel drops Iron Yuppy on the floor and goes under the ring and pulls out a table!! Johnny Rebel sets up the table and grabs Iron Yuppy up! Iron Yuppy is out cold and Johnny Rebel picks him up... POWERBOMB!! Rebel slams Iron Yuppy through the table and Iron Yuppy lays on the floor in the midst of the broken wood! Yuppy mounts Rebel and begins punching him over and over in the face! Yuppy absorbs several punches before Rebel dismounts him and pulls him over to the ramp! Rebel lifts Yuppy up... BRAINBUSTER DDT INTO THE STEEL RAMP!!! Iron Yuppy still isn't moving, but Johnny Rebel doesn't even pretend to be ready to pin the man. He pulls Yuppy up as he stands up himself. Johnny Rebel slings Iron Yuppy up the ramp and Yuppy skids into the concrete! Rebel picks Yuppy up again... FISHERMAN'S DDT INTO THE CEMENT!!! Iron Yuppy's skull cracks as he leaves a blood stain on the cement. Johnny Rebel sits up and wipes his hands... He stands up and grabs Yuppy by the wrist. Rebel pulls Yuppy up to his feet and Yuppy is barely able to stand! Johnny Rebel picks up Iron Yuppy again and slams him down with a suplex onto the ramp!! ::

Doc: Do you see that? Do you see what Rebel just did?

Johnny: Holy Shit! I cannot believe I just witnessed that agression from Johnny REBEL!!!

Doc: I told you Johnny.. He's been all over the world.. He's been on an extensive tour of Japan where he has wrestled in some of the most hardcore and brutal matches on the planet! Johnny Rebel has moved up to that next level Johnny.

Johnny: Well it doesn't matter.. He can't beat the Kronos Klan!!

:: Rebel pulls Yuppy back up, but Yuppy explodes with a pair of right hands that send Johnny Rebel reeling. Iron Yuppy rushes forward, driving Johnny Rebel off the edge of the ramp and into the guard rail! Iron Yuppy now standing up.. He's still hurt but he's fighting it! Johnn Rebel stands up holding his back and Yuppy drives an elbow into his back! Johnny Rebel drops to a knee! Iron Yuppy with a boot to the side of his skull! Rebel falls down and Yuppy pulls him up. Yuppy applies a headlock and starts walking with Rebel. Iron Yuppy pulls Rebel's head back and slams him, skull first onto the guard rail! Rebel bounces back and Yuppy slaps his face with an open palm! This seems to stun Rebel who responds with a boot to the midsection of Yuppy! Yuppy fires back with a right hand and Rebel responds with a left! A brawl ensues and the two continue to trade fists all the way down the ramp! They get to the right apron and Rebel boots Yuppy to the midsection and drives him down with a bulldog into the cement! Iron Yuppy's head bounces off the cement and Rebel pulls him up. Johnny Rebel rolls Yuppy into the ring!! ::

Johnny: Who would have ever thought that Johnny Rebel would become a legitimate contender?

Doc: I've been following his career. I always thought he had tremendous talent...

:: Johnny Rebel climbs to the apron and springs over the top rope with a leg drop on the back of Yuppy. Rebel rolls over and to his knees. Rebel pulls Yuppy's head up and punches in square in the face! Yuppy absorbs the blow and Rebel unloads with another one! Rebel now pulling Yuppy up as he himself stands up. Rebel drives an elbow into the back of Yuppy's skull. Yuppy falls again and Rebel pulls him back up... Yuppy swings a couple of weak punches and Rebel hoists him up and drives him down with a back suplex!! Rebel stands up again and drops his shin across the bridge of Yuppy's nose. Rebel stands up again and pulls Yuppy up... Yuppy fires another couple of weak punches, and Rebel absorbs them and smiles. Rebel swings Yuppy into the corner and clothesline him. Rebel hoists Yuppy to the top turnbuckle and climbs up! REBEL WITH A SUPERPLEX OFF THE TOP!!! Iron Yuppy crashes and Johnny Rebel rolls off. Rebel raises his arms and the crowd pops! Rebel leaps to the top rope and comes off the top rope with a corkscrew legdrop! Rebel lands hard on Iron Yuppy and then goes for the cover! Rebel with the cover!! ONE!!! TWO!!! NO!!!! Iron Yuppy kicks out!! ::

Doc: I cannot believe Iron Yuppy kicked out of that!!

Johnny: The Klan doesn't go down that easy doc!!

:: Johnn Rebel comes to his feet and reaches down for Iron Yuppy who fires a right hand into his midsection. Rebel lets out a gasp of air and Yuppy fires another! Yuppy stands up and sends an uppercut into the jaw of Rebel! Yuppy with a clothesline and they both hit the mat! Iron Yuppy lays on the mat, blood coming from his face. Iron Yuppy wipes the blood from his eyes and lays there breathing and taking advantage of the brief rest. Rebel rolls over, obviously a little groggy. Johnny Rebel slowly stands back and he walks over to Yuppy. Rebel pulls up the weakened Yuppy and Yuppy fires away with another couple of right hands and Rebel tries to block, only to take a knee to the midsection by Yuppy! Yuppy grabs the doubled over Johnny Rebel and sends him shoulder first into the ring pole! Johnny Rebel richochets off, holding his shoulder and Iron Yuppy grabs his wrist and sends Rebel towards the center of the ring with a hip toss and locks in a hammerlock on the mat! Rebel starts trying to fight off immediatly, firing a couple of elbows that connect! Rebel tries to reverse the hammerlock into an armbar but Iron Yuppy drives a knee into his ribs and pushes him back down to the mat! Johnny Rebel banging on the mat in anger, but he's not tapping out! Johnny Rebel reaches out towards the ropes, but he's too far away! Rebel pulls his knee up and finally gets enough strength to push himself up a little and fall backwards, causing Iron Yuppy to release the hold! Rebel falls across Yuppy and quickly fires two elbows into the face of Yuppy before standing up! Iron Yuppy sits up holding his nose and Rebel kicks him in the back of the head with a boot! Rebel pulls Yuppy up and goes for a headlock, but Iron Yuppy grabs the wrist and trips Rebel up, sending him down and Yuppy holds onto his wrist and falls back, locking him into a viscious armbar! Rebel wails in pain while reaching for the ropes! He's close enough this time and Iron Yuppy is forced to break the hold! ::

Johnny: Looks like Iron Yuppy is making a comeback!

Doc: Kinda funny that this "hardcore icon" has to resort to wrestling to beat someone who was taking it to him HARDCORE a few minutes ago.

Johnny: Nobody ever said Iron Yuppy was lacking as a wrestler!

Doc: You completely missed the point... or refused to asknowledge it.. Who knows..

:: Iron Yuppy stands up and Rebel starts making his way up, rolling his shoulder and trying to ignore the obvious discomfort. Iron Yuppy and Rebel lock up in the center of the ring and Yuppy with a standing hammerlock, go behind by Johnny Rebel, belly to back suplex by Rebel... NO! Block by Yuppy! Yuppy reaches through and grabs the leg, pulls it and causes Rebel to fall to the mat! Yuppy twists the ankle and locks in a single leg crab on Rebel! Rebel reaches for the ropes but he is too far away. Rebel reaches again, slowly gaining an inch as he does!! Still not close enough to get to the ropes! Rebel reaches out.... He can't make it!! Rebel stops for a moment and raises his hand like he's going to submit, then lunges forward and reaches the rope! The referee forces Yuppy to break the hold. Yuppy stand up and walks to the center of the ring with Rebel and starts to sit back down on the single leg crab! Rebel pushes up and pulls his leg free, then performs a somersault forward and comes to his feet, limping a little but quickly shaking it off! Iron Yuppy rushes forward with a clothesline and Rebel ducks! Rebel turns and fires a right hand to the face of Yuppy! Another!! Yuppy blocks the third attempt though and pokes Rebel right in the eyeball with his thumb! Plain view of the referee and the referee warns him!! Rebel turns around holding his face, trying to regain his sight and Yuppy goes for the cheap win, Holding the tights!! ONE!!!!!! TWO!!!!!! NO!!! Rebel kicks out!! ::

Doc: Blatent cheating by Iron Yuppy.. Not sure we should expect anything less from the Klan though...

Johnny: HEY! Watch it!

:: Iron Yuppy sits up frustrated and goes after Rebel who is getting up as well! Rebel sidesteps and tosses Yuppy out of the ring! Rebel goes to the top rope! Flying elbow to the outside by Rebel! NO!!! Iron Yuppy moves and Rebel crashes into the floor!! Iron Yuppy uses the ring apron to pull himself up and starts to stomp on Rebel! Iron Yuppy connects with three hard kicks to the back spine area of Johnny Rebel and then pulls him up! Iron Yuppy slings Rebel into the guardrail and Rebel's head crashes hard! Iron Yuppy jumps on him like a rabid dog! Iron Yuppy pulls him back up and slams him face first, straight down into the cement!!! AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN!! Rebel's head is busted wide open and Iron Yuppy screams his enjoyment as he goes under the ring! Iron Yuppy pulls out a table!!! Iron Yuppy pulls the table open and sets it up! ::

Doc: They must have like a hundred tables under there!

Johnny: Doc.. This is the XBWL.. We have people who make sure there's new tables after every match...

:: Iron Yuppy goes under the ring apron again and pulls out several long light bulbs!! A look of pleasure comes over Yuppys face as he lays down four of them on the floor!! Iron Yuppy rolls Rebel up and onto the table!! Iron Yuppy picks up a light bulb and SMASH!!!!!!!!!! Iron Yuppy shatters the light bulb over the head of Johnny Rebel and a puff of smoke from the phosophorus inside it flies out and shards of glass go everywhere, covering Rebel's body and a few pieces of it impbedding in his head! Iron Yuppy smashes the rest of it on the table and boots it under it!! Iron Yuppy picks up another one!! SMASH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Iron Yuppy smashes the next bulb on the head of Rebel and another puff of smoke flies into the air and shards of the glass go everywhere! Iron Yuppy pulls up another light bult and SMASH!!!!!!!!!!! This one is shattered over the torso of Johnny Rebel and the remains lay around the table!! Iron Yuppy isn't finished yet though!! He grabs the last one and dances around as the fans boo him and then SMASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Right across the face of Johnny Rebel!! Johnny Rebel is a mess of blood!!! Iron Yuppy deposits the rest of the bulb under the table and then pulls Johnny Rebel up!!!!!!!!!!! IRON YUPPY WITH THE IRON SPIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!! The table explodes and Johnny Rebel collides with the wood, cement and broken shards of glass!!! Johnny Rebel is bleeding and his tights are torn!!! Iron Yuppy gets up, obviously pleased with himself!! He rolls Johnny Rebel into the ring and covers him!! ONE!!!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!!! THRE- NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JOHNNY REBEL KICKS OUT!!!!!!!!!! ::


Doc: You ever actually watched Japanese wrestling Johnny?


Doc: Because he's been having this and worse done to him every night... I've been TRYING to tell you that!

Johnny: That's IMPOSSIBLE!!

:: Iron Yuppy gets up and grabs the referee pushing him into the corner, accusing him of just not counting down Johnny Rebel's shoulders!! The referee pushes Yuppy off and Yuppy stomps the mat in frustration! Iron Yuppy now stomps over to where the bloody mess of Johnny Rebel is laying! Iron Yuppy covers him again!! ONE!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!! Johnny Rebel kicks out immediatly!!! Iron Yuppy is in disbelief!! Iron Yuppy pulls Johnny Rebel up and prepares for another Iron Spike!! Iron Yuppy goes to lift Rebel and Rebel blocks it! Rebel with three forearms to the gut of Iron Yuppy and then Rebel headbutts Yuppy, sending a mass of blood and sweat into Yuppy's face, many of Rebel's bloody clumps of hair go into Yuppy's mouth! Iron Yuppy spits and gags and Rebel takes advantage of this and knee's Yuppy in the midsection!! REBELATION!!!!!!!!!!! Iron Yuppy collides with the mat as Johnny Rebel executes his devestating spike DDT! Johnny Rebel stands up!! Suddenly the figures of Mad Jester and Chris Scarlet can be seen at ringside! Johnny Rebel stands up and Chris Scarlet starts to enter the ring! The referee goes over to stop him and this allows Mad Jester to leap into the ring! Johnny Rebel goes after Mad Jester!! Mad Jester swings the sceptre at Johnny Rebel!! Rebel ducks!! Boot to the midsection of Mad Jester! REBELATION on Mad Jester!!! Johnny Rebel grabs the sceptre of Mad Jester and slams it into his head! Johnny Rebel turns around to see the referee rushing over to get Mad Jester out of the ring! Chris Scarlet is going up the ramp!! As soon as the referee turns his back, Chris Scarlet rushes th ring again, this time he leaps into the ring and pushes Rebel!! Rebel swings the sceptre!!! Chris Scarlet is out!!! Rebel with the boost of energy and he tosses the sceptre from the ring and goes to cover Iron Yuppy!! NO!! Iron Yuppy rolls Rebel into a surprise small package!! Iron Yuppy holds tight!! ONE!!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!!!! THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IRON YUPPY WINS!!!! ::

Doc: That wasn't right... That was downright cheating!

Johnny: Nah! Johnny Rebel was the one using the Sceptre!!


Johnny: If I use your gun and kill someone.. It's still my fault!

Doc: *Shaking Head* Whatever Johnny...

:: Iron Yuppy immediatly hops over the top rope and Rebel is livid!! Rebel pushes the official down and starts stomping around the ring!! Iron Yuppy, Mad Jester and Chris Scarlet start up the ramp as "Now I Know Why You Hate Me" plays over the speakers. They walk through the ropes and exit the arena as Johnny Rebel continues to show his disappointment in the ring. Johnny Rebel throws a tantrum, breaking several pieces of equipment as the fans start to boo him. ::

Doc: This crowd not liking the actions of Johnny Rebel...

Johnny: Same old Rebel.. Always a loser...

Doc: You don't know what it's like to have that one final chance to prove it to the ones you started in front of that you have become something and he went out with something as simple as small package. This is a great tragedy for Rebel.

Johnny: He never could make it to the big one.. Even his World Title was a tainted reign!

Doc: Maybe he'll have another chance to prove himself one day.. But it's not today.

:: As Johnn Rebel makes it to the back they begin to clean up the mess at ringside and we flash to the backstage area where Flyguy is getting suited up for his match. He looks up to see none other than his old protege Claw. ::

Claw: How's it going man...

Flyguy: It's going bro.. It's going...

Claw: Looks like you drew Sean Dudley.

Flyguy: And I saw that you drew DDT... You better be careful out there man.. DDT is pretty fucking dangerous.

Claw: I'll be fine.. Don't forget that I learned from one of the best.

:: Claw lets out a weak smile. ::

Flyguy: I know that that bro, but you can't be too careful out there when it comes to that sick fucker.

Claw: Three words man.. When Worlds Collide...

:: Claw walks off as Flyguy stops lacing his boots up for a moment and a somber look comes across his face... Flyguy DOES remember When Worlds Collide... The fight that was never finished between Claw and Flyguy... They never did settle who was the better man... But Claw did make his point... Claw evolved to the point that he was probably better than Flyguy, but Death Warrent stopped the fight from reaching a conclusion. Flyguy shakes it off and finishes lacing his boots before leaving his dressing room and flipping off the light. The scene opens back up to the XBWL capacity crowd before it rests on Doc and Johnny ::

Doc: I was there... I remember that night.

Johnny: What are you talking about?

Doc: When Worlds Collide III... Flyguy and Claw met for the EVCW United States Heavyweight Championship.

Johnny: I think I might have been drunk that night.. Probably hanging out with real wrestlers like Iron Yuppy and Monster Mac...

Doc: No... They were both there...

Johnny: Well Um...

Doc: Flyguy and Claw went to the limit... They pushed each other to the end and nothing was really settled thanks to Death Warrants interferance...

Johnny: Sounds like a damn soap opera...

:: "FLYGUY DON'T DIE" screams over the XBWL Speakers and "My Own Worst Enemy" by Lit plays as the fans all come to their feet with a huge FLYGUY chant!! Suddenly Max Profit$ walks out!! The manager of Flyguy Ragnarock TS from many years past. He motions for the fans to get to their feet before the "Extreme Icon" comes out. As they cheer and chant, the lights start flashing and Flyguy Ragnarock TS slowly walks out. He is dressed in black jeans, a brand new "Anarchy" jacket and is carrying a bloody barbed wire bat. He points the bat around the arena as the fans cheer him on. Flyguy and Max Profit$ hug for a brief moment before Flyguy rushes down the aisle and rolls into the ring. He drops the bat in the corner and then climbs the turnbuckle as the fans cheer for him. He drops the jacket into his corner and Max Profit$ grabs it and holds onto it for safe keeping. Flyguy gets the fans going again before his music dies out and he settles down into his corner. ::

Doc: Can you believe it!! Flyguy has his old manager Max Profit$ here with him tonight!!

Johnny: A little piece of history as these two unite! I bet Flyguy figured if Max Profit$ can lead him to so many victories in the past, then he can do it again!!!

Doc: I'm just glad he isn't flanked by Death Warrant or something worse.

Johnny: Told you... I don't know anything about that EVCW shit.

Doc: Maybe you need to watch some tapes huh?

:: "Rollout" by Ludacris explodes over the speakers and the only sole winner of the XBWL Tag Team Titles walks out into the arena. The fans begin to boo as Sean Dudley steps out. Sean Dudley has his usual look of arrogance on his face as he walks down the ramp towards the ring. The fans boo and Flyguy begins to taunt them into giving out more boos as Dudley continues down the ramp. Sean Dudley makes it to the ring side and climbs up on the apron. He steps into the ring and motions that the XBWL World Heavyweight Title is going back around his waist tonight. He makes a few more motions and finally gives the referee a hard time as he tries to check him out, but then starts complaining that he didn't check Flyguy enough. The referee goes back and checks Flyguy some more and motions to Sean Dudley he's checking him and then calls for the bell! ::

Johnny: I don't know what we're gonna have here tonight... Sean Dudley is from the new generation, and is one of the best... But Flyguy... Flyguy is just fuckin crazy.

Doc: Yeah... And they love it!

:: Flyguy and Sean Dudley lock up in the center of the ring after circling each other for a few moments. Sean Dudley with a hammerlock and Flyguy throws a huge elbow catching Dudley in the face and Flyguy spins around, decking Dudley in the face! Dudley reels and Flyguy off the ropes, dropkick onto Dudley and Dudley falls backwards, but doesn't fall!! Flyguy to his feet and Dudley fires a chop that catches Flyguy in the chest and Flyguy responds with a rip shot and a front elbow to the face! Dudley with a right hand! Connects with Flyguy and Dudley now off the ropes.. Clothesline by Dudley but Flyguy doesn't go down! Flyguy off the ropes and Dudley off the other rope! Shoulderblock in the center of the ring and both men stay standing!! They look at each other and again they hit th ropes! This time Dudley flattens Flyguy!! Dudley bounces off the ropes and drives his elbow into the sternum of Flyguy! Flyguy rolls over and starts to get up, and Dudley is the first to get up! Dudley pulls Flyguy and Flyguy fires a right hand into his midsection! Dudley with a clubbing forearm to his back! Dudley pulls Flyguy to his feet and slings him to the ropes!! Spinning enzuguri by Dudley! Dudley takes Flyguy down and comes to his feet again! Dudley stomps on the knee of Flyguy and then picks him up by his ankle! Dudley drives the knee right into the mat and stomps on the back of it again! Dudley kicks the knee of Flyguy as he tries to get up and Dudley pulls Flyguy up! Dudley off the ropes and a low dropkick right into his knee! That sends Flyguy into a spin and he lands flat on his face!! ::

Johnny: Sean Dudley is doing extremely well, keeping this to a wrestling match!

Doc: Flyguy can go on the mat, but when it gets to the hardcore and to the weapons.. That's where he excels..

Johnny: If Sean Dudley is smart, he'll keep Flyguy on the mat and hurting.

:: Dudley stands up again and pulls Flyguy up. Dudley with a european uppercut on Flyguy! Dudley now locking around his waist! Dudley with a release german suplex on the "Extreme Icon". Flyguy hits hard and Dudley floats over and applies a leglock on the knee he has been working on. Dudley begins to stretch the knee out as Flyguy reaches for the ropes! Flyguy tries and tries, but he cannot make it... Max Profit$ finally pushes the rope to Flyguy and the referee forces the hold to be broken. Sean Dudley stands up, unaware that Max Profit$ has interferred. Dudley drags Flyguy into the center of the ring and picks up Flyguy's foot and drives the elbow into his knee, falling as he does. Flyguy sits up in pain and Dudley gets to his knees. Dudley stands up and stomps on Flyguy's knee a couple times before pulling Flyguy up. Flyguy punches Dudley a couple of time to no avail and Dudley pushes him back. Flyguy charges again and Dudley nails him with a hip toss to the center of the ring. Flyguy groans as he slams into the mat and Dudley pulls him up again. Dudley lifts him up and slams him down with a scoop slam. Flyguy lays motionless as Dudley comes off the ropes and drops an elbow into his ribs. Flyguy starts to shift and Dudley stands up. Dudley pulls Flyguy to his feet and goes for another scoop slam. Flyguy blocks the attempt and nails Dudley in the back of the skull with a elbow. Dudley drops his knees and Flyguy clubs his back with a forearm, but Dudley responds with two quick midsection punches and then drives his shoulder into Flyguy's gut. Dudley with a single leg takedown on Flyguy and he twists Flyguy into an STF!! ::

Doc: Sean Dudley doing a good job of working Flyguy over.

Johnny: Dudley has what it takes.. He's not going to let this one go! He's gonna snap him in half!

:: Flyguy frantically reaches out for the ropes and just barely makes it. Luckily the referee is right there to break the hold. The fans cheer as Flyguy comes back to his feet and blocks the next punch thrown by Dudley. Dudley comes off the ropes again with a clothesline, but it doesn't move Flyguy! Dudley hits the ropes again out of anger, but Max Profit$ is there! He pulls the top rope down and Dudley flips over it and lands hard on the floor! Flyguy points around the arena and the fans cheer as Flyguy rushes across the ring and does a suicide dive over the top rope and lands on top of Dudley! Flyguy stands up with both hands held high as the fans come to their feet chanting. Flyguy slowly stands up and drops a knee into the back of Dudley. Flyguy drops another one and then stands up again. He starts to stomp on Dudley as Max Profit$ joins in. The referee comes out and orders Max Profit$ to stop. Max Profit$ pushes the referee and the referee orders him to the back!! Max Profit$ is forced to leave as the fans boo. Flyguy pulls Dudley up and rams his head into the steel post. He catches Dudley as he falls backwards and sends him flying with a release dragon suplex! Flyguy starts stomping on Dudley again and then pulls him up! Flyguy with a side russian leg sweep into the concret floor! Flyguy and Sean Dudley lay on the concrete for a moment. ::

Johnny: I'm glad the referee finally got some order and got rid of Max Profit$!! Now we can have a fair fight!

Doc: Max was just trying to relive his old glory.

Johnny: Well it's over.. I'm glad he's gone now.

:: Flyguy sits up after a few moments on the ground and he looks at Dudley is laying out cold! Flyguy stands up and pulls Dudley up. Flyguy goes for another russian leg sweep, but Dudley nails him with a side elbow! Dudley and Flyguy start to exchange punches. Flyguy nails Dudley and Dudley responds with one of his own! Flyguy gets hit with a hard clothesline and he goes down! Dudley stumbles over and grabs a chair! Dudley walks over with a chair! Dudley swings the chair at Flyguy!! NO!! Flyguy ducks!! Flyguy dropkicks the chair into Dudley's face!! Flyguy stands up and pulls Dudley back up! Flyguy with a DDT right into the chair! Dudley is out!!! Flyguy pulls Dudley up again and slings him into the guard railing! Dudley hits back first and lays there unconsious. Flyguy with a splash!! NO!!! Dudley moves out the way and Flyguy goes chest first across the guard rail! Flyguy falls backwards and coughs up blood!! Flyguy falls to a sitting position and grabs a hold of the guardrail to keep from falling backwards and out! Dudley slowly gets up and kicks Flyguy in his midsection. Flyguy falls backwards as blood begins to come out of his mouth. Flyguy is jerked to his feet by Sean Dudley and Dudley spins him around and drops him sternum first across his knee!! Blood hits the floor from Flyguy's mouth and Dudley pushes him off to the floor. Dudley walks over and gets the chair from earlier and walks back over. He lifts it over his head and smashes it over the sternum of Flyguy and causes Flyguy to spit up more blood. Dudley does it again and again! Dudley finally tosses the bent chair out of the way and pulls Flyguy up. Dudley swings Flyguy into the rail and Flyguy hits hard!! Dudley charges and clotheslines him, smashing him back into the guardrail even harder! Dudley now pulls Flyguy up off the guard rail and swings him around, driving him head first into the steel pole! Dudley doesn't release Flyguy however, he pulls him close and sends him flying with a belly to belly suplex, right into the concrete!! ::

Doc: I really think that Flyguy needs some medical attention!

Johnny: Well what did you expect? Did you expect him to survive against someone like Sean Dudley?

:: Flyguy lays motionless on the cement and Dudley stalks over. Sean Dudley rolls Flyguy into he ring! Sean Dudley rolls in after him and covers Flyguy! ONE!!!!! TWO!!!!!! NO!!! Flyguy raises his shoulder!! Sean Dudley stands up thinking that he should have won, but he looks down and notices Flyguy's arm in the air from where he just kept his shoulder up! Sean Dudley grabs Flyguy's hand and jerks him up! Dudley hoists Flyguy up and rams him, back first into the turnbuckle! Dudley now, shoulder block! Shoulder block! Again!! Again!!! Again!! Sean Dudley vicsiously drives his shoulder into the midsection of Flyguy over and over!! Flyguy falls face first and Dudley pulls him up! Dudley raises him... THE EQUILIZER!! Sean Dudley plants Flyguy in the middle of the ring!! Sean Dudley now walks over and raises his arms, pointing at the fallen Flyguy!! ::

Doc: He's wasting time.. You don't do that against Flyguy!!

Johnny: Dudley has this match won.. It doesn't matter!!

:: Sean Dudley walks around the fallen Flyguy again as Flyguy slowly comes to. Sean Dudley kicks him in the face a couple times as Flyguy rests his hand on Sean Dudley's boot. Flyguy starts trying to get up but Sean Dudley slams his fist into his face several more times. Flyguy lays motionless and Sean Dudley pulls him up. Sean Dudley now is going for another devestating Equilizer!! NO!! Flyguy just booted Sean Dudley in the groin! Both competitors fall to the mat!! Dudley is holding his groin and Flyguy is just trying to regain his strength!! They both lay motionless as the referee counts!! ONE!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!! THREE!!!!!!! FOUR!!!!!!!!! FIVE!!!!!!!!!! SIX!!!!!!!!!! SEVEN!!!!!!!!!!! Flyguy begins to slowly pull himself towards the ropes... EIGHT!!!!!!!!!! Sean Dudley starts to stand up... NINE!!!!!!!!!!! Sean Dudley comes to his feet as Flyguy manages to get to his knees! Sean Dudley starts over towards Flyguy! Sean Dudley pulls Flyguy all the way up! WAIT! FLYGUY IS HOLDING HIS BAT!! Sean Dudley raises his fist to nail Flyguy! NO!!!!!!!! Flyguy swings his barbed wire bat, connecting with Sean Dudley's head!! Sean Dudley spins around and falls straight to the mat!! ::


Doc: It's the XBWL Johnny... Everything is open game!

Johnny: Flyguy brought that to the ring to cheat! Flyguy's bat should be sent to the back with Max Profit$!!!

:: Flyguy drops the bat and falls down to his knees! Flyguy grabs Sean Dudley!! Flyguy drives Sean Dudley's face into the bat! AGAIN!!! AGAIN!! AGAIN!! AGAIN!!! Sean Dudley's face bleeds and bleeds as more and more flesh is torn from it!! Flyguy's barbed wire bat is stained crimson red! AGAIN!! AGAIN!! Flyguy drives his face into the bat over and over!! Flyguy now stands up!! He pulls Sean Dudley up and drives him into the mat with a fisherman's buster!! Flyguy with the cover!! ONE!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!! Sean Dudley kicks out!! Flyguy stands up again!! Flyguy walks over and picks up the bat!! Sean Dudley slowly tries to stand up! FLYGUY SWINGS THE BAT!! Sean Dudley gets an arm up and the barbed wire rips into his arm, but it keeps it away from his face!! Flyguy boots him to the midsection!! WHACK!!! Flyguy slams the bat into the back of Sean Dudley's head and Sean Dudley falls to the mat!! Sean Dudley trying to push himself up but he's lost a whole lot of blood! Sean Dudley collapses!! Flyguy drops the bat and walks over... He pulls Sean Dudley to the center of the ring!!! Flyguy turns and gets the fans to their feet chanting FLYGUY! FLYGUY! FLYGUY! Flyguy falls down to his knee!! FLYGUY LOCKS ON THE FINAL FLIGHT!!!!!!!!!! Sean Dudley lays there without moving!!! Sean Dudley suddenly screams as the Final Flight is locked in... Sean Dudley starts reaching and tearing towards the ropes, but he can't make it!! He has lost too much blood to be effective!! Sean Dudley is finally forced to tap out!!! FLYGUY WINS!!! ::

Johnny: I don't believe this.. They're gonna let Flyguy win this with a BAT!?

Doc: The Klan has done a whole lot worst... At least this was a battle between two men.

Johnny: ....and a bat!

Doc: Well the bat and Flyguy won...

:: Flyguy stands up in the center of the ring and raises his hands up. Max Profit$ rushes back down to the ring and celebrates with Flyguy! Flyguy works the crowd before falling to his knee's holding his stomach. He spits up a little more blood before rolling out of the ring and helped to the back by Max Profit$. ::

Doc: It really was a great effort by Dudley and I thought he had him many times, but Flyguy just managed to prevail...

:: The XBWL-Tron opens up to the backstage area where Brandon Thornton is getting medical attention still. His head is taped up and bandaged. On the table beside him are several piercings that are covered in blood and pieces of flesh. Doctor Zhilo is in there with him, tending to various injuries. ::

Brandon Thornton: I guess it's about time I gave up those anyway.

Doctor Zhilo: You could have really caused some serious damage here tonight. Luckily you will just get out of here with some permanent scarring!

Brandon Thornton: Luckily...

:: About that time, the door flies open and Max Profit$ drags Flyguy in. ::

Max Profit$: I don't know what's wrong with him, but he's spitting up blood!

:: Flyguy proceeds to spit up some blood, mostly on Brandon Thornton. ::

Brandon Thornton: YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!

:: Brandon Thornton stands up and moves towards Flyguy, but Max Profit$ steps in front of him! ::

Brandon Thornton: MOVE!

Max Profit$: He really didn't mean it... He's hurt... Seriously man!

:: Brandon Thornton grabs Max Profit$ by his ponytail and slings him onto the table. Flyguy drops to the ground as Brandon Thornton does this, and Thornton grabs Flyguy up! Thornton slings Flyguy into a cement wall. Flyguy leaps over a gurney and begins to viciously slam Flyguy's head into the wall five or six more times. ::


:: Brandon Thornton slams him one more time for good measure and then reaches out, grabs his eyebrow studs from the table and stomrs out. The scene fades back to Doc and Johnny. ::


Doc: That was sick... Brandon Thornton inflicted MORE damage on the already injured Flyguy!

Johnny: Well then Flyguy shouldn't have bled on him should he?

Doc: UGH!!!

Johnny: Hehe.. Problem Doc?

:: "I Disappear" by Metallica plays and Creeping Death walks out. The XBWL-Tron flashes images from the glory days of the Empire of Damage, capped off with Creeping Death winning the world title from Iron Yuppy. He steps from the curtains to a chorus of boos from the capacity crowd. From the years that they hated this man, to his actions tonight, the fans have every right to feel this way. Creeping Death is dressed in his traditional attire. He walks slowly down the ramp not caring or acknowledging the boos of the crowd. He stands in front of the ring and then reaches out, grabbing the bottom rope and then rolling into the ring. The hulking monstrocity stands up, his size casting a large shadow in the ring. He stands for a moment and has no emotion as the referee checks him. Creeping Death moves into a corner where he can see the entrance. ::

Doc: I'm surprised the big man didn't bring any reinforcements.

Johnny: They'll be there if he needs em.

Doc: Well maybe what Johnny Macaroni said from earlier still applies...

:: "Sugar" by System of a Down plays into the XBWL Arena and Matt Austin emerges from the back. The XBWL Tron shows Matt Austin nailing both the Conviction Bomb and the MacPlex on nearly every top star in the XBWL over the past few years. It shows Matt Austin being dropped off a cage by Carnage and finally rests on a Matt Austin log with the words THREE TIME XBWL WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION under it. It doesn't take the fans long to recognize their hero and welcome him back to the arena. One of the most popular XBWL superstars in the history of the league is definantly welcomed as he walks down the ramp to a huge AUSTIN, AUSTIN, AUSTIN chant. Matt Austin rolls into the ring and raises his fists in the air. The fans go crazy cheering him as his music continues to play. ::

Doc: The fans really love Matt Austin. He's always been one of the hands down favorites.

Johnny: Well tonight all that ends at the hands of Creeping Death...

:: Matt Austin and Creeping Death are both checked out by the referee and suddenly "Hail to the Chief" plays and Johnny Macaroni steps out from the back. ::

Johnny Macaroni: Now this is going to be fought under the same rules as the Hawk Henshaw and Mr. Rage match. We cannot accept another all out brawl. If anyone gets involved from the Empire of Damage then Creeping Death will lose this match by disqualification. On that same note, if anyone from the Elements of Supremacy get involved, then you can expect the same retribution on them.

:: Johnny Macaroni turns and walks to the back as the fans cheer. ::

Doc: Well there we go.. Now we're clear!

Johnny: Yeah, but I fear what could happen to Matt Austin if Creeping Death loses.. Empire of Damage would have nothing to lose!

:: Matt Austin and Creeping Death start stalking each other looking at each other. They lock up! Creeping Death pushes Austin down! Austin rolls backwards and then comes back to his feet! He rushes forward and they lock up again! CD drives him down with a huge clubbing forearm! Austin drops to a knee and CD pulls him up! CD drives his head into Austin's head, delivering a huge headbutt!! Matt Austin staggers a bit before CD rushes forward and drives his head into his again! Matt Austin staggers a bit more and then CD locks his hand around the throat of Matt Austin! CD is going for a chokeslam! No!! Matt Austin pulls himself free and tries for a german suplex on CD but it's not going to happen! CD laughs and delivers a back elbow into Austin! Austin stumbles and CD turns and locks his hand around Austin's throat again! CHOKESLAM!!!!!!!!!!! Matt Austin is slammed hard into the mat!! Matt Austin is completely wiped out! CD is going for the cover now! It's over!! ONE!!!!! TWO!!!!! NO!!!! MATT AUSTIN KICKS OUT!! Matt Austin kicks out of the devestating chokeslam!! Creeping Death stands up and grabs Matt Austin by the hair. CD pulls Matt Austin up again and goes for another chokeslam!! NO! Matt Austin boots his knee! Matt Austin with another boot to the knee!! Matt Austin off the ropes and clotheslines CD, but CD doesn't move!! Matt Austin off the ropes again! Another one!! He's stumbling, but he's not falling!! Matt Austin comes off the other rope and drives his shoulder into the back of CD's knee!! The huge man finally drops to his knees and Matt Austin takes advantage of this situation and applies a headlock!! ::

Doc: Matt Austin is gonna have to be careful in this one! It could be over in a moment!

Johnny: Creeping Death a huge monster that has reaked havoc on the XBWL in the past.

:: Creeping Death sits for a moment in the headlock and stands up with no trouble! Matt Austin is still clenching as hard as he can!! Trying to cut off the oxygen supply to the brain!! Creeping Death stumbles and drops back to a knee and Matt Austin clenches it in, gritting his teeth!! Creeping Death stands up again and rams Matt Austin back into the turnbuckle!! Matt Austin hits hard and grabs his back as he stumbles forward!! Creeping Death picks up Matt Austin!! Creeping Death lifts Matt Austin way above his head and then simply steps out from under Matt Austin and lets Matt Austin fall nearly nine feet to the canvas!! Matt Austin hits hard and bounces as Creeping Death turns back around. Creeping Death stomps on Matt Austin's back two times and then falls down with his fist, aimed right at the lower back and connects!! Matt Austin grabs his back and Creeping Death grabs him by the back of the neck and starts pulling him up! CD pulls Matt Austin back up again!! Scoop Slam!! Matt Austin hits hard again and again CD starts to stomp on him. CD stomps on his midsection and causes him to shutter with the pain. CD pulls him to his feet again and lifts him again, driving him down with a huge tilt a whil slam! Matt Austin lays motionless as Creeping Death lays his boot on his neck and stands up, causing the referee to start the four count. ONE!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!! THREE!!!!!!!! FOU- NO! Creeping Death lets go at the last possible second and the referee is forced to stop the count. Creeping Death pulls Matt Austin up and slings him into the turnbuckle. Creeping Death rushes in with a huge body avalanche and crushes Austin in the corner. Matt Austin falls on his face and Creeping Death drops a huge elbow on him! Matt Austin lays still motionless as Creeping Death pulls him up again and slings him into the ropes. Matt Austin rebounds and CD nearly takes his head off with a huge clotheline that causes Matt Austin to spin in the air before crashing into the mat with a huge THUD!!

Doc: Creeping Death is really keeping Matt Austin busy! Matt Austin hasn't had the chance to regain momentum!

Johnny: He'll never regain momentum at this rate, CD is just taking him apart piece by piece. Matt Austin hasn't been taken apart like this anytime that I can remember. This is a fight he will never forget!

:: CD starts laying the boots to Matt Austin again. CD stomps on his ribs and his sternum. CD finally hits the ropes and comes off with a huge elbow and he lays on the mat for a moment. His energy is wearing out from all the tossing and throwing of Matt Austin. CD finally sits back up and pulls Matt Austin back up. CD slings Matt Austin into the corner and rushes in again with a huge body avalanche! CD crushes Matt Austin and Matt Austin lays on the mat motionless!! CD kneels down, breathing hard and fast and he covers Matt Austin!! ONE!!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!!! THR- NO!!!!!!!!! Matt Austin kicks out!! CD stands up and Matt Austin slowly gets up as well. CD holds onto the top rope and takes a breather! Matt Austin walks over to where CD is and kicks his knee a couple times before CD lunges with a grab, but Matt Austin ducks out of the way!! Matt Austin kicks the knee again and CD goes for him again! Matt Austin again ducks and avoids him, almost dancing as he side steps all of CD's advances!! CD finally fires a huge clothesline and Matt Austin ducks it!! Matt Austin grabs CD and executes a reverse neckbreaker! As CD hits the mat, Austin stands back up and pulls him up again. Austin starts moving around the ring, taunting CD which causes CD to lunge at him! CD misses and Matt Austin ducks and runs to the other side of the ring! CD stalks over to Austin and grabs Austin by the wrist! CD pulls Austin in tight, but Austin nails a couple of punches to the midsection and CD gasps for air! Matt Austin takes the moment it takes CD to get air to run over to the other side of the ring!! CD gets extremely frustrated and goes after Austin again! As soon as CD gets near him, Austin grabs CD and slings him to the other corner but just stands where he is!! Austin taunts CD who is dazed for a moment and then rushes across the ring!! Matt Austin ducks out of the ring and runs around the side!! CD follows and Matt Austin ducks back into the ring and starts taunting CD again! CD slowly climbs into the ring, gasping for air and breathing hard through his mouth. Matt Austin laughs at him and this infuriates CD who rushes forward and nails a huge clothesline, sending Austin crashing to the mat again! CD stands breathing hard and finally falls to his knees and covers!! ONE!!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!! NO!!! Matt Austin kicks out!!

Johnny: What the hell is Matt Austin doing? I've never seen him wrestle this way before.

Doc: I have no idea.. I've never seen cowardice from Austin before.

:: Matt Austin stands to his feet much faster than CD who stays in the crawling position for a moment to regain his breath. Matt Austin runs up and then makes two quick boots to the ribs before hopping over the top rope and to the floor! Matt Austin suddenly trips and falls flat on his face!! The fans are in shock as Matt Austin doesn't move.. The referee walks over and looks over the top rope and begins to yell at Austin to find out if he's ok. Creeping Death smells the possible victory and seems to get a second wind, rushing over and climbing over the top rope dropping to the floor! Creeping Death grabs Matt Austin and pulls him up but Matt Austin suddenly comes alive!! Matt Austin slings CD's hand away and runs across to the other guardrail where he trips and falls again!! CD just looks, unsure of what is going on. The fans begin to boo as their hero seems to be messed up or on some type of drug, unable to fight or walk. CD rushes over once again!! Seemingly with the victory smile on his face. He stomps on Matt Austin's back a couple times and then, when he's satisfied that his opponent is indeed not moving, he pulls him up and heaves him up for a suplex! Matt Austin doesn't fight back, but as soon as CD picks him up, Matt Austin starts twisting and turning, causing CD to try to fight to keep him up! CD's strength begins to fade and he is forced to sit Austin down! CD falls to a knee, breathing hard with a his hands on the guardrail for support!! Matt Austin boots his hand off the guardrail and CD tries to get up again! CD swings a right hand at Austin out of desperation and Austin moves! Austin kicks CD in the same knee he has been working a few more times while ducking wild punches from CD... Matt Austin rushes around the other side of the ring and stands there as CD makes his way around the ring. As CD gets close to Matt Austin, Matt Austin leaps up on the apron and propels himself over the top rope before rushing to the opposite corner. CD looks on with frustration as he gets into the ring. CD starts over towards the corner and Matt Austin rushes forward, with a baseball drop kick, right into the knee he has been working on all along! Matt Austin takes the knee out and CD falls face first into the mat! Matt Austin walks over to the other turnbuckle and stands there, waiting on CD to get up!! ::

Johnny: Matt Austin isn't even TRYING to fight... He's just sitting around, almost toying with Creeping Death! This is a huge mistake for Austin!

Doc: I almost agree with you, but I think that Matt Austin knows what he's doing. What exactly he IS doing though, is still yet to be revealed!

:: CD gets up, stretching his back and flexing his knee. Slobber slowly accumulates at both sides of his mouth as he walks over towards where Matt Austin is! CD swings and Matt Austin ducks under it, and then runs to the opposite turnbuckle. When CD turns around to face him, Matt Austin yells "COME ON.. YOU SUCK!" Creeping Death becomes infuriated and rushes at Matt Austin.. Matt Austin waits and at the last possible moment, he ducks and hits Creeping Death with a drop toe hold that sends Creeping Death's skull crashing into that top turnbuckle. Matt Austin stands up and pushes Creeping Death outside of the ring and Creeping Death hits hard on the concrete floor outside. Creeping Death looks back up at Matt Austin and slams his fist into the floor. Matt Austin just stands at laughs at Creeping Death who rolls back into the ring and goes after Austin again! Creeping Death's fists and movement has slowed tremendously since the match started, and he is terribly winded. Matt Austin ducks two attempts at a punch by Creeping Death and then boots Creeping Death in the midsection. Creeping Death falls to his knees and Matt Austin rushes back, hits the other turnbuckle and then comes off with a drop kick right into the skull of Creeping Death. The momentum from the dropkick causes Creeping Death to fall back through the ropes and hit the floor again! Matt Austin steps out of the ring on the other side and sits in a chair at ringside!! He grabs a bottled water from a fan, dumps it over his head and drinks down the last couple of sips! Creeping Death starts pulling himself up as Matt Austin begins to sign autographs at ringside!!! Creeping Death rushes around the ring and goes after Matt Austin, but Matt Austin just simply ducks and rushes around the ring to the other side. As Creeping Death starts slowly walking over there, Matt Austin looks at his wrist as if to wonder what is taking CD so long to get there. Matt Austin signs another autograph as the big monster of a man gets to him. Creeping Death swings a fist that is ducked by Austin and then he swings another fist that is ducked by Austin and finally CD just drops to a knee out of exhaustion. Matt Austin starts punching him in the face!!!! Stepping all around Creeping Death as he unloads right hands!! Creeping Death tries to fight him off, but his movements are way to slow!! Creeping Death finally gets Matt Austin by the waist and stands up!! Creeping Death lifts Matt Austin up and slams him with a belly to back suplex!!!! ::

Johnny: I told you! This cowardice by Matt Austin has finally gotten to Creeping Death!! Creeping Death just smashed Austin into the concrete!!!!

Doc: Yeah, but it barely phased Austin and Austin is getting up! Creeping Death is sluggish and barely able to move!!

:: Matt Austin stands back up, as Creeping Death takes longer. As soon as Creeping Death gets nearly to his feet, Matt Austin unloads on him with punch after punch into the side of his head!!! Matt Austin fires punch after punch!! Creeping Death swings wild right and lefts to block and connect with Austin but Matt Austin is able to avoid it all!!! Matt Austin finally starts kicking CD in the side of the head and CD falls to his face!!! Matt Austin walks over and stands behind CD!! Matt AUstin grabs both of the big monsters legs and then steps forward!! He lifts him up!! CONVICTION BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Matt Austin slams Creeping Death into the cement with his devestating Conviction Bomb!! Matt Austin falls back a moment with a smile on his face and rolls over and climbs back into the ring. Creeping Death lays on the cement as Matt Austin walks around the ring, posing and calling the fans to his cause. Creeping Death lays for a few moments before finally getting up. He has a small place on his forehead where Matt Austin has nailed him into the cement, but he's not bleeding bad. Creeping Death starts to get up and Matt Austin holds his finger up, indicating for the fans to give him one moment. He rushes across the ring and flies over the top rope with a somersault plancha that connects hard on Creeping Death!! Creeping Death falls back into the cement and Matt Austin rolls back into the ring and starts to entertain the fans some more as they chant AUSTIN! AUSTIN! AUSTIN! ::

Doc: Matt Austin is being unusually cocky and arrogant tonight!

Johnny: He's taking a break in a match against someone like Creeping Death!! He's going to get hurt!!

Doc: I hope he has a plan!!

:: Matt Austin looks over at Creeping Death who is barely moving and waves him off, laughing as he exits the ring. Matt Austin signs a couple of autographs and even poses with a couple of children for photographs before Creeping Death gets to his feet. Creeping Death slowly walks over to where Matt Austin is and Matt Austin runs around the ring. Creeping Death stalks over towards him again and Matt Austin rolls into the ring!! Creeping Death pulls himself up to the apron with his knee and Matt Austin hits the ropes, coming off with a hard knee to the midsection of the climbing Creeping Death that sends him back into the railing!!! Creeping Death stumbles forward and Matt Austin hits the opposite ropes again and comes back, flipping over the top rope with another somersault plancha that plants Creeping Death back into the cement. Matt Austin stands on the back of Creeping Death and reaches over, shaking some hands with a couple of young men with University of Louisville shirts on. Matt Austin then signs the back of their shirts and then walks off Creeping Death and shaking hands with several more of the fans at ringside. Matt Austin walks around the ring slapping hands and signing the occassional autograph for nearly five minutes before Creeping Death gets back to his feet. Creeping Death walks over towards him and Matt Austin is a little distracted!! Creeping Death slams a big forearm smash on Austin and Austin falls forward!! Creeping Death grabs him by the hair and slings him into the railing!! Creeping Death walks over and pulls Austin up before slinging him into the ring with a lunge and a yell!! Matt Austin rolls into the ring, holding his nose that is bleeding!! Creeping Death pulls himself up, and enters the ring through the ropes, too tired to go over the top!! ::

Johnny: He should have paid attention... Now Matt Austin is about to face the wrath of Creeping Death from the Empire of Damage! Hah!! Prepare to be DAMAGED!

Doc: Well Matt Austin was very arrogant tonight, and he may have made a terrible mistake!!

:: As Creeping Death gets near Austin, Austin suddenly kicks up!! Creeping Death is surprised, unsure of what is going on!!! Matt Austin ducks a punch attempt and laughes as he bounces off the ropes and nails Creeping Death with an elbow!! Creeping Death stumbles and Matt Austin grabs his leg!!! Matt Austin hoists his leg and grabs the back of his neck!! MACPLEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Matt Austin plants Creeping Death in the center of the ring and then covers him!! ONE!!!!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!! THREE!!!!!!!!!!!! ::

Doc: OH GOD!! Matt Austin was playing the whole time!!


Doc: Matt Austin was just pretending to be hurt just like before!! Matt Austin has ran Creeping Death ALL around the ring.. Don't you see it? Creeping Death is obviously out of shape from his years outside the ring and his huge size!! Matt Austin used his quickness and agility to stay one step ahead of Creeping Death, just avoiding the major attacks and taking a few minor ones until Creeping Death was completely wore out!

Johnny: What a Faker!!!

Doc: It was beautiful!!! Matt Austin took Creeping Death apart slowly and waited till he exerted all of his energy and could simply not fight back against the Macplex!!!!

Johnny: There's no way that Matt Austin could have gotten the MacPlex on Creeping Death if he wasn't run to death chasing this coward!

Doc: He wasn't being a coward Doc! He was being smart!! He used his own great conditioning to his advantage as he just simply took Creeping Death to the limit of his condition and then used his own conserved strength and power to take apart the big man.

Johnny: I have to admit it was an interesting move, but it was the move of a coward!

Doc: UH OH! Here comes Empire of Damage!! Elements of Supremacy will be soon to follow!!!

:: The capacity crowd boo's as King Nothing, Machine, Motorbreath, Snakecharmer, Mr. Rage, Mr. Misery and Phantom Lord start walking down the aisle. Creeping Death slowly gets up in the ring as Matt Austin looks down the ramp at the Empire of Damage!! Matt Austin steps back a little and walks right into Creeping Death! Creeping Death grabs Matt Austin and Chokeslams him in the center of the ring as the Empire of Damage rush the ring and all get inside!!! Phantom Lord brandishes a couple pairs of handcuffs and they spread Matt Austin out in a corner and handcuff him to a rope on either side!!! The Empire of Damage each take turns punching Matt Austin as he struggles to get back up! ::

Johnny: He's screwed now!

Doc: Where are the Elements of Supremacy!!?

:: As though the Empire can hear Doc, Phantom Lord grabs a microphone. ::

Phantom Lord: Now... We have a special show here tonight for some people in the back. If Johnny Macaroni won't let us help out our people in the ring, then we're going to make sure that the person they beat DOES NOT continue in this tournament!!

:: The XBWL-Tron comes on to reveal Hawk Henshaw and The Beast in the back. They are both tied to chairs and are beaten and bloody. They are sitting in a room with a TV that is showing the footage in the ring! ::

Phantom Lord: Hawk Henshaw... Beast... I hope you enjoy the show!

:: Phantom Lord goes outside the ring and stacks up three folding chairs. He pushes them into the ring and then climbs back in himself. Creeping Death, Mr. Rage and Mr. Misery all take chairs and begin to take turns smashing them into the face and head of Matt Austin! Matt Austin tries to fight back at first, kicking out and trying to pull himself free of the handcuffs, but eventually he is taken down to his knees by the chairs! Finally he is just hanging there by his arms and absorbing chair shots. ::




:: The trio of chair wielders take turn after turn of hitting Matt Austin with the chairs. He is bleeding from his head and his face and is completely devestated. By the time they stop for a breather, they have hit the former champion with over a hundred chair shots! Security tries to break this up a few times, but they are taken out by the other Empire of Damage members!! Hawk Henshaw and The Beast tear and pull at their restraints in the back trying to get free to come to the aide of their friend!!! Finally Phantom Lord takes the microphone. ::

Phantom Lord: Now... As I arrived here today... I had to ask myself why I didn't get a direct invitation to bring the Empire of Damage here tonight from my old friend Johnny Macaroni... I mean... Years ago, it turns out that I did screw him on a real estate deal and he lost a couple million in it. Now, as it turns out... Johnny Macaroni was fully going to let the Empire of Damage sit this memorial show out.. He was going to screw EVERYONE here out of the opportunity to appear because he was pissed off at me. Well, Johnny Macaroni basically told me that unless I forked over three million dollars and compensated him, then there would be no way that the Empire would be allowed here tonight.

:: The fans boo and Creeping Death takes his chair to Matt Austin's skull again!! ::

Phantom Lord: We really didn't know what to do, and truth be told, we really didn't have that kind of money. We were going to have to sit at home and watch this spectacular event on TV, when suddenly I got a phone call from a man I had never met before. I didn't know him, but he knew me. He knew me well and he knew my old friendship with Johnny Macaroni and the man wanted a FAVOR! Can you believe that.. He wanted a FAVOR from me.. He wanted ME to ask MACARONI for a FAVOR for someone I had never met before... I laughed at him and hung up. Well... As it turns out, this man was very persistant.. He called me back the next day with serious business to talk. I realized that this man had money.. He had the money to talk and he was willing to pay.

:: Creeping Death smashes Matt Austin again as the fans boo. ::

Phantom Lord: I was really surprised with the favor he asked... He said that he wanted Matt Austin to die tonight and he wanted US to perform the execution. Well we contacted Macaroni and we came to a bargain. I agreed to pay Macaroni the money he lost PLUS another extra million dollars if he would make sure that two matches got made tonight. Mr. Rage against Hawk Henshaw and Creeping Death against Matt Austin... I was pretty sure that Legacy was going to take out The Beast already and we didn't really see that swerve coming where he Beast would end up chickening out, but that's another ironic twist I guess...

:: The Beast and Hawk Henshaw try furiously to get free and a man in a black hood walks up behind them. He is wielding a black baseball bat that is covered in glass. He smashes it across the face of Beast and then across the face of Henshaw... The man stands up and says "I'm Coming...".

Phantom Lord: Well it looks like the man who paid to get Empire of Damage on the memorial show and managed to pay enough to bribe even Johnny Macaroni is coming to the ring!! You're about to meet the man who wants you DEAD... You hear me Austin?

:: Phantom Lord lifts up the face of Austin that is beaten and bloody but Matt Austin doesn't even respond. Mr. Rage and Creeping Death smash the chairs together with Matt Austin's head in between. ::

Phantom Lord: It was an interesting twist of Macaroni to stop us from coming down, threatening to fire us... Because I know that he would... All he needs is a reason and we damn sure weren't going to give him one... Not until we had time to expose him and take out the Elements of Supremacy! See Macaroni... In my own little twisted mind.. This is the perfect nail in the coffin for the XBWL... Nobody will trust you.. You accepted bribes and you accepted money to let people into the ring tonight that had other motives... You put every superstar in the back in jeopardy and you even set up matches for us as we piled on the greenbacks. Well Johnny Macaroni... You're World Title tournament is a failure... YOU are a failure as a President.. Corruption and bribes run deep in your history as a president.. I wouldn't be surprised if you're not taking money from the Kronos Klan here tonight to rig matches for them as well!

:: "Bent" By Matchbox Twenty plays and the man in the black mask walks out. He is carrying his glass coated black bat that is now dripping the blood of Hawk Henshaw and The Beast... He is wearing a long black coat that is buttoned up as he walks down the ramp. He walks down as the fans boo. ::

Phantom Lord: Well without any further delay!

:: The Empire of Damage stop and line up, waiting for this man to enter the ring. ::

Phantom Lord: The man who has single handedly brough the Empire of Damage back to the XBWL... The benefactor and the man who has paid of Macaroni.. Hell... Even Macaroni doesn't know who he is!! He thinks it was ME!!! Well thinks are about to get ALOT clearer!!

:: The man enters the ring. He walks over to where Matt Austin hangs unconsious. Security lay everywhere around the ring and then the man reaches up.... and pulls off his mask to reveal...........another mask... THE MASK OF CARNAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::

Phantom Lord: HAHAHA!!!!!! Join me in extending a welcome to the XBWL HARDCORE CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!!!

:: Carnage throws off his coat to reveal the XBWL Hardcore Championship strapped to his waist. He looks around as the fans boo and yell obsentities at him. Carnage wastes no time before rushing forward and smashing Matt Austin with the bat several times before grabbing the microphone from Phantom Lord. ::

Carnage: THAT'S RIGHT AUSTIN! Our business was NEVER finished! I masqueraded around the XBWL as you for MONTHS and nobody fucking knew. You're almost my twin and nobody realized it till I took off my mask. Which brings me to an interesting point... Brother...

:: The fans are in shock as Carnage makes his revelation. ::

Carnage: That's right... My own fucking brother... When you appeared in the XBWL so long ago, I had to ask myself what the hell was going on with you. I saw you on T.V. and you were definantly a close resemblance to me... That's why I had to hide behind the mask for so long.

:: Carnage reaches up and tosses his "Carnage" mask off to reveal a face that is very similar to Matt Austin and if Matt Austin wasn't currently standing in front of us, we wouldn't know it wasn't him. ::

Carnage: So how the hell does this happen? Another wrestling plan? A make-up trick? Well... No... I have figured out what the hell happened. And maybe after I tell you a little story that you can watch on video tape later, then you might understand. We're not totally brothers... In fact, you're my half brother. My mother met a man one night that told her lies about love and some crazy shit about how beautiful she was and he ended up spending the night with her. That's right Austin... It's your own crazy no good father that's currently serving life in a Georgia Prison for raping those two girls in Atlanta...

:: Carnage walks over and slams the bat into Matt Austin's back and grinds it down, scraping his back. ::

Carnage: So while you went to high school and had a great life, wonderful beautiful life, I had to suffer... My mother had no money and had to live on welfare. While you wore Nike's, I was lucky enough to wear some fucking K-Mart shoes that retailed for $5.99... My mother had to turn to prostitution because of our father. He ruined her life! She lost her job when she couldn't perform while she was pregnant. All thewhile this great man who told her how great she was and how she was going to be EVERYTHING to him sat on the couch and watched T.V. She worked two jobs until she lost them both and finally she was forced to go to the hospital to have me. And what do you think happened? That's right.. He fucking left.. But where did he go? Where did he go to in such a hurry? Why, He went home to his fucking wife and his little boy Matt. Suddenly he "found his place in life" and my mother never heard from him again. Years ago I was sitting at home and flipping through some channels and I came across a wrestling show... XBWL... It caught my attention because of some of the brutality and so I watched a little more. Next thing you know... I see YOU! You have MY face!! You're FAMOUS! While I'm working at a factory and struggling to make it, supporting my mother in her bad health... So I started doing research... I started trying to figure out why you had my FACE! I had finally found my dear old dad... When I went to find him, and put a bullet in his head... I found out he was in prison, but YOU were there... The pride of his life... The little boy he loved so much... Even though he has a serious sex addiction, he still cares about YOU.. He never even looked for me.. HE NEVER EVEN SENT ME A BIRTHDAY CARD, BUT HE RAISED YOU AND GAVE YOU EVERYTHING!!!!

:: Carnage stops for a moment and then slams the bat into Matt Austin's head. ::

Carnage: What's so special about you anyway? I knew the first thing I had to have was money. Money talks. So I started training myself for YOUR profession. I was less built than you and I had to put on some bulk fast. I turned to steroids and they worked! I began training and conditioning myself to become a wrestler. After a couple years I began to feel that I was actually ready to come to the XBWL. I knew I had to hide my face or you would realize something was going on, so for many months I began dressing like you and walking around backstage talking to the help and carefully avoiding you. I found out exactly what kind of talent that the XBWL was looking for and I created an image of that. I put on the mask of "Carnage" and I finally got the try out. It wasn't long before I was right there beside you... Watching everything... The night that they caught you shooting up backstage and sent you off to rehab was the night I showed my face. The management was in shock, but they realized quickly what they had. They had Matt Austin... They had their champion right there in front of them. The only part was the legality of it so I legally changed my name to Matt Austin. From then on out, I was legally YOU... The only thing that the XBWL didn't plan on was you coming back and reclaiming your throne... I dropped the title for them the very next day and basically kept a low profile. I had to wrestle as Matt Austin and Carnage and several times I had to wrestle in the same night. It was a hellish schedule but it was worth it to collect two paychecks. I started investing and learning the stock market and next thing you know I didn't need the wrestling business to keep going. I certainly didn't need your worthless name to get me by. So I put the Carnage mask back on permanently and I tried to get back to my life... But you knew... You figured it out and you came after me... You exposed me but the fans didn't really understand what was going on because they never saw my face... Well Matt.. Now I'm going to finish this... I wasn't even going to be able to wrestle here tonight... Johnny Macaroni told me to show up with the Hardcore Title and he'd find someone for me. Hell of a coincidence that your best friend The Beast decided he wanted a piece of me for the Hardcore Title... But I'll gladly defend it against him...

:: Carnage walks over and smashes the bat again on Matt Austin as more security comes out and starts trying to get into the ring, only to be fought off by the Empire of Damage. ::

Carnage: Tonight I got to put away you... Tomorrow night I will put the final touches on The Beast... The Empire of Damage is now owned and led by Carnage. Or should we say "Corporate Carnage"? Nah... I prefer the ass kicking, wild eyed, son of a bitch that'll do anything!!! Beast... Tomorrow night... The Hardcore Title will be defended... You will get your shot.. It's just a shame that you gave up your spot in the XBWL World Title Tournament to get a shot a belt you'll never win. PREPARE TO BE DAMAGED!!!!!!!!!

:: Carnage tosses the microphone as he screams the catch phrase of the Empire of Damage... The fans boo and throw trash in the ring. Carnage takes his bat and slams it into the head of Matt Austin a few more times... Suddenly "Hail to the Chief" plays over the speakers and Johnny Macaroni walks out... As the fans see him they begin to boo, now knowing that this man they respected and adored was bought off and coerced into accepting bribes... bribes that may have cost them their greatest champion... Matt Austin is laying motionless only supported by the handcuffs that hold him. Underneath him the blood has filled the ring and his body is drenched in it. Johnny Macaroni tries to calm the fans down but they don't listen. Carnage picks up his microphone again and Phantom Lord grabs another one from ringside as Johnny Macaroni prepares to talk. ::

Phantom Lord: Nobody wants to hear your side of the story Johnny Macaroni! We've heard the TRUTH!

:: Johnny Macaroni looks down as the fans continue to boo... Glasses of beer and cups of ice land around him as he just shakes his head. ::

Johnny Macaroni: I admit it...

:: Before he can say another word, the fans drown him out with boo's. ::

Johnny Macaroni: But you don't understand!!! I wanted more than anything to bring the XBWL back again! Don't you see? I had to spend all of my savings, I had to drain my bank and even tap out every last investor just to get the rights to the XBWL and the arena!!! I couldn't afford to pay the announcers!!! I coudln't afford to hire the ring staff!! I coudln't afford Security!! I had tapped out the last of my possible banks... I was already on the verge of having to cancel this show when they came along and offered me the money they owed me PLUS they offered to give me a million to make sure they got a couple matches... How did I know that Empire of Damage had any plans? I thought they just wanted to PROVE themselves against champions from the new generation!!!

:: The fans boo. ::

Phantom Lord: They ain't buying it!

Carnage: You lousy piece of SHIT! You're not a president!! You're scum!

:: Johnny Macaroni drops his head. ::

Johnny Macaroni: I have dumped everything into this... The XBWL was my life... I wanted SO bad to have the rights to the XBWL again... To bring it to the fans.. That's all I wanted... To bring it to the fans...

:: Johnny Macaroni drops the microphone and turns to leave... ::


:: Johnny Macaroni shakes his head and turns back around. ::

Phantom Lord: Tomorrow night!! ME AND YOU!! You hear me!? ME AND YOU!!! I challenge you for the rights to the XBWL!! You want to prove something? Prove to them you can EARN the XBWL!

:: Johnny Macaroni looks around as the fans boo. ::

Johnny Macaroni: It doesn't matter... I have lost their respect

. Phantom Lord: So how about it Mac!? Put it ALL on the line...

Johnny Macaroni: It's not worth it... Not worth it at all... Sorry Phantom Lord.. I'm not losing the XBWL again... Even if the fans hate what I have done, It would be better off to die here than to fall into your hands...

:: Johnny Macaroni turns to leave and Carnage grabs the microphone. ::

Carnage: HEY! I got an idea.... I got something for you!! How about you have something to fight for!!? Tomorrow Night!! Phantom Lord v/s Johnny Macaroni!! If Phantom Lord wins... He gets all rights to the XBWL.. But if you win... Empire of Damage will LEAVE the XBWL!

:: Johnny Macaroni stops for a moment... Then he looks up.. ::

Johnny Macaroni: Me and Phantom Lord... If I win... Empire of Damage will be gone forever?

Carnage: Forever!

Johnny Macaroni: Then that is what I have to do... But if anyone intereferes in the match.. They will be automatically fired... They will be fired from the XBWL and they will NEVER come back.. and just to be sure that nobody is fired and rehired for helping you... Anyone who intereferes will be BLACKLISTED from the XBWL, meaning they can NEVER have another contract here!

Phantom Lord: DEAL!

Johnny Macaroni: Then sign the papers on your way out the door, because with the power that I do have left right here, I AM SUSPENDING THE EMPIRE OF DAMAGE FOR 24 HOURS!

:: The Empire of Damage begins to go berserk as they hear Johnny Macaroni's announcement, but the fans go wild.. They are cheering the man they were just booing... Johnny Macaroni has announced that he will sacrifice for them.. Everything he has ever wanted and dreamed for.. He will put it on the line for the XBWL fans... To get rid of the Empire of Damage... This they respect.... ::


:: The Empire of Damage leave the ring, choosing to fight their battles tomorrow night... They walk down the aisle and file past Johnny Macaroni who stares at them. Carnage stops in front of Johnny Macaroni and puts the "Carnage" mask back on and pushes Macaroni with his blood soaked bat. As they leave, security and the medical staff, with trainers in tow, rush to the ring and free Matt Austin. They load him on a stretcher and take him out of the arena as well.... The camera's flash to the back where The Beast and Hawk Henshaw have already been loaded into ambulances. As Johnny Macaroni walks backstage, he just shakes his head as The Beast, Matt Austin and Hawk Henshaw all leave in ambulances and the Empire of Damage all leave in a limo that reads "Carnage Inc" on the license plate. ::

Doc: I don't even know what to say about what just happened...

Johnny: What does this mean? Carnage is behind Empire of Damage? Carnage is leading the Empire?

Doc: I don't know...

Johnny: Johnny Macaroni was being bribed.. Carnage paid off the Empire.. The Empire bribed Macaroni.. I'm so shocked...

Doc: I'm in total shock.. This was supposed to be a fun night... It's starting to not be fun... There's to many agendas here.. To much was never finished... I cannot handle this.

Johnny: It'll be ok Doc... We shouldn't have expected anything less from the XBWL.

Doc: They're mopping up the blood. They're cleaning the ring. Now we have more matches to get to. This is crazy.

:: The scene fades to the backstage area where Flyguy is laying on a bench. He has his ribs taped up. A few moments later Claw walks in. Flyguy sits up and groans as Claw comes in. ::

Claw: You ok bro?

Flyguy: Man... I'm going to KILL Brandon Thornton.. But other than that, it just looks like I ruptured a couple of ulcers I've had and that was causing me to rapidly spit up the blood.

Claw: Good to hear man... Really good to hear. Hey... I've got DDT up next...

Flyguy: ....

Claw: Do you mind if I wear the belt?

Flyguy: You serious?

Claw: It means a whole lot to me bro...

Flyguy: Well then wear it man... Wear that bitch with pride...

:: Claw shakes his head yes and turns to walk out of the locker room. ::

Flyguy: Hey...

:: Claw turns back around. ::

Flyguy: Good Luck...

:: Claw smiles and walks away... A much different look on his face than earlier... Flyguy and Claw appear to be the same friends that they used to be long ago. Soon it fades back to Johnny and Doc sitting at the announcer booth. ::

Doc: It looks like it's time for the next match... They have cleaned the ring.

Johnny: And I bet the next match is gonna fill it right back up!

:: "Off Da Wall" by Redman and Eminem blasts into the XBWL arena and a man who was once banned from the XBWL for his actions walks back into the XBWL Arena. The fans boo as the XBWL Tron flashes images of "GoDNocker" the night that the "Dangerous" Dave Taylor's group, The Guardians of Destiny invaded the XBWL and took apart nearly every superstar in the building. "Dangerous" Dave Taylor steps out into arena and walks down the aisle. The fans boo this man that they have hated for so long. He is dressed in his traditional attire. DDT walks down the aisle, and when he gets to the ring he rolls inside and climbs up on the ropes berating the fans. They boo him as he does. ::

Doc: This man is very hated in the XBWL... Although I have heard that in some arena's he's well loved.

Johnny: The XBWL fans will never forgive what happened... They will never forget.

Doc: Well this is one man we both hate, but we have to give him his fair share.. He was once one of the greatest competitors in this league.

Johnny: Was... Or Wasn't.. What he did was unforgivable. And Claw is going to answer for the XBWL on this one.

:: "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns N Roses plays into the XBWL Arena and the fans come to their feet. Their attitude immediatly changes and moves to a happier atmosphere. The XBWL Tron shows images of Claw putting various superstars through tables!! It shows him winning the XBWL Hardcore Title and the XBWL World Heavyweight Title! Claw hops through the curtains and he has with him the Barbed Wire Bat of his best friend and mentor, Flyguy!! Claw is wearing around his waist the EVCW United States Heavyweight Championship, a belt that he has held for a long time... A belt that he lost to and won back from Flyguy in the same night. Claw slaps hands with the fans all the way down the ramp as DDT paces in the ring. Claw drops the bat at ringside and rolls into the ring. He hops on the top turnbuckle and stands up motioning for the fans to chant... They blow the roof off with CLAW, CLAW, CLAW!!! Claw shows his excitement and drops to the mat. The referee checks him and then he checks DDT. Claw drops the EVCW US title on the ring apron. ::

Doc: I hope Claw reminds DDT what the XBWL is all about.

Johnny: Well that bat was a huge benefit for Flyguy.. I'm sure it'll serve Claw the same way!

Doc: And Claw has worn his United States title from the EVCW.

Johnny: Yeah.. Well I can't really say much about that.. EVCW isn't exactly XBWL calibre. You wouldn't catch someone like the Klan there.

Doc: How little you know...

:: Claw and DDT circle each other in the ring. Finally they lock up quickly and Claw tries to sling DDT to the ropes, but DDT stops and fires a back kick on Claw! DDT then comes at Claw with a viscious clothesline that sends him reeling! DDT off the ropes with a flying forearm! Claw falls down and DDT is on him quickly grabbing his head and driving him it into the mat a couple of times and then putting his forearm across the bridges of Claw's nose! DDT grinds the forearm and Claw starts trying to get up!! DDT launches himself into the air and drives his knees into the ribs of Claw!! DDT grinds his forearm harder into the face and nose of Claw!! Claw pushes DDT off!! DDT comes to his feet as does Claw!! DDT and Claw lock up again!! Claw pushes DDT down and stomps him with his boot! Claw hits the ropes and comes off with an elbow drop, NOBODY HOME!! DDT rolls out of the way and stands up. Claw his hard on his elbow and grabs it as DDT kicks him right on that elbow and then drops one of his own!! DDT drives his elbow into the sternum of Claw! Claw jolts and DDT comes back to his feet.. DDT pulls Claw up and Claw fires two right hands into the midsection of DDT!! DDT drives his elbow into the back of Claw's head and Claw falls down to one knee! DDT leaps in the air and crashes down into the back of Claw's head with a huge elbow that flattens Claw! DDT stomps on Claw and then stomps on him again! Claw starts to push himself up, but he's dazed and DDT grabs him by the back of his head and pulls him up into a front headlock!! DDT lifts Claw up and slams him down with a hard snap suplex! DDT rolls around to his knee's and then throws himself on top of Claw and pins his hands down!! DDT uses his knees to hold Claw's hands down and starts to fire right hands into the face of Claw!! Claw lays there, trying to move his face to avoid it being hit but DDT slams fist after fist!! Finally Claw is able to get his left hand free and he grabs DDT's face and starts stabbing his thumbnail into his eye!! DDT screams and backs up holding his eye!! Claw stands up and unloads with a devestating spinning heel kick that catches DDT on the side of the head! ::

Doc: This is going to be a viscious bloody fight.. I can tell it right now!

Johnny: Two hardcore legends will take it to the limit...

:: DDT stumbles backwards trying to get his eye back in focus and Claw walks forward, driving his fist into the side of DDT's cheek. DDT drops to a knee and Claw pulls him up before sending him flying with a hip toss! DDT lands in the center of the ring and Claw drops an elbow on him! Claw pulls DDT back up and slings him into the ropes!! DDT comes back and Claw with a clothesline, NO!! DDT ducks it and hits the other rope.. DDT comes back and Claw catches him for an atomic drop, but DDT lays the elbow into the bridge of Claw's nose and Claw falls back, allowing DDT to drop safely to his feet! DDT follows it up with a knee to the midsection and then a scissor kick to the back of Claw's head!! Claw goes face first into the mat and DDT drops to his knees and starts grinding Claw's nose into the mat!! The canvas burns Claw's nose as DDT drags his face across it!! DDT pulls Claw's head up and slams him face first into the mat one time and then tries for another but Claw blocks it by using his strength to prevent it! Claw fires a side headbutt that catches DDT off guard and he falls over on his side stunned. Claw climbs on top of him and punches him two times in the jaw before DDT uses his legs to come up and grip Claw's head! DDT drags Claw's head back and squeezes on his neck! Claw fights desperately to get free, but DDT holds him tight. Claw gets to his knees and starts trying to free his head, but DDT's scissorhold does not release! Claw is weakening!! DDT continues to squeeze his legs together, cutting off the blood to Claw's head and eventually Claw drops down to the mat! DDT lets go and rolls over. He pulls Claw's face up and stands up, pulling Claw's head up as he does! Claw doesn't move as DDT hoists him up and drives him into the center of the ring with a snap powerbomb!! DDT pulls him up again... Snap Powerbomb!!! Claw hits the mat again!! Claw groans as DDT pulls him up again!! SNAP POWERBOMB AGAIN!! DDT nails Claw again with the Snap Powerbomb!! ::

Doc: I cannot believe this.. FOUR POWERBOMBS IN A ROW!

Johnny: Nobody ever said DDT was a bad wrestler... He's just not a very smart person when it comes to business.

Doc: Well I am afraid that DDT may become an odds on favorite here in the match!

:: DDT walks over to where Claw is laying. DDT pulls Claw up and sling him through the ropes to the floor. DDT climbs to the top rope and flies off the top rope with a body splash that connects with the unconsious Claw on the floor!! DDT lays for a moment, regaining his strength before standing up and going under the ring. DDT pulls out a table and sets it up. He pulls Claw over to the table and lays him on top of it. DDT climbs back on the apron and then back to the top rope again. DDT flies off the top rope with a shooting star press and slams Claw through the table!! DDT stands up and raises his hands for glory, but the fans only boo him. DDT stops for a moment, realizing he is in the XBWL and that he is not a very popular man here. He drops down and goes under the ring again, this time pulling out a roll of barbed wire!! DDT holds the barbed wire roll up and the fans boo!! DDT doesn't seem to care though, he walks over to where Claw is laying!! DDT drops down and sticks the barbed wire up to the head of Claw!! With one swift vicious movement, DDT manages to cut the face of Claw open!! DDT raises the barbed wire and slams it down several times into the face of Claw!! Claw comes to and manages to block the last attempt and pushes DDT off!! Claw stands up, wiping the blood from his eyes as DDT charges with the roll of barbed wire aimed at Claw's head!! Claw sees him coming from the corner of his eye and ducks!! DDT overshoots Claw and then turns around to hit him again, but Claw fires with a standing dropkick that shoves the barbed wire roll into the chest of DDT and sends DDT backwards into the railing!! DDT pulls the spikes from his chest and blood begins to come from several holes. DDT drops the roll of barbed wire and rushes forward, attacking Claw!! Claw unloads with a couple of right hands, but he is taken down with a hip throw by DDT! DDT drops him to the ground and then stomps on his throat!! DDT pushes the heel of his boot into the throat of Claw!! Claw chokes and reaches out, finding a piece of the table that is sharp. Claw grabs it and stabs the leg of DDT!! The piece of wood goes into his flesh and DDT falls down holding his leg! Claw walks over to where the roll of barbed wire is laying and DDT holds his leg and starts pulling the piece of wood out of his leg. ::

Doc: Claw is really fighting back.. This isn't even a wrestling match.. This is just a fight!

Johnny: As long as DDT gets driven out of the XBWL, then I don't care!!

:: Claw walks over with the roll of barbed wire and then spikes it down, right into the head of DDT! The roll of barbed wire forms a barbed wire crown for the "Dangerous" one and Claw grinds it down as DDT screams, fighting back trying to get Claw to let him go! DDT finally manages to get a boot to connect and cause Claw to loosen his grip.. DDT pulls the crown of barbed wire off of his head, screaming as he does. The blood from the injury begins to pour down his face! Claw comes from behind with a steel chair!!! DDT turns just in time to see it and Claw slams the chair across his head!! DDT falls flat out on the cement and Claw drives the edge of the chair into the ribs of DDT! Claw pulls DDT up and slings him into the guardrail!! DDT hits hard and stumbles forward, only to get caught by Claw!! Claw pulls DDT up and slams him down with a body slam onto the barbed wire!! DDT jerks as the barbed wire cuts into his back!! Claw pulls him up, jerking his flesh from the barbed wire!! DDT screams as Claw lifts him up and drives him down with another body slam onto the barbed wire!! Claw reaches down and rips DDT from the roll of barbed wire again!! Claw goes to lift DDT again, but DDT jerks away and starts backing up, holding his back. Claw steps over the barbed wire, but DDT kicks him square in the groin, causing Claw to fall to his knees!! DDT picks up the chair and nearly breaks it in half over the head of Claw, and leaves it there as Claw falls forward with it still around his neck, the bottom of the chair completely broken out and laying against the side of his head! DDT stomps the chair and causes it to further injure the neck of Claw!! DDT pulls Claw up and Claw manages to get the chair off his neck before DDT hits him with a viscious clothesline that sends him back down! DDT grabs the roll of barbed wire and tosses it into the ring!! ::

Doc: DDT is really a dangerous man.. This is not something we should be allowing!

Johnny: It's anything goes.. All of these matches are.

Doc: And we've seen a whole lot of people take advantage of it, that's for sure!!

:: Claw starts to stand up and DDT nails him with a right hand!! Claw pushes himself back up and DDT boots him in the ribs!! DDT pulls him forward and then slings him into the guardrail! DDT pulls him back and lifts him up again!! DDT drives him across the turnbuckle with a snake eyes!!! DDT rolls back into the ring and starts unrolling the barbed wire!! Claw lays on the outside with his head in his hand, but he's getting back up. DDT unrolls several portions of the barbed wire and then drops to the floor. He goes under the ring!! Claw walks over to where Flyguy's bat is laying and picks it up! Claw rolls into the ring and lays on the apron, the bat hidden from view!!! DDT comes out from under the ring with the wire cutters!! DDT rolls back in and cuts off several pieces of barbed wire and wraps a strand around each of his arms and fist!! DDT walks over to where Claw is laying and reaches down to pull him up! NO!!! Claw hits him in the head with the bat, but it's hot a hard swing!! DDT stumbles and Claw comes to his feet!! The fans cheer as Claw swings the bat and connects with the side of the head of Dangerous Dave Taylor!!! Claw drops the bat on the mat and grabs DDT.... TERROR!!!!!!! Claw executes the Terror into the bat and then rolls DDT over and goes for the cover!! ONE!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!! THR- NO!!!!!! DDT kicks out!! Claw rolls over and lays for a moment before trying to stand up. He is hurting from the damage he's substained so far, but he is trying to fight it off. Claw walks over and pulls DDT up, but DDT slams one of his barbed wire covered fists into his face! DDT fires away two more barbed wire punches before grinding the barbed wire covered forearm into the nose of Claw!! DDT picks up Claw and drives him with a side suplex into the barbed wire bat!! DDT pulls Claw up and drags him to the corner. DDT positions Claw in the corner and then grabs a couple pieces of the barbed wire and starts to secure Claw! ::

Doc: Oh no.. This is going to be another restrained beating like what happened to Matt Austin!!

Johnny: Claw it's been nice knowing you!!

:: DDT manages to seure one hand, but when he goes to secure the next, Claw fires two punches into the side of his head and causes him to reel!! DDT falls back and Claw starts trying to free his other hand! DDT walks over and grabs the barbed wire bat as Claw manages to get both hands free. As he turns around, DDT plants the bat into the face of Claw! Claw stumbles back in the corner and DDT doesn't waste any time.. He starts securing the hands of Claw and Claw is finally secured. Claw comes to a moment and tries to pull himself free, but only manages to dig the barbed wire into his arms! DDT rushes forward with the bat and slams it straight into the jaw of Claw!!! Claw's head jerks back and he falls forward, unconsious!! DDT walks around the ring, very happy with himself and goes into this wrestling pants!! He pulls out a plastic container and walks over to where Claw is tied up. DDT tosses the barbed wire bat out of the ring and then we can clearly see that the item in DDT's hand is fish hooks!!! DDT starts from the top and begins jabbing these fish hooks into the meat on the chest of Claw!! Claw comes to and begins to yell as DDT stabs him over and over!! DDT manages to get eight hooks into the chest of Claw and he grabs the rolls of fishing line on them!! ::

Doc: OH GOD!! This is one of the reasons he was banned!!

Johnny: I know he's not going to repeat this!!

:: DDT walks back, holding the line and starts to tug on them!! Claw screams and DDT suddenly jerks the first one free, tearing the flesh of Claw open as he does!! Claw screams and blood begins to pour from the wound on his chest!! Suddenly we see a form coming into the ring!! IT'S LEGACY!!! DDT doesn't even realize he's there, but Legacy walks up behind him with the barbed wire bat in hand!! DDT goes to pull another one and Legacy lines the bat up with the back of his head and takes a mighty swing!!! DDT's head is busted open from the barbed wire and DDT collapses in the ring!!! Legacy walks over and releases Claw!! ::

Doc: It's a good thing that DDT is alone tonight...

Johnny: I think that Claw should have won this one fair... I don't like this... It won't be over this way...

:: The EVCW World Heavyweight Champion releases the EVCW United States Heavyweight Champion and Legacy drops Claw across DDT!! Suddenly there is a commotion and Thunder, Outlaw, and Sleep Stalker all come running out!! ::

Doc: OH NO! All the Guardians of Destiny are here!!!

Johnny: I cannot believe this.. NOT AGAIN!!!

:: The referee counts.. ONE!!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!!!! THREE!!!!!!!!!! Just as he hits the mat for the three count, the Guardians all storm the ring. Claw wins the match, but Thunder, Outlaw and Sleep Stalker all enter the ring and Legacy is backed into a corner!! Legacy swings the bat and smashes it into the face of Outlaw, but Sleep Stalker kicks him in the knee and Thunder drives his knee into his midsection!! Claw and DDT lay knocked out in the ring! Outlaw stands back up, pissed off from the shot with the bat!! The Guardians all attack Legacy and stomp on him, driving him to the mat!! Thunder exits the ring and gets a chair!! Outlaw and Sleep Stalker lift Legacy up and slam him down with a double powerbomb onto the bat and Legacy's back is ripped open! ::


Johnny: This is bullshit... Fucking bullshit...

:: Thunder comes back into the ring and sticks Legacy's leg into the chair!! Legacy holds his back, where the bat has cut him!! Thunder drops down and holds his leg and Outlaw falls on him to keep him still!! The huge Sleep Stalker climbs up to the top rope and comes off, landing on the chair!!!!!!!!!! A sick crack is heard and the Guardians stand up!! Legacy screams and reaches down for his knee!! DDT begins to stand up and the Guardians walk over to Claw!! Suddenly from the back... Awesome Australian!! Lizzard!! Superslam Ted Wilder!! ::

Doc: Well there's some reinforcements, and I hope it's not too late!!

Johnny: No kidding!

:: The crowd comes alive as AA, Lizzard and Superslam all rush to the ring!!! Outlaw, Thunder and Sleep Stalker meet the trio head on and Armageddon begins to brawl with them!! AA pairs off with Outlaw!! Superslam with Sleep Stalker and Lizzard with Thunder... The fight ends up on the floor!! ::

Doc: I'm not sure Superslam needs to be out here again.. He was in pretty bad shape earlier.. Hell, all of these guys have been involved with a fight with the Klan tonight...

:: AA slings Outlaw into the railing and Outlaw hits hard! AA leaps on him and starts slamming his head!! Lizzard and Thunder go over the rail and end up brawling into the crowd!! The huge Sleep Stalker and Superslam tie up and Superslam is out matched after only a few moments. Sleep Stalker nails him with the Stalker Effect into the concrete floor and then goes over and gets a chair!! Sleep Stalker puts the chair around the neck of "Superslam" Ted Wilder... In the ring, DDT has come to and is trying to focus on what is going on. Claw is also standing up.. Neither of them know that the match is over!! DDT slings Claw into the ropes and nails him with a hip toss!! Legacy is pulling himself out of the ring and holding his knee. Several trainers have come down and are helping him to the back.. His leg is in horrible shape!!! Legacy looks up and he notices Sleep Stalker on the top rope.. Legacy looks with interest as Sleep Stalker flies with a flying body splash!!! A loud crack is heard as Sleep Stalker slams into the chair that is locked around the neck of Superslam!! ::


Johnny: Please God... Please God No!!!

:: Awesome Australian stops attacking Outlaw and rushes to the side of Ted Wilder who is laying with blood coming out his nose.. His neck is twisted in an unnatural way... ::

Doc: Fans... Oh my God...

:: Claw rushes to the side of the ropes and DDT takes the opportunity to roll him up with a school boy, but he doesn't understand why the referee isn't counting. The referee hops out of the ring. Legacy stops in his tracks and rushes back, as best he can... His leg nearly giving way as he collapses beside Superslam!!! Awesome Australian and Legacy look at each other in horror!!! ::

Johnny: What have these mother fuckers done...

:: Lizzard is laying in a pool of blood in the second row and this causes Thunder to come back.. Sleep Stalker stands up laughing but Thunder, Outlaw and Dave Taylor are not laughing.. They all have a somber look on their face as they realize what has just happened... Medics rush to the ringside with a stretcher and Johnny Macaroni comes walking out as well, no music.. Just he himself walking out. He gets to the ringside and grabs a microphone... ::

Doc: Looks like the boss is here...

Johnny: Well he's a little late now isn't he?

Johnny Macaroni: Outlaw, Sleep Stalker, Thunder and DDT... We fired you from the XBWL once before and I let you come back tonight.. If I ever see ANY of you again, I swear to God as my witness, I will have you ALL arrested for whatever charges I can bring against you from your stay here! NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF MY BUILDING!!!

:: Medics begin loading Superslam Ted Wilder on a stretcher... AA goes over and pulls Lizzard back over the guardrail.. He explains what has happened and Lizzard rushes to the side of his friend. Sleep Stalker tries talking to his friends... but Thunder, Outlaw and Dave Taylor are in shock... They just start slowly walking out of the building as Sleep Stalker tries to explain what he did... Sleep Stalker seems to be proud of himself, but the other members of the Guardians of Destiny are as shocked as the fans at ringside. They exit to the backstage area. ::

Doc: I don't think Sleep Stalker had ANY idea what the hell he just did...

Johnny Macaroni: He seemed PROUD of it!! At least the others had sense!!

:: AA, Lizzard, Legacy and Claw all walk with the stretcher to the back as they begin to clean up the mess. The camera follows them all the way to the back where many XBWL Superstars are. They all look on, unsure of what is going to happen. The camera follows to the ambulance.. Johnny Macaroni comes up as Superslam is being loaded. ::

Johnny Macaroni: Listen.. AA.. Legacy.. I know you guys got matches tonight.. Legacy you're knee is probably not up for a match and I know that emotionally neither of you are going to be able to do this.. I'll just let Jack Diamond face off against Chris Scarlet and we'll just call it at that. I understand you guys need to go with Ted.

:: AA and Legacy look at Johnny Macaroni... Then Lizzard breaks in. ::

Lizzard: NO FUCKING WAY!! Legacy... How's that knee?

Legacy: I think it might be broken... I don't know.. It feels broken, but I can't even really think about it... I have to go to the hospital with Ted.

Lizzard: Like hell you do! What would he tell you to do? You know he would tell you to go out there and finish the job! How many times have you guys faced serious injury?

Legacy: You're right man... But this is different...

Johnny Macaroni: I agree.. Let's just-

Awesome Australian: FUCK YOU MACARONI! I've had enough of your bullshit. What the hell do you think you're doing? We have watched half the roster be taken nearly to the break of death... Broken bones... Shattered skulls and now a man's life could be over!! I'm not going to play your fucking game no more.. I'm going out there and I'm going to wrestle Chris Scarlet tonight.. That's because it's what Ted Wilder would want me to do... But Legacy.. If you're leg is broken then you have no business fighting Jack Diamond tonight.. Just bow out and go take care of Ted.

Legacy: Ok man...

:: Legacy shakes his head yes and starts to pull himself into the ambulance. ::

Lizzard: NO! I can go to the hospital with Ted.. If you don't think you can wrestle then don't.. But don't do it for him.. Because tomorrow when he wakes up, he's going to have your head... You know I'm telling you the truth.. He groomed you to be his successor after the WWFW for a reason!

Legacy: Forget that... I need to get my knee looked at... I'm going with him.

Lizzard: If it was for YOU, would you be leaving... Or are you just trying to find a reason to go? I'll keep you updated.. I promise.. Just take care of Jack Diamond and lets make sure we bring that title home so we can hang it on Ted's bed at the hospital.

:: Legacy looks in the ambulance and then to AA... Legacy pats Lizzard on the back. ::

Legacy: Take care of him man...

:: Lizzard smiles and nods and then hops in the ambulance.. It speeds away, leaving Legacy and AA standing in the backstage area. Legacy goes to walk and his leg gives out.. He crashes to the ground and the medics rush over. ::

Legacy: I'm OK! Leave me alone... My match is next!

:: Johnny Macaroni and AA help Legacy to his feet and he slowly walks out of the backstage area, towards the entry. ::

AA: If anything else happens here tonight Macaroni.. I'm going to hold YOU responsible!

:: AA grabs Macaroni by his shirt and pushes him back. Johnny Macaroni shakes it off as he looks around at all the XBWL Superstars who are gathered around watching the spectacle. ::

Doc: I really hope that "Superslam" Ted Wilder is ok...

Johnny: Don't we all!

:: "Symphony of Destruction" by Megadeth blares into the XBWL arena and Legacy half walks, half limps out into the arena. The fans cheer him, but they aren't even sure they want to cheer anymore. He gets a great reception, but he knows the fans are still thinking about "Superslam" and what has happened. The XBWL Tron flashes to show all of Legacy's five XBWL World Heavyweight Title wins. Legacy manages to make it to the ring, but he simply rolls in instead of trying to go over or through the ropes. He is obviously in pain! ::

Doc: He shouldn't be competing.. I don't think his knee is up to it..

Johnny: Well Jack Diamond certainly won't be cutting him any slack!

:: "Cocky" By Kid Rock plays and "Sexy Boy" Jack Diamond walks out into the XBWL Arena. The fans begin to boo him as he walks out, flexing his muscles and acting very arrogant. He walks down the aisle as his championship victory is shown on the XBWL Tron... The XBWL Tron shows Jack Diamond capturing the Hardcore title as well, holding it in the ring, covered in blood. Jack Diamond gets to the ringside area and stand staring at Legacy who is trying hard just to stand up. Jack Diamond enters the ring and is checked by the referee. The referee checks out Legacy as well and rings the bell. ::

Doc: I wonder if he really can back it up?

Johnny: I don't think he's going to have much of a problem here against Legacy... Legacy is injured.

:: Jack Diamond and Legacy walk towards each other as the bell is sounded. Legacy and Jack Diamond lock up and then Jack Diamond pushes Legacy back... He stomps the knee of Legacy and Legacy goes down!! Jack Diamond stomps it again and then Jack Diamond locks Legacy in the Jack Off!!!! The fans are booing!!! The referee rushes around the check on Legacy.... LEGACY TAPS OUT!!! JACK DIAMOND WINS!!! ::

Doc: Jesus.. That leg must really be broken.

Johnny: Yeah.. It's snapped.. And it's just getting worse.. No way he wouldn't have tapped otherwise.

:: Jack Diamond lets go and stands up, raising his arms in victory. ::

Doc: I'm getting word that that match was exactly 11 seconds.. That could very well be the quickest match in the history of the XBWL!

Johnny: Legacy didn't really have a choice.

:: Jack Diamond exits the ring and the paramedics rush down to help Legacy to the back. He is still holding his knee as they pull him out of the ring and help him to the back. ::

Doc: I knew this was a horrible idea... It's all because of the Guardians of Destiny!

Johnny: Well at least Macaroni did the right thing... For once...

:: Jack Diamond walks to the back and Legacy is also taken to the back as Jack Diamond is announced the winner of the match. Suddenly "Hail To The Chief" plays and Johnny Macaroni walks from the back. He comes down to the ring and enters it. He has a microphone in hand and a somber look on his face. ::

Johnny Macaroni: Fans.. I would just like to thank you first of all for coming back for the XBWL Memorial Show... As you know, this is going to be a three day event. Tonight is the first round. Now tomorrow we are going to have autograph sessions, and we are going to have a huge party here in the arena for everyone who purched a three day advance ticket, so be sure you come back tomorrow and you'll get to mingle with some of the XBWL greats!

:: The fans cheer for Macaroni. ::

Johnny Macaroni: Now, I would also like to apologize for what you have witnessed tonight. It has really been the reunion show of a lifetime, and I thought this would just be something fun for all the boys to do. I was mistaken... There was so much bad blood in the XBWL... So many unfinished fueds... So many people who thought they would never get to lay their hands on the one person they hated again. I made some mistakes here tonight... I should not have allowed the Guardians of Destiny or Mean Mark Mease to come back. I should have honored the bans that were put upon them and assumed that the people who led the XBWL during that time knew what they were doing. But, that is a mistake that I have to live with.

:: The fans cheer for him, out of respect... Knowing he has done his best with the circumstances he was given. ::

Johnny Macaroni: I really hate bringing you guys bad news.. I really do, but I do have one more piece. It seems that "The Ring Troll" DeAndre Coleman's flight from Seattle was delayed due to the storms they're having there. In fact, the first scheduled flight they are going to have is going to be the middle of tomorrow. Now I have considered many options here. Mad Jester is supposed to face Dee tonight and I really wasn't sure what to do with this. From what I have just seen, I should have put him against Jack Diamond, but that wouldn't really be fair to Diamond. The other alternative I have considered was letting Dee wrestle tomorrow, but Kronos quickly broke out the legel documents on that to show me I can't force him to wrestle two times unless I am forcing EVERYONE to wrestle twice tomorrow. So the only choice I have now is to give the Mad Jester a default win DeAndre Coleman. I tried to push this match as far into the evening as I could, but the only match left here tonight is the Mad Jester/Coleman match and the Main Event. So that leaves us with the Main Event and an interesting question regarding the events that have unfolded tonight. I'm sure you have all noticed the huge cell hanging above the ring tonight.

:: Johnny Macaroni points up and the fans cheer. ::

Johnny Macaroni: I didn't really want to have to bring it to this, but I guess I have to. I put that cell up there for the main event on Sunday, but I guess I'm just going to have to have it lowered down now. I want NO INTERFERANCE in the next match, and this is how I am going to make sure it happens that way! Fans, I'll see you all tomorrow.. Enjoy the main event!

:: Johnny Macaroni drops the mic and the fans cheer as he steps out of the ring. The huge cell comes down from the ceiling and surrounds the ringside area, almost reaching to the guardrail. Johnny Macaroni waves to the fans as he gets to the top of the ramp and then turns around. ::

Johnny Macaroni: I scoured the XBWL archives... Looking for a man who would be a fair referee. I planned to use him in the Main Event of Sunday's show as well, but since there has been so much bad blood and so much injury tonight. I am going to use him for this match as well. I wanted a man who was touch, but fair... I wanted a man who would not be bought off... I wanted a man who would call it down the middle.. And I found him... XBWL Fans.. You're guest Referee for the night... MAXIMUM!!

:: "Chickenhuntin'" by ICP plays into the XBWL Arena and Maximum walks out onto the ramp. He looks around as the fans begin to cheer for the former XBWL Tag Team Champion. Maximum starts to walk down the aisle and slaps hands with the fans as he does. He is wearing a referee shirt, and his old wrestling tights. He enters the cage and checks the ropes, turnbuckles and cage before giving the thumbs up for the introduction of the competiors. Johnny Macaroni turns and walks to the back. ::

Doc: Well I believe this man will be fair.. He's always had outstanding integrity.

Johnny: Well as long as he doesn't get in the way of Klan he'll keep it!

Doc: I don't thinkt he Klan will be involved in this one. It's a CELL!

Johnny: The Klan will have a plan... There's no way that they don't! Chris Scarlet is going to win this one!

:: "Now I Know Why You Hate Me", the official Klan Music plays over the XBWL Arena and Chris Scarlet walks out. He is all alone as he starts down the ramp. The fans boo and jeer him as he gives them an arrogant stare. He walks down to the cage and then begins to feel of it and finally walks in the door. On the XBWL Tron we see many great moments in his illustrious XBWL career. He rolls into the ring and Maximum immediatly goes over and begins to check him out and make sure that he doesn't have anything with him. Once Maximum is satisfied, he allows Chris Scarlet to continue in the ring and flex for the crowd before his music settles down. ::

Johnny: Here's the Man!

Doc: He's a great competitor.. There's no doubt about that.

:: "Glory Days" by Bruce Springsteen blares into the arena and Awesome Australian walks out! The XBWL Tron shows Awesome Australian's magnificent career.. His days defending the XBWL from the WWFW, the wars against the Kronos Klan and even his early days with Belgian Sensation... Clips from the Alliance are shown as well as International Army's first tag team match. The fans come to their feet showing their respect as he comes down the aisle. He shakes hands with alot of the fans at the ringside area, looking up at the cage. The fans are cheering and giving him a standing ovation.. After everything this man has been through tonight, he is still out here fighting! He peels off his Armageddon T-Shirt and throws it into he fans. AA opens the door of the cage and walks in. Once inside he climbs into the ring and Maximum checks him out to make sure he isn't carrying anything illegal. AA submits to the search and then walks to his corner. ::

Doc: Well it looks like it's finally time for the Main Event.

Johnny: And it's only fitting that it contains the Kronos Klan!

:: AA and Scarlet circle each other in the ring. They've both been here before in the main event and they know the pressure this is placing on them. On top of that, they are inside a cell with a referee that will not be knocked out or dropped so easily. AA and Scarlet lock up in the center of the ring and AA goes behind Scarlet with a hammerlock! Scarlet reverses into a hammerlock of his own!! Scarlet starts applying pressure and AA reverses it into a hip toss! Scarlet comes to his feet again and he locks up with AA! AA slings Scarlet to the ropes and plans on a backdrop, but Scarlet stops the motion and drops an elbow onto the back of AA"s head. AA goes down, but comes right back up and takes a chop to the chest from Scarlet. Scarlet fires another one that is blocked by AA, and AA puts his fist into the jaw of Scarlet and Scarlet is stunned for a moment. This allows AA to fire a clothesline that sends Scarlet to the mat! AA hits the ropes and nails Scarlet with a dropkick as he stands back up. Scarlet falls into the ropes and AA rushes in on him, twisting his forearm around the rope and putting pressure on his elbow. Scarlet tries to get away as AA puts more pressure on. Scarlet pokes AA in the eye to get him to let him go and AA grabs his eye. Scarlet kicks him in the midsection and drives him down with an elbow to the back of the head. Scarlet drops to the ground and applies an armbar to AA and starts twisting! AA reaches out and grabs the ropes... The referee counts!! ONE!!!!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!!! THREE!!!!!!!!!!! FO- !! Scarlet lets go before the referee finishes his four count. Scarlet stands up and boots the shoulder he was just applying the armbar on. ::

Doc: Two great competitors are tearing each other up!

Johnny: Yeah, but there's no way that Awesome Australian stands a chance against the Kronos Klan, not on this night.

Doc: We shall see...

:: AA makes his way to his feet and Scarlet boots him to the midsection. Scarlet slings Awesome Australian to the ring ropes and AA comes back with a clothesline that levels Scarlet. Scarlet hops up and locks back up with AA. AA with a wristlock! full arm drag and twist by Awesome Australian!! AA drives his elbow into the back of Scarlet's shoulder! AA applies pressure now as Scarlet starts trying to get up. AA locks the arm underneath his arm and continues to hold on, but Scarlet starts pushing himself up. Scarlet manages to fire a right hand that connects with the side of AA's skull!! AA staggers for a moment before releasing the hold and Scarlet takes the advantage to deliver a drop toe hold on AA, sending him to the mat! AA and Scarlet both stand back up and lock up! Scarlet applies a front face lock and goes for a suplex, but AA blocks it!! Scarlet tries for another, but AA blocks it as well!! AA manages to turn it around on Scarlet and delivers a devestating suplex of his own! Scarlet hits the mat hard as Awesome Australian bounces off the ropes and drops an elbow on him!!! AA pulls Scarlet up again and goes for another suplex, but this time it's blocked by Scarlet and Scarlet manages to reverse it into a suplex of his own! AA hits the mat hard and Scarlet walks over and pulls him right back up!! Scarlet pulls AA up and flattens him on the mat with a pancake! Scarlet pulls AA up and locks him in a front facelock again and this time he lifts AA up and drives him down with a brainbuster!! ::

Doc: Awesome Australian laying on the mat... Scarlet just planted him!

Johnny: That's the way the Klan does it Doc!

:: Scarlet stands up and pulls AA up. AA fires a punch into his midsection and Scarlet exhales a breath of air. AA elbows him in the side of the head and then lifts him up and drops him on his knee with a huge atomic drop! Scarlet stumbles and AA grabs the back of his head, gripping his hair and driving him face first into the mat with a huge facebuster! AA rolls over and stands up, pulling Scarlet up as well. AA hooks Scarlet in a side head lock and punches him a couple of times in the face. Scarlet pushes AA off and connects with a lariat! Scarlet stomps AA in his knee a couple times and then lifts AA up!!! Scarlet runs forward and lauches AA over the top rope!! AA flies through the air before collidin with the cage!!! Scarlet raises his arms as AA falls to the ground, his back scraped from falling down the cage!! Scarlet hops to the top rope and comes off, driving an elbow from the top turnbuckle to the outside on to AA! ::

Doc: WOW! Amazing show of athleticism by Scarlet!!

Johnny: Unbelievable!! Chris Scarlet is really on fire tonight! But he's Klan! So that's what you expect!

:: Scarlet stands up, a little groggy and pulls AA up as well... Scarlet grabs the back of AA's head and slams it into the side of the cage. The cage shakes as Scarlet drives his head over and over into the cage! AA finally stops it with his hands and then fires back an elbow that catches Scarlet! Scarlet then gets a taste of the steel as well as AA slams his head into the side of the cage! AA then slings Scarlet across the way into the far corner of the cage! The cage shakes a little as Scarlet hits it. Awesome Australian rushes forward and nails him with a flying body splash that drives him into the cage again! AA pulls Scarlet tight into him and slings him with a belly to back suplex! AA crushes the rips of Scarlet as he plants him into the cement! Scarlet groans as his body is crunched. AA stands up and pulls Scarlet up. AA sends Scarlet flying with a hip toss. AA pulls Scarlet back up and slams his head into the side of the cage. ::

Doc: AA is really turning loose tonight!!

Johnny: He won't take the Klan down!! Woot!

:: AA grabs Scarlet and sends him flying with a half nelson slam! AA walks over to where Scarlet is on the ground and drives an elbow into his face! AA pulls Scarlet back up and drops him down with a body slam! Scarlet hits and AA goes under the ring!! AA pulls out a chair and as Scarlet is getting back up, AA levels him with it! AA now drops the chair and pulls Scarlet to his feet and drive him down with a piledriver right into the chair! AA stands back up and climbs up to the apron! AA off the apron with a legdrop that connects with the jaw of Scarlet! AA twists over and jumps up. He begins to stomp on Scarlet's chest! Scarlet takes the hits and continues to lay on the ground. AA pulls Scarlet up and slams his head back into the steel cage again! Scarlet falls backwards and AA leaps with an elbow! AA connects with Scarlet and then stands to his feet. AA pulls Scarlet up and Scarlet blocks his front headlock! AA goes to sling Scarlet, but Scarlet reverses it into a slingshot of his own and connects AA with the cage!! ::

Doc: Scarlet hit AA hard!! The cage tore open his head!!

Johnny: AA is bleeding!!

:: AA falls backwards and Scarlet grabs him.. Scarlet slams him into the cement with a hard body slam! AA slowly gets back up and Scarlet drop kicks his knee!! AA falls to the ground and Scarlet drops an elbow on him! Scarlet pulls himself to his feet and gets a table out from under the ring. Scarlet pulls AA up..... GOLDEN GUN!!! Scarlet slams AA into the table with his devestating finisher!! AA lays motionless as Scarlet walks over and begins to pound on AA.. Scarlet punches and punches the hell out of AA... AA blocks and Scarlet pulls him up! Scarlet slings AA into the cage again and Scarlet follows him to the cage and splashes him into the cage again!!!

Doc: Scarlet regaining control!

Johnny: YAH!

:: Scarlet slowly sits up and crawls over to AA. Scarlet locks in a reverse chinlock on AA and AA lays there without moving. Scarlet continues to twist and turn the neck as AA lays there unable to respond. Scarlet finally gets frustrated and lets go. Scarlet stands up and stomps on AA who doesn't move.. Scarlet pulls AA up and rolls him into the ring and comes in for the cover!! ONE!!!!!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!! AA kicks out! Chris Scarlet stands up and stomps on him, but AA rolls over and comes to his feet! AA pushes Scarlet and Scarlet responds with a roundhouse that connects and stuns AA!! Chris Scarlet grabs AA and goes for the Golden Gun! NO!! AA pushes him off and AA grabs him with a headlock and drops him down with a DDT! AA sits up and stands up, he is on fire!! AA pumps his arms and hits the ropes... AA leaps and lands a high elbow drop on the fallen Scarlet! AA jumps back to his feet! ::

Doc: It's turning into a slug fest!!

Johnny: It's not over yet!!

Doc: We'll see!!

:: Scarlet slowly gets up! AA pulls him close........................ DOWN UNDER!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome Australian hits his devestating finisher as the crowd comes to their feet!!! AA Covers!! ONE!!!!!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!!! THREE!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome Australian wins, but here comes the Kronos Klan!!!! Mad Jester, Iron Yuppy, Monster Mac, and Chang Takata come down the ramp and as the cage lifts up they all circle the ring!

Doc: Oh no.. Not this!


:: They all storm the ring and begin to stomp down Awesome Australian... They all take turns tearing into Awesome Australian... WAIT!! Michael Andrews comes down the ramp with a chair!! Michael Andrews leaps into the ring and takes the chair to the head of Mad Jester and to Iron Yuppy!! They both go down but Michael Andrews begins to be taken over by Monster Mac and Chang Takata. The two Klan members take Michael Andrews down and Monster Mac lifts Michael Andrews up........ HAMMERTIME!!!!!!!!!!!! Monster Mac and Chang Takata sling Awesome Australian and Michael Andrews from the ring!! ::


Doc: This is horrible... Horrible!!

:: Awesome Australian and Michael Andrews slowly stand up, dazed and confused as to what has happened.. Awesome Australian realizes he has won the title and has advanced in the tournament is at least happy, but they decide the best recourse is to head up the ramp.. Suddenly... "Hail to the Chief" plays and Johnny Macaroni walks out behind them. ::

Johnny Macaroni: Well I hope you Klan members are happy... Because you DID just lose the shot at the XBWL title just now!

:: Iron Yuppy takes a mic. ::

Iron Yuppy: Shut your yabbermouth Macaroni!! This doesn't matter.. Because the TRIO OF TERROR has advanced!!! Monster Mac!! Iron Yuppy!! and Mad Jester!! We're all moving foward to the XBWL World Heavyweight Title... NOW WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THAT STICK!?

Johnny Macaroni: Actually... What I think about that is that you guys made one hell of a decision here tonight... Because tomorrow night........ THE MAIN EVENT........... Will feature MICHAEL ANDREWS.................... AND MONSTER MAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:: The crowd explodes with cheers as Michael Andrews stops suddenly on the ramp and raises his hands... The Kronos Klan start getting flustered but say screw it and continue their party in the ring... Michael Andrews and Awesome Australian decide to go back to the ring again and they rush Monster Mac, Yuppy, Scarlet, Chang and Jester... They are quickly dropped and the Kronos Klan takes turns abusing and destroying them. After several minutes and several chairs, the duo of Michael Andrews and Awesome Australian are laying in a pool of blood in the center of the ring... About that time, Kronos himself comes from the back carrying two coolers of beer. ::

Doc: Not MORE partying....

Johnny: I'm outta here!

:: Johnny Diamond leaves the announcer position and joins Kronos in the ramp... They hug and Johnny Diamond takes one of the coolers. Together they walk the coolers to the ring and the Kronos Klan all take a beer and start chuggin... ::

Doc: I can't believe this is going to end this way.....

:: As the Kronos Klan drinks and parties, all of them slamming beers with Johnny Diamond and Kronos, the screen fades to black and the XBWL Logo appears. ::