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The Leggy Blonde Speaks

~*~Before the main show starts, a dark match gets played out in the ring. When they announce the winner, the show starts. Fans are still piling in the arena in the thousands as they get set for an unforgettable evening in the First Union Center in Philadelphia. The lights dim and pyros explode as the crowd stands up and holds the poster showing who their favorite superstar or diva is. The lights come back on and a black limo pulls up in the parking lot outside of the arena. It's shown to be the newest engaged couple of wCw, none other than Stacy Keibler and Test. They walk out of the limo and head inside the arena walking through the halls. Michael Cole approaches them on their way to their locker room~*~

|-(-)-Michael Cole-(-)-| "Stacy, Test, a quick word with you, please?"

/--\::Stacy::/--\ "Michael, we just got here, and already you're hammering us down asking for interviews and such. Now what do you want?"

|-(-)-Michael Cole-(-)-| "Well, there's a match made with you in it for the Women's Championship on Thunder. You just faced Steph, and well, that turned didn't turn out well because there were no end results. How do you feel knowing that you're in a match with two other of your nWo members and an arch rival, Victoria?"

/--\::Stacy::/--\ "Well Michael it's as simple as this. I know Stephanie and Dawn are going to say the same thing like what I'm about to say. But as long as Victoria doesn't win, then we'll all be happy! If it comes down to me and Stephanie or me and Dawn, I wouldn't be mad that they won, I'd be excited knowing that they can do what they said they were going to do, and that was to become the Women's Champion. I have a shlt load of confidence in me that if anyone's going to walk out a champion Thursday, it won't be Victoria. I mean, here's a girl who all of a sudden, attacked me from behind, and Stephanie as well. It's a good thing that after all this, maybe we won't be seeing anymore of her, and you know what? That's fine by me, and I'm sure Steph and Dawn would like the idea of not seeing Victoria around here at all!"

|-(-)-Michael Cole-(-)-| "I'm sure having Victoria not being around here anymore will make all of us happy, except for Steven Richards. Now Test, you have the chance to become the tag team champions with Bret if you defeat Triple H and Richards Thursday night. What are your thoughts on that?"

::~::Test::~:: "I think that'll be great. I mean, seriously. Bret and I, we're both on the same page. Triple H and Richards being tag team champions just doesn't fit well if you ask me. I mean, Triple H. He's a big guy. He can be very successful if or when he wants to. Richards. He's nothing but a chump! He's a worthless piece of shlt! And that, my friend, is why Bret and I are walking out of Thunder the tag team champions, and there's not a damn thing you, or anyone else can do about it!"

~*~With that said, Stacy and Test resume walking to their locker room. They get in and have a drink of champagne before heading out to the ring. It's another commercial break. The show comes back and we see Stacy walking through the hallways by herself feeling confident of the turnout that's going to be in favor of her Thursday night. "Legs" by Kid Rock hits the PA System as Stacy's entrance video is shown on the TitanTron. The leggy blonde walks out from behind the curtain and struts down the ramp. She eventually gets into the ring and poses for all of her fans before getting a mic. She starts talking about her match against Stephanie, Dawn Marie, and Victoria Thursday night in a battle royal for the wCw Women's Championship~*~

/--\::Stacy::/--\ "This Thursday, I have the chance to become the Women's Champion. First off, Victoria doesn't even deserve to be in this match. You know why? It's just because she didn't fight her way to get here. She got here because she bites off fingernails! How strange is that? I had to win a number one contender's match just to face Steph(~~and the results arent even up~~). That's besides the point. I know Dawn didn't have to go through a match to get here, but she did enough to get here. Don't take this personally Dawn, but a match is a match, and this match just happens to be for the title. Steph, you know how I am when it gets to title matches. We were at each others throats nonstop. You're a great competitor, no doubt, but just like I said before, I'll do anything to win, and you out of all people around here know exactly what I would do. You know I'll put everything I got on the line for something that I want so badly just like that title. I'll repeat myself again. That title means everything to me. It signifies exactly who I am in the business. It describes what I'll do just to get it. It lets me be me. Without that title, I'm not me. I'm not the typical bitch you see around here. When I get that title, I'll finally be happy to be in this business. You see, when you get into this business, you sacrifice everything. You do whatever you gotta do, and you just make it better time and time again. I'm going to do just that. I'm going to do whatever it takes to have that belt on my shoulder saying "you are the best female in this earned this title are at the top of the game...keep it that way...don't lose this's everything you are" That's exactly what I'll be hearing when I get that title. Just like every other problem in life, there's always one or more obstacles in the way of achieving your goal. Those obstacles are my oponents. They just happen to be two of the other members of the nWo, and Victoria. They're in my way of achieving what I came here to do, and on Thursday, you'll know exactly what I'm more than willing to do to get what I want. Just like everyone knows, Stacy always gets what she wants."

~*~She drops the mic and heads back up the ramp and into the back where she bumps into Victoria right outside the nWo locker room. They glare at each other as everyone can feel the tension between them. Stacy stops it by slapping her across the face and kicks her throwing her to the tiled floor of the hallway. Stacy gets on top of her and starts pounding her head into the floor and slapping her every once in a while. The nWo locker room door opens up and out comes Dawn and Stephanie. They look on with an evil look on their faces as Test walks out of the locker room and pulls Stacy off of Victoria. While Dawn, Stephanie, and Stacy look on from the bottom of Victoria's feet, Stacy has this to say with a coniving voice~*~

/--\::Stacy::/--\ "Victoria, you don't stand a damn chance. If anyone's going to win Thursday night, it WON'T be you. Rot in hell you psycho bitch and don't you EVER try and beat me, or anyone else in the nWo from behind because this is what will happen, bitch."

~*~Stacy then follows Dawn, Steph, and Test back into the locker room. Stacy sits down next to Test while the whole nWo looks at her blankly~*~

/--\::Stacy::/--\ "Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

{-}::Scott Hall::{-} "Well, I think you shocked all of us with what you just did."

/--\::Stacy::/--\ "What do you mean?"

::~::Test::~:: "Well Stace. I think what Scott means by that is that you don't look too innocent like everyone thought. You have a little bad side to yourself, and you just let some of it out. Keep doing it, it's sexy."

~*~Stacy playfully hits him. Stephanie walks up to her~*~

{:[:~Stephanie~:]:} "Stacy, with all due respect, best of luck to you Thursday night. If you win, you deserve it, and I'm not just saying that to you."

/--\::Stacy::/--\ "Thanks Steph. That means a lot coming from you."

~*~Stephanie then steps back as Stacy looks at Dawn giving her clues to come up and say something. Dawn finally walks up to Stacy and Stacy ends up standing up~*~

~{~}~Dawn~{~}~ "Well Stacy, good luck. And by the way, I loved the way you beat up Victoria!! That was just 2 sweet"

~*~Dawn, Stacy, and Stephanie then put up their arms to form the nWo taunt with their hands as Scott says "That's what it's all about" in the background as the cameras turn to JR and the King at ringside~*~

{::J.R::} "What good words from a great female like Stacy."

*::*King*::* "Yeah J.R, but Stacy was right, Victoria isn't exactly her cup of tea."

{::J.R::} "I know, but we'll see how it all goes down Thursday on Thunder."

~*~The cameras fade~*~