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~* The World's Sexiest Divas *~

The most : Beautiful Brilliant Blonde Bombshells World-Wide
People Used: Mentioned: Current Record: Achievements: OOC Notes:
-[ The Sexiest Divas World-Wide !]-


*~* The scene slowly begins to open as the cameras focus outside at the XWE parking lot where a silver eclipse has just pulled up at the arena with "Disturbed" music blasting at full volume. The cameras zoom in on the driver but cannot get a glimpse because the windows are tainted black and closed shut. A few minutes later the car parks as the door slowly opens and a very attractive woman comes into view. The cameras zoom in on the woman who is wearing some black dickie pants and a matching black shirt which is buttoned halfway down enough to reveal the pierced belly button. Her hair high in a ponytail as a black bandanna is wrapped over her head . She takes her black shades from outta her pocket and puts them on as she reaches into the back seat and takes out a black backpack. The woman then takes her cell phone out and starts dialing a number as she walks towards the entrance of the arena . The guard tries to stop her but the women looks at him and shoves him aside as she steps into the arena as the person on the other line finally answers the phone.

~*Torrie Wilson *~ Hello.....

~$ Xandra $~ Hey Torrie... what's up girl it's me Xandra . Listen... im inside the arena already but the thing is... I dunno where the fuck your lockeroom is ? You said my lockeroom would be right next to yours right ?

~*Torrie Wilson *~ Yeah.... that is correct.... where are you right now Xandra ? maybe I can come look for you .

~$ Xandra $~ Right now im.... (looks around) Im right infront of the bending machines... i'll wait for you here . Shyt im hungry so while your skinny ass comes down to find me... I will be munching away on some.... (looks into the bending machine) OH yeeeaaaahh!! They got Twix !!! C-ya Torrie ! (hangs up)

Xandra puts her cell into her pocket as she reaches for some change . She finally pulls some change out as she puts it into the machine and takes her chocolate bar out. Xandra sits on a nearby wodden table as she enjoys her chocolate bar and bangs her head to "Spit it out" by Slipknot. About 5 minutes pass by and as Xandra takes the last bite of her chocolate bar someone suddenly taps her shoulder as Xandra swings around ready to know the living hell outta the person as Torrie catches her arm and laughs , Xandra sighs as she puts her hand down and puts her backpack on as they both walk down the hallways.

~*Torrie Wilson *~ Damn Xandy... you nearly chopped by head off with your damn arm. My... (laughs) aren't we in a fighting mood .

~$ Xandra $~ Yeah and your lucky I didn't otherwise I would have ruined that pretty face of yours ! Sorry about that but lately i've been goin through alotta shyt ya know ? I've been jumped a couple of times .... so I guess im used to acting the way I did... sorry but I was juss defending myself.

~*Torrie Wilson *~ Hey... it's understandable.. im glad you decided to join up with me girl . At least I got someone I know in this place besides my man of course . So tell me.... how was the trip ?

~$ Xandra $~ Oh you don't wanna know ! I took an earlier flight.... there was this old perv sitting next to me . He kept putting his hands on my leg so I told him to fuck off.... he kept it up so I took my cup of steaming hot coffee & poured it down his pants. Then I got kicked outta the plane ... so .... I guess it wasn't your typical "Normal Flight" .

~*Torrie Wilson *~ Oh my god Xandy ! how could you do that to that poor man ?

~$ Xandra $~ Hey he started it ! Hell... he thought I was juss gonna let him feel up on my leg ? Sorry Torrie but I don't take kind to pervs ! You know the shyt I went through growin up so don't fuckin ask me why I reacted the way I did .

~*Torrie Wilson *~ Aight... juss don't bite my freaking head off. (Stops infront of Xandra's lockeroom} So.... this is your lockeroom... im right next door to you if you need anything juss give a little shout . I will leave you now cuz it seems like you could use some rest .... looks like you haven't slept in days your eyes look all puffy .

~$ Xandra $~ Yeah well you can expect that when you lived in the streets due to the fact your prick of a man kicked you outta the house for accusing you of sleepin with his best friend.... but what the hell huh ? I guess I shouldn't be surprised seeing how I've always had a problematic life.

Torrie walks up to her friend and embraces her with a big hug as she then pulls away and heads into her lockeroom leaving Xandra behind. Xandra enters her lockeroom as she drops the backpack onto the couch and walks over to the mini fridge and takes out a cold bottle water as she lays herself on the couch and stares at the ceiling as she begins to speak to herself.

~$ Xandra $~ So this is... XWE ? HA ! doesn't seem that bad .... this is where you will be spending alot of time now Xandy , and to think that Torrie brought you here ? hell if it wasn't for her i'd probably still be living that fucked up life I was living with Angel.... (takes a picture of her ex out & stares at it as a tear drops from her eye ) Why Angel ? why did you do that to me huh ? I LOVED YOU ! We were engaged you fucking ASSHOLE !!! and you did that to me... outta all people me ? Me who alwayz bailed your lazzy bum ass outta jail! I hope you rott in hell for what you did to me Angel... I could of forgiven the lying & cheating part .... but not what you did to me ! (takes a lighter outta her pocket and lights the picture up ) Well.... im about to begin a new life so why bother wasting my tears on someone like you.... you meaningless prick ! I wonder if what Torrie said was true.... I wonder if there are some cute guys here ? Maybe that will help to keep me from thinking of Angel ? (laughs a bit) Ah what the fuck am I saying ? all guyz are the same !! all they do is play with our fuckin emotions !! Ah well... time to chill I guess .

Xandra reaches into her backpack and pulls out a copy of her favorite movie "House of 1000 Corpses" She pops the dvd into the dvd player and sits back and enjoys the movie . About a half hour later there's a loud knock at the door as Xandra looks over to the door expecting it to be Torrie. She tells the person to come in but is surprised to not see Torrie... instead she sees a man she'd never seen before. She stares at the stranger not knowing what to expect .

The Sexiest Divas Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler