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The Following Material is a Roleplay Written by UTVols2004 but the Layout was made by Daniel Salinovic and he doesnt appreciate anyone stealing his stuff and pissing him off...The Views are niether influencial nor aimed towards WWF, WCW, or ECW...This Roleplay contains explicit language and offensive material that may offend some people if you are one that becomes easily offended I encourage you not to read any further, If you do not want to read any further click the little X up th top. But if want to know how a good of a roleplayer Triple H is i dare you to read on!
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The Scene opens in the arena where all of the announcers are talking about the events that have gone on in smackdown tonight so far, they talk about how the great matches and promos have gone one after another, then they talk about how HBK vs. Scott Steiner is later tonight!
*All of a sudden DEGENERATION X hits the loudspeaker as Shawn Michaels walks out from under the curtain wearing black sunglasses and kacki shorts, he walks onto the ramp then down the aisle where he taunts the fans...mostly the women, he shows off to them and then begins walking a little more...he makes it too the ring where he walks up the steps...he goes in between the ropes and goes to the center where the lights dim and a giant broken heart light hits the center of the ring, the lights dim and hbk stands in the center, he then stretches over and poses like he has for many years as the red fireworks shoot in the background...he then spins around as the lights dim up and the music dies down as well as the crowd...lillian garcia walks over and gives hbk the mic to speak...*
..::[ - "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels - ]::.. It seems as if the Kid is back in town and ready to get back to Scott steiner, your a great wrestler, but you arent enough for HBK, you may have beat me the first time but that wont happen again...the only reason we lost the first time around was because Midajah is the only real fighter in that match!  thats right scotty straight and simple she carried you, now i dont respect you and i dont like you but ive gotta fight you and straight up man im gonna kick your ass!  So Steiner prepare for the beating of a lifetime because HBK is large and in charge!
*all of a sudden the lights dim back down as HBK looks towards the stage as a purple hugh hits the arena, then all of a sudden the sound of bells tolling hits the loudspeaker, then out comes someone dressed in black clothing and hood rolling out a casket that has stuff like DX Rulz written all over it and many other things...HBK is in shock as the man dressed in black stops the casket at the edge of the ring and then walks back to the back...*
..::[ - "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels - ]::.. What in the hell is this!!  UIndertaker, i have a great feeling that this is yours and i have no beef with got your match, now even though i can kick your ass all over the ring, i have no beef with i dont know what the hell you are doing bringing out your men in black and your caskets and crap...taker, i have nothing against you and no beef so im gonna get back to steiner...scott, you jacked up freak, your prolly the guy who put taker up to this, i dont know whats going on but bet your asses that i will whoop you steiner and taker if you try to interfere, your ass to belongs to me...HBK!!
*The Music hits again as HBK has a spooked look on his face and he drops the mic...he then steps out of the ring and heads to the back as the scene fades back to the announce booth with Jim Ross and Paul Heyman!*
..::[ - "Good Ol" Jim Ross - ]::.. Paul i dont know whats going on with the undertaker and HBK and Scott STeiner but whateer it is, i wouldnt want to be in the heartbreak kids shoes right now!
*Scene fades to black*