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' D o n t    M a k e     F u n     O f    M e '   

ROLE-PLAY: 001 RECORD: 000 - 000 - 000 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: None Yet


Last week Mike Sanders made his CWF debut and what a debut it was, Mike comfortably defeated one of the all time wrestling greats Hollywood Hogan. Mike showed that he really is above average and some people are tipping him to make a real impact in the CWF. Mike is certainly hoping to show people that be can make an impact and he has a great opportunity to do so when he takes on another wrestling great, Sting, at CWF's pay-per-view Vengeance. Mike's match might not be the main attraction at Vengeance but he's getting his chance to show the CWF wrestlers and fans that he's in the CWF to do more than make up the numbers. Although he's gonna find it tough against a guy who's seen it all and has beaten some great opponents in his time. Mike is actually feeling confident about his match and although any match against Sting isn't going to be easy he thinks that Sting's just another guy who's way past his best. We'll just have to wait and find out if Sting does still have what it takes but one thing is sure that Mike is in great shape and it'll take something special to beat him.

The scene opens on a street in the Welsh capital city Cardiff where the CWF Vengeance will be held. It's a very wet day and the rain is pouring down on the people as they walk along the street, the camera soon zooms in on two guys walking along the street and reveals them to be Mike Sanders and Mark Jindrak. We start to here what Mike is saying as he talks to Mark.

ABOVE AVERAGE' Mike Sanders: Who's idea was it to hold the CWF's pay-per-view, the CWF's big show, Vengeance in Wales? I mean why would anybody want to come anywhere near this country let alone hold something like PPV event here.

AVERAGE' Mark Jindrak: Hey, what's wrong with Wales?

ABOVE AVERAGE' Mike Sanders: What's wrong, what's wrong with this country. Isn't it obvious even to a moron like you!! Have you looked around, I've never seen so much rain not to mention these people. It's just street after street of ugly, ugly people.

AVERAGE' Mark Jindrak: I just think somebody's a bit angry cause they don't like getting wet and anyway this Britain you're supposed to expect weather like this.

ABOVE AVERAGE' Mike Sanders: Well your not suppose to expect weather like this in Summer are you!!

AVERAGE' Mark Jindrak: Calm down already, somebody really is in a bad mood. You won your first CWF match and now you've got a big match at Vengeance so what's got you so mad?

ABOVE AVERAGE' Mike Sanders: Nothing's got me mad, maybe if you'd just shut up for a minute and let me find the hotel and I'd be happier. I just need to sit down and relax, you're right about one thing I've got a big match and I need prepare for it and walking about this damn city isn't good preparation.

AVERAGE' Mark Jindrak: Okay then well the hotel is supposed to be near here, it should be just around the corner.

ABOVE AVERAGE' Mike Sanders: Well lets get moving then the sooner we get to this hotel the better.

Mike Sanders and Mark Jindrak start to move a bit quicker as they walk down a street and turn the corner. As they turn the corner they notice the hotel just across the road from them, it's a normal sized place that look alright but nothing too special. Mike and Mark cross the road and go through the main doors into a lobby area, which has a reception desk at the end of it where an old lady is sitting smoking. Mike then turns to Mark as they start to dry off from being out in the rain.

ABOVE AVERAGE' Mike Sanders: Before we came here you said we'd be staying in the best hotel in the City and you know somehow this doesn't look like it. I'm an above average guy and I don't put up this average places like so is this it.

AVERAGE' Mark Jindrak: Does it really matter if it's 'above average' or whatever all you wanted was a place to sit down and relax so what's wrong with this place?

ABOVE AVERAGE' Mike Sanders: Fine then.. there's nothing wrong with this place. If I wasn't so wet, cold, hungry and tired I wouldn't put up with this but for once this will just have to do.

AVERAGE' Mark Jindrak: Great then, all we need to do is get the keys to the room.

Mark walks off up to the desk looking surprisingly happy as Mike trudges behind him looking like he's in a pretty bad mood. Mark walks over to the reception desk where the Receptionist puts out her cigarette and begins to greet Mike and Mark.

BELOW AVERAGE' Receptionist: What can I do your you two fine looking men?

ABOVE AVERAGE' Mike Sanders: We're just looking for a room, the best you've got.

BELOW AVERAGE' Receptionist: Okay, and will this be a single or double bed?

ABOVE AVERAGE' Mike Sanders: Woah... this room is single beds lady, don't be getting any ideas. I'm not that kinda guy.

BELOW AVERAGE' Receptionist: You gotta ask these questions, it's my job. Now anyway, single beds, so that'll be Room Number 16, and don't forget breakfast is served from eight till eleven.

ABOVE AVERAGE' Mike Sanders: Don't worry, I'll be more than happy to skip Breakfast.

Mike grabs the key to the room from the Receptionist and then walks away through a door with a sign saying "Rooms 1-20". Mark follows after him as they walk down a hallway, with doors on other either side all with numbers on them. mark catches up to Mike and quickly starts talking.

AVERAGE' Mark Jindrak: You can't be serious man, there's no way we can skip Breakfast. Breakfast is the best meal of the day and I want a traditional British breakfast, you know egg, sausage, bacon, baked beans and all that stuff.

ABOVE AVERAGE' Mike Sanders: You go ahead and eat that crap but by the looks of this place you'll end up throwing up after whatever you eat whatever they serve here.

AVERAGE' Mark Jindrak: Well as long as I get breakfast I'll be happy and I don't really care what you think, I think this place looks fine.

ABOVE AVERAGE' Mike Sanders: I'd definitely say this place was way below average, and once we get the room I'm sure I won't be changing my mind.

Mike Sanders and Mark Jindrak then reach their room, Room 16 and stop talking as Mike opens the door and walks in followed by Mark. The camera pans around the room showing two single beds separated by a small table and in front of the two beds another larger table against the wall. On the table is a paper, TV and phone. Mike doesn't look too impressed as Mark walks through the door past a wardrobe and jumps onto one of the beds. He sits up as Mike closes the door and walks in, Mike sits on the other bed and looks out a window as the rain still comes down hard outside.

AVERAGE' Mark Jindrak: See this place is just fine, it looks great we've got everything we need.

ABOVE AVERAGE' Mike Sanders: Okay, maybe it's not below average but this nowhere near my above average standards, maybe your use to putting up with sort of average stuff but I'm not. I suppose it'll have to do.

AVERAGE' Mark Jindrak: Great, so we're both happy.

ABOVE AVERAGE' Mike Sanders: Yeah, now I need to get some rest for my big match so I don't want you jumping up and down and running about crazy, just sit down and shut up and let me relax.

AVERAGE' Mark Jindrak: Okay then but only cause you've got a big match coming up.

ABOVE AVERAGE' Mike Sanders: I'm glad you understand because this really is a big match, last week I showed what I can do when I beat has-been Hogan and this week I've got another has-been, another guy who's past it, I'm against Sting. Now if you look at my match last week you'll see how easily I defeated Hogan well the same's gonna happen to Sting because this is my big chance to show the CWF who I am and that I'm gonna be a big name here so I'm not messing it up. I'm in the best shape of my career and I'm more than able to go out a beat old guys like Sting. Isn't it clear that when you put a young, strong guy like me in the ring with and old, past-it wrestler I'm gonna kick some ass, it happened last week and it'll happen again this week.

AVERAGE' Mark Jindrak: But Sting's like one of the best wrestlers ever, he's got so much experience and jus cause he's been around for a while doesn't make him an old has-been.

ABOVE AVERAGE' Mike Sanders: That's exactly what you said about Hogan and I proved you wrong, I'm telling you that I've got all you need to become a top CWF superstar and beat guys like Sting. You see Sting would love to be back in top shape but you know it's been a while since he's been up against the big guys, he's being doing the independent shows and he might've been winning now and again but it's a total different league in the CWF and you need to be in top shape in the CWF and plain simple Sting's long past his top form and he's been out of shape for too long. I'm looking to show these people in the CWF that I'm better than the rest, I'm somebody special, I'm Above Average. You know come Vengeance Sting is gonna be

S.O.L and you know what that means

Mike then laughs as he stand up and walks over to the window of his hotel room and the TV picture fades out to black and then goes to a commercial break.

Hollywood Hogan