She's The Perfect Ten -:- Torrie Wilson

.::[Introduction]::.What more could Torrie Wilson ask for? First returning to the WWFX with not only with fan approval but also with a WWFX Women's title shot! Which led that match with Torrie winning, but not winning the title, all due to Eric Bischoff! Since then Torrie had a rematch against past Women's Champion, Trish Stratus in a match to claim a vacant Women's champ! Then again leaving Trish and Torrie pinning each other shoulders flat down! And now Eric is demanded to find a Women's champion, so this coming retribution he has made it clear that all the WWFX Diva's will be put in an elimination battle royal to determine the NEW WWFX Women's World Champion! Could more evolve in this wild month for the WWFX's women's divison? Or will things get even hotter for Torrie Wilson!? Stay tuned as you will see the next WWFX Women's champion, coming soon!.::[Introduction End}::.

( ( SCENE ONE "Some commentary" ) )

///(The scene opens up to the WWFX arena as the fans are going crazy as we head into just another wild yet exciting week for the WWFX! The cameras slowly zoom in by ring-side as Jim Ross and Jerry The King Lawler are commentating.)\\\

||(Jim Ross)|| : Welcome fans to another entertaining and wild week of WWFX! And King, i am pretty impressed with Eric Bischoff as of late! Not with making peoples life miserable but with making the Women's match that were going to see tonight live! As all five WWFX Diva's will go head to head in a elimination battel royal, and the winner, well they become the vacant women's champ!

||(The King)|| : I know JR! its going to be one hell of a night tonight! As all the puppies will fly! Whoohooo! (licks lips) And we finally get to see a new Women's champion! Finally, after this two week hitas! And maybe this time, it won't be Trish!?!

||(Jim Ross)|| : Maybe not? It could be Torrie, Stacy, Jackie or even Victoria! All these Diva's have an equal oppertunity here, and if i were them i could take full advantage!

||(The King)|| : Hell i would! (laughs) But did you hear what Trish said, she said that she would win because she's better than all the other Diva's in that match! (rolls eyes)

||(Jim Ross)|| : You know, Trish really has given me a second thought about her! I used to know Trish who respected everyone, and that didn't start trouble! But now King, shes turned into a self centered....witch!

||(The King)|| : And it shows! For some reason i hope one of the other Diva's become champion, even that rabid psycho Victoria!

||(Jim Ross)|| : (laughs) Victoria is pretty vicious and i wouldn't be surprised if she did walk out champ tonight!

||(The King)|| : God forbid really!

||(Jim Ross)|| : What about Torrie Wilson, she has really made a mark in this industry after her awaited return just a month ago! And im really proud of her, shes stuck up the challenge and has over come all odds that Eric and even Trish has put in front of her!

||(The King)|| : That you are right JR, Torrie really has given WWFX alot of coverage for the women's divison, by ranks and by fan reaction, this woman has really given WWFX a women's divison back! Alot of competition!

||(Jim Ross)|| : That she has! I can actually say that WWFX has signed a Diva worth keeping and Torrie my freind, is worth keeping! Adam has done very well with that one! (smiles)

||(The King)|| : Ha! And don't forget Torrie is the one who put Molly out of commision! So that means Molly is injured and out of WWFX! (laughs)

||(Jim Ross)|| : Oh! Enough of that King! (laughs) But anyway fans we have to take a short commercial break and we will be right back!...

((The cameras fade out to a short commercial break))



::Abercrombie & Fitch "Kids"::

::Aero Postal::

::Old Navy model search::


::Cell Phones::

::WWFX replay::

::WWFX Live::

( ( SCENE TWO "Backlash!" ) )

///(The scene opens back up to the locker room as Torrie Wilson is stretching on the floor wearing a cute get-up with a playboy bunny on it. Torrie then does the splits on the floor (fans cheer in arena) and leans down with each arm touching her foot. Torrie then gets to her feet and her locker room door flys open, to be none other than Eric Bischoff!)\\\

||(Eric Bischoff)|| : Well look who it is! Torrie Wilson! My underdogg of the women's divison!

||(The Blonde Bombshell *Torrie*)|| : Eric, what do you want! (crosses arms)

||(Eric Bischoff)|| : Nothiing actually (smiles) I just wanted to come by and see how you were doing before you get into this match i made! (laughs) Seeing this time you have no chance!

||(The Blonde Bombshell *Torrie*)|| : Riggghht! That's why i should've won the Women's title on my return debut match!?...But some you comes in and doesn't make that happen! Then you make another stipulation! Eric, what can you offer me that i haven't already beaten?

||(Eric Bischoff)|| : I will tell you what you haven't beaten! five women all at once! Torrie, you know why i don't want you as my bitch! (smirks) Because after retribution tonight, no one will want you as their BITCH! Because after what your face looks like, you'll be wanting to hide it just like that bastard KaNe! So why don't you think again Torrie!

||(The Blonde Bombshell *Torrie*)|| : (laughs) Really? Well Eric, your putting me up against Jackie Gayda, Victoria, Trish and my best freind Stacy! I mean the only real competition i have is Stacy! Victoria is too worried about her kendo stikc, Jackie is caught up buying clothes at Wal-mart and Trish is giving homeless people head! I mean what more can I do to win?....So why don't you think it over! ERIC!!

((Eric reaches his hand up and cresses Torrie's hair, Torrie slaps his hand down!!))

||(Eric Bischoff)|| : You just don't get it! but thats all fine and dandy Torrie! Because when you do get it, well thats when you get out of achoma!

||(The Blonde Bombshell *Torrie*)|| : Are you making threats Eric? Because im sure Adam Norton would love to hear them! After kicking ur ass to the curb!

||(Eric Bischoff)|| : (smirks) Your funny Torrie, real funny! So Torrie, if you think you can win, try, but i would advise you to watch every corner as possible! (smirks)

||(The Blonde Bombshell *Torrie*)|| : (rolls eyes) Oh and what is that supposed to mean?

||(Eric Bischoff)|| : well.....(puts his hand on his chin and thinks)

((Eric thinks a little more and as soon as he starts smirking a loud pop is heard as Torrie was just hit in the head with a kendo stick. Victoria walks into the scene smirking and sadistictly laughing as she strokes the kendo stick))

||(Eric Bischoff)|| : Well Torrie....I guess it means that!...Come on Victoria, you have a match to win!

///(The camera slowly starts to fade out as Torrie lays on the floor knocked out cold!!!)\\\

( ( SCENE THREE "Getting ready to kick some ASS!!" ) )

///(The scene opens up to Torrie's locker room as a few doctors are in checking the back on her head as she holds an ice pack to it. Torrie starts holding her neck in pain and quiches as the doctors touch the back of her head)\\\

||(The Blonde Bombshell *Torrie*)|| : All i want to know, am i cleared to wrestle!?!

||(Doctor Jones)|| : Well i don't see why you can't all there is a small welt and minor swelling. So yes you should be able to wrestle tonight. And the x-rays show no sign of fractions or breakage. So im going to clear you to wrestle!

||(The Blonde Bombshell *Torrie*)|| : Okay, good! (smiles)

((The doctors leave the room as Torrie lays comfortably on the sofa. A few seconds later Stacy Kiebler walks in and sits next to her in a leather chair))

||(The Blonde Bombshell *Torrie*)|| : Hey Stace!

||(Stacy Keibler)|| : Hey Tor! You feeling okay?

||(The Blonde Bombshell *Torrie*)|| : Yeah better. (laughs)

||(Stacy Keibler)|| : I can't beleive that Eric had Victoria do that to you! What a cunt! I can't wait to pound her face in tonight!

||(The Blonde Bombshell *Torrie*)|| : me too! And you know Stace, i don't know why Eric couldn't have hit me himself, you know hes a woman beater, so he had to have some wench do it instead. Im going to make Victoria pay for what she did, and in the end, she will be the one out and over the ropes!

||(Stacy Keibler)|| : No doubt! I can't wait to throw Trash Stratus over the top ropes! That slut!

||(The Blonde Bombshell *Torrie*)|| : I don't blame ya! I would love to throw that bitch out face first! (rolls eyes) Shes soo dead meat!

||(Stacy Keibler)|| : Well i just wanted to come by and see how you were doing, i have to run a few erands for someone and get reayd for the match, since it is a few hours away ya know!?

||(The Blonde Bombshell *Torrie*)|| : (smiles) Well thanks for stopping by, i appreciate it. Oh goodluck Stace, tonight is going to be a night both of us will never forget! And maybe one of us will be WWFX's newest Women's champion! (smiles)

||(Stacy Keibler)|| : Who knows, until tonight (laughs) But yeah goodluck Tor! And well, i guess i will see ya out in the ring! (smiles) Bye.

///(Stacy leaves the locker room as Torrie closes her eyes and begins to rest on the couch as the camera fades to a commercial)\\\

( ( SCENE END ) )