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WWFX comes back from a commercial break. The camera sweeps over the cheering crowd and then focusses on Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler.

://Good Ol' J.R.\/Jim Ross//:
Welcome back to WWFX Retribution! What a night it is gonna be! We have some great matches, including Matt Hardy facing off against Kevin Nash, as well as the man beast Rhyno meeting the Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels.

://The King\/Jerry Lawler//:
That right J.R.! We also have not one, but two title matches right here in Madison Square Garden tonight! The television title will be on the line tonight when The Rock goes up against Chris Nowinski. And my favourite, PUPPIES!, will be out tonight as the WWFX Women's championship will be defended by Torrie Wilson tonight against Trish Stratus! I can't wait!

://Good Ol' J.R.\/Jim Ross//:
And you can't forget our main event tonight. The number one contenders for the WWFX tag team titles will be decided tonight as Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar will face The Acolytes for the right to meet our tag champs, Christian and Matt Hardy. You never know what else will happen tonight, as word of great new WWFX signings has gotten around. Names such as Kane, Stone Cold Steve Austin, John Cena, D'Lo Brown and many more have been rumoured as new members of the WWFX roster.

Just then, the TitanTron flickers on and it shows D'Lo Brown backstage in a locker room. He seems to be playing a video game of some sort.

://The King\/Jerry Lawler//:
Speaking of D'Lo Brown...

The camera zooms in and onto the TV screen. D'Lo seems to be playing the new WWFX Retribution video game for the PlayStation 2. D'Lo presses the start button and the game heads to a selection screen where he chooses to have a singles match. The game then goes to the select-a-wrestler screen.

://The Real Deal\/D'Lo Brown//:
I'm gonna pick the best wrestler in the WWFX.

D'Lo immediately goes to himself and presses the button. He then goes to pick his opponent.

://The Real Deal\/D'Lo Brown//:
Now who is gonna get the Sky High this time?

D'Lo allows the game to randomly select his opponent. It scrolls through all of the wrestlers and then lands on Booker T!

://The Real Deal\/D'Lo Brown//:
The Booka Man is about to take a beating from the Real Deal. Now can you dig that SUCKA!!!

The game then shows the ramp as D'Lo Brown's music hits. The animated version of D'Lo then struts its way onto the ramp. He struts down the ramp and up the steps into the ring. He then gets up on the middle turnbuckle and does his signature head bobbling.

://The Real Deal\/D'Lo Brown//:
Man, I even look good in a video game!

The real deal's music then stops and Booker T's music hits. The video game version of Booker T comes out onto the ramp. He stops and stares at his hand, and then raises his arms in the air as fireworks go off. Booker then makes his way to the ring. Once he is in the ring, the bell rings to start the match.

://The Real Deal\/D'Lo Brown//:
Time to kick some ass!

In the video game, D'Lo and Booker lock up. D'Lo then kicks Booker in the mid-section and runs towards the ropes where he bounces back and hits Booker with the clothesline. D'Lo is laughing out loud while playing the game every time he executes a move. D'Lo hits a DDT and then picks Booker up and drop kicks him. As D'Lo continues to enjoy playing his game, Booker T walks in the room.

://5-Time WCW Champion\/Booker T//:
Yo D'Lo, What are you doing?

://The Real Deal\/D'Lo Brown//:
I'm kicking your ass!!!

://5-Time WCW Champion\/Booker T//:
What the hell are you talking about? Let me see!

Just then in the video game, D'Lo throws Booker T out of the ring and taunts to the crowd.

://5-Time WCW Champion\/Booker T//:
This ain't right? Hand me that other controller and I'll show you how it's done!

Booker T grabs the controller and takes control of his character. Immediately, his starts to take it to the D'Lo character. D'Lo is smashing at his buttons with his fingers but it seems to be no use as Booker T's character continues to take the upper hand. Booker is smiling and enjoying the game as D'Lo seems to be becoming more and more uncomfortable. A few minutes more go by of this beating, and then a few words pop up over Booker's power meter. This words say TIME FOR RETRIBUTION. Booker's character gets into a grapple with D'Lo. He then kicks him in the stomach and delivers a scissors kick. D'Lo then tosses his controller to the ground and presses the power on/off button on the PlayStation 2.

://The Real Deal\/D'Lo Brown//:
I quit! You cheat!


://5-Time WCW Champion\/Booker T//:
You can't do that! There is no way I could be cheating! You're smoking something real funny D'Lo!

://The Real Deal\/D'Lo Brown//:
I have an idea. I'm amazing at this game, and're not bad, so why don't we have a tag team match?

://5-Time WCW Champion\/Booker T//:
Fine, I dig that.

D'Lo turns the PlayStation 2 back on and the game loads up. This time, he chooses a tag team match. Once they are to the select-a-wrestler screen, D'Lo chooses himself, as does Booker T.

://The Real Deal\/D'Lo Brown//:
Now we gotta choose the punks that we will be wrestling against.

D'Lo lets the game randomly select a wrestler once again. It scrolls through the wrestlers and lands on Syxx-Pac.

://5-Time WCW Champion\/Booker T//:
HA HA HA! You gotta be kidding me!

://The Real Deal\/D'Lo Brown//:
This should be easy!

://5-Time WCW Champion\/Booker T//:
Now we have to pick another sucka to face us!

The wrestlers are scrolled through as another wrestler is randomly selected. This time, it lands on John Cena.

://The Real Deal\/D'Lo Brown//:
This is gonna be so easy! It's some scrawny white boy, and a Vanilla Ice wannabe!

The game goes to the next screen and all of the wrestlers make their way to the ring with their respective themes. The match then starts with D'Lo in the ring against Syxx-Pac. They grapple and then D'Lo grabs Syxx-Pac's arm and twists it. He tugs on the arm and then whips Syxx-Pac towards the ropes. When he comes back he is clotheslined by D'Lo Brown. D'Lo picks helps him to his feet before picking him up and slamming him. D'Lo then tags in the Booka Man. Booker T starts to punch away at Syxx-Pac and then gives him a drop kick to the face to knock him down. Syxx-Pac gets to his feet and tags in John Cena. Cena runs towards Booker and goes for a clothesline but Booker T ducks. Cena then runs back the other way. Booker T drops to the ground and executes a drop toe hold. He then gets up and starts to stomp away at Cena's back.

://The Real Deal\/D'Lo Brown//:
These guys really do suck! They shouldn't be stepping in the ring with Booker T and D'Lo Brown.

://5-Time WCW Champion\/Booker T//:
You can say that again brotha.

://The Real Deal\/D'Lo Brown//:
These guys really do suck! They shouldn't be stepping in the ring with Booker T and D'Lo Brown.

://5-Time WCW Champion\/Booker T//:
Shut the hell up D'Lo!

The video game version of Booker T continues to lay a beating to John Cena. Booker T executes a DDT followed by a leg drop. Cena's power meter is going down as Booker's is going up. Booker goes for the pin. 1..2..Syxx-Pac comes in and interferes with the count. The wrestler controlled by D'Lo runs in and starts to punch away at Syxx-Pac. He punches him into a corner and continues to punch as a count comes from the audience. They count from one to ten as D'Lo punches Syxx-Pac until he is sitting down in the corner. D'Lo presses a button to makes his wrestler do a taunt. "Stay Down!" is yelled by D'Lo wrestler towards his opponent. The meter beside the name D'Lo Brown is now near full as well. As Booker and D'Lo do one more move each to the two opponents, both their meters reach "TIME FOR RETRIBUTION!". As this happens, Booker T's wrestler gets down on one knee and performs a spinarooni.

://5-Time WCW Champion\/Booker T//:
No way, it looks like the really thing! Now can you dig that SUCKA!!!

://The Real Deal\/D'Lo Brown//:
Almost simultaneously, D'Lo Brown executes a sky high to Syxx-Pac and Booker T executes a scissors kick to John Cena. Booker T then goes for the pin. Both men begin to count out loud as the digital referee starts to count.

://The Real Deal & The 5-Time WCW Champion\/D'Lo Brown & Booker T//:
1! 2! 3!!!
1! 2! 3!!!

://5-Time WCW Champion\/Booker T//:
We beat the crap out of Scrawny White Boy and Vanilla Ice! We make a pretty good team D'Lo!

://The Real Deal\/D'Lo Brown//:
I agree with you there brotha.

://5-Time WCW Champion\/Booker T//:
The game was so realistic. It seemed like I was really in the middle of the ring doing my spinarooni...performing a scissors kick...and hearing my favourite thing in the world, which is the WWFX fans cheering as the referee counts 1, 2, 3!

://The Real Deal\/D'Lo Brown//:
There is one thing I don't quite agree with there Book. Who gives a damn whether the fans are cheering or booing you when you are in the ring. It doesn't make one bit of a difference. The fans don't mean a thing. Neither the respect, nor the support of the crowd will change what happens in that ring. For years, I had the respect and support of the crowd, yet I went no where. Well, that's all gonna change. I've realized that I don't need the fans.

CROWD: Boooooooo! Boooooooo!

://The Real Deal\/D'Lo Brown//:
If I am gonna be successful, I'm gonna have to be ruthless. Booker, you may be a five time WCW Champion. But I must ask you, what have you done since then? Sure you have had the respect and support of the fans, but have you won any major titles? I didn't think so. You may have had the respect of the fans, but much like me, you lacked respect from the people who you need to get it from most. These people are your boss and the other wrestlers who think that they are better than you. I don't know about you, but I am gonna get that respect from the boss by winning my matches, and one way or another, I will get respect from the other wrestlers, even if it comes to beating it out of them. I think you have to look deep inside Booker, and realize that you don't need the fans. To find success, you have to be ruthless, and receive the respect that you deserve from the people around you. It's about time guys like you and me stopped being overlooked and got that respect. Think about that Booker.

D'Lo looks Booker seriously in the face and then walks out of the room. Booker T is left pondering what D'Lo has just said.

---WWFX Goes To A Commercial Break---
