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Just Bring It Results
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News Headlines

Posted By The Webmaster: Re-Construction Is Over: As you know, last night the Championship Wrestling Federation went under some major re-construction, this meant that the whole site has had a re-make, from the Rules Page which you should all read, strait to the RAW Card... in other words, the Rules, Champions, Application Form, Archive, RAW Card, Administration, Superstars, Enter Page and the new Home Page.. I hope you'll enjoy all these marvelous updates and with any luck, it'll get you going and ready to Roleplay again, RAW results ARE POSTED.. they may not be amazing, but their a start, I have had a tattoo done this week so my arm is killing me, either way, next week will hopefully be better with a new Layout to work up on. Heh, Goodluck next RAW and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

1. John Cena
2. Kurt Angle
3. Chris Jericho
4. Steve Austin
5. Batista
6. Sean O'Haire
7. Edge and Christian
8. Triple H
9. La Resistance
10. Brock Lesnar
Quote Of The Week:
Hardcore Holly: "What the hell are you wearing nub nuts?"

Al Snow: "Well it's a gold chain, a customized Al Snow robe, and this red thong..." - Al Snow to Hardcore Holly in a Smackdown Roleplay. Class RP