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[ Wins - 016 ]
[ Losses - 008 ]
[ Draws - 002 ]

[ Whooped - Sean O Haire (4x), Matt Hardy (4x), Triple H (3x), Stone Cold (2x), Deacon Batista, The Hurricane, Kane, Big Show, Taz, Steve Corino, Tajiri, Scott Steiner, Booker T, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Royal Rumble Participants - Matt Hardy, Rey Mysterio, Mr Perfect, Bubba Ray Dudley, Billy Kidman, Rosie, The Hurricane, Batista, Jamal, Dvon Dudley, Super Crazy, Sting, Big Show, RVD, The Sandman, Justin Credible, Road Dogg, Devon Storm, Goldberg, Scott Steiner, Mankind, Shawn Michaels, Booker T, Stone Cold, Low Ki, Kane, Sid Vicious, Shannon Moore, Sean O Haire ]

[ Roleplay # - 86 ]

[ Achievements - FIRST EVER FIRST EVER GRAND SLAM CHAMPION, WM2K1 Champion [1x], Wrestlemania 2 Main Event 2003, WME United States Champion [1x], WME Tag Team Champion [1x w/Jamie Noble], 2003 Royal Rumble Winner [1x w/ Sean O Haire], Roleplayer of the Week [5x], Slam Rank 1, Nominated for Most Consistent Roleplayer 2002, Nominated for Rookie of the Year 2002, Nominated for Best Slam Moment 2002, Voted Future of the WME @ Awards 2002, Voted Slam Superstar of the year @ Awards 2002, Nominated for Comedian Of The Year 2002, Voted Favourite Slam Champion by 128 people, Guaranteed Hall Of Famer by Mr E.Bischoff, Eric Bischoff Thumbs Up [6], Originally Picked for Team Slam @ Survivor Series 2002, Agent of the WME World Tag Team & World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho ]

[ Next Goal on Rikishi’s Illustrious List - To win KOTR 2003 / Become a 2 Time WM2K1 Champion ]

[ Longest Unbeaten Streak 103 Days Jan’14th - April 26th ‘03 ]

[ Upcoming WME Match SLAM Rikishi & Sid Vicious Vs Stone Cold & Brock Lesnar ]

RIKISHI: ... Like a Woman

Forward: Wednesday night Slam, the first time WME’s #1 show aired on a Wednesday was off the hook. There were some great matches and some good developmental angles and storylines happening. It was also the scene of Version 1 Appreciation night, yet Rikishi cant think why that was held to save his life... we saw Sean O Haire return HOME to Slam, and we now know that the Slam Main Event at Guilty As Charged will be Sean challenging Matt Hardy, and the Kish feels, even though theres some hatred between the two.. He wants Sean to come out on top. But since Slam aired, people were talking about one thing and one thing only.. Rikishi. He did what every superstar dreams about doing.. Kicking there Boss’s ass. He re signed a Slam contract with Steph and now on Monday night he will team with Sid Vicious.. Who the Kish has NO respect for and doesnt feel at all good about teaming with this piece of shit.. And he will take on the team of Austin and Lesnar.. Rikishi has never defeated Lesnar.... is this the time of change?

Scene One
Status Off Camera
Location Near Fat Tony’s Italian Restaurant
Time 2pm

'Scene' A hot and surprisingly quiet afternoon in Washington DC, where on 53rd Avenue there is usually gangs out and about causing trouble, with people trying to make money by doing some terrible things... but it is quiet. Its never been this quiet... just a couple of hours ago a gang fight broke out where 2 members of the Zaibotsu were killed with bullet wounds. Blood still on the pavement, which hasnt been moved as the local Police Department refuse to deal with these things. The bodys throw in a Dumpster or either thrown into a river, nobody cares if your dead. The first car to go through this street in half an hour comes to a halt as the ignition is turned off, and out steps the Phat Man wearing a black leather jacket and shades, with black leather pants. He locks the car up and heads over to the restaurant across the street. He gets closer to the entrance as he hears noise coming from the restaurant as he gets closer, and heres the sound of a guy talking to some others about the gang fight that broke out earlier

'Fat Tony' .. So I says to him, I says Roberto.. Go waste the little guy. So what does he do? He throws him in the dumpster

'Scene' A lot of laughing is heard as Rikishi, with no fear walks into this restaurant appropriately named Fat Tony’s as everyone turns round to look at this intruder that dares walk in uninvited as the conversation and laughter stops in an instance as Fat Tony gets up from his seat and looks over at Rikishi

'Fat Tony' Hey we’re closed so get your ass out of here.. Now where was I, oh yeah. So after he throws him in the trash I said to him.. Hey Roberto, don’t throw him in the trash, throw him in the...

'Rikishi' Hey. This Is a restaurant and im thirsty. So can someone get me a Black coffee

'Scene' Fat Tony stops and turns his head to Rikishi and frowns at him

'Fat Tony' Did you not hear me? Were you being ignorant? I said we’re closed so get the hell out of here before I let you say hello to my little friend

'Scene' Fat Tony opens his jacket as we see some sort of black object in the inside pocket as Rikishi doesnt look phased as he raises his eyebrows

'Rikishi' Well maybe your little friend would like to meet my BIG Friend

'Scene' Rikishi turns around and pulls down his pants as he reveals his BIG ASS and starts to slap it as Fat Tony and the boys just look with disbelief as Rikishi dresses himself

'Fat Tony' What the hell you doing amigo? You don’t show your ass in here. Do you know where you are my friend? You are in the rough cut of the woods and when your there, your not getting out without some thorns pricking you

'Rikishi' Hey hey, don’t get any ideas.. I don’t want none of your boys giving me some of there.... wood

'Fat Tony' What the hell you talking about amigo

'Scene' One of the guys at the table slams his fist down on the table in disappointment as Fat Tony looks at him

'Fat Tony' Your gonna get wasted poof

'Scene' He turns back to Rikishi

'Fat Tony' You know amigo, look at you. What are you.. Some sort of woman? Look at you. You got your hair done like a woman. You stand like a woman. You dress like a woman

'Rikishi' Whats the matter? You don’t like woman? You prefer Men Big guy?

'Fat Tony' No no no I love woman. Woman are great.. You know, I like you amigo. Here at Fat Tonys, we always give jobs to..

'Rikishi' Now hold on just a minute.. I don’t JOB on anyone and I don’t get JOBBED on.. You hear what im saying?

'Fat Tony' Haha, you’re a funny guy amigo and I like it.. Say.. Can you drive?

'Rikishi' Yea I can drive...... like a woman

'Fat Tony' Alright I tell you what my friend. I want you to take these keys...

'Scene' Fat Tony reaches into his pocket and pulls out some car keys as he throws them to Rikishi who catches them

'Fat Tony' And I want you to meet my friend on 51st.. Ill ring him up and he will tell you what to do

'Rikishi' Hey.. I just came for coffee

'Fat Tony' Yea you came for coffee and your leaving with a free lunch.. Ill speak to you later amigo

'Scene' Rikishi looks confused as Fat Tony then pulls his “Little Friend” out and aims it at the gay guy sitting at the table.. Rikishi leaves as we hear a loud bang from the café as Rikishi sees a nice red Dodge Viper. He walks up to it and gets inside, as he starts her up and drives to 51st

Scene Two
Status Off Camera
Location 51st Street
Time 2:17pm

'Scene' Rikishi drives along 51st street waiting to see someone or something as then a guy walks out in front of the car as Rikishi hits the brakes. The guy walks round to the passenger side and gets in the car and shuts the door, as the guy, wearing a red sorbet shirt and black suit opens the window and takes a smoke of his cigarette as he puffs the smoke out the window as he turns to Rikishi and lowers his black sunglasses just a bit

'Tommy Vercetti' ...... Drive

'Scene' Rikishi just looks at the guy and then puts his foot down

'Tommy Vercetti' So you’re the guy that drives like a woman

'Rikishi' No I drive like a man

'Tommy Vercetti' Is that so

'Rikishi' It is.. Look at the speed we are going

'Tommy Vercetti' Yea, your doing 40 miles an hour.. But you havent pulled up the handbrake

'Rikishi' Oh yea.. My bad

'Tommy Vercetti' Definitely like a woman.. So .. You’re a new friend of Fat Tony’s eh.. He says your quite a character

'Rikishi' Listen to me alright.. I just went in that café for a coffee and I hear a loud bang going off when I left.. Could of been anything but im sure it was a gunshot of some sort.. And now im driving this Viper around with you.. And I don’t know who the hell you are

'Tommy Vercetti' You know..being blonde fits you just right doesnt it..they say afterall that blondes are dumb

'Rikishi' This aint my natural colour... and anyway.. Trish Stratus takes care of being dumb for me

'Tommy Vercetti' You know.. You look familiar.. Have I seen you on those big trucks that say Wide Load or something?

'Rikishi' Funny... no im a wrestler an I shouldnt have to..

'Tommy Vercetti' Yea I seen you.. You know what.. I tell a lie.. I know everything about you

'Rikishi' What the he..?

'Tommy Vercetti' And as a matter of fact, we knew you were going to show up at Fat Tony’s earlier on

'Rikishi' And how would you know that.... whats your name anyway

'Tommy Vercetti' Tommy... Vercetti.. And you are Rikishi Fatu

'Rikishi' Yea well lots of people know who I am.. Its not surprising you know my name...

'Tommy Vercetti' Rikishi Fatu, 242 Hot Summers Heights, Samoa.. Not to mention your place in Los Angeles

'Rikishi' Well you could of looked it up... but err. How could you possibly know that I was gonna go into that Café place

'Tommy Vercetti' You ask too many questions.. But to answer that particular one.. Because Daniel Ward is writing this roleplay

'Rikishi' Man I love that guy

'Tommy Vercetti' Yea me too... Well anyway, back to what I was saying.. We knew you were gonna go to the café .. So what we are gonna do is this... we know your history.. Where you were shot and you ran down Stone Cold in a car.. Which was a thing of beauty..

'Rikishi' Hey, im past all that.. It was a low point in my career and life for that matter... and you know, running down Austin.. At the time it felt right.. And looking back now.. If I could turn back the clock... I would run his ass down again because doing that gave me my break in this business

'Tommy Vercetti' It was brilliant.. So we got a job for ya

'Rikishi' Job? In case you didnt know.. I have a job already.. And its description is taking punks like Matt Hardy and Sean O Haire and kicking there asses from one side of the ring to the other

'Tommy Vercetti' Well this aint that kind of job... since you have experience in running down people in cars..Fat Tony has been having some problems with his suppliers.. And he wants you to take this Dodge and run down Mister Cappello’s son to teach him a lesson

'Rikishi' What! He wants me to run down and kill some kid?

'Tommy Vercetti' Exactly right... get it done by fifthteen hundred hours

'Scene' Just as Rikishi is about to speak, Tommy opens the passanger door as the car is still moving, and jumps out as he hits the road and spins around as he gets up and robs the nearest car as Rikishi carries on driving with that thought going through his head

Scene Three
Status Off Camera
Location Fat Tony’s
Time 3pm (15:00)

'Scene' Rikishi walks into Fat Tony’s as the big guy is sitting on his own eating a Pizza as he looks up and sees Rikishi walk in. Ton’ looks at his $15,000 solid gold rolex and then frowns at Rikishi who pulls a seat from another table and slides it up to the table and sits down

'Fat Tony' Your early poppey ... you killed the kid before we agreed

'Rikishi' Hey look... about this.. Hell id didnt agree to anything.. I don’t even know how this all started.. When you gave me the keys, I thought you wanted me to get some shopping or something.. You know.. And in my kind nature.. I went ahead to get it and I find out that the only shopping you wanted was some guys life that wasnt on the Sales Shelf

'Fat Tony' You know amigo.. I don’t know why I asked you to do me a job.. I mean you don’t have the big .... how do you say...Coconuts do you

'Rikishi' Coconuts?

'Fat Tony' No no.. Not coconuts amigo.. I mean cohonais

'Rikishi' Cohonais? What the hell is Cohonais? I’ve never heard of that

'Fat Tony' Thats because you don’t have any.. But you know what you do have Rikishi... is Talent.. You see.. I’ve been keeping an eye on you in the WME.. And I’ve been impressed.. But you know what else Rikishi. You could be Big here.. Just like you are in the WME.. Because what I want you to do.. Is come down here once a week and we will see what sort of Jobs we can do for you and you for us

'Rikishi' What sort of jobs? Because as you have quite clearly done your research on.. You know I work just about everyday for WrestleMania Entertainment because for one.. I am the most loyal guy there is for Slam.. And im without a doubt the most hardworking

'Fat Tony' I tell you what amigo.. Drop by my office tomorrow and we will discuss it then alright poppey

'Rikishi' And wheres your office

'Fat Tony' Right here.. But you know.. Actually come to think of it little man.. You could do a job for me on Monday.. Hows that for you?

'Rikishi' Well like I..

'Fat Tony' Good good. Okay.. So you start Monday about nine o clock.. You see amigo, Stone Cold Steve Austin drinks Stevewisers like you know already.. And the people at Stevewisers have Stone Cold down as there best customer... and they havent paid us for a few months now because they pay rent for the factory.. So what I want you to do.. Is destroy there best customer on Monday

'Rikishi' Wait a minute Tony.. You want Me.. The Phat Man... The Big Phat Kishi Daddy to destroy that Texas BabyRattle Steve Austin?

'Fat Tony' Thats right.. And how convenient is it that you have a Tag Team match against this little bald man on Monday

'Rikishi' You know.. I could like working for you Tony

'Fat Tony' I knew you would so tell me... what do you plan on doing to Stone Cold on Monday.. Because it has to be a message.. That Stevewisers get a hold of and understand.. Really.. Really well

'Rikishi' You know what Tony.. If the price is right..

'Fat Tony' Hey hey amigo.. Price is no option.. You take Austin out and you get your money

'Rikishi' Alright, well let me tell you Tony.. You watch Monday Slam alright.. Ill do the job and ill show you exactly what im capable of.. But this little deal.. It sticks between us both.. And if you make this a story in some newspaper.. Then ill...

'Fat Tony' Eat some of this pie?

'Rikishi' ...... Exactly.. And ill eat so much that you wont be able to eat pie again

'Fat Tony' Okay amigo.. You gonna fight like a man.. And you beat on that boy on Monday.. Not for you... but for me

'Rikishi' Now hold on Tony...

'Fat Tony' Please amigo.. Call me Fat Tony

'Rikishi' Yea? You call me the Big Phat Kishi Daddy.. You do know Scott Steiner stole that from me with his very own Big Bad Booty Daddy.. I mean how long did it take him to think of that catchphrase? He needs to get original instead of stealing my stuff you know what im saying...

'Fat Tony' I know what your saying but it doesnt mean im listening

'Rikishi' Right... well Tony you know, like I said.. Watch this Monday on Slam because Steve Austin is gonna pay.. But you know.. I already made him pay a couple weeks ago when I beat his ass... I got further than him at Downfall you know.. I think if you scratch my back ill scratch yours

'Fat Tony' What are you talking about poppey?

'Rikishi' Well you know.. I beat Austin couple weeks ago on Slam alright.. So by kicking his ass this Monday.. Wont really give me any satisfaction

'Fat Tony' What do you want me to do about it.. Name it.. Anything you say

'Rikishi' Good.. Because I think your gonna like what I have in mind.. You see. Steve Austin needs to get beat.. No doubt about it.. But how about.. I let Sid Vicious give Austin the beating.. Because lets face it.. Sid and Austin are facing it off at Guilty As Charged next Sunday.. And Sids got a whole lot of rage ready for that Beer drinking bald headed ass Austin.. I mean.. Did you see what Sid did to him 2 weeks ago? He gave him Five Powerbombs... Five Powerbombs.. He just about crippled him.. So what im saying is.. Ill let Sid kick the crap out of Steve on Monday.. Because Sid has got a full head of anger.. And hes ready to unleash the Psychotic Sid in him.. That we all fear.. And for Austin... did you know he injured Sid for a few months?

'Fat Tony' No I didnt but im beginning to wonder if I should of hired Sid instead a’ you

'Rikishi' Oh come on Fat Tone’.. Sid maybe tough and hard and all that.. But its just a front. You want someone with big cockles..or whatever it is you said, then look no further than the toughest phat man in the WME today. Im as tough as old boots. Hell I won the Royal Rumble..beating twenty nine other guys.. Everyone says I CO won it.. Hell I know the facts and I won the dam thing.. I went One Hour against Sean O Haire at WrestleMania.. And against all odds.. I came out on top.. You are looking at the guy that on Monday is going to give you business.. And teach Steve Austin a lesson.. Through Sid of course.. And thats what I was talking about because well.. We can kill two birds with one stone here.. Sid destroys Austin.. All fully arranged by me.. And I destroy a guy I have never beaten in my career.. Brock Lesnar

'Fat Tony' Oh you know amigo.. I don’t know if I could afford for you to take out Steve Austin and Brock Lesnar

'Rikishi' Oh right.. Well let me make a total guarantee for you Fat Tony.. On Slam.. Ill take Austin and ill give him a piece of the Kish.. In fact ill kick his dam ass for you.. And ill give the remains to Sid.. But then.. ill take out Lesnar. A guy that walks around jumping up and down that you would think he had a pogo rammed up his ass.. And that way.. You not only take out Austin and send a message to Stevewisers.. But you show them that if a guy stands in your way.. And for this instance Lesnar.. You will take them out as well

'Fat Tony' Sounds like a great plan poppy.. Sounds like you got it all planned out.. But im strapped for cash you know.. Because of these Stevewiser idi-rots

'Scene' Rikishi pauses for a second as Fat Tony takes a slice of the pie and puts it in his mouth.. He then spits it out

'Fat Tony' Cold pie.. Im’a gonna order anther

'Rikishi' Oh... you know.. You say you cant pay for Austin and Lesnar to be taken out.. Yet you can afford another round of Pizza Hut coming to your door.. This is a café.. A restaurant.. Use it

'Fat Tony' If I could pay you extra I would my friend but I cannot..

'Rikishi' You know what Tony..forget it.. You pay for Austins head... as long as im in that ring.. Stone Cold will get beat down... but Brock Lesnar the guy I never beat before in my career.. I will beat for Free and leave them both ready to be Judged Guilty And Charged

'Scene' Rikishi looks into Tony’s eyes as the scene fades


'Scene' The scene opens behind a black stretch limousine which is traveling at high speeds through a busy main road somewhere. It is clearly a motorway and the sky is dark as we weave in and out between the cars that showed their disapproval by honking the horn continuously. As we travel even further down the highway we pass a sign that is all lit up and we see it reads…. “WELCOME TO PHILADELPHIA!” We where there! The home of the next show of the wMe Slam Philadelphia Pennsylvania. The limousine continues to roll through the night and into the centre of town where close by there is a hotel which is for the rich and famous where all the main people have stayed some of the Philadelphia stars and celebrities from all around the world maybe. The area was buzzing with clubs and bars so there had to be some trouble somewhere and where ever there was going to be trouble there could only be one man there! The week before he had snapped the neck of his long time tag team partner Triple H a few weeks before that he had power bombed Austin not 1ce not 2ce not even 3 times but he had power bombed Stone Cold Steve Austin that toughest son of a bitch in wrestling today an amazing 6 times putting him out of the title shot! There would be no doubt that this man would be going on to great things in the wMe. World titles fame and fortune where all coming the way of him Sid Vicious the man they said would never return to wrestling after the snapped leg which he suffered at the hands of the Texas Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin. Now it was time for the pay back. The first official chance that Sid had to get his hands on Austin and take what Austin tried to take from him. His career, his lively hood Austin’s life! This week Slam, tag team match Rikishi and Sid vs. Austin and Brock Lesnar. Rikishi and Sid had 1 thing in common in the whole world they both had an intense hatred for the rattlesnake. Now joined by the staff at the wMe they where to be forced to work with each other or lose a match they could not afford to lose! This put Kish in a situation, did he trust the man that snapped his own tag team partner’s neck or does he lose the match against one of his worst enemies we would see what his choice was to be later. The limo rolled up to the out side of what was possibly the classiest hotel in Philly and the driver hops out walking to the back where he is hit in the face with the door as it comes swinging open with the hand of Big Nasty gripping the handle and pulling himself out and looking to the driver who is now on his ass holding his head as some blood trickles from the fingers that covered the hole in his head.

'Sid Vicious' What the hell are you doing you fat ass?

'Driver' You hit me in the head with the door sir!

'Sid Vicious' Oh shut the hell up man all you ever do is whine, if you weren’t trying to open the damn door it wouldn’t have happened you dumb ass. What can’t you trust me to open the damn door?

'Driver' No sir it is not like that, I have been trained to open the door for all of the clients and never to let them open it themselves.

'Sid Vicious' Well I ain’t one of the clients am I? NO! I am Big Nasty! Sid Fucking Vicious I don’t need no fat ass in a monkey suit to open a damn door for me and if you want to try it again ill take your damn head off!

'Scene' Sid laughs and then turns away to the trunk which has already been popped as he lifts it and pulls out a black duffel bag and straps it over his shoulder as he walks back past the driver and as he does stops roots around in his pockets and throws a couple of 10’s down to him and walks off with a sick laughter into the hotel where he heads to his room.

'Scene' A few hours after the arrival of Sid at the hotel he was leaving again. The night was growing old and he hadn’t done anything since the week before in which was when he snapped the neck of his former tag team partner. He wanted to drink and see the local talent of the women so he had to go to a dance club he walked further down the busy street and heard the thumping of the music he looked around and saw a cue of people behind a velvet rope to the side and front of them at the very front was a tall black man checking for Identification. Sid bypassed the line and went to maneuver past the bouncer who turned and caught him.

'Bouncer' What the hell you think you doin’ curly?

'Sid Vicious' WHAT!? Did you just call me curly!?

'Scene' Sid’s eyes widened as he got in the face of the bouncer this was no doubt the first time the bouncer had been stood up to and he didn’t like it. Not one bit!

'Bouncer' Yeah I did punk what you gonna do bout it?

'Sid Vicious' I’m gonna tell you what I’ll do fatty. I will count to three and if you haven’t apologized and moved the hell out of my way I am going to know you down on that Twinkie lovin’ ass of yours and jump on your stomach until you look like Prince. 1… 2…

'Scene' At that point a member of the crowd come pushing through a man about 5’8 in height come over and tapped the bouncer on the shoulder who’s eyes where wide with anger and fear. No one had talked to him like that before and it intimidated him. The bouncer bent his knees a bit so he was on ear level with the man as he whispered into his ear.

'Bouncer' You shittin me right?

'Scene' He turned around to face the man as he stood there without saying a word he shook his head signaling that he wasn’t and then disappeared back into the crowd.

'Bouncer' So you... are Sid Vicious? The wrestler? The one who power bombed Austin 6 times?

'Sid Vicious' No shit Mabel! And unless you want twelve on you bubble butt you better get the hell outta my way so I can go in and get a damn beer.

'Bouncer' Oh… Yes sir…. Straight away sir.

'Scene' The bouncer steps to the side right out of the way of Big Nasty as he walks through with a smile on his face and walks through the 2 sets of glass doors and into the main dance floor where there are hundreds of teens and people from the age of 18 + dancing like idiots on some sort of drug in front of a man with only one head phone on making a noise like a diseased cat with a record, at least this was what Sid was thinking as he walked over to what seemed to be the bar with strobe lights all around and a special neon light it wasn’t to Sid’s taste at all he leant onto the bar and ordered a beer from the bar tender who served him straight away as he come back to take the money he said.

'Bartender' Hey! Hey! Aren’t you Sid Vicious…? From the wMe?

'Sid Vicious' Depends who wants to know and why.

'Bartender' I am a big fan sir can I get your autograph?

'Sid Vicious' Hell no! Who the hell do you think I am!? I ain’t no fag who sucks up to the damn fans now give me the damn beer and take the money.

'Scene' The bartender took the money and put the beer down on the bar where Sid picked it up and started drinking from it immediately. He looked around and saw a dark blue theme around the place. He had his back to the bar now with his elbows resting on it he looked around and to his right was where he had just come from there where still kids raving in there with the glow sticks aloft and Sid looks to his left expecting much the same but he is strangely wrong as he sees a mini-stage with a man who looks over intoxicated swinging around on the microphone stand butchering Eminem’s “Superman”. Sid stood there and laughed for a while until the kid started to annoy him beyond his temper he walked over there and walked up the steps to the stage where he stands there and the kid looks at him confused at what the near 7’ man wanted. He smiled and then pushed the kid from the stage down 4 foot down to the floor where sprawled out and stayed there as Sid took the mic up from the floor of the stage.

'Sid Vicious' You wanna try singing for something kid? Try singing for Austin’s soul because tomorrow night at wMe Slam on the second outing back for the master Austin will become the 2nd slave. You see me and Steve from the PPV aren’t finished those 6 power bombs were just the start of things there is a lot more to come.. Hell you aint even seen me break into a damn sweat yet. And the start of it all will be tomorrow night when I get in the ring with Austin but let’s not forget his partner. The “oh so loveable” Brock Lesnar. The man they call “the next big thing”, well I can say right now that while I am here in the wMe hell while I am breathing he will always be the next big thing because I am the BIGGEST thing to ever hit wrestling apart from Rikishi’s ass that is but that’s a different matter. The fact of the matter is tomorrow night with or without you piss ant’s Big Nasty Sid Vicious will go on to beat some rattlesnake ass and I promise all you out there tonight that there will be no beer bashing tomorrow night!

'Scene' Sid throws the mic to the ground and hops down from the stage with the bottle still in hand he pours it over the drunken kid he had pushed off the stage and exits the club

'Scene' The scene fades out to black