Trish Stratus

Roleplay for RAW (Raven Symone -vs- Ashley Danyell ~ Regular Match)

~*-*~ ROLEPLAYS ~*-*~

RAW RolePlay #1
(Ashley Danyell - Time To Step It Up)

-*-*- SCENE ONE -*-*-

~Raven: I can't believe I have a match with Ashley Danyell, Cena's little toy pet.

~Samantha Fox: I know, I can't believe she actually thinks she has a chance in hell of beating you on RAW tonight.

~Raven: All I know is that I personally dont think she has a chance at all.

~Samantha Fox: believe me I am just as ticked off as you are.

~Raven: you cant the match is tonight and I really need you to help me train and practice... not that Ashley Danyell is any competition what so ever. You help me Samantha and I'll help you.

~Samantha Fox: yeah well I am only helping you to train for a match this one time *laughs*

~Raven: I really owe you for helping me this time, you always help me.

~Samantha Fox: I promise I will be back in time for your match but right now I have to go watch some tv *laughs* let me put on my work out clothes and we can begin training. and dont have worry alright!

~*~ Samantha Fox leaves the room to put on her work out clothes as Raven starts to put on her elbow pads ~*~

~Raven: Is everything okay in there?

~Samantha Fox: Yeah, everything is fine.

~Raven: Come on your taking forever! How come it takes you a half hour to change into another outfit?

~Samantha Fox: It doesn't, Im just taking my time *laughs*

~Raven: Well, I am going to get some food if you dont hurry up.

~Samantha Fox: Whatever lets hurry now come on! I am so hungry, sike girl I was just playing

~*~ Raven Symone and Samantha Fox get into the car and start driving to the arena ~*~

~Samantha Fox: Oh there is a gas station let hurry up and get some snacks!

~*~ Samantha Fox and Raven Symone get out of the car and into the station and grabs some food and and then heads to arena ~*~

~Raven: ok were here lets go.

~*~ Raven and Samantha Fox get there suff and and rush inside to begin training ~*~

-*-*- SCENE TWO -*-*-

~*~ Raven and Samantha Fox are done practicing so Samantha leaves the arena to go watch tv like she has been dying to do all day as Raven starts practicing her promo's for later tonight on RAW ~*~

~Raven: Everyone knows that I am capable of anything and I will go beyond on when it comes to taking what I want, when I want want to anger me? You are still living and breathing...thats enough to piss me off to kill.You see Ashley......the thing you have yet to realize is that in this federation...I am the Diva, I am the Meaning, I am the only one that matters .I am the burning that rides up your spine everytime you think about your career coming to an end. You need to tell Billy Bob, you need to tell Jimmy Ray and whoever else you have in that rat infested bloodline of yours that you cant do anything for them anymore because you cant get past cant get the best and you can only prove to be anything but what you are..which is dirt bred, shit fed, and proud to be inbred white trash.You cried your way into owning that title and the fact that your time is up..your place is being taken, and your glory has been taken by the power..the control...the only woman that matters in the WWE known as Raven.You ride around with your mullet image buddies talking about how you're going to do things only God could dream of doing..trying to prove to them by lying to yourself about being able to ever do better than be able to get ahead...when you go home at night crying for a way out..hoping I will forget about you..well guess what girlfriend? I havent forgotten nor will I ever until I have the WWE Womens Title in my hands and I have you on the outside of the business and out of my the bottom of the ranks right where you belong and being comfortable in your failure and content with your lack to do the things you say. Your jealously is pathetic..of my worldwide success..the fact that my face dosent look like a roasted marshmallow.You cant get a man..or a woman to that matter so you try to put your pent up sexual frustrations on me and personally I could care've been rejected your entire life. You have nothing to account for when it comes to your so called "career" besides one title reign. So you get mad and throw little fits when I explain in detail of what I have done in my career..your jealously makes me sick. I imagine you sitting in your one room trailer pounding your fists and kicking your legs in a spread eagle position shooting tears over the things that you cant account for. So you whined all your way to one world title.....oh...lets just make you a hall of famer your case..Hall of Flamer. Is my image accurate? Or are you doing the same thing right now as you write down everything I say to try to form some kind of worthless idea that will get you nowhere much like you have gotten nowhere since birth. I will take your career, your title, your pride..and everything that makes you complete and flush it down the toilet just like your family did its chance at being anything other than trash.You hide enough hide away hoping it will get you somewhere away from your fear..from your denial and away from the thing that haunts you to a point of sheer you admit in have become a victim of your own worthless design. Its lower class rejects like yourself that keep reminding me of why I must have to make things balance out the difference between those who actually spend their time here serving a purpose and those like you who expect to have everything handed to you so we will have to make a stop to your crying and whining about how you arent getting what you deserve.You go to your dictionary and look up big words hoping if you make some pathetic effort to look better hoping and praying it will stop the fact that your demise is under a limited amount of time.The fact is I am the have lost your edge and your ability to be the source of power here and it scares you knowing that you were so easily knocked down off that mountain you like to keep within yourself known as pride and employment. You try to take claim to greatness and try to take claim to popularity that you can only wish of take peoples acts of pity for you as think when people tell you to get lost and that they hate you that they're kidding....this isnt a joke my friend and the only one laughing in the end will be me. I have put women under for less than what you have done are nothing but an example of why this generation are nothing but losers...Oh i'm wearing lugs and playing a game..ohh...i'm scary.You make me sick.You brag about yourself...why? Because you know thats all you will ever do, you cant be a true champion...and you cant even be a woman, so you stay where you the bottom...and I assure you, that after facing will not be leaving that position. Does this place bring back fond memories of talking to a shrink about your problem of attention disorder? Oh, that one night when you ruined little Jimmys birthday by waking up at six am and having your way with his cake? Half of the things I have on you could ruin you Ashley..and most of them have, and where you could come out and say "no...hes lying, I was never arrested" I have the proof in my hand to once again prove you wrong. I can see things you know you dont want to be known, and dont think for a second that I wont use them. But whether it be you coming out and making worthless childhood insults or coming out to make some desperate attempt to out do me, none of it will matter because when you step in that ring with me, you learn the meaning of what it takes to survive. I have put Disney back on the map and now I have to deal with some no name bitch coming in to try to ruin my repuatation? If I dont like wont have a liking to being apart of this business..because I will break you down...and take everything you hold dear and flush it down the toilet. I see you have decided to come out of hiding and actually make the mistake of standing up to me...I cant say if I admire your courage...or look down on you for your stupidity. But you continue to talk about what you are...and what your abilities are and all the things that you're going to do for yourself. Must I remind you where you are? You are in my the WWE. I have always been on the idea of whatever goes....means the more you are allowed to bring absolute pain to the person stupid enough to stand across from you in this kind of contest.You come out and brag about one gives a damn about some monkey ass crackhead....anyone you have beaten or been defeated by in your career will not match up to me....nothing you have done can prepare you for what I have in store. I am out to become the WWE Women's Champion and that means I will go through whoever and do WHATEVER it takes to claim what is rightfully mine. You are nothing in life, you are nothing here and after you lose to me you will be left as nothing...and when you drag yourself back to the trailer park and have to tell all your other crackhead friends about what an honor it was to get your ass stomped on by Raven..what it was like to get defeated by the best and you can warn them about what to do before being stupid like you and defying me. You are the one that has been crawling on your hands and knees to try to become something special looking up at the ones who reign above any means neccessary and I mean ANY means..Have you once been able to come out with a record contract? Have you once been able to come out and talk about the things you've done and know it wasnt a load of havent.You see, I am the un named WWE Women's are what? The Welfare Champion of Arkansas.....taking claim to a title that means about as much to this business as a nickel means to a stock broker. You were nothing when you came into this business, you made his way into owning your own pathetic gimmick....once again I being here before all...I am before your time...I have done things and had parties with people that you looked up to in your life.... Have you ever faced a raging animal on a day when it was in aim to kill...and had nothing on its mind but killing...hell no you havent!!! I dont have to come out and talk about every damn thing i've done because alone I know its better than anything you can and ever will do.You say "but but but I was a champion.” Who gives a damn....I have been in and out of this country...up and down Europe....and back and forth in america just to make a bigger name for myself than I already have. You brag about yourself and your greatness...girl....dont you see? Its in your head, are you known as the icon? No. Are you known as a legend? No.You are known as the piece of ass when a few of the staff members are feeling kinky. I mean, dont you get it? You belong with women like Bertha Faye, Scary Sherri, Mrs. Elizabeth, and all of the rest that faded away like a democrat in the south.You dont belong here anymore skank....your efforts are doing nothing but giving you more time until you make your way into the retirement home....and thats not that far arent a leader.......I blend with things as they happen and remain the best no matter what time or what place....I am control...I am Destiny...and I am your End my friend. Whether it be your jumble of crap you call promos, or your relentless lame pick up lines, the time has come for you to step up and get what you have had coming to you for a long time now.

~*~ Supernatural plays on the speakers as Raven walks to the back of the arena because she feels that her promo's are perfect. Raven gets a bottle of water and leaves to go to the gym to workout a little bit for her match tonight ~*~

1 ~*~*~Disclaimer: Thank you Eric for making my RolePlay layout and thank you Mallori (Samantha Foxx) for my banners~*~*~
