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So you want to become a superstar? It takes more than throwin' on a pair of trunks! Not only does it take heart and ability, but great role playing skills! So, if you're really serious about dedicating yourself to the now have the opportunity to join one of the best.


1.) There will be no interferences of any kind in another persons Role Play

2.) You may not include any other wrestlers in your RP unless given permission by that person.

3.) Fake wrestlers ARE NOT allowed, I'm only accepting REAL wrestlers for personal reasons. I apologize for any inconvience this may have caused, but this is how I'm going to run my fed and there's plenty of fake only wrestler feds out there if you want to join one of them!

4.) You must RP at least once a week, or you will be fired (if your unable to rp because of vacation, illness or whatever excuse it is, let me know)!

5.) If you have any QUESTIONS, Email me.

6.) No Racial Slurs! No Whining If You Lose! Swearing is cool, but don't sit there and fill your whole rp with the F word.

7.) If your in an angle and lose your match, dont complain. Thats what wrestling is all about!

8.) Must have at least 2 wrestlers to start a stable, 8 Max.

9.) DO NOT and I REPEAT DO NOT EMAIL ME AND WHINE ABOUT WHY YOU LOST YOUR MATCH IF YOU LOST!!! ALL THE DECISIONS MADE BY THE OWNER ARE FINAL!!! Just blow the loss off and do better next time. You come to me whining and your career in WWE could be on the line. Remember this is just for fun, it isn't a life or death situation or anything.

10.) Quality over quanity folks. Try to spell everything correctly if possible. Also puncuatate your rps as well.

11.) You are only allowed to have one wrestler unless your forming a tag team which will mean you will barely see singles action so it would be better to tag up with a friend that way you can see a fair amount of singles and tag matches if your into the singles scene.

11.) Have FuN!!!!


1.) ONE-ON-ONE match:3 count pinfall;10 count out of the ring;there are DQ's

2.) TAG-TEAM-match:same as one-on-one

3.) I QUIT match:One wrestler has to make their opponent say I QUIT;NO DQ'S or COUNT OUTS

4.) HARDCORE match: The only rule is there are no rules. Anything goes; 3 count fall;NO count outs

5.) HELL IN THE CELL match: This is a match inside a closed cage with a top on it. No chance of gettin out till one man wins, by 3 count fall or Submission!!!!

6.) STEEL CAGE MATCH: A cage that surrounds the ring and one man must climb over the top, or exit through the door to win!!!!

7.) LUMBERJACK match: Well the ring is surrounded by lumberjacks(wrestlers) and if you get tossed outta the ring your gonna be a beat down!!!You win by a 3 count fall, or submission!!!

8.) LADDER match: This match contains an object hanging from the rafters such as title belt(s) or a foreign object. Who ever climbs the ladder first and gets to the object wins!!!!

9.) STREET FIGHT match: This match will take place outside of the arena and anything goes in this match, you win by a 3 count pinfall!!!

10.) EMPTY ARENA match: This match takes place in an empty arena(obviously) and anything goes in this match also, you win by a 3 count pinfall.....pinfalls count anywhere!!!

11.) CASKET match: This invloves a casket outside the ring, and the man who gets their opponent in the casket and locks it first wins!

12.) INFERNO match: The ring ropes will be lit on fire, and the man who gets lit up first is the looser

13.) TOWEL match: Each wrestler has a friend standing outside of the ring holding a towel. The friend who throws in the towel causes their friend to lose the match!!!!Simple as that!!

14.) TRIPLE THREAT match: This match involves 3 wrestlers and the first man to pin or make one of his two opponents submit wins!!!

15.) BATTLE ROYAL match: This match consists of several wrestlers,the way you win is to throw your opponent over the top rope(all of them) this match will be booked by me only.

16.) STABLE match: 4 members from each stable. In an elimination style match!

***Check The Roster Just To Make Sure The Wrestler You Want Is Not Taken***