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- A SeXy DeBuT -

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- None -

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- Trish Stratus, Robert Carter, JR, and King -


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- No one! -

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- You will Soon Find out who has Mrs. Stratus' Heart! -

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- Who's up for a Dose of PURE StRaTuSfAcTiOn? -

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~*~The Blonde Goddess~*~






::**::**::I DoNT CaRe WhAt Ya ALl SaY::**::**::

**This RP is brought to you by, the Canadian Princezz, Trish*SexY*Stratus!**

:*:The Scene Opens with the newest addition to the XAW Roster, *Trish Stratus* talking on the phone to someone special:*:

.::.ThE CaNaDiAn PrInCeZz~~*TrIsH StRaTuS*.::.
You're kidding right? Some girl actually asked for your phone number? She's lucky I wasn't there or I would have knocked her into the wall.

.::.ThE PuPpY LoViN~~JeRrY*ThE KiNg*LaWlEr.::.
I wonder who she could be talking to?
.::.OaKlAhOmA StAtE AlUmNi~~JiM*JR*RoSs.::.
Well maybe if you shut up, we could hear.

.::.ThE CaNaDiAn PrInCeZz~~*TrIsH StRaTuS*.::.
Honey..I'm serious, I Hate it when women try to get with my man. Why do you have to be sooo Sexy?

:*:Trish giggles as she begins twirling some hair with her finger:*:

.::.ThE CaNaDiAn PrInCeZz~~*TrIsH StRaTuS*.::.
Yes baby..I miss you two. When are you going to come visit me?

:*:Trish giggles again:*:

.::.ThE CaNaDiAn PrInCeZz~~*TrIsH StRaTuS*.::.
Well baby, I'm serious, it better be soon because I know Robert and the fans are waiting for, I need a little...(SEXY GRIN) XtReMe in my life right now.

:*:Trish giggles again as she listens to the person on the other end:*:

.::.ThE CaNaDiAn PrInCeZz~~*TrIsH StRaTuS*.::.
Oh you do huh? Well if you hurry your butt up and get down here quick, I might just give you a sweet and sexy does of Stratusfaction. You gotta hurry though, because I am the most wanted diva in the XAW.

:*:Trish grins again as she sticks her finger in her mouth:*:

.::.ThE CaNaDiAn PrInCeZz~~*TrIsH StRaTuS*.::.
Oh you will huh? Well I would hate to see you make someone bleed so get down here before you do alright?

:*:A Stage hand knocks on the door:*:

.::.ThE CaNaDiAn PrInCeZz~~*TrIsH StRaTuS*.::.
Honey, can you hold on please...someone is at the door....don't worry, it's not anyone you need to freak out about.

:*:Trish smiles as she sets the phone down and walks over to the door. She opens it and smiles at the stage hand:*:

.::.ThE CaNaDiAn PrInCeZz~~*TrIsH StRaTuS*.::.
Can I help you?

.::.XAW BaCkStAge HeLpEr~~ErIc WaLtZ.::.
Sorry to bother you Mrs. Stratus--

.::.ThE CaNaDiAn PrInCeZz~~*TrIsH StRaTuS*.::.
Don't worry, you're not a bother...

:*:Trish gives him a smile:*:

.::.XAW BaCkStAge HeLpEr~~ErIc WaLtZ.::.
Well Mrs. Stratus..

.::.ThE CaNaDiAn PrInCeZz~~*TrIsH StRaTuS*.::. me Trish..calling me Mrs. Stratus makes me feel like I'm 80!

:*:They both share a laugh:*:

.::.XAW BaCkStAge HeLpEr~~ErIc WaLtZ.::.'re wanted for your debut speech.

.::.ThE CaNaDiAn PrInCeZz~~*TrIsH StRaTuS*.::.
Already..jeez, that was quick. Thanks, I'll be out there in a moment, I just need to freshen up.

.::.XAW BaCkStAge HeLpEr~~ErIc WaLtZ.::.
No problem Trish, take your time, and on behalf of Robert Carter and the rest of the XAW Family, welcome.

:*:Trish smiles:*:

.::.ThE CaNaDiAn PrInCeZz~~*TrIsH StRaTuS*.::.
Thanks. I'll see you in a moment!

:*:Trish gives Eric a smile as she closes the door. She sighs and walks back over to her phone and picks it back up. She giggles as she heres the person singing in the background:*:

.::.ThE CaNaDiAn PrInCeZz~~*TrIsH StRaTuS*.::.
Hey honey..I'm back...ya, that was just a stage hand..I'm needed for my promo. Yes, Jeffro, I'll call you back when I finish. I love you too, thank you..bye bye baby.

:*:Trish giggles as she hangs up and walks over to her mirror to change real quick:*:

.::.ThE PuPpY LoViN~~JeRrY*ThE KiNg*LaWlEr.::.
Jeffro? Where have I heard that name before?

.::.OaKlAhOmA StAtE AlUmNi~~JiM*JR*RoSs.::.
I'm not sure King, but when we return, Trish Stratus makes her debut speech!

:*:Trish fixes her hair, smiles, and heads out of the lockeroom as the scene fades to a commercial:*:

:*:The show comes back from commercial to show Trish Stratus walking down the hall with a smile on her face:*:

.::.ThE PuPpY LoViN~~JeRrY*ThE KiNg*LaWlEr.::.
There she is JR! The most beautiful woman in the world!

She looks over to the stage manager and motions for her music to be sounded. She smiles as she stands behind the black velvet curtain waiting for her quew. She looks into the camera and lips, "I'm nervous" with a giggle...then, all of a sudden....

.::.OaKlAhOmA StAtE AlUmNi~~JiM*JR*RoSs.::.
Please King, controll yourself.

!~!I don't Care what You All Say!~!

:*:Lil' Kim's Time To Rock In Roll hits the sound system as the Canadian Princess, appears at the entrance with a huge smile on her face! She taunts the fans who are going insane:*:

:*:The fans are going absoulty insane for the blonde bombshell as she taunts the fans with smiles, kisses, and giggles on her way down the ramp:*:

:*:She gets into the ring and throws her arms up as the fans go crazy for her. They can't get enough of this beauty as they begin chanting things. One fan even yells, "Marry Me Trish!" Trish giggles as she hears that and waits for Lillian Garcia to hand her the mic:*:

:*:Lillian Hands her the mic and she thanks her, she giggles as she steps into the middle of the ring and begins her speech:*:

.::.ThE CaNaDiAn PrInCeZz~~*TrIsH StRaTuS*.::.
What's up Boston?

:*:The fans in Boston break out into a crazy frezy for the blonde babe:*:

.::.ThE CaNaDiAn PrInCeZz~~*TrIsH StRaTuS*.::.
Wow..what a great welcome. Thanks a lot!

:*:Trish giggles as the fans continue to cheer her on:*:

.::.ThE CaNaDiAn PrInCeZz~~*TrIsH StRaTuS*.::.
Wow..I don't even know what to feels so great to be here in the XAW and I'm so freaking excited to be standing here, in front of you great people in this great arena in the great town!

:*:The fans go nuts to that comment:*:

.::.ThE PuPpY LoViN~~JeRrY*ThE KiNg*LaWlEr.::.
I'm just glad she's standing in front of me, just look at those puppies!

.::.ThE CaNaDiAn PrInCeZz~~*TrIsH StRaTuS*.::.
It's really an honor to be here in this wonderful fed, and I really thank Robert for allowing me to be here. I can tell, just by looking at the roster that this fed, is going to be a blast. I mean, I have worked with some amazing athelets in the past, even ones who are on this roster, like Stacy Keibler and King Rabid. It's just wonderful to be here with my friend and kick ass while doing it. I have a lot of plans here, and my first plan is to get my hands on that womens belt. I mean, I am the Canadian Princess, Blonde Bombshell, and the Goddess that all desire, and I'm here to win, and make that title look SeXiEr than ever.

:*:Trish smiles as the fans chant some more. She can't believe how much support she is getting:*:

.::.ThE CaNaDiAn PrInCeZz~~*TrIsH StRaTuS*.::.
This is such a wonderful enviroment and I can't tell you all how honored, and proud I am to be wrestling for Robert Carter. I have seen this man in the past and I know he will run an amazing fed with great matches and great entertainment and that's what wrestling's all about right?

:*:Trish smiles as she holds the mic out and the fans reply with "Right." She giggles as she holds the mic back up:*:

.::.ThE CaNaDiAn PrInCeZz~~*TrIsH StRaTuS*.::.
I'll tell you something, I really feel something special here. I mean, I know I will do well, and I know this fed is all about people doing great things and entertaining the fans and too tell you the truth, I really feel the XAW is going to do exactly that and more. Just look at the roster. It's amazing! I really don't know how Carter does it, but he does, and for that, I applaud him!

:*:Trish puts the mic down and applaudes Robert Carter for his great efforts here in the XAW. She smiles to the crowd before speaking once more:*:

.::.ThE CaNaDiAn PrInCeZz~~*TrIsH StRaTuS*.::.
There's not much to say in a debut except, "hello" and "I'm here to kick ass" and that's exactly what I've done so I love you all, and I'll see you later!

:*:Time To Rock In Roll hits again as Trish begins to make her way out of the ring, but is cut off by a familer tune. Trish looks up in confussion as the owner of the XAW, Robert Carter appears at the entrance with a mic in his hand. Trish gives a warm smile and puts her hands on her hips as Robert Carter begins to speak:*:

.::.ThE KiCkAsS OwNeR~~*RoBeRt CaRtEr*.::.
Trish, on behalf of everyone here in the XAW, I just wanted to welcome you, and wish you the best of luck. I know you're going to be a great diva on my roster and I see you going places. Work hard and stay determined Trish. We really enjoy seeing your smiling face here.

:*:Trish gives a little blush and then brings the mic back up to her pink lips:*:

.::.ThE CaNaDiAn PrInCeZz~~*TrIsH StRaTuS*.::.
Thank you Mr. Carter, I really appreciate that...

.::.ThE KiCkAsS OwNeR~~*RoBeRt CaRtEr*.::.
Please Trish..we are all friends here in the me Robert.

.::.ThE CaNaDiAn PrInCeZz~~*TrIsH StRaTuS*.::.
Robert, thank you for those kind words and I can give you my Guarentee, all Stratusfaction, all the time, and I will not let you or the fans down.

:*:Trish and Robert both smile as the fans go wild:*:

.::.ThE KiCkAsS OwNeR~~*RoBeRt CaRtEr*.::.
I didn't think you would Trish, once again, welcome to the XAW.

:*:Trish smiles as Carter leaves, Time To Rock in Roll hits again as Trish waves to the fans and heads back to her lockeroom so she can call back the person she was talking to before her promo:*:

::**::**::ThIs HaS BeEn An OfFiCIaL TrIsH StRaTuS RP::**::**::
::**::**::ThAnKs FoR ReAdInG AnD HoPe YoU'Ve EnJoYeD It::**::**

::**::**::StAy TuNeD FoR TrIsH'S NeXt Rp..CoMIng To A RP BoArD NeAr YoU!::**::**::






~*~100% Stratusfaction Guaranteed!~*~


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