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The banner has not been updated due to my laziness.  Sorry.



(5-29-04) by: Kaiwit

New article is up "Adam and Eve."

Tim's new article is up also.  Check them both out.

(5-28-04) by: Tim

I added up a new article.   Aaron did also.  And the Fag Mag pic is now clickable for more clearer viewing.

(5-27-04) by: Aaron

Check the magazine.

(5-26-04) by: Aaron

Alright.  Two new articles up by Kaiwit and me.  Check it out.  And for those of you (the staff) that have not written an article yet, write one so something will be under your name.  Oh yeah, I think Tim is currently writing one .. stay tuned for that. 

(5-25-04) by: Aaron

Okay.  New article by me up.  Jeremy is the newest member, his name will be updated on the banner sometime soon.  Check out for some of his shit out.  New updates will be up tomorrow or in the evening today.  Oh yeah, we're currently taking suggestions for articles, so email me at and send in some suggestions or something.

(5-24-04) by: Aaron

The site is up finally!  The pages have been added.  We currently have three people as staff, who are Tim and Norris also me.  We will be accepting staff and each person will get their own section.  I'll be updating that right now.  And yes, the inspiration is from Maddox (  So don't send us junk-mail saying that we copied Maddox because we did.  But, we'll be changing the layout as soon as we get some new ideas.  So stay tuned and keep joining you retards.

Edit --- My friend Kaiwit joined.  Now we have four staff members.  Great.




None yet.  One will e made very soon.

Aaron's Articles:

Latest Article:  Thursday, May 28, 2004 - "Disturbed is the best band."

Disturbed is the best band.

The season finale of 24 kicked ass!

You were a mistake.

Goths and Punkers are not cool.

The Top 10 Idiots.

"Boo hoo.  He's a racist."

You're not hip and you're not 'tyte.'


Norris' Articles

Latest Article:  None.





Kaiwit's Articles

Latest Article:  Saturday May 29, 2004 - "Adam and Eve."

Adam and Eve.

Getting nowhere in life.

I hate Thee Mexicans.



Jeremy's Articles

Latest Article:  None.



Tim's Articles

Latest Article:  Saturday, May 29, 2004 - "Why Hitler followers suck."

Why Hitler followers suck.

Why I hate Kobe Bryant



Guest Articles (Classics, too.)

Latest Article:  Monday, May 24, 3004 - "S.H.I.T"

S.H.I.T (Written by Elisa.)