~*.:://Bambi... she aint the girl next door//::.*~
This roleplay layout was made by myself, and is not to be copied by anyone. I worked hard to make this layout, and it is that damn good. I also made this banner for myself and myself alone, so don*t try to steal it and call it your own when I am the one who made the damn thing.
Bambi; Bringing SEX Back To life!
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if your named be happy

NONE match
None yet
Could This Get Any Better?

As the scene opens we are taken inside of what appears to be a strip club type setting. There is noone in the place except for a lonely bar tender behind the bar cleaning up glasses and such. He wipes his brow as a little bead of sweat drips from his forehead. The place is really dark with a few lights from the stage still on. A man walks across the floor with a mop cleaning the floor. Suddenly the camera pans to Candy sitting at a round table. In the background we get a glimpse of Bambi dancing and spinning around a pole. Candy watches her intently. She is wearing a black vinyl tube top with rhinestones on it, and tiny little black vinyl shorts. She has some knee high black boots on which also have rhinestones incrusted in them. Her hair is bleeched out with Black streaks. She sits with one leg under her and one leg stretched out. Her one arm across her body with the other holding her head up. She claps as Bambi finishes doing her little work out thing. Bambi who is wearing a short little school girl skirt and a white little button down shirt tied up just around her boobs. Comes walking over to Candy with a smile on her face. She sits down in hte chair next to her.

Bambi: So how was it, You think it was good.

Candy: Yea totally your going to make D flip tomorrow when you do that for him. But you know lets not worry about that right now we gotta concentrate on our match tonight against Lexi's lil friend Brish and that Jasmine chick that has that stupid bald chick sister Esmeralda.

Bambi: (laughing) Yea thats pretty bad, Mad complements goes out to Shannon for designing her new hair do. But isnt that Jasmine chick like a lil kid pretty much. How much damage can she possibly do in a match.

Candy: Probably very little, but Brish has been around she has some and I mean a very little some talent in her and not just in her inflated chest.

Candy stops for a minute, and then signals to the camera guy to follow her up to the stage. She stands under the blue light, Bambi following her closely.

Candy: Were gonna do our promo right here so get ready Hugh. Gimme a signal when the cameras rolling....(she gets the signal and fixes her hair a bit) So Brish I heard youve been talking some things on me and my girl Bambi here. I remember hearing clearly that you called us Bimbos I believe it was. And wow thats really calling the kettle black there, wasnt it you that was married to a certain Kama. Yea that was you wasnt it(bambi nodds her head in the background) Yup that was you, and wasnt it a certain YOU who claimed that she was pregnant to save a marriage that was messed up from the begining. And wasnt it YOU that cheated on this sapposed love of you life. Oh yea thats you. So you see what we do is a genuine womanly thing, you cant deny it because youve been doing it too. And so you may make fun of us for being strippers,and claim that we dont have the body to be one. Well I beg to differ. Our bodies are 100 percent pure. We dont need plastic surgery to feel good about ourselves unlike some bleeched out little priss.

Be afraid...huh.... I think not. See we unlike you have been winning our matches as of lately. If you havent noticed we are quite the winners around this place. You leave for a few months and come back and you havent won a match in how long, where as we have stayed and have gotten better and better and better.

Bambi: And I find it funny how you go around saying how were such sluts. It isnt slutty to get what you want around this place is it. OHHHH beware of the Sluts woof wooof woof.....Funny Candy had Kama barking like htat for her just the other night when he stopped into well this very place yesterday night, and it appears it was that booth over there that they had some sort of "thing" going on. Oh and incase you dont really believe it, thinking that we are just punking you our( laughs evil) heres a lil pic for ya( she holds up a pick of Kama getting a lap dance from Candy he has a big smile on his face and waving dollars in the air) So go ahead call us sluts but dont come crying to us when you wanna take a walk on our side just so you can get your lil kama back. Because after all it appears that he too likes our style of things. And as for you Jasmine...exactly how old are you I mean you look like your what about 13 maybe 14 years old. What exactly do you plan on doing in this match riding your skateboard around the ring. Which Im sure thats really hard and takes a lot of talent but come on this is wrestling not the x-games. Get off your board get in a gym and learn how to wrestle. I know your trying to fill the shoes of your bald headed sister. Which I know of a good hair dresser she might be able to make her some lovely wigs. Oh wait I forgot I have one for her right here. (she holds up a huge afro wig) yup this would look lovely on her wouldnt it. Anyways Jasmine before you step into this ring tonight will you please put down the board and figure out how to at least do a move, any move, just some move so you look like you can put up somewhat of a fight. I mean it must be really emabarrassing for you to be claiming your a wrestler and not know a damn thing.

Candy: Must be, but anyways enough of talking about this joke of a match that will in fact continue Brish's losing streak and create a new one for Jasmine as well. And lets talk about a match that was brought up to my attention about 20 minutes ago or so. It involves poor lil Lexi. And I mean who else would it be, the girl has been obsessed with me since I got here. Shes obviously jealous just like Brish and Jasmine. She too wishes she could be like us but since she cant she just has to hate on us. But anyways Lexi this match request of yours, Its on. I accept your challenge. Bambi would have but she needs some alone time with D. Yea remember that guy your previous best friend whos now fucking a dirtly lil slut. Considering that thats all any of you "divas" out there know how to call us. I mean really how many times have we been called a slut since we got here. too many to count. Get over it the names dont hurt us. But Lexi at Halloween Havok I will in fact hurt you. You want a Ladder leather strap spanking match. your got it. You think im gonna back down to that. Please I already beat you once, oh wait twice cuz there was that one time you and brish decided to try to team up against us. That was a good ol time remember that we pinned you guys for the 1,2, 3 real easy. And here we go again we will be pinning Brish again for the 1,2,3. We'll be pinning Jasmine for the 1,2, 3, and wow as crazy as this seems at havok Ill be pinning you again for the 1,2,3. So go ahead bust out your new clowny look for the camera. I already got my costume picked out cant wait to see yours.(laughs)

The scene then fades out as Candy and Bambi laugh and then start twirling around on the poles that stand up behind them.