the camera is in the back with Coach who is standing by with Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Coach:Austin this Monday on RAW You will be in a No Disqualification match with Jeff Jarrett. What are your thoughts on this match?

Austin:Coach Wants to know my thoughts on my match Monday huh? Well My thoughts are that Jeff Jarrett is a jack ass! The Jack Ass that Austin is going to open a can of whoop ass on tonight.

Coach:Well what about the match being NO DQ that means his guitar is very legal.

Austin:Yeah so what. So anything goes. That's just how I like it.

Coach:ok now what about your match in 13 days with Triple H?

Austin:What about it? I whooped his ass on many occasions. I even whooped his ass and took the WWE Title From him at Unforgiven so I know this will be a cake walk.

Coach:Well what about Ric Flair now being the Special Referee?

Austin:Well I can give a rats ass about ol Slick Ric. So he's the Ref. So he will try to screw me. Who cares. Cause if he trys to screw me I am going to kick his ass too. Now Coah now that I am finished with your ass I got somewhere to go.

Coach:ok Austin thanx fore the interview.

Austin:Yeah Yeah Whatever.

Austin walks off as the camera fades to a break.

{The Commercials}

Austin vs Triple H at WrestleMania Promo

{End of Commercials}

After the Break "Glass Shatters" by Disturbed hits the PA and the crowd goes wild! Austin walks down the ramp.

He then gets in the ring and poses on all 4 turnbukles

The Crowd settles down when he grabs a mic to hear what he has to say

Austin:I love that ovation.


Austin:yeah you see unlike that Dumb SOB Triple H I appreciate the fans. Look Jeff Jarrett me and you tonight right. Well why don't you ask Team X how much ass I can kick. O wait they was fired when I whipped their asses in that cage match last monday.

CROWD Cheers

Austin:Jarrett it's plain and simple. Tonight I am going to walk in whipp your ass and add another win to my record as I get ready for WrestleMania.

Crowd Cheers

Austin:And now after I do that I will still haave my title shot at HHH at WrestleMania! Triple H I hope your ready for WrestleMania? Yeah sure I heard you say that Austin was weak. Well lets hear you say that after WrestleMania is off the air. Because when it's all over with I will have whipped your ass and captured the World Title. As I said before the ending is plain and simple and too the point. I will be turning your head so slightly...WHAM!!! STONE COLD STUNNER...1...2....3 AUSTIN YOUR NEW WORLD CHAMPION AAND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE.....BECAUSE STONE COLD SAID SO!

Austin drops the mic and makes his way back up the ramp as another Commercial Break Approaches.


After the Break Austin is seen walking in the parking lot until suddenly he runs into Ric Flair.

(Pretend Vince is Ric)

Austin:Well if it isn't ol Slick Ric himself. How you doing man.

Ric Flair:What do you want?

Austin:I just want to talk man...Hey is that HHH's Car?

(Pretend Plate says HHH instead of Rock)

Ric Flair:What's it to ya?

Austin:Ok then Ric if your not going to talk to me then deleiver a message to Triple H for me.

Ric Flair:What's that?

Austin smiles then slubs Flair with a hadr Right Hook! He then starts to walk away but stops. He thinks to himself then reaches into Flair's pocket and pulls out some keys.

JR:What's he doing?

King:Those aren't his keys he needs to leave them alone.

Austin then gets into Triple H's car.

King:Wait a minute that's not his neither.

Austin backs his car up out of the parking spot and stops it out in the open. He then gets out of the car.

JR:What is he doing?

Austin then walks off out of site.

JR:Where did he go?

King:Who knows with this idiot.

Then suddenly u can hear the sound of a big Fott starting up

JR:What's that>

Then you see Austin's 3:16 Monster Truck pull into site and the crowd goes nuts at the site.

JR:Oh My God what's he going to do with that monster truck?!

King:Oh No you don't think?...would he?

Austin pulls the truck up and lines it head on with Triple H's car.

King:no Don't do it Austin!

Does Austin care what King thinks? Didn't think so Austin florrs it and runs right over Triple H's Car!

JR:I can't beleive he did that!

King:Me neither...OH NO HE's GOING AGAIN!

JR:Austin is crazy!

King:He sure is the idoit destroyed the World Champs car!

Austin sticks his head at the window and speaks into the camera.

Austin:Triple H if your watching and I know you are. I will see you at WrestleMania even if you have to take a Cab.*Laughs*

Austin then drives off and the scene ends

Be ready for the Rattlesnaake to whipp your ass!