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Hi Folks. I see that you stumbled upon us from Blurty. Well welcome. But there is something that I really need to tell you about before you get way to interested in this place. Because I just feel that deep down in my heart that we need to tell you.

The journal that got you here is not the real superstar. I repeat. They are not the real Wrestler/Superstar. This is a Role Playing Game. I am sorry to burst your bubble but we are fake. We are just a bunch of fans that have sometime on there hands so we play. We have fun and we pretend to be wrestlers. :laughs: Its all pretend.

Still interested.. Just check us out.


The original concept of this was made by its scripted. We just used some of there ideas. So all RPG concepts are from there.

Important Stuff

The Nitty Gritty

Simple Stuff

Wrestling Life RPG

In Play