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Wrestling Bad, Bill On Mescaline?


Well, eventually, in a way probably totally unrelated to this site. Though on the off chance this site causes you any harm, offends you (vote terrorist), causes your computer to explode in your face leaving you hideously scared for life, or makes you want to get an ugly tattoo..... Well, I can simply NOT be held responsible for any and/or all of the above or anything else that could be considered nasty that happens as a direct/indirect result of you looking at (or any less wholesome internet practice) this site. You should have known better than to show your girlfriend anyway.

I cried as I was writing it - the final comic. It's over. People have stopped visiting the site and caring about Bill and now it's over. I guess if people write, I can flesh the story out more and add comics in the middle, but I've written the final Bill comic. There we go. It was an ammusing diversion, a look at the absurd, but alas, in this world, we have little time for pondering such things. Everyone should go to and maybe someday, after the status quo is long washed away, Bill will return.

Bill's Story. Read it in Order or it will make LESS sense.

Bill Meets Joey Ramone
Bill is on drugs
Who killed Joey Ramone?
Bill Violates Copyright Laws
Bill Violates More Copyright Laws
Bill is Bill
Mr. Happy Rock The Capitalist
Oops! (Bill vs Capitalism!)
Bill and The Leprachan
The Previous Comic as a Single Piece of Interprative Artwork
Don't Read - Government Orders
A Gnome And A Fall From Grace
A Bill comic by Guest Artist.... ALA MONTGOMERY!
The New Adventures of Senator McCarthy
Lord Xenu Saves The World
Another one by Ala. Sequels are just money grabs Ala.
Too Late, No Friends (No Relation to the Gob Album)
Rhyme and Reason
The Grotesque End
