
Normal Match : In this match, you cannot use a weapon or you'll be disqualified. To win this match, you can either have your opponent counted out, pinned, make them submit, or knock them out.

Hardcore Match : In this match, anything's allowed. You cannot be counted out since it's always false count anywhere.

Ladder Match : Outside the ring there will be two ladders. One on the left and one on the right. To win this match, you must climb the ladder, reach up three times and grab whatever's up there.

Table Match : To win this match, you must put your opponent through a table. The tables can be found outside the ring (Max of 4), underneath the ring (Max of 5), the Spanish Announce Table, or the Announce Table.

Strechter Match : To win this match, you must have your opponent be carried out on a strecther. You must beat your opponent so hard with a weapon 5 times, and then hit them with your finishing move to have them be carried out on a strecther.

Last Man Standing : You have to be the last one standing when the ref counts to ten. The ref starts to count after you beat your opponent 10 times with a weapon and hit them with a finishing move. Your opponent must take ALL the hits and slowly get up. Must have to get up 3 times before your opponent can hit you back.

Iron Man Match : This match depends on the length of the match. It can be a max of an hour to a minimum of 10 minutes. The person with the most number of falls after time runs out is the winner. To get a fall you can either, pin, submit, or knock out your opponent. To knock them out, you must hit them with a weapon 20 times, and hit them with two moves. (One must be a finisher)

3 stages of hell : This kind of match will contain THREE matches. Each match must be different and can never be the same. To win, you must win two of the matches.

Casket Match : In this match, you have to bury your opponent in a casket. To bury them, you have to take them outside the ring onto the titantron. Throw or get them over the platform. Open up the casket, hit them with 5 moves and a finisher. Then drop them in there, close the cover, and seal it.

TLC : TLC stands for Tables!! Ladders!! and Chairs!!! Any or ALL of these items are usuable within the match. The only way to win is to climb to ladder and get whatever's up there. This is only done in teams.

Cage Match : In this match, you have to escape from the TOP of the cage. You cannot use the side door or you'll be DQed. To climb out of the cage, you must get on it, climb to the top 5 times and get out.

Hell In A Cell : This match is just like a Cage Match but with a roof ontop. You can only win in the ring by knock-out, pin, or submission. To put your opponent through the top you must, take them outside. Slam them against the side cage 3 times causing it to break. Then use the front or back side and climb up there. Your opponent will follow if you taunt them. There are 4 sections on the top of the cage that you can break through meaning you can put your opponent or get put through yourself, through the cage a max of 4 times. Max of 4 people.

Tag Team Match : This is a two on two match up. To get your opponent in, you must tap them or be tapped by them.

4 Way Brawl : A tag match with 4 wrestlers a side. No DQ.

5 Man Showdown : A tag match with 5 wrestlers a side. No DQ.

6 Man Rumble : A tag match with 6 wrestlers a side. No DQ.

4 Man Tag Team Match : This is a tag match with 4 teams!! Each team may only have 2 wrestlers. Only 2 people in the ring at a time. The only way to get in is to tap one of the wrestlers inside the ring of be tapped. Pin or make one team submit and the match is your's!

4 Man Tag Team Elimination Match : Just like a 4 Man Tag Team Match but ALL teams must be eliminated to win.

Tag Team Table Elimination Match : A tag match where you have to put all members of the team through a table to win. Only the legal man/WOMAN maybe put the legal man/WOMAN through a table to eliminate them or it will not count. Max of 3 wrestlers per side.

Handicap : This match can go two ways. You and your tag team partner take on one wrestler at the same time or you and your tag partner tag each other in and out. Handicap has no DQ. Max of 3 on 1.

Triple Threat Match : This is a 1 on 1 on 1 match.

Fatal Four Way : This is a 1 on 1 on 1 on 1 match.

Battle Royal : This is a Fatal Four Way match but each opponent must be eliminated.

Elimination Chamber : This is just like a Cell Match but the only way to win is to make your opponent tap out or pin. Your opponents must ALL be eliminated. Max of 6 people.

Lion's Den : A ring shaped area where you have to eliminate your opponent by making them submit. Max of 5.

Pink Slip on a Pole Match : If you win this match, you'll get your opponent fired from the show they work on. They'll be a free agent and won't have a job for a month. To win the match, you must get a small ladder, set it on the turnbuckle, climb it, reach for the slip 3 times, and then take the pink slip from the pole. (I've changed it so it's not too easy to win.)

Triple Cage Match : This match is just like a Cell Match but with two cages! (I have no idea why it's called Triple). One Cell is just a regular cage, nothing fancy. You have to either use a ladder to get out of the cage or climb out. Get into the second cage but that one has a roof on top. Break the top, falling in with weapons all outside the ring. You can only pin/submit your opponent in the second cage. (The Cell.) Max of 6 people. (I've changed this match around a bit.)

Ultimate Cage Match : This match is created by.. me :-D. This match is just like a Triple Cage Match but you must eliminate all opponents to win. Wooosh. Enough competition for ya?