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Headaches and Aspirin

(The scene opens up to a little white room there are no windows in the room and there is a ceiling fan overhead. The fan is slowly spinning in a clockwise motion creaking and whipping the settled air all around. The door color is white, but also wooden and there is but one thing in the room. There , in the middle of the room, is a bed fit for one person, at most, with a familiar face laying on it. The bed is white and plain like the rest of the room. It has two pillows that the man is laying on and the frame and mattress are sinking in on the man. The man is laying it black shorts down to his knees with no shirt and his long black hair is covering his face, but the physique and look of the man can easily solve to everyone who he is, Wraith. Wraith is so tall for the bed that his bare feet hang over the edge of the bed, and one of his hands is resting on the ground, since he is sleeping on his side. The camera moves closer in and a deep loud murmur can be heard coming from his mouth. A bead of sweat is dripping down his forehead and glistens in the bright hot light. Wraith moves onto his side licking his lips before there is a knock on his door. Wraith, not being a very deep sleeper at all, jumps up to a sitting position. His eyes are readjusting to the light as his voice his very faint with another murmur as he rubs his eyes. A man, taking the murmur as acknowledgement, walks into the room shutting the door quickly behind him. The man has very nice posture standing straight up and with thing gray hair with a bald spot on top, as well as, wearing a black coat and white collard shirt. The unknown man is also wearing black Dockers, black leather shoes, and a cobalt blue tie. Wraith looks at the man who stands with his hands over each other. He is about 5’8 and Wraith over towers him, with him being close to 7 feet tall)

Man: Sir, there is a man here to see you. I thought it would be in your best interest to be awake for this.

(Wraith reaches his hands up in the air stretching a bit and letting out a bit of a yawn still not truly realizing where he is.)

Wraith: Yes, thank you. I schedule this shoot for today, but completely lost track of time. You see Pharnsworth I am unable to really sleep that long anymore.

Pharnsworth: Well if you moved out of this dreadful white, hot room…you might be able to relax better.

(Wraith doesn’t seem to take kindly to the talking of his obvious butler as he scrunches his face up and his eyes narrow. Pharnsworth gets wind of his impolite remark and becomes kind of uneasy.)

Pharnsworth: I’m sorry for the remark, sir. It was quite rude of me to may that comment and it will never happen again, you can rest assure.

Wraith: Pharnsworth, my worthless buffoon, I am bringing in the money in MCW. I have seen more money there than any other place I have been to this date, but yet I still don’t have enough to throw away all my cares, just most of them. They just love to toss away money in MCW and I can honestly say I love it. I just can’t wait till I hold a title than everything will be taken care of. You see Pharnsworth it was one of two things that I could of done, at this stage. I could live lavishly without a butler, or I could live normally with a butler. Now I work hard, I must say, so I decided I earned and deserved to have one of my own. This room does relax me. With colors and actions all over a bedroom how can one sleep? I must sleep in a simple room, with simple lighting and none of that air conditioning either, it makes such a racket at night. This fan, even, is almost becoming to much of a nuisance for me, but it is better than nothing. You don’t have any trouble with my life style now, do you?

Pharnsworth: No sir, of course not.

Wraith: Now if I’m done explaining to you…I would like you to go and get me some aspirin my head is killing me.

Pharnsworth: Right away, sir.

(The man now knows as Pharnsworth bows his head with an emotionless face, but one can assume that he has already had enough of the whiny Wraith. Wraith, either not caring or not noticing, waves his arm as Pharnsworth to be dismissed. Pharnsworth seems to have a hard time opening the door as he tugs on the door a little harder than normal before it opens letting in a fresh batch of warm air to flood the cool room. Pharnsworth hurries out of the room slowly closing the door behind him, so that he doesn’t slam it shut. Wraith now looks back at the camera with a sigh of relief.)

Wraith: I know it has been said a million times now but it is the truth. It is really so hard to find good help these days. I mean look at my opponent, Adrian. Now I’ve been saying all week that I’m just going to wipe the streets with him, to say it bluntly, and I’ve also decided that I’m going to use him as a stepping stone for bigger and better things. Yet I haven’t seen him once around the MCW live events. So I see it like this, he has nothing in the world to lose. This man has made no promises and has quite frankly, to my recent knowledge, said one thing about me or anyone else. So if I win it means nothing, I just did what I said I would. I have my word, that’s all, and it doesn’t even go up that many points. You see for my word to actually mean something I would have to break someone else’s and…

(There is another knock on the door and the man comes in again without Wraith making a word. It is Pharnsworth with a bottle of something, believed to be aspirin in his right hand. Wraith looks at him as Pharnsworth slowly opens the bottle without any trouble and hands two tablets into Wraith’s hand. Wraith has a disgusted, sour look on his face as he quickly puts the tablets in his mouth and cringes as he swallows them after many attempts. Wraith lets out a low moan when he is threw swallowing the pills)

Wraith: Thank you for the glass of water to go with the aspirin. I mean it’s not like it is in your job title to get me…oh wait. Yes, it is. Thank you for nothing. I mine as well go find better help, with the amount I’m paying you I could hire two people to take your place that most certainly would be better help than you. Yet, you stay out of my way and you don’t talk to me unless I ask for it, and I’m sure in this day in age I can find anyone quite like that. All I need is some loud mouth yokel running around my house and going through my things. So what I’m trying to say as polite as I can to another human is get out of my face and go do whatever you do!

Pharnsworth: Yes, sir.

(Pharnsworth bows in respect to Wraith, who obviously gives him none in return but just shoos him off. The man mutters something under his breath after he turns his back to Wraith. Wraith to worried about his appearance to the audience does not say a word to Pharnsworth again. Pharnsworth leaves from the same plain wooden door with a new creek and a gentle close of the door.)

Wraith: Oil those hinges while your at it! Now where was I…Yes, back to my opponent for this Friday, Adrian. Adrian I am going to give you benefit of the doubt that you aren’t afraid of me and that you will show up this Friday. I’m also going to say that you are rushing around the country handing out money and favors for people to become your loyal fans. The people, the so called strength to your power. Well I’m willing to even give you an advantage. You see these people are my weakness, they yell and are arrogant and they just plain and simply give me earth shattering headaches. See now you have an advantage on me! I’m begging you to say something. C’mon make a comment about me and how rude I am, or how stupid I am. I don’t care if you call me a muscle bound idiot. You see I’m now begging to you and giving you all these ideas. I just want to hear something, anything out of your mouth just so you can be of some use to me. Than after this Friday we will both go on our ways and your job will be done, being a stepping stone to me, and you will get paid and may still have some fans that really needed the money. You see everyone thinks of me as a bad guy, but I’m really not. I’m only mean to the people that deserve it and it is those people that have no respect for people like me, who work so hard and our great at what we do. So don’t follow the crowd, forget what they think of you. Prove me wrong, for the first time in my life. Show me that people can be good help to me.

(Wraith looks down before slowly standing up and walking over to the door turning on the doorknob but keeping the door shut.)

Wraith: Who am I kidding? You aren’t even going to put up a fight, you’re going to be like that cheap aspirin, which by the way is not even helping me, and cause me more harm than good. Maybe if worse comes to worse you can always be my second butler for a cheap and degrading fee. I mean I’ll still let you wrestle again, but it will be the least you can do after making my first match here not so memorable. In fact, now that I think of it, you are ruining my career. Many people remember there first match, whether it was a win or a loss. Now even though I’m going to win my match because lets face it I’m just that good, but I’m going to try to forget the match. The crowd won’t even care because it will be so one sided. My only hope is that somebody somewhere sees what I can really do after beating you and maybe you will have helped me after all, though I won’t be fighting to my full potential. So last words of advice to all you people and to you Adrian, make sure that you find good help before you pay them! Now you can’t say I haven’t done anything nice to you because that is the smartest thing you drunken floozies will ever hear.

(Wraith sighs as he finally turns the doorknob and there is Pharnsworth down on the ground oiling the hinges so as not to squeak. Wraith looks down and shakes his head in disgust as he steps over the short man while leaving the door open. You can hear Wraith again raise his voice but the words aren’t able to clearly be heard. Wraith walks away as Pharnsworth gently closes the door without a squeak. The camera is left in the scary, plain looking room. It spins in a circle showing the room exactly as it was when they came in except for the fact that Wraith is no longer on the bed. The scene just as suddenly as it came in, fades out.)