Fireworks, Commentary & More!

(( ::: S C E N E ::: )) Well this is WoW's first ever episode of Friday Night Fall Out, since Stephanie McMahon decided to change WoW's weekly television programming from Monday Night Mayhem to Friday Night Fall Out. And it's exactly one week from our first ever pay per view here in WoW, Bash at the Beach. Tonight, Fall Out is coming to you live from the McKenzie arena in Chatanooga, Tennessee! The cameras pan all around the arenas as WoW's theme song, "Going Under" by Evanessence hits the P.A. system loudly. The fans get up and cheer, holding their signs up high in the air, hoping to be caught on live television, or at least a glimpse. The fireworks on the stage area and the ramp way begin to shoot up from the stage area and then down from the ceiling on to the ramp. The fans are cheering practically louder than "Going Under," as the cameras cut over to our side commentators, Jerry "The King" Lawler and Jim Ross, where we will get the feel of the setting here tonight and what we will be expecting to see later on through out the evening.

((( ::: ·The Man Under The Bristol Hat· JR ::: ))) Good evening ladies and gentlemen... if you're sitting at home relaxing watching our first episode of Friday Night Fall Out then you're in for a real treat folks. Tonight we've got some great action packed matches for all of you fans as we're coming to you live from Chatanooga, Tennessee at the McKenzie arena, and boy are the fans here hyped up about tonight! Not to mention, today is Friday the 13th so something is going to happen that's a little freaky!

((( ::: ·The Puppy Lover· Jerry Lawler ::: ))) That's right, JR! I'm extremely anxious not only to see WoW's sexy divas wrestle here tonight, but Stephanie McMahon said that there was something special about tonight's Friday Night Fall Out! I've been wondering all damn week what the hell kind of surprise she has in store for all of us!

((( ::: ·The Man Under The Bristol Hat· JR ::: ))) Starting off the night, we have a singles match between Sara Calloway and  Jamie Koeppe, which should be a great match.. Both of these divas have shown tremendous improvement, and have really put their all into their careers lately, and I can definitely appreciate them for that matter. We also have a triple threat match coming up later as well.. Not to mention our Four Corners Ladders Match for the WoW Cruiserweight Championship to come later on, and King, I think that match is going to be a slobber knocker!

((( ::: ·The Puppy Lover· Jerry Lawler ::: ))) I'm anxious to see that Fatal Four Corners Ladder  Match for the Cruiserweight Title, JR! Just for the simple fact that I can't wait to see those divas compete... I mean, Brittany Parker is one sexy lady herself but then you've got, Layla Nixs, Savvy and Chae! Good golly, JR! This is going to be the greatest night in my life!

((( ::: ·The Man Under The Bristol Hat· JR ::: ))) If you're getting that excited over those four ladies, then I will really hate to see your reaction when we get to the bigger divas here in WoW, such as Lita and Dawn Marie's match up tonight.... or Stacy Keibler versus Torrie Wilson.

((( ::: ·The Puppy Lover· Jerry Lawler ::: ))) Oh, JR! You totally reminded me about those matches, I guess it just slipped my mind! Stacy Keibler is my favorite! Wooohooo!! Legs, legs, and more legs!

((( ::: ·The Man Under The Bristol Hat· JR ::: ))) But, I thought you said last week that Trish Stratus was your favorite diva? King, you can never make up your mind and the only reason you say that certain divas are your favorite is because you want to try and hit on them. You'd think, as many years as you've worked here you would have caughten on by now, and figured out that none of these divas are going to go low enough and sleep with you. For God's sake, King, get a grip.

((( ::: ·The Puppy Lover· Jerry Lawler ::: ))) Oh JR, it's not my fault that you have a stick up your ass! Haha! I'm so funny... Anyways... I can't wait to see that tag team match between Lizzy Borden and Lollipop, and Lana Star and Tylene Buck.... Lizzy Borden and Lollipop are having a hard time getting along in the first place, and Lana Star and Tylene Buck were just at each other's throats last week for the WoW Golden Thong Award! Which was a very good match if you ask me... Hehe!

((( ::: ·The Man Under The Bristol Hat· JR ::: ))) Indeed the Golden Thong Award is a very valued award, but tonight is not about the Golden Thong Award OR the Lingerie Pose Down. Tonight, Lana Star and Tylene Buck have to work well as a team and put aside their differences or they may be walking away tonight from Fall Out with a loss etched on their tag team record.

((( ::: ·The Puppy Lover· Jerry Lawler ::: ))) Oh, who cares if they win or lose JR?!!! We get to see some puppies! WOOHOO!

((( ::: ·The Man Under The Bristol Hat· JR ::: ))) Right now, I don't think Tylene Buck and Lana Star are thinking about showing off their puppies - I think they're remotely trying to find a way to get along with each other and remain coacher during this very important tag team match up tonight against Lizzy Borden and Lollipop.

((( ::: ·The Puppy Lover· Jerry Lawler ::: ))) I can care less about what you have to say JR, I'm ready to see some puppy action tonight!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) The King looks on towards the ring as WoW's show is about to begin in just a few short and quick seconds. Cameras cut over towards the ring, where we see an empty squared circle, which will soon be filled with tons of action.

Stephanie McMahon Announces The ... Surprise!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Down at ringside, the fans are getting pumped up to see our first match up - Jamie Koeppe versus Sara Calloway, but instead, the sound of Stephanie McMahon's theme music, "All Grown Up" hits the P.A. system loudly as she walks out from behind the entrance curtain with a smile on her face and a microphone in hand. Stephanie stands along the stage area, looking over the crowd for a few seconds, before she puts the microphone up to her lips, and prepares to speak.

((( ::: ·The Trillion Dollar Tycoon· Stephanie McMahon ::: ))) Well.... As I said earlier on in the week, in fact, I informed everyone of a very important matter. Did I not say that tonight was more than just any other night? Did I not say that I wanted ALL of my divas to be the best that they possibly can be tonight? Well everything that I say, there is an indefinite reason for me to say it. Tonight, is none other than Friday Night Fall Out, indeed, it is... Our first ever episode of Friday Night Fall Out, but that is NOT why I said that tonight was going to be... different than any other show that WoW airs. Tonight, well... let me put it this way. Tonight, in every match, there will be a winner, correct? Unless, of course, there is a disqualification... And, as everyone knows, WoW's first ever pay per view will be airing next week LIVE, and it is none other than Bash At The Beach. Now, how do the winners of the matches and Bash At The Beach line up? Well, the winners of the matches tonight, will all be going on to face each other in a SAND BOX BIKINI MATCH UP at Bash At The Beach. ((smirks as the fans cheer)) But this is not just a regular match up... oh no... not at all. It is going to be an elimination match up... as in, over the ropes. Now I'm not quite finished yet but let me allow myself to stop and explain what I mean by a sand box match yet an over the rope elimination rule is added to it... We aren't going to have our divas wrestle in a measly, petty little sand box, we're going to have our regular sized WoW ring, only it's going to be FILLED with SAND! There fore, this allows our divas to wrestle in sand, in their itty... bitty.... little teeny weeny bikinis... ((fans pop)) but, they also get to fight in a manor some what like a Royal Rumble. Now, for the big surprise... what's so important about fighting in a sand box match, some of these divas might ask me... and I'll simply tell you what's so very, very important about it. The fact of the matter is this; this is a match up in where WoW's FIRST EVER.... UNDISPUTED WORLD CHAMPION WILL BE CROWNED!! ((fans pop louder than ever)) That's right... This Sunday, at Bash At The Beach, WoW will crown it's FIRST EVER Undisputed Champion!!!! So ladies, I hope you're all in the best condition that you possibly can  be tonight, because we are going to name ourself an Undisputed World Champion at Bash at the Beach, and that's all that I have to say about that.. So, let's get this show started and find out who our competitors will be who fight for WoW's Undisputed World Title, shall we?

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) With that said, "All Grown Up" hits the P.A. system loudly for the second time tonight as Stephanie McMahon turns around and walks right back into the entrance curtain and disappears into the backstage area.

((( ::: ·The Man Under The Bristol Hat· JR ::: ))) Did you just hear that, King?! Stephanie McMahon's big announcement was that we are going to name an Undisputed Champion this week at our first ever pay per view, Bash At The Beach!!! And it's going to be some of the ladies that are competing tonight! By Golly King, we're going to have our FIRST EVER Undisputed World Champion crowned in merely a week!

((( ::: ·The Puppy Lover· Jerry Lawler ::: ))) JR, I can't wait to see who goes on to fight in this sand box bikini match up! WOOHOO! PUPPIES, PUPPIES & MORE PUPPIES! I love Stephanie McMahon, isn't she a great owner? Isn't she a great boss?!! WOOHOO!

Jamie Koeppe Versus Sara Calloway
Stipulations; Standard Singles Match Up

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Cameras cut to our ringside area where we will be having our very first match up ever for Friday Night Fall Out - between Jamie Koeppe and Sara Calloway. Ringside, Lillian Garcia prepares to announce the match up.

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) The following match up is a standard singles match up... Making her way down the aisle, from Long Beach, California... weighing in at 120 pounds... she is the BADDEST BITCHHHHHHHHH IN THE YARDDDD... Sara Callowayyyy!!!!

The Baddest Bitch In The Yard!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Cameras cut over from Lillian Garcia, to beside the entrance curtain where we see Sara Calloway step out from behind it, her music blaring through out the arena speakers. She walks down to the ring to the beat of her music with a look of determination on her face. The fans give off a mixed reaction for Sara as she climbs up the steps and enters the ring.

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) And her opponent.... one of the newest members of WoW, and the host of WoW Perfection... from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada... she is JAMIEEEEE KOEPPPPEEEEEE!!!!!

Brunette Perfection - Jamie Koeppe

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Jamie Koeppe's theme song, "The Sweetest Sin" hits the P.A. system as she then walks out from behind the entrance curtain, with a smile on her face... She is happy to be here tonight to show off her skills in front of all of these fans here in Chatanooga, Tennessee. She enters the ring very slowly, making sure that Sara Calloway doesn't catch her off guard. Sara Calloway charges at Jamie Koeppe as she enters the ring, but the referee holds her back making sure that Jamie can get in the ring before all of the action starts tonight. Jamie Koeppe requests the microphone from Lillian Garcia,  before the bell sounds...

((( ::: ·Brunette Perfection· Jamie Koeppe ::: ))) Now, now Sara... I see that you're getting all riled up and I barely had even gotten into the damn ring... So hold on a minute because I have something to say. Now, Sara, you're not of my concern at this very second so let me just address a small little problem that I've been having since LOLLIPOP decided she would try and interfere with Triple H and I's relationship. Lollipop, I think Hunter has made it quite clear that he really doesn't want anything to do with a cheap two cent whore like you! ((fans cheer)) So, what I propose is that we settle this once and for all... Obviously, you think that you can take Triple H away from me, the one and only Jamie Koeppe, but I beg to differ... and seeing as this week WoW is having it's first ever pay per view, Bash at the Beach.... if I don't win this match tonight to advance on to fight for the Undisputed World Championship, than I propose that you and I step into the ring and FIGHT. You think you're hotter than me?  You think you can get more men than me? Prove it, bitch. Face me, one on one in a match this week at Bash at the Beach, yes, that's right... this Sunday, and we'll square off face to face in the ring and I'll show you how badly Triple H hates you... I'll BEAT it in to your DENSE head! Now, Sara... you want some? Come get some!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Jamie Koeppe throws the microphone at Sara Calloway, Sara  just barely dodging out of the way, as the bell sounds - DING DING DING!! This match is on... Sara Calloway and  Jamie Koeppe tie up! The crowd is on the edge of their seats, as this is the first match up of the night here on the first EVER Friday Night Fall Out! Sara gets the upper hand by kneeing Jamie in her stomach! Sara grabs Jamie by her hair, and puts her in a hard headlock! Jamie screams out in pain as Sara squeezes harder! Finally, Jamie manages to reverse it by sending Sara into the ropes... Sara bounces off and Jamie tackles her to the mat! Jamie grabs Sara by her hair and starts slamming the back of her head into the mat The referee manages to pull Jamie off of her, warning her about pulling Sara's hair. Sara gets back up to her feet but not for long as Jamie hits her with a double axe handle! Sara falls into the turnbuckle as Jamie slaps her hard across the chest with a few hard chops. Sara grabs her chest in pain as Jamie slams her to the mat with a snapmare take down! Jamie picks her up by her hair and gets ready to hit her with a suplex... she attempts it but SARA reverses it into a suplex of her own! Jamie grabs her back in pain as Sara begins kicking her hard while she is down.. Sara picks up Jamie and slams her hard to the mat with a scoop slam! Sara drops an elbow on to Jamie's back causing it to her her even  more! Sara then grabs Jamie's legs, and applies a boston crab on her!! Sara has applied a boston crab to Jamie Koeppe!

((( ::: ·The Man Under The Bristol Hat· JR ::: ))) Oh my God King! Jamie Koeppe is in the boston crab! Will she tap out and let Sara Calloway literally STEAL the shot at the Undisputed World Championship out from under neath her feet?! Hang in Jamie!!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Jamie screams in pain as Sara continues to wrench her back! Jamie screams out and tries her hardest to reach for the ropes... the referee leans in closer trying to tell if she is giving up or not. She shakes her head no as Sara applies the pressure even harder! It looks like Jamie is about to tap, when Jamie's manager Shane McMahon runs down to the ring and jumps up on to the apron! What the hell is he doing?!!! Sara releases the submission hold and goes towards him, yelling and screaming at him, but Jamie takes advantage and hits her from behind with a neck breaker! AWESOME MOVE! Shane McMahon hopes off of the apron, only to find Sara's manager, The UNDERTAKER standing right n ext to him! The Undertaker grabs him around the throat, signaling for the choke slam! Meanwhile, inside of the ring, Jamie goes for the cover.... 1.....2... she notices the Undertaker and Shane on the outside! She begins climbing the turnbuckle as the fans cheer for the Undertaker to choke slam Shane McMahon! Jamie jumps from the top rope, attempting a high cross body on to the Undertaker causing him to let go of Shane  unharmed... but he notices her out of the corner of his eye and CATCHES HER IN MID AIR! Jamie begins screaming, and Shane comes to her rescue by low blowing the Undertaker from behind! Jamie slaps the Undertaker hard across the face, but SARA CALLOWAY from the inside of the ring reaches under the bottom rope and grabs Jamie Koeppe by her hair! Sara pulls her back into the ring, kicks her in the stomach.. and sets her up for her finisher!! SHE SLAMS HER HARD with a power bomb to the mat! Sara Calloway goes for the cover....

((( ::: ·The Puppy Lover· Jerry Lawler ::: ))) Oh no, JR!!! Sara Calloway is hurting Jamie's puppies! Sara Calloway is going to win! NO JAMIE, KICK OUT!!!!!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) 1......2.......THREEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! SARA CALLOWAY HAS WON THE MATCH!! The referee raises Sara Calloway's hand up high in the air...

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) And your winner.... Saraaa Calloo---- ((seeing HHH, Lillian dodges out of the ring))

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) But what the hell? TRIPLE H, JAMIE KOEPPE'S BOYFRIEND, is running down the ramp! He ru ns into the ring, what the hell is he going to do?!!! He grabs Sara Calloway by the hair... OH MY GOD, LET HER GO!!! He places her between his legs, when the lights to the arena go completely black!!! THE CROWD IS SCREAMING!! AND NO ONE CAN DO A DAMN THING! After a few minutes, the lights turn back on, and OH MY GOD! Triple H, Jamie Koeppe, and Shane McMahon are all laid out in the middle of the ring! Triple H is BUSTED WIDE OPEN! Jamie and Shane are lieing motionless and standing above them all is Sara Calloway and the Undertaker! They hold their arms up high in the air and look at the sick and sadistic looks on their faces! What has gotten into Sara?? What an incredible match!

WINNER & Advancing To Main Event Bash At The Beach // Sara Calloway

((( ::: ·The Man Under The Bristol Hat· JR ::: ))) What the hell was that about?!!! Sara Calloway and The Undertaker are completely and utterly evil!!! This is NOT RIGHT! Jamie Koeppe doesn't deserve to be beaten by The Undertaker!! What the hell is wrong with these two inhumane human beings!!

Torrie Wilson Has A Run In With... The Goddess?

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Cameras cut backstage where we see Torrie Wilson walking around in the back.. She then turns a corner, obviously looking for someone but she runs into a certain someone else.. someone that we have never seen in WoW before... none other than the Goddess of Wrestling, Sable!

((( ::: ·The Goddess· Sable ::: ))) ((grins)) Hi there, Torrie.

((( ::: ·The Perfect 10· Torrie Wilson ::: ))) Uh... Hi Sable. What are you doing here tonight? Do you have a match?

((( ::: ·The Goddess· Sable ::: ))) Oh no, no... I'm just here to watch...

((( ::: ·The Perfect 10· Torrie Wilson ::: ))) Ohh, right.

((( ::: ·The Goddess· Sable ::: ))) I noticed that you have a match tonight against Stacy Keibler, and I'm glad that I caught you - I just wanted to wish you good luck.

((( ::: ·The Perfect 10· Torrie Wilson ::: ))) Well, thanks. ((cheap smile))

((( ::: ·The Goddess· Sable ::: ))) Not a problem. ((bites her nail sexy)) I noticed that all of the matches tonight are qualifying matches for a shot at the Undisputed World Championship at Bash at the Beach.

((( ::: ·The Perfect 10· Torrie Wilson ::: ))) Yeah... I plan on nailing Stacy Keibler into the ground because I am going to be WoW's first ever Undisputed Champion. Stacy Keibler isn't even worth any of my time. I mean, I know we used to be friends and everything, but why do I have to keep facing her is beyond my knowledge. ((notices she's babbling))

((( ::: ·The Goddess· Sable ::: ))) Oh yes... I definitely agree. There is no reason for you to have to keep facing Stacy... Stacy is on another level... a lower level. First you  have girls like us - girls that are actually worthy of title shots, and then you have well... girls like Stacy. ((Shakes her head in shame)) Such a pity.

((( ::: ·The Perfect 10· Torrie Wilson ::: ))) Yeah... but uh... if you don't mind, I really kind of do have to get going. I'm trying to find someone and it's important, plus I have to get ready for my match.. as you can see, ((gestures to robe)) I haven't even gotten dressed  yet for tonight.

((( ::: ·The Goddess· Sable ::: ))) Oh I can see alright. ((smiles as Torrie looks at her awkwardly)) But, if you must go...

((( ::: ·The Perfect 10· Torrie Wilson ::: ))) Well, was there something else you wanted to talk about?

((( ::: ·The Goddess· Sable ::: ))) No... I just wanted to wish you good luck. I mean, I know we're not quite as close as we were when we were doing our double Playboy photo shoot. ((smiles)) But I thought it would be a friendly gesture if I wished you good luck tonight. Seeing as you're competing here at Fall Out, and I'm not, I really have no chance in getting in the match at Bash at the Beach for the Undisputed World Title, so I won't be winning it.

((( ::: ·The Perfect 10· Torrie Wilson ::: ))) What are you getting at?

((( ::: ·The Goddess· Sable ::: ))) Well, I'm getting at the fact that you're second best - to me, that is. If I was competing tonight, than we all would know that I would be walking out of Bash at the Beach the Undisputed World Champion...

((( ::: ·The Perfect 10· Torrie Wilson ::: ))) Are you saying that you can beat me? Is that what you're trying to tell me? ((looks on)) Is this some kind of a set up, Sable?

((( ::: ·The Goddess· Sable ::: ))) No, not at all... You know what, just forget about it Torrie. Just go out there and do your thing, honey... I'll be watching backstage.

((( ::: ·The Perfect 10· Torrie Wilson ::: ))) Uh.. okay?

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Torrie Wilson walks past Sable, with an odd, odd look on her face as she continues to walk down the hall way looking for whomever it is she was on the search for. Cameras cut back over to Sable, who is watching Torrie Wilson walk down the hall way with a huge smirk on her face...

((( ::: ·The Man Under The Bristol Hat· JR ::: ))) I don't think this looks too good, King. Sable only does things if it will benefit herself, I think she's trying to play mind games with Torrie Wilson and possibly trying to manipulate her.

((( ::: ·The Puppy Lover· Jerry Lawler ::: ))) Oh, calm down, JR. You always think someone's out to get someone else just because they're being nice. Sable has feelings, and she has feelings for Torrie's puppies too! When I get home, I can't wait to look at that double duo Playboy magazine with Torrie Wilson and Sable! WOOHOO! PUPPIES!

Midajah Is Ready To Take On Miss Stratusfaction Herself!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Cameras cut from Torrie Wilson and Sable to backstage with Mene Gene Okurland, WoW's newest interviewer whom has been signed earlier on in the week... Mene Gene is standing next to none other than WoW's one and only Midajah, who will be taking on Trish Stratus later on tonight - and don't forget, the winner will be advancing on to the huge elimination sand box match at Bash at the  Beach for the Undisputed World Championship.

((( ::: ·The Prehistoric Interviewer· Mene Gene ::: ))) Good evening ladies and gentlemen, fans of WoW. I, Mene Gene Okurland, am standing here backstage with Midajah, whom will be facing Trish Stratus later on tonight in a singles match up. Midajah, how are you feeling tonight?

((( ::: ·The Queen Freak· Midajah ::: ))) Honestly, Mene Gene, cut it with the b/s. I'm feeling fine, just as I look.

((( ::: ·The Prehistoric Interviewer· Mene Gene ::: ))) Alright.. Well, let's hope that you're prepared for your match up tonight against Trish Stratus. She is no joke Midajah, don't you think that you're taking your match with her a little bit lightly?

((( ::: ·The Queen Freak· Midajah ::: ))) Lightly? ((laughs)) Mene Gene, face it, you don't know anything about me. Trish Stratus isn't even a worthy competitor for me... I'll be able to win this match in seconds, and I'm sure it will go down in history as one of WoW's quickest matches. Trish Stratus is no match for me, why won't you annoying people get it? I am a far more superior athlete than that little blonde bitch. Oh wow, just because she's won the Women's Championship in WWE, but who can forget that the bitch fucked Vince McMahon? And from what I hear, not only is she a cheap fuck, but she sucks in the sack if you know what I mean!!

((( ::: ·The Prehistoric Interviewer· Mene Gene ::: ))) Personally, I think that Trish Stratus has excelled in the ring since her first sighting in the WWE. But, that's just my opinion. Now before you I close the interview, the fans are dieing to know what the relationship between you and Scott Steiner is?

((( ::: ·The Queen Freak· Midajah ::: ))) Mene Gene, that is none of your damn business. What goes on between Scott and I is none or your business or anyone else's for that matter... But to answer your question so that you'll finally shut up, Scott and I are just friends... and nothing more. Sure, we used to be the hottest couple in this sport but, things have changed, and if you haven't noticed, for some reason he's walking around with that bag of bones Stacy Keibler. And no, I am in no way jealous of Stacy. I can get any man that I want, and that's a fact. And if anyone doesn't believe me, well... I will prove it to ANYONE who doubts me. ((smiles)) Let's face it Mene Gene, brunette's are way hotter than blondes.... and at least we aren't air heads, that's for sure!

((( ::: ·The Prehistoric Interviewer· Mene Gene ::: ))) Well Midajah, I would like to wish you good luck in your match tonight against Trish, that is all the questions I have for you tonight.

((( ::: ·The Queen Freak· Midajah ::: ))) You're kidding me, right?

((( ::: ·The Prehistoric Interviewer· Mene Gene ::: ))) Well, no... That is all the questions I have for you and I have a job to do else where right about now too. So, if you don't mind..

((( ::: ·The Queen Freak· Midajah ::: ))) You've gotta be shitting me. As big of a star as I am, and you only have a few measly little questions for me? That's rough, Mene Gene, that's rough. But you know what?

((( ::: ·The Prehistoric Interviewer· Mene Gene ::: ))) What?

((( ::: ·The Queen Freak· Midajah ::: ))) I guess that's good for you because you don't deserve any more of my time in the first place! The only reason you ever used to talk to me in our WCW days was because you were deathly afraid of Scott Steiner, not to mention the fact that you wanted to get up his ass as far as you could. You know what? I don't WANT you to ask me any more questions. Oh and another thing... If I wanted a REAL interview, maybe I should of went to someone like MICHAEL COLE!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) With that said, Midajah storms off down the hall way leaving a stumped Mene Gene Okurland standing in front of the rolling film, as he just had been humiliated live in front of Chatanooga, Tennessee by the Queen Freak, Midajah herself! Cameras cut back to ringside for our next match here tonight!

Stephanie Bellars VS. Molly Holly VS. Tygress
Stipulations; HOW OR GO MATCH!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Cameras cut to our ringside area where Lillian Garcia is standing in the ring, all prepared to announce the next match up, which happens to be a triple threat SHOW or GO match!

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) The following match up is scheduled for ONE FALL! It is a triple threat SHOW or GO match up!!! Firstly, making her way down to the ring at this time, hailing in from Sarasota, Florida... weighing in at 126 pounds... she is the gorgeous one... STEPHANIEEEEEEEEEEE BELLLARRRRRRRRRSSSSSSSSSS!!!

The Gorgeous One Flirts With The Fans!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Gorgeous George's theme song, "Splash Water Falls" hits the P.A. system loudly as she walks out from behind the entrance curtain and begins to make her way down to the ring.. she climbs in and waits for the arrival of her other two opponents for tonight's triple threat match.

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) And secondly, making her way down to the ring at this time.... hailing in from Mobile, Alabama... weighing in at 128 pounds.... she is none other than WoW's deadly.. MOLLY HOLLY!!!!!

The Dangerously Hardcore Molly Holly!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) At this time, "The Hell Song" hits the P.A. system loudly as now Molly Holly walks out from behind the entrance curtain to a shower of boo's from the fans here tonight in Chatanooga. She shakes it off, not letting it phase her, as she walks down to the squared circle. Molly Holly climbs in and glares at Gorgeous George from the opposing side of the ring, with anger and hatred in her eyes.

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) Thirdly.. and lastly, making her way down to the ring at this time.... hailing in from Brooklyn, New York... weighing in at 130 pounds... she is the Latin Warrior... TYYYYYYYYGRESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!

The Latin Warrior Makes Her Way To The RIng

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Tygress' theme song hits the P.A. system now as she then walks out from behind the entrance curtain to the beat of her music. Tygress slides into the ring, as all three divas stare each other down... the bell sounds - DING DING DING!! Tygress and Stephanie Bellars automatically start the match off by talking trash to each other, Tygress making comments about the "white girl," as  like wise from Stephanie Bellars.. Molly  Holly, in the mean time, is pointing and laughing at these two go at it.. She walks slowly, creeping, up to the two divas  before grabbing a handful of hair from each of them and slamming their heads right into each other as if they were both coconuts!!! The fans go wild as Molly Holly grabs Stephanie Bellars and throws her against the ropes... Stephanie comes back quickly, and Molly Holly drop kicks her right over the top rope... The Gorgeous One is down and out of the ring, slamming her head on the padding outside, which isn't much padding to begin with. Meanwhile, in the ring, Molly Holly is taking advantage of having time alone with Tygress. She pulls Tygress back up to her feet, and irish whips her right into the corner. Molly Holly picks her up and sets her up on the top rope, climbing up after Tygress, and then suplexes her right off of the top rope! Tygress is down.. Molly Holly runs up against the ropes, and drops a huge leg drop on the neck of Tygress... Tygress' body lies limp in the ring as Molly Holly goes for the cover.. Can Stephanie Bellars maintain herself and climb back into the ring to pull Molly Holly off of Tygress? 1... 2.... 3... DING DING DING! WE HAVE A WINNER!

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) And your winner.... MOLLLYYY HOLLLLLLYYYYYYY!!!!

Winner & Advancing To Main Event Bash At The Beach; MOLLY HOLLY

Does Scott Steiner Have A Thing For Nidia?

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) After that deadly triple threat match up, cameras cut backstage where we see WoW's Queen of the Trailer Park, Nidia, standing around backstage talking to Jamie Noble. Cameras zoom in for a closer look, as we catch up on the conversation.

((( ::: ·The Queen of the Trailer Park· Nidia ::: ))) Oh Jamiekins, isn't it great here? WoW is like, the best federation ever! It is SOOO much better than WWE! I mean, I actually have a chance here, and Jamiekins, I am SO excited! I can't wait until my debut match! I will show the rest of these girls who is the Queen!

((( ::: ·The King of the Trailer Park· Jamie Noble ::: ))) That's right baby... you're the Queen, Nidia, you're the Queen! You show these bimbos who's boss, and you win that Undisputed Title! You go baby! ((smiles))

((( ::: ·The Queen of the Trailer Park· Nidia ::: ))) Aw Jamie, I'm so glad that you're so supportive of me! ((makes out with Jamie Noble))

((( ::: ·The King of the Trailer Park· Jamie Noble ::: ))) Mm, baby, don't get me started! If you win the Undisputed Title here, girl, your life will change! You remember how much money we had when I was the Cruiserweight Champion, don'tcha baby?

((( ::: ·The Queen of the Trailer Park· Nidia ::: ))) Of course I do! You bought me that mink coat... and we bought a new trailer.. and Jamiekins, I am SO excited!

((( ::: ·The King of the Trailer Park· Jamie Noble ::: ))) That's right baby... You're gonna be a champion finally!

((( ::: ·The Queen of the Trailer Park· Nidia ::: ))) Oh Jamie, you're turning me on!!!!

((( ::: ·The King of the Trailer Park· Jamie Noble ::: ))) Well baby, hold that thought for a second, I've gotta find a damn bathroom around this place. Have any idea where one's at sweet pea?

((( ::: ·The Queen of the Trailer Park· Nidia ::: ))) Umm... ((points)) I think there's one down there, but I don't know. I'm sure one of these workers would know! Just ask em!

((( ::: ·The King of the Trailer Park· Jamie Noble ::: ))) Alright baby... I'll see you in a minute... meet me back in your locker room and I'll show you a good time baby!

((( ::: ·The Queen of the Trailer Park· Nidia ::: ))) Hehe, okay! ((chomps on gum))

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Jamie Noble walks off down the hall way, on the verge of starting to look for a bathroom in the huge McKenzie Arena. Nidia walks off down the hall way, in the other direction, going back to her locker room... and as she turns a corner she passes up none other than the Genetic Freak himself, SCOTT STEINER! Nidia walks past Scott Steiner, not thinking anything of it, but he stops her in the middle of the hall way, and pulls her over to the side.

((( ::: ·The Genetic Freak· Scott Steiner ::: ))) Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in.

((( ::: ·The Queen of the Trailer Park· Nidia ::: ))) Um, is that supposed to be some kind of insult?

((( ::: ·The Genetic Freak· Scott Steiner ::: ))) Hell no baby... you're fine as hell. ((Nidia smiles, blushing)) Damn... ((looks her up and down)) I think I would give just about anything I own to spend a night with you...

((( ::: ·The Queen of the Trailer Park· Nidia ::: ))) Hehe, but um.. I have a boyfriend, sorry.

((( ::: ·The Genetic Freak· Scott Steiner ::: ))) Who cares about your man, baby? What he don't know don't hurt him. The Genetic Freak is offering you to spend a night with him out in the city, we can go back to my place, and then by the end of the night I'll have you howling to the moon light, cause it's all about the peaks and the freaks baby!

((( ::: ·The Queen of the Trailer Park· Nidia ::: ))) Uhh.. but what about Jamiekins?

((( ::: ·The Genetic Freak· Scott Steiner ::: ))) Jamiekins? Who the fuck is that?

((( ::: ·The Queen of the Trailer Park· Nidia ::: ))) Uh.. my boyfriend, Jamie Noble!

((( ::: ·The Genetic Freak· Scott Steiner ::: ))) Oh that little twirp... baby, I'll snap that bitch in half for you if you want.

((( ::: ·The Queen of the Trailer Park· Nidia ::: ))) Sorry but I guess I'm gonna have to decline your invitation, Scott! I love Jamie, Jamie and I were meant to be together and that's that! Plus, what kind of girl do you think I am?! I'm not a cheap hussy like some of these girls around here so I think you've got the wrong idea baby!

((( ::: ·The Genetic Freak· Scott Steiner ::: ))) Damn... ((looks her up and down again, then grabs her ass as she tries to walk away)) Mm, mm, mmmm.. You are damn fine woman, and you've got a nice tight ass...

((( ::: ·The Queen of the Trailer Park· Nidia ::: ))) Do you not understand english? I gotta go find my Jamiekins!

((( ::: ·The Genetic Freak· Scott Steiner ::: ))) ((pulls her closer to him)) Naw, baby you ain't goin' no where, sorry. You're gonna stay right here by me, you know, I could use a new freak... Stacy Keibler is getting a little old.

((( ::: ·The Queen of the Trailer Park· Nidia ::: ))) DON'T TOUCH ME! ((flails arms around)) Let gooooooooo!!!!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Down the hall way, Jamie Noble hears his girlfriend screaming, but he doesn't know where it's coming from. He dodges down the hall way, running in between people, until he spots Nidia in the arms of Scott Steiner... Jamie Noble becomes enraged and walks right up to Scott Steiner and snatches Nidia out of his grasp. Nidia clenches on tightly to Jamie Noble.

((( ::: ·The King of the Trailer Park· Jamie Noble ::: ))) Don't you ever touch my Nidia again you piece of shit!

((( ::: ·The Genetic Freak· Scott Steiner ::: ))) Oh please. ((chuckles)) I was just having a little fun with her.. I'm sure she's a rubber hole and knows all about it, ain'tcha honey?

((( ::: ·The King of the Trailer Park· Jamie Noble ::: ))) I SAID... leave my sweet Nidia alone!

((( ::: ·The Genetic Freak· Scott Steiner ::: ))) You think I'm afraid of you, kid?

((( ::: ·The Queen of the Trailer Park· Nidia ::: ))) Jamie, no! Let's just go!

((( ::: ·The Genetic Freak· Scott Steiner ::: ))) You know what you little punk, I can take your girl any day, any time, and any where... you can have her this time, but next time if I get a hold of her she won't be so lucky... In fact, you can keep your trailer trash, I can get bitches left and right so it really don't mean a damn thing to me. Just consider yourself lucky this time Jamie, you've already gone fuckin' with the wrong man. You can keep your little bitch, I'll go find me another cheap whore.

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Scott Steiner walks away laughing to himself as Jamie Noble holds Nidia tightly in his arms...soothing her with soft words... the scene fades to black....

((( ::: ·The Man Under The Bristol Hat· JR ::: ))) Did you see that King? Scott Steiner is a mad man, I tell ya! Who'd of thought someone who was saving Stacy Keibler from Test's yelling and torment so many times would act like that towards innocent Nidia?

((( ::: ·The Puppy Lover· Jerry Lawler ::: ))) Who knows, but Nidia is one sexy little thing! And I can't believe she would have turned down the Genetic Freak! That's the first time Scott Steiner has EVER been turned down, I'm sure!

Tylene Wants To Get Her Hands On Lizzy!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Cameras cut backstage once again where we see Tylene Buck preparing for her match up later on tonight. She's filing her nails, and looking into a small vanity mirror, humming to herself... along to a song on the radio. Just then, the locker room door opens up wide, and it's none other than her boyfriend Edge, aka Adam Copeland.

((( ::: ·On The Edge· Adam Copeland ::: ))) Hey Baby...

((( ::: ·The Morbid Mistress· Tylene Buck ::: ))) ((jumps)) You scared the SHIT out of me! Don't you ever do that again honey!

((( ::: ·On The Edge· Adam Copeland ::: ))) Sorry... I just wanted to drop in and wish you luck on your big tag match tonight.

((( ::: ·The Morbid Mistress· Tylene Buck ::: ))) Oh yeah? Well thanks... ((goes back to filing her nails)) But I'm sure I won't need it... I'm the greatest diva in WoW as it is, I don't need lady luck on my side. Oh.. did you see David Letterman last night?

((( ::: ·On The Edge· Adam Copeland ::: ))) No... why?

((( ::: ·The Morbid Mistress· Tylene Buck ::: ))) Consider yourself lucky, than. He had Lana Star on the show. Can you believe that? Lana Star.. over ME. You know how much I've been wanting to do Letterman.

((( ::: ·On The Edge· Adam Copeland ::: ))) Mmhmm... What did she say?

((( ::: ·The Morbid Mistress· Tylene Buck ::: ))) Oh nothing important, she just talked about how she is going to take Lollipop out, and then how she is so afraid of Lizzy Borden because Lizzy's a little looney. ((grunts)) You know, Lana Star better not cost me to lose this match just because she's a pussy and she's afraid of Lizzy Borden.

((( ::: ·On The Edge· Adam Copeland ::: ))) Don't worry babe.... Just don't tag her in. She can't wrestle if you don't tag her in.

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Just then, another voice from the hall way is heard.... as another person has walked into the locker room.

((( ::: ·The Freaky Goth· Vampiro ::: ))) Actually... she can... ((laugh)) What's up guys?

((( ::: ·On The Edge· Adam Copeland ::: ))) Nothing, just trying to convince Tylene that if she doesn't tag Lana Star in the ring tonight, than Lana can't cost her the match.

((( ::: ·The Freaky Goth· Vampiro ::: ))) True... true.... Yeah, I would say just don't tag her in.

((( ::: ·The Morbid Mistress· Tylene Buck ::: ))) I say I beat the hell out of her ass, and strip her of the Golden Thong Award myself. Ugh, that bitch doesn't deserve it. And seeing as Stephanie McMahon made all of tonight's matches qualifying matches for the match at Bash at the Beach for the Undisputed World Championship, I think I'll be sure to never tag Lana Star in so I can pick up the win!

((( ::: ·On The Edge· Adam Copeland ::: ))) That's right baby... You'll win this one for sure. And you'll win the Undisputed Title too!

((( ::: ·The Morbid Mistress· Tylene Buck ::: ))) Yes... Tylene Buck, The Undisputed World Champion does have a certain ring to it.

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Cameras cut out to Tylene Buck talking about the Undisputed Championship as we change our camera views, which now show down at the ringside area once again as we're ready for WoW's next match up tonight!

Britney Parker VS. Layla Nixs VS. Savvy VS. Chae
Stipulations; Fatal Four Corners Match

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Cameras cut down to the ringside area where Lillian Garcia is seen standing in the center of the ring, ready to announce our next match up which is a Fatal Four Corners Ladder Match for the Cruiserweight Championship!

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) The following match up is a four corners match up! In which the winner will be declared the person who touches all four corners of the ring in a consistant matter, without being attacked. Firstly, making her way down to the ring at this time.... Hailing in from Los Angeles, California.. weighing in at 120 pounds... she is none other than BRITNEY PARKER!!!!


Britney Parker... Total Domination!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) "Show Down" hits the P.A. system loudly as Britney Parker walks out from behind the entrance curtain to a shower of cheers from the fans here tonight in Chatanooga for Friday Night Fall Out... She makes her way down to the ring and slides in, waiting for the arrival of her three other opponents.

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) Secondly... making her way down to the ring at this time.... Hailing in from Tampa, Florida... weighing in at 105 pounds... she is none other than The Vixen... LAYLA NIXSSSSSSSSSS!!!!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Layla Nixs theme music hits the P.A. system as she walks out from behind the entrance curtain, as the fans are not at all impressed with this petite diva... she climbs into the ring and waits for the remaining two opponents.

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) Thirdly.. making her way down to the ring at this time... Hailing in from Torrance, California... weighing in at 110 pounds... she is SAVVVVVVVYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!


Oh So Savvylicious!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) "I'm Feeling This" hits the P.A. system at this time as Savvy walks out from behind the entrance curtain into her spotlight.. The fans go off the hook for Savvy as she smiles and walks down the ramp... she climbs into the ring, and waits for the last opponent in this match - Chae.

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) And finally.. making her way down to the ring at this time... hailing in from Seoul, Korea... weighing in at 125 pounds... she is the Korean Kutie... CHAEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

CHAE... The Korean Kutie!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) At this time, Chae's theme song hits the P.A. system loudly now as she walks out from behind the entrance curtain with a huge smile on her face. Chae makes her way down to the ring and slides in as the bell sounds.. DING DING DING! This match is off! Chae and Layla Nixs glance at each other, as Chae then turns her eyes over to Savvy, while Britney Parker just doesn't know where to begin. All four ladies slowly walk towards the center of the ring.... when out of NO WHERE Layla Nixs knocks over Savvy, but Britney Parker pulls a show stopper and KICKS Layla Nixs right in her head! What a powerful kick... a kick heard round the world! Layla Nixs is down and Savvy walks over to her and starts stomping away at her, while holding on to the top rope for some leverage.. Chae grabs Britney Parker by the hair and reverse DDT's  her... Chae than walks over to the corner and touches the first corner.... but Savvy trips Chae with her leg and Chae falls to her feet, allowing the count to start over... Chae smacks Savvy across the face, and gets back up to her feet. Britney Parker, in the mean time, locks up with Layla Nixs and whips her against the turnbuckles.... and then irish whips her right across to the other one.... Layla Nixs falls down on to the mat, out of breath, while Britney Parker puts her in the boston crab... but Britney Parker cannot win the match this way, seeing as it is a four corners match up... but Britney Parker keeps the hold on for the maximum amount of pain that she's causing to Layla Nixs. Chae and Savvy lock up, and Chae scoop slams Savvy down to the mat... Chae then walks over to the turnbuckles and climbs up to the top rope, a HUGE BODY SPLASH right on top of Savvy! Savvy is down... Chae walks over to Britney Parker, who still has Layla Nixs in the boston crab, and grabs her by the hair, slamming Britney Parker down to the mat on her back, and in the way that Britney and Layla's legs were situated, both divas feel even more pain from this maneuver... Chae untangles the divas legs, and kicks Layla Nixs out of the ring... she then picks up Britney Parker, and power bombs her right back on to the mat... Chae than walks over to the first turnbuckle, and touches it... she walks over to the second turnbuckle.... touches the second... As she's walking to the third, Savvy is on the ring apron feeling around with her hands, and swipes by Chae's foot, CHAE ALMOST FELL!!! BUT CAUGHT ON TO THE ROPE.. SO THE COUNT IS STILL UP. Britney Parker is making her way back up to her feet as Chae touches the third post.... Chae sees Britney Parker back on her feet and shaking off the cob webs, so she runs to the fourth turnbuckle with all the might left in her AND SHE TOUCHES IT!! DING DING DING, CHAE HAS WON THE MATCH!! CHAE, HAS JUST EARNED A SPOT AT BASH AT THE BEACH IN THE MAIN EVENT TO FIGHT FOR THE UNDISPUTED WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP AND THIS IS ONLY HER DEBUT MATCH HERE TONIGHT!!

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) And your winner of this fatal four corners match up... CHAEEEEEE!!!!

Winner & Advancing To Main Event Bash At The Beach; CHAE

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Just then, Lana Star runs out of the crowd and slides into the ring, and attacks Chae, smacking her right across the b ack of the head with her pink mirror!!! CHAE IS DOWN!!! But oh no... Jenna Jameson, our C.E.O's theme music hits the P.A. system loudly as she walks out from behind the entrance curtain with a microphone in hand.

((( ::: ·WoW's Heartbreaking CEO· Jenna Jameson ::: ))) Lana, Lana... stop that right now. I've had just about enough of you lately.. being rude to me, and I thought we used to have a pretty good friendship, but I guess that's all down the drain now isn't it? Lana, you have stepped too far now, you've stepped beyond the boundaries, and as C.E.O. it is my duty, since I was sent out here by Stephanie McMahon herself to handle the situation. Lana, you are going to be placed into a special match this week at the Pay Per View, regardless of if you win the tag match later on or not and go to Main Event for the Undisputed Championship... You will be facing a new comer to WoW, who should appreciate the push that she is about to get, which will be the biggest push in her entire life... Lana, you will be fighting for the Cruiser Weight Championship at Bash at the Beach, against JESSICA PARKER!!!! ((fans cheer)) But I'm not quite finished yet... It will be a TABLES... LADDERS... and CHAIRS match up!!! ((fans cheer louder)) Hold on, hold on... there will be a mystery partner as well... and I'm not going to let anyone know who it is until your match comes around, Lana, so you better be prepared... Oh and just for your information, I will be picking the mystery tag team partner!!! Ciaos!

Shit Hits The Fan - Jamie & Lollipop!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Backstage, things are heating up with the hatred between Jamie Koeppe and Lollipop, and all over a man... Tsk tsk... Backstage, we catch Jamie Koeppe walking around, holding on to her ribs, walking very slowly, since her beating from Sara Calloway and the Undertaker earlier on tonight.. she turns a corner and... whoa, it's none other than her rival Lollipop!

((( ::: ·The Sweetest Bitch· Lollipop ::: ))) Awwwwww... Is someone hurt?

((( ::: ·Brunette Perfection· Jamie Koeppe ::: ))) Shut up, Lollipop.

((( ::: ·The Sweetest Bitch· Lollipop ::: ))) I thought you were going to win tonight? I thought it was supposed to be your big.. huge.. spectacular night! I thought you were going to go for the gold, Jamie. Guess you're really not up to par than are you?

((( ::: ·Brunette Perfection· Jamie Koeppe ::: ))) I've had enough of you... Just leave me alone. Stay away from me, and stay away from my boyfriend. And while you're at it, stay away from Shane too!

((( ::: ·The Sweetest Bitch· Lollipop ::: ))) Ooh.. Shane.... ((thinks)) Hm.. I hadn't even thought about ever trying to get with him...

((( ::: ·Brunette Perfection· Jamie Koeppe ::: ))) LEAVE HIM ALONE!

((( ::: ·The Sweetest Bitch· Lollipop ::: ))) No... Sorry I can't do that.

((( ::: ·Brunette Perfection· Jamie Koeppe ::: ))) Well leave me alone.

((( ::: ·The Sweetest Bitch· Lollipop ::: ))) Why are you being so hostile tonight Jamie? Especially after you slapped me yesterday...  Hmph. You shouldn't of slapped me Jamie, it might of been your biggest mistake yet. You do know that, don't you?

((( ::: ·Brunette Perfection· Jamie Koeppe ::: ))) I'm sure that I've made plenty of more worse mistakes in my life than slapping you across the face. Besides, you deserved it you fucking whore.. Ow.. ((clenches her stomach))

((( ::: ·The Sweetest Bitch· Lollipop ::: ))) Well... Since I deserved to be slapped yesterday... then I'm sure you'll deserve what's coming to you tonight then, won't you?

((( ::: ·Brunette Perfection· Jamie Koeppe ::: ))) What in the hell are you talking about? Are you trying to start a fight with me right here, right  now? Because if you are half the woman that you CLAIM to be than you would at least be decent enough to wait until Bash at the Beach, where I requested our match, so that I can be 100% and ready to kick your flat chested little ass!

((( ::: ·The Sweetest Bitch· Lollipop ::: ))) ((giggles)) Oh, no.. I won't be doing ANYTHING to you at all tonight... It's more like... well... Lizzy.

((( ::: ·Brunette Perfection· Jamie Koeppe ::: ))) Huh? What are you talking about?

((( ::: ·The Sweetest Bitch· Lollipop ::: ))) Why don't you turn around?

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Jamie Koeppe turns around, still holding on to her abdomen area as she has none other than Lizzy Borden staring right into her eyes with a cold hearted stare not more than a few inches away from her face... A look of fear comes across Jamie Koeppe's face as Lizzy Borden reaches back with a steel rod and slams it right across Jamie Koeppe's head!! JAMIE KOEPPE IS DOWN ON THE GROUND!!! AND SHE IS KNOCKED OUT!

((( ::: ·The Cocky Bitch· Lizzy Borden ::: ))) That's what the bitch gets for fucking around.

((( ::: ·The Sweetest Bitch· Lollipop ::: ))) See ya in the ring Jamie!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Lollipop laughs as Lizzy Borden looks down at Jamie Koeppe, knocked out on the ground due to her smacking her with that steel pole, and then Lizzy Borden spits in Jamie Koeppe's face, before the two begin to walk away and the cameras cut over to a different scene.

Lita Is Ready To Take On Dawn Marie & Bigger Things!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Cameras cut to a different scene backstage where we see Lita standing backstage with none other than Michael Cole, WoW's most famous interviewer. Lita looks quite pleased as she has the WoW Intercontinental Championship draped across her shoulder and a smile painted on her face as the interview begins...

((( ::: ·The Frosty One· Michael Cole ::: ))) Hello fans of WoW.. I hope you're all enjoying WoW's first episode of Friday Night Fall Out so far... As for right now, I'm standing next to our first ever Intercontinental Champion, Lita, and Lita, I bet it feels great to be holding on to that belt right now doesn't it?

((( ::: ·The Xtreme Queen· Lita ::: ))) It sure does, Michael. I'm pumped up for tonight. Especially since I now know that the winner of my match against Dawn Marie will be going to fight at Bash at the Beach for the Undisputed World Championship. That makes me even more determined to beat Dawn.

((( ::: ·The Frosty One· Michael Cole ::: ))) Well, as you said, tonight you are going to be going one on one with Dawn Marie, and the winner will go on to fight quite a few other divas at the Main Event at our first pay per view, Bash at the Beach, for the Undisputed World Championship in a sand box bikini elimination match up. What are you going to do tonight to ensure that you will be going on to Bash at the Beach to the main event?

((( ::: ·The Xtreme Queen· Lita ::: ))) Michael, I'm going to make sure that I beat Dawn Marie. She isn't really much of a match for me, in my opinion, and I don't like women like her very much in the first place. Let's face it, she is a tramp. She will flirt with anyone, regardless of their gender, just to get ahead in this federation and you know what I think? I think that Stephanie McMahon just won't have that. I think if Dawn Marie digs herself a deep enough hole, she just might lose her job because of her constant flirting ways... Dawn Marie is a woman who thinks that just because she has a pair of boobs, and a round ass, that she's going to get far in life. Dawn, I've got news for you, your looks won't get you everywhere or everything, and they aren't going to last you very long.

((( ::: ·The Frosty One· Michael Cole ::: ))) True, true.... Do you think you are mentally prepared to fight Dawn Marie tonight? I mean, it's no secret that you and your former best friend, Trish Stratus, are still at each other's throats...

((( ::: ·The Xtreme Queen· Lita ::: ))) You know, tonight Trish Stratus isn't even crossing my mind. Trish Stratus has her own match against Midajah, and if she really wants to work hard enough to get into the main event at Bash at the Beach, then I will meet her in the ring next week at our first pay per view. For now, I am concerned with defeating Dawn Marie and Dawn Marie only, because beating her is my ticket to the pay per view, and trust me, I do plan on becoming WoW's first ever double champion... This Intercontinental Title has taken a liking to me and if I can get it a little friend, such as the Undisputed World Championship, I think I very well could be the happiest girl in the world.

((( ::: ·The Frosty One· Michael Cole ::: ))) Well I wish you good luck tonight Lita, but I think the fans and I both know that you really won't need it. ((smiles)) Uh.. Will Jeff Hardy be accompanying you to the ring tonight for your huge match?

((( ::: ·The Xtreme Queen· Lita ::: ))) No... You know, I don't like to bring Jeff down to the ring with me because I see a lot of divas bring their managers down to the ring for the sole purpose of using them to cheat... and I am not a cheater. I like to win all my matches fair and square, and that is exactly what I'll be doing tonight against Dawn Marie, Michael.

((( ::: ·The Frosty One· Michael Cole ::: ))) Well, thank you for your time Lita. I'll be letting you go now, I'm sure you would like to prepare for your match up which is NEXT only on Friday Night Fall Out! ... Good luck, again.

((( ::: ·The Xtreme Queen· Lita ::: ))) Thanks.

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Lita smiles and waves at the camera as she hoists her Intercontinental Title belt up a little higher on her shoulder and walks off down the hall way as the cameras follow Lita for a short moment before cutting back over to the ringside area.

Lita Versus Dawn Marie
Stipulations; Standard Singles Match Up

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Cameras cut down to the ringside area once again where Lillian Garcia is seen standing in the center of the WoW ring and ready to announce our next match up!

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) The following match up is scheduled for ONE FALL.... it is a non title match up... First, making her way down to the ring, hailing in from Woodbridge, New Jersey... weighing in at 125 pounds... she is DAWNNNN MARIIIIEEEE!!!


Dawn Marie - The Sexy Brunette Diva!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Dawn Marie's theme music hits the P.A. system loudly as she walks out from behind the entrance curtain receiving a neutral reaction from the fans here tonight in Chatanooga. She climbs up onto the ring apron, and enters the ring, doing a little dance for the fans tonight before she leans against the turnbuckles and waits for her opponent, WoW's Intercontinental Champion and the Queen of Xtreme, Lita, to arrive!

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) And her opponent... making her way down to the ring at this time... hailing in from Fort Lauderdale, Florida... weighing in at 132 pounds... she is the QUEEN OF XTREME... and WOW's INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION!!!! ((fans pop)) LIIIIIIIIITAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!


Lita... WoW's Intercontinental Sensation!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Lita's theme song, "Love Fury Passion Energy"  hits the P.A. system at this time as the lights turn off and the fans go wild! Lita jogs out from behind the entrance curtain and pauses on the stage area, banging her body to the music as the fans are taking millions and millions of pictures... Lita sprints down the ramp and slides into the ring, standing on a turnbuckle and holding up the guns sign.... she hops down and does it to the opposing turnbuckle, as pictures as being taken everywhere,  Lita hops down and looks at Dawn Marie, cracking her knuckles as the bell sounds, DING DING DING! Lita and Dawn Marie both walk towards the center of the ring... Dawn Marie gets in Lita's face and calls HER the cheap tramp!!! Lita becomes enraged and starts yelling back at Dawn... Dawn Marie reaches back and SLAPS LITA RIGHT ACROSS THE FACE! But Lita turns her head and only begins to laugh! Lita slaps Dawn Marie and then Dawn Marie holds her face in pain... Dawn Marie goes for a closed fist punch to Lita but Lita ducks and runs against the ropes, as Dawn Marie turns around Lita hits her with a diving clothesline!!! Lita startles Dawn Marie, who falls to the mat, and Lita starts punching Dawn Marie in the face repeatedly... numerous times.

((( ::: ·The Puppy Lover· Jerry Lawler ::: ))) HEY! REFEREE! Get Lita off of Dawn Marie! She's going to hurt her puppies and Dawn Marie has some gorgeous puppies!!!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) The referee seperates Lita and Dawn Marie, as both of the divas get up... Dawn Marie gets up first and charges at Lita, and brings her down with a cross body slam! Dawn Marie picks Lita up by the hair and whips her into the ropes... Lita comes back and ducks under Dawn Marie's clothes line... Dawn Marie comes running at Lita who straps on a HURRICANRANA!!!  Dawn Marie slams to the mat, Lita stands over her and begins to climb the ropes... Dawn Marie runs and meets her at the top... From the top rope, Dawn Marie suplexes LIta right back down to the mat! Lita hits the mat hard... Dawn Marie goes for a cover....1....2... Lita kicks out, just barely!

((( ::: ·The Man Under The Bristol Hat· JR ::: ))) Lita nearly lost to Dawn Marie there if she hadn't have kicked out of that one, she would have lost her shot at the Undisputed Title for sure.

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Dawn Marie picks Lita back up and DDT's her right back down... going for another cover.....1.....2.... LIta once again kicks out, showing her determination here tonight! Lita jumps to her feet and Dawn Marie is there waiting... Dawn Marie goes for a sucker punch but Lita ducks... Lita kicks Dawn Marie in her mid-section and delivers a devastating pile driver! Lita goes for the cover...1.....2.... LITA GETS OFF! LITA HAS GOTTEN OFF OF DAWN! Lita picks Dawn Marie up and delivers a spectacular TWIST OF FATE!!! Lita then runs to the turnbuckle.... Climbing it she gets to the top rope, and leaps off! Lita nails a perfect MOONSAULT!!! She hooks the leg....1... 2.... 3.... DING DING DING! WE HAVE A WINNER!!! LITA WILL ADVANCE!!!

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) And your winner... WoW's Intercontinental Champion and the Queen of Xtreme... LIIIIIIIITAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) The fans go wild for Lita as the referee raises her hand in victory. She holds her Intercontinental Title belt up high in the air as her music hits the P.A. system again. Dawn Marie is down and out as Lita slides out of the ring and makes her way back up the ramp.

Winner & Advancing To Main Event Bash At The Beach; LITA

Does Victoria Still Hold A Grudge?

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Cameras cut backstage where we see Trish Stratus sitting in a "Hollywood Actor" type chair, with her name, "Trish Stratus," imprinted in white cursive lettering on the back of the chair... she's wearing a bright red outfit, and currently getting her make up done, however her make up artist had to use the bathroom, so she's stuck waiting forever...

((( ::: ·The Canadian Beauty· Trish Stratus ::: ))) God, where the hell did this lady go? ((looks at her watch)) My match is coming up soon and I need to look primo before I go out there in front of these thousands and thousands of fans tonight. ((fans cheer))

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Just then... Victoria comes up on the side of Trish Stratus, and pulls her hair back slightly... yet Trish Stratus thinks that it's her make up artist.... So Victoria, intelligently, plays along with Trish.

((( ::: ·The Canadian Beauty· Trish Stratus ::: ))) There you are.... I can't believe it took you that long to use the bathroom. Are you sure you're not lieing to me?

((( ::: ·The Psychotic Bitch· Victoria ::: ))) ((disguising voice)) Mm - mm...

((( ::: ·The Canadian Beauty· Trish Stratus ::: ))) Hm, okay then.. well, tonight I was a reddish  pink theme for my eye shadow, and I'm wanting to go for the straightened hair look... because last week I wasn't digging those curls you put in... other than that I need you to fix one of my nails, I chipped it a few days ago and I haven't had a chance to get it fixed before tonight... So you think you can do that?

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Just then, Victoria grabs Trish Stratus's hair as if she's going to put it into a pony tail, but yanks it backwards, yanking Trish's head too... Trish looks up, with wide eyes, seeing that the "hair stylist" was none other than her old enemy... VICTORIA! Trish's eyes widen even more with fear, as Victoria looks down at Trish and begins to speak.

((( ::: ·The Psychotic Bitch· Victoria ::: ))) Trish... Trish... Trish...

((( ::: ·The Canadian Beauty· Trish Stratus ::: ))) W-what do you want?

((( ::: ·The Psychotic Bitch· Victoria ::: ))) You didn't think I forgot about you, did you?

((( ::: ·The Canadian Beauty· Trish Stratus ::: ))) Well...

((( ::: ·The Psychotic Bitch· Victoria ::: ))) That's far more than enough of an answer for me... I didn't forget about you Trish... and I didn't forget about the anger and hatred that I have brewing inside of me, more and more, each and every day for you... I want you to step into the ring with me, in a REAL match... and I'll prove to you that I'm better than you will EVER be.

((( ::: ·The Canadian Beauty· Trish Stratus ::: ))) ((sits up, seeing as Victoria let go of her hair)) Is that what this is all about Victoria? You're still holding that stupid grudge on me because I left you behind?

((( ::: ·The Psychotic Bitch· Victoria ::: ))) YEAH!

((( ::: ·The Canadian Beauty· Trish Stratus ::: ))) Get over yourself, Victoria. ((stands up))

((( ::: ·The Psychotic Bitch· Victoria ::: ))) Get over MYself??? You're the one running around here calling yourself Miss Stratusfaction, and all of that other b/s. You know all you're trying to do is rub it in my face that you have more fame and more fortune than me, and that's why I still hate your damn guts!

((( ::: ·The Canadian Beauty· Trish Stratus ::: ))) Well get over it, okay? ((adjusts shirt)) I'm sorry to hear that you still feel that way, after all of the shit we went through in WWE, and you still feel that way. That's really immature... I, unlike you, have finally decided to move on from you, and your ways... Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a match later on tonight and I need to attend to more important matters.. like finding my REAL hair stylist!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Trish Stratus walks away from Victoria as Victoria watches Trish walk down the rest of the hall way, glaring at her the entire way... Victoria starts rubbing her face and pulling on her hair, going completely psychotic watching Trish Stratus just... walk away.

Paul Heyman Pumps Up Lizzy!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Switching over from the recent scene with Trish Stratus and Victoria, we see Lizzy Borden and Paul Heyman standing in Lizzy's locker room... Lizzy Borden is walking around the room, pacing... holding an AXE IN HER HAND?!!! Oh god... Lizzy Borden has that axe with her!! Paul Heyman is trying to pump the Hardcore Champion  up for the tag match that's coming up next.

((( ::: ·The Manager· Paul Heyman ::: ))) Lizzy... you're going to win tonight... Lollipop is on your side, and you saw that the other day when she trained with you.. There is nothing stopping the two of you... You are the picture perfect tag team. A tag team that will brutalize any tag team put in their ways... A tag team that will crush any competition... A tag team that will f--

((( ::: ·The Cocky Bitch· Lizzy Borden ::: ))) Shut the hell up PAUL! ((clenches axe to her chest)) First off, I already knew that I was going to win this match tonight... I was just making sure that my fucking partner was going to be up to par to work with me.. You know I don't work with low carders... And we all know that you are the biggest bull shitting artist to ever walk the fucking face of the Earth, so when you told me that Lollipop was one of the greatest female wrestlers to ever grace a ring, I wondered why I wouldn't have known her name if she was so... "great." But you know what, I've grown to like the little slut over the past week... I mean I admit at first I didn't like her at all but she's alright... Now that she's stopped being so damn ditzy and actually caught on to my attitude and out look on things.

((( ::: ·The Manager· Paul Heyman ::: ))) Well.. what can I say? I had to do something to get you to team up with her. And I did prove to you that she was worth being your team mate, didn't I?

((( ::: ·The Cocky Bitch· Lizzy Borden ::: ))) I suppose... but that really doesn't matter.. I am the Hardcore Champion of WoW, the first EVER Hardcore Champion, I definitely don't need a partner... However it is nice to have one, it does come in handy sometimes... but the only partner that I'll ever need is the one that I have right here. ((holds axe in her hand and looks at it)) And that is my... AXE!

((( ::: ·The Manager· Paul Heyman ::: ))) ((looks at her nervously)) Lizzy, what is up with you and that damn axe?

((( ::: ·The Cocky Bitch· Lizzy Borden ::: ))) SHUT UP PAUL! Just stand there and do your job. I've got a match to prepare for.

((( ::: ·The Manager· Paul Heyman ::: ))) Well, you're definitely not going to get prepared by walking around holding an axe, I'll tell you that much.

((( ::: ·The Cocky Bitch· Lizzy Borden ::: ))) I SAID SHUT UP! If I wanted any lip from you I would have gotten it off of Vince McMahon's zipper, now leave me alone.

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Lizzy Borden continues to pace around the room while Paul Heyman sighs and sits down in a reclining chair... the cameras cut to the ringside area, where Lizzy's match is next.

Lizzy Borden & Lollipop Versus Lana Star & Tylene Buck

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Down at ringside, Lillian Garcia is preparing to announce our fifth match here tonight at Friday Night Fall Out, which is none other than the hugely built up tag team match...

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) The following match up is scheduled for one fall... It is a tag team match up! Making their way down the aisle at this time...  being accomplished by Paul Heyman... the tag team of Lollipop and LIZZY BORDENNNN, WOW's HARDCORE CHAMPIONNNN!!!


The Tag Team Of Lizzy Borden & Lollipop!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Cameras cut from Lillian Garcia to the aisle where Lizzy Borden and Lollipop comeout from behind the curtain... They begin to walk down the ramp. Lollipop stops in the middle of the ramp raising her arms in to the air, trying to get a reaction from the crowd. Lizzy Borden rolls her eyes and shoves Lollipop out of the way. Lizzy enters the ring first, and flips off a few of the fans in the front rop. Lollipop enters shortly after and Lizzy yells a few things to Lollipop that the cameras didn't pick up.

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) And their opponents... coming down to the ring first, from Hollywood, California... the self proclaimed STAR of the SHOW! ... LANNAAAAA STARRRR!!!


The STAR of the Show!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Lana Star walks down the ramp, waving to the fans, as if she really has some. She has an enormous smile on her face, but she wisely stops herself at the bottom of the ramp, waiting for her partner before she enters into the ring with Lizzy Borden and Lollipop. Lizzy Borden walks towards the rope and starts cussing out Lana, as Lana Star simply rolls her eyes at Lizzy.

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lizzy Borden ::: ))) And her partner... weighing in at 120 pounds... TYLENNNNNNNNNNNE BUCKKKK!!!!


The Morbid Mistress Comes To The Ring!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Tylene wastes absolutely no time as she runs down the ramp, sliding into the ring under the bottom rope. Lizzy takes advantage of this and starts kicking Tylene before she can even stand up! The bell rings in the back round as Lana doesn't even attempt to help Tylene. Lana walks over to her corner and stands there patiently while the crowd boos her. Lollipop and Lizzy Borden are double teaming Tylene Buck in the inside of the ring. Lizzy holds Tylene while Lollipop slaps her hard across the face. The referee seperates the double teaming and Lollipop grabs Tylene, setting her up for a DDT. Lizzy Borden grabs Lollipop from behind and screams at her that SHE wants to start the match off! Lizzy shoves Lollipop but gets clotheslined from behind by Tylene! Paul Heyman is screaming frantically on the outside for the two girls to get along with each other. Tylene picks Lizzy up and sends her into the ropes, she bounces off and Tylene goes for a clothesline but Lizzy ducks it, Lizzy Borden then bounces off of the opposite set of ropes and both ladies hit each other with a double clothes line! Both ladies are down, and the referee is forced to use his ten count! 1.... 2... 3... 4... Lizzy gets to her feet first, and picks up Tylene Buck by the hair. She slaps her hard across the face, sending her back into the turnbuckle. Lizzy places her boot on Tylene's throat and begins choking her in the corner! The referee begins his count and makes it to four before she finally breaks the hold...

((( ::: ·The Man Under The Bristol Hat· JR ::: ))) Oh, come on !! That is a blatant choke!!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Lizzy Borden turns around and starts cussing out the referee, and he warns her about watching her mouth or he will be forced to disqualify her! She goes right back at Tylene, and begins kicking her hard in the stomach... once, twice, three, FOUR TIMES! Tylene holds her stomach in pain as Lizzy grabs her by the back of the head and plants her face first on to the mat with a BULLDOG! Lizzy goes for the cover... 1... 2... NO! TYLENE KICKS OUT! She isn't giving up this easily, after she suffered that loss to Lana last week. Lizzy gets a big frustrated and picks up Tylene again. This time, she rakes her eyes hard, causing Tylene to scream out in pain! Lizzy grabs her by the hair and slams her face first into her knee! Lizzy is doing anything she can to get the upper hand here! Lizzy clothes lines Tylene hard to the mat, and covers her once again... 1... 2.. NO LANA STAR JUMPS INTO THE RING! Lana grabs Lizzy's foot, breaking the count! Lizzy gets up and tries going after Lana but the referee seperates the two of them. Lana climbs back out of the ring and TYLENE comes out of no where with a school girl pin on Lizzy! one... two...  KICK OUT BY LIZZY BORDEN! What an incredible, fast paced match up this is turning out to be! Lizzy swings on Tylene, but she ducks it and grabs her around the waist and hits her with a side walk slam! What a move! Both ladies are laying on the mat catching their breath as the referee utilizes the ten count.... 1.... 2.... 3... 4... 5... WHAT THE HELL? Paul Heyman pulls Lizzy out of the ring to the outside area! Paul gets in Lizzy's face, telling her that she needs to shape up in there and tag in Lollipop for a change! Lizzy refuses, saying that she doesn't need Lollipop to win this match up! She shoved Paul off of her, and turns around to get kicked directly into the face by TYLENE With a baseball SLIDE! Lizzy flies right into Paul  Heyman and the both of them are down on the outside ring mats!

((( ::: ·The Puppy Lover· Jerry Lawler ::: ))) Paul Heyman has no right to yell at Lizzy like that! It's Lizzy's own decision if she wants to tag in Lollipop or not!

((( ::: ·The Man Under The Bristol Hat· JR ::: ))) It IS a tag team match, and they DO call it a tag team match for a reason, King.

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Tylene stands in the  middle of the ring with a smile on her face, but from behind Lollipop sneaks into the ring and grabs Tylene by the hair! She slams Tylene's face into the nearest turnbuckle! Lollipop begins choking Tylene in the corner where Lana is standing! Lana just stands there and pretends that she doesn't see Tylene in need of help. She begins playing with her nails as the referee Charles Robinson manages to get Lollipop back out of the ring, and Lizzy climbs back in at the eight count, just two seconds away from being counted out! Tylene begins walking over towards her corner, hoping for a tag from Lana, but Lizzy manages to grab her by the hair, stopping her right before she can make the tag. Lizzy scoop slams Tylene to the mat, and runs and goes for an elbow drop but Lana grabs her and slams her to the mat when she hits the ropes! What an impact! She turns around as if she did nothing as the referee questions her. Tylene slowly makes it to her feet and uses every ounce of energy she has to plant Lizzy's face into the mat with a DDT! Tylene falls to the mat, hurt, and tired... very near her partner's corner. Lana reaches in and tags Tylene on her shoulder and runs into the ring to cover Lizzy! 1.... 2.... THRE--- NOOOOOOOOOOOO! LOLLIPOP grabs her by her hair, breaking up the count. Of course, Lana wants in the ring after Lizzy is injured! What a jezebelle! Lollipop gets pushed out of the ring by the referee and she complains about not having been in the match at all at this point. Lana wastes time now and continues kicking Lizzy hard in the ribs while she is down! Lana picks Lizzy up and sends her back first with an irish whip into the turnbuckle! Lana doesn't see it but Lollipop makes a blind tag to Lizzy while she is resting in the corner! Lana walks over and starts choking Lizzy but Lollipop kicks her hard with a martial arts style kick to the head! Lana falls back on to the mat as Lollipop climbs on to the top rope! She waits for Lana to get up and she leaps and NAILS LANA with a DROPKICK from the top rope! Tylene runs into the ring but Lollipop nails her with a flying head scissors causing her to fly out of the ring! Where is Lollipop getting these moves from?!! Lollipop runs to cover Lana...1....2.. KICK OUT! Lollipop was so close to winning this one for her team!

((( ::: ·The Man Under The Bristol Hat· JR ::: ))) Lollipop nearly picking up the win here for her and her partner Lizzy Borden.

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Lollipop picks up Lana and throws her into the turnbuckle.. she runs at Lana going for a splash when Lana ducks out of the way just in the knick of time! Lollipop hits the turnbuckle hard, chest first. She staggers backward holding her breasts in pain as Lana tags in Tylene! Lana grabs one side of Lollipop and Tylene grabs the other, they slam her hard on to the mat with a double hip toss! For hating each other, they sure are working well together! Tylene covers Lollipop... 1... 2... Lollipop manages to kick out! Lizzy is watching closely from the outside. Tylene sends Lollipop into the ropes and grabs her setting her up for her finisher, the St. Lucifer's Blow, but Lollipop reverses it and nails Tylene with a back body drop! WOW! Lollipop is impressing everyone here tonight! Lollipop signals for her finisher the Lollipop Slam! She picks Tylene up, but what the HELL!! Lizzy slides into the ring with a steel chair, what is she doing?!! She swings it hard and hits Tylene directly in the head with it! Tylene falls flat to the mat as Lollipop begins yelling at Lizzy! The referee signals for Lillian to ring the bell... what is going on here? Lana runs into the ring but stops herself short when Lizzy swings the chair at her too! Lana quickly exits the ring! Lizzy begins screaming to Lillian to hand her a microphone, she finally does and Lizzy begins to speak!

((( ::: ·The Cocky Bitch· Lizzy Borden ::: ))) What the hell are you doing?!!! HUH?!! WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!! I was supposed to pin Tylene, ME, NOT YOU! I am the talent of this team, I did all the fucking work in this match and then you want to steal the victory out from right under my nose? I don't think so Lollipop.. if I don't win this match, NO ONE DOES! GOT IT?!!!

((( ::: ·The Manipulative Manager· Paul Heyman ::: )))  Lizzy, calm down! ((extends his arm to seperate Lizzy and Lollipop)) What are you doing?!! She almost won this match for you!

((( ::: ·The Cocky Bitch· Lizzy Borden ::: ))) SCREW HER! No one wins matches for me, BUT ME! You got that PAUL?! Not fat fucks like you! And not STUPID SLUTS like LOLLIPOP! I was just saying I liked her earlier to shut you the FUCK up!!!!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Before Lizzy can say another word, the music of our Deputy.. Pamela Paulshock... "I've Just Begun" hits the P.A. system! Pamela comes out on to the ramp with a microphone in her hand, what the hell is she going to do about this?!

((( ::: ·The Deputy of WoW· Pamela Paulshock ::: ))) Like, HELLO! What do you think you are doing Lizzy?!! As the deputy of WoW, I am out here to lay down the law! I am NOT going ot let something like this happen on my wonderful show, got it?! I like, SO, do not care who you think you are Lizzy.. but you will NOT run around doing stuff like this! So let me see... just what am I going to do about this situation? ((thinks for a second)) I've got it.. Lizzy, you and Lollipop will suffer a.. um... what's that word? ((thinks)) It starts with a D... um, you know?!!! OH YA! DISQUALIFICATION!!!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Lizzy's mouth drops and she begins screaming into her microphone at Pamela Paulshock.

((( ::: ·The Cocky Bitch· Lizzy Borden ::: ))) What the hell?! You can't do that to me you stupid CUNT! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!

((( ::: ·The Deputy of WoW· Pamela Paulshock ::: ))) OH MY GOD! Puh-lease.. I can do whatever I want around here, I am the DEPUTY! And not only that Lizzy, but since you decided to ruin Tylene's chances at competing for the Undisputed Championship by hitting her in the head with that chair, not only will she get the win in this match up, she will also like, advance to the Undisputed Championship match at the Pay Per View! Have a nice day Lizzy! ((giggles))

((( ::: ·The Star Of The Show· Lana Star ::: ))) Wait, um... WAIT JUST A  MINUTE Pammy! What the hell do I get?! I am in this match too ya know!!

((( ::: ·The Deputy of WoW· Pamela Paulshock ::: ))) Hmm... I SO forgot about you.. Um... well, you get the win too, how about that?

((( ::: ·The Star Of The Show· Lana Star ::: ))) What?!! I don't just want a win!! I want to fight for the Undisputed Championship! I am teh Star of the Show! I AM THE GOLDEN THONG AWARD WINNER! I am the HOTTEST DIVA in this federation! What would the Undisputed Title match be like without me?!

((( ::: ·The Deputy of WoW· Pamela Paulshock ::: ))) Hm... is that a riddle?

((( ::: ·The Star Of The Show· Lana Star ::: ))) NO YOU IDIOT! IT IS NOT A RIDDLE!

((( ::: ·The Deputy of WoW· Pamela Paulshock ::: ))) Okay, okay... geesh! No need to call me names! Alright, I've got it... How about you just be like, satisfied with the match that Jenna Jameson gave you earlier and not complain?! You can't have two title shots at the first pay per view, dummy!

((( ::: ·The Star Of The Show· Lana Star ::: ))) Fine. Even though I should be the Undisputed Champion... the Cruiserweight Title sounds just as good!

((( ::: ·The Deputy of WoW· Pamela Paulshock ::: ))) Wonderful! I LOVE THIS JOB! Anyway, that's it... Have a nice day... Lillian, go ahead and announce the winner, TA TA!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Pamela skips up the ramp and exits to the backstage area as Tylene Buck's music begins to play.. Lillian announces the winners of the match up!

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) And the winners of this match up.. are the team of LANA STAR and TYLENNNNNE BUCKKKKK!!!!

Winners; Tylene & Lana (Tylene Advances To Main Event Bash At The Beach)

Stacy Keibler Is Sick & Tired Of Test!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Backstage, cameras catch Stacy Keibler standing in the door way, arguing with Test... Stacy is literally screaming her eyes out trying to get her point across to him but Test is being hard headed and insists on his idea instead.

((( ::: ·The Leggy Perfectionist· Stacy Keibler ::: ))) Test, I DON'T care what you say OR what you wanna do! You are NOT accompanying me down to the ring tonight for my match!

((( ::: ·All About Testicles· Test ::: ))) But, why the hell not Stace? What's so wrong with me wanting to accompany you to the ring?!

((( ::: ·The Leggy Perfectionist· Stacy Keibler ::: ))) Gee, what's so wrong with it? HA! I'll tell you what's wrong with it! Number ONE, I KNOW what kind of guy you are Test, you are the one who said that I wouldn't make it anywhere in WoW! And I know from previous experiences that you wouldn't hesitate to make me LOSE my match! And SECOND OF ALL... I SAW you and I heard about you flirting with Torrie Wilson! So, do you think I'm going to bring you down to the ring so that you can flirt away with Torrie while I'm fucking fighting her Andrew? Do you really think that?!

((( ::: ·All About Testicles· Test ::: ))) Stacy, I have nothing for Torrie... I was just playing mind games with her so that she wouldn't be in her right mind state when she stepped into the ring with you. Stacy, you've gotta believe me.. I know I did some bad things in the past but do you really still have to take things out on me!!!

((( ::: ·The Leggy Perfectionist· Stacy Keibler ::: ))) TEST, you are nothing but a lieing bastard! And I wouldn't believe you if I put my life on the line!!! What are you going to tell me next? Scott Steiner's off flirting with girls with you?! I don't believe anything that comes out of your damn mouth Andrew!

((( ::: ·All About Testicles· Test ::: ))) Actually... Stacy, if you want to know the truth....

((( ::: ·The Leggy Perfectionist· Stacy Keibler ::: ))) Oh Gosh.. what are you going to tell me now? What kind of LIE are you going to make up THIS TIME?! Come on Test, I really wanna hear it!!

((( ::: ·All About Testicles· Test ::: ))) Stacy, just listen to me. Scott Steiner grabbed Nidia's ass earlier tonight, and he was all over her like white on rice... I just thought you should know. I mean, Stacy you can't lie to me. I know you have a thing for Scott... I can see it in your eyes every time he comes around.

((( ::: ·The Leggy Perfectionist· Stacy Keibler ::: ))) OH .. MY .. GOD! Andrew, I do NOT have any kind of feelings for Scott like that! You are so jealous.. UGH! How could you say such a thing!! I don't believe anything that you've said about Scott, ever! And I'm not going to believe that he was hitting on Nidia! Okay?! I am not as stupid as you may think I am! And.. why on earth would Scott hit on Nidia?! She's a piece of trailer trash and she proudly admits it!

((( ::: ·All About Testicles· Test ::: ))) STACY, LISTEN TO YOURSELF!

((( ::: ·The Leggy Perfectionist· Stacy Keibler ::: ))) No.. I am right and that is ALL that I have to say to you at this time! You are NOT coming down to ringside with me and that's FINAL. If you do.. I'll... I'll...

((( ::: ·All About Testicles· Test ::: ))) You'll what?

((( ::: ·The Leggy Perfectionist· Stacy Keibler ::: ))) I'LL HAVE STEPHANIE ARREST YOU!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) With that said, Stacy Keibler slams the door shut right in Test's face as the cameras show him start pounding on the door, trying to get Stacy Keibler to let him in... Stacy doesn't answer, and the cameras cut backstage to a different scene.

Molly Holly & Sara Calloway Clash!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Backstage, we now catch Molly Holly and Sara Calloway in the middle of an arguement! It seems that both divas are confident that the other will be the winner this week at Bash at the Beach, since both divas won their matches and earned their rightful spot to fight for the  Undisputed World Championship this Sunday.

((( ::: ·The Baddest Bitch· Sara Calloway ::: ))) Look Molly... You won your match tonight because your opponents were two completely idiotic bitches.. I mean, Stephanie Bellars and Tygress? HA! When have those two ever held a championship belt Molly?

((( ::: ·The Deadly Vixen· Molly Holly ::: ))) Winning is winning, SARA. Whether you win by an inch, or win by a mile!

((( ::: ·The Baddest Bitch· Sara Calloway ::: ))) Okay, are you trying to play off Vin Diesel as a virgin or what? ((laugh))

((( ::: ·The Deadly Vixen· Molly Holly ::: ))) You aren't funny Sara, in fact you're the only one laughing at your own jokes! At least I didn't have to CHEAT to win my match and my shot! I won my title shot fair AND square! You're the one who had to bring your big freaky boyfriend down to the ring to help you win!

((( ::: ·The Baddest Bitch· Sara Calloway ::: ))) Oh please... Molly, I could have won that match all on my lone some... the simple fact is that I wanted to make an impact here in WoW, which is why I had my HUSBAND, NOT BOYFRIEND, assist me in the match... I think I impressed the boss more tonight than you have in any match you'll ever be in!

((( ::: ·The Deadly Vixen· Molly Holly ::: ))) At least I don't have to cheat to win.

((( ::: ·The Baddest Bitch· Sara Calloway ::: ))) Are you joking me? Seriously... because if I remember correctly, when you were in the WWE, you cheated all the TIME to win your matches, Molly. Isn't that a little case of the pot calling the kettle black? You're just as guilty as I am of cheating Molly, so deal with it. At least I won't have to cheat to win the  Undisputed Championship.

((( ::: ·The Deadly Vixen· Molly Holly ::: ))) Are you trying to say that I would have to cheat to win the title?

((( ::: ·The Baddest Bitch· Sara Calloway ::: ))) Yeah, do you have a problem with that?

((( ::: ·The Deadly Vixen· Molly Holly ::: ))) You know what Sara, you aren't even worth a minute of my time right now. I've got more important things to do and plenty more important people to talk to than some girl who has never held a title ONCE in her life! At least I'm a former Women's Champion... You tried your luck in the WWE and then Vince McMahon stopped using you. Did you ever wonder why? Because you SUCK!

((( ::: ·The Baddest Bitch· Sara Calloway ::: ))) Whatever Molly... I'll see your ass in the ring next week.

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Sara Calloway walks away as the cameras zoom in on Molly Holly staring her down as she walks down the hall way.. we then cut back down to ringside, for yet another WoW action packed match!

Midajah Versus Trish Stratus

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Cameras cut back to the ringside area once again where we see Lillian Garcia preparing to announce yet another match...

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) The following match up is scheduled for ONE FALL... however, first... allow me to introduce the SPECIAL guest referee... making her way down to the ring at this time.. NAUGHTYYYY AAAAA!!!!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Naughty A's theme song hits the P.A. system as she walks out from behind the entrance curtain wearing a striped black and white referee shirt, and some black hot pants, with silver glittery boots.... She makes her way down to the ring, and climbs on in...

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) Now.. at this time... making her way down to the ring first... hailing in from Seattle, Washington.... weighing in at 131 pounds.. she is the Queen Freak! MIDAJAHHHHHHH!!!!

The Queen Freak Has Arrived!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Midajah's theme song now plays through out WoW's great sound system as she walks out from behind the entrance curtain into her spotlight... Midajah makes her way down to the ring, and slides in... She glances at Naughty A, not really knowing what to expect of her being the referee.. Whether or not she'll favor Trish.

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) And her opponent... making her way down to the ring at this time.. hailing in from Toronto, Ontario, Canada... weighing in at 118 pounds... she is the Canadian Beauty.. TRIIIIIISH STRATUSSSS!!!!

The Canadian Beauty Is Here Tonight!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) OHHH IT'S TIME TO ROCK N ROLL! Trish Stratus' theme song hits the P.A. system as she walks out from behind the entrance curtain with a smile on her face, holding up her hat, as the fans here in Chatanooga go crazy for the blonde bombshell! Trish Stratus makes her way down the ramp checking out the crowd here tonight... she walks up the steel steps, getting into the ring... and does her signal with the cow boy hat... Just then... She is attacked from behind by Midajah! Midajah slams her elbow into the back of Trish's head and this match is under way! DING DING DING! Naughty A signals for the bell and seperates the two divas until it rings... As the bell sounds, Midajah and Trish Stratus lock up... Midajah takes the lead and whips Trish into the ropes. Trish Stratus comes flying back and gets hit with a clothesline... Trish falls down to the mat... Midajah goes to start pummeling on Trish Stratus, to take advantage of her being on the mat, but Naughty A steps in the way of Midajah... Midajah and Naughty A exchange a few words... In the mean time, Trish Stratus gets up and runs at Midajah, spearing her to the ground! She unleashes a fury of closed fists to the face of Midajah!

((( ::: ·The Puppy Lover· Jerry Lawler ::: ))) Wow! Do you see Trish Stratus' showing off some great performance here tonight, JR?! It's great!

((( ::: ·The Man Under The Bristol Hat· JR ::: ))) Oh my God.. for once, are you finally talking about the wrestling that the fans came here to see, instead of the puppies? I think I might be having a heart attack.

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Naughty A watches silently as Trish picks Midajah up by her hair and DDT's her to the mat... Trish Stratus gets up and walks over to the corner... she starts climbing up the turnbuckles as Midajah gets up and runs for the ropes.  Trish Stratus falls off the top turnbuckle and Midajah takes control of the match up.... Midajah picks Trish  up and suplexes her to the mat... she then goes to the top rope and goes for a long leg drop.. TRISH MOVES!! Midajah CRASHES to the mat! Trish stands up as the crowd cheers her on... Just then, Naughty A SMACKS Trish Stratus right on her rear end! Trish turns around to look at Naughty A, and smiles... Naughty A looks quite happy that Trish is smiling at her...


((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) ...But out of no where, Trish SLAPS Naughty A across the face!!! Naughty A holds the side of her face in pain, glancing at Midajah getting back up to her feet. Naughty A stands in front of Trish Stratus, not letting her get to Midajah... finally, she steps away... and Midajah comes charging at Trish Stratus!! Midajah owes Trish Stratus a spear and that she just gave her!! Midajah goes for the count and Naughty A quickly covers... and counts quickly..1..2..3. DING DING DING!!!

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) And the winner of this match up... MIDAJAHHHHHHHHH!!!!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Naughty A raises Midajah's hand in victory as Midajah shrugs and smiles,  bathing in the glory of victory... Trish is leaning on one knee, looking up at Naughty A with hatred in her eyes, seeing the woman who cost her a shot at the Undisputed World Championship.... Naughty A slides out of the ring, walking up the ramp backwards... pointing at Trish, and talking trash to her.

Winner & Advancing To  Main Event Bash At The Beach; MIDAJAH

Stacy Keibler Versus Torrie Wilson

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Cameras remain ringside, as Lillian Garcia prepares to announce the last match for tonight... as she is standing in the ring.... A different theme song hits the P.A. system, and Lillian hasn't even announced the match yet... A new diva walks out from behind the entrance curtain, with a microphone in hand... and stops on the stage area... looking into the ring and beginning to speak.

((( ::: ·Ring Announcee· Hollywood ::: ))) WELL... I bet everyone is DIEING to know who in the hell I am, aren't you? ((fans cheer)) Oh shut up, I wasn't implying that I would tell you if I didn't have to. ((fans boo)) I'm not out here for the fans... I'm not out here to challenge the winner at Bash at the Beach for the Undisputed Championship. I'm  here to talk to YOU Lillian. ((Lillian looks on confused)) Oh I know you're confused honey... so just sit tight and listen up, and don't get your panties in a knot. Lillian, I've just been signed to WoW as the NEWEST ring announcee! Now.. I know you're probably about to shit yourself because you think your going to lose your job.. Well, you're not. I talked to Stephanie McMahon earlier today, and she has agreed with me to sign me a match for the PPV... Now I'm not a wrestler but, I'm willing to get into the ring and square off for this. You and I Lillian, we will be stepping into the ring this Sunday at BASH AT THE  BEACH! ((fans go ballistic as Lillian still looks confused)) But not just any match, you see in this match... if I win, Lillian... You will be reduced down to merely an interviewer backstage. However, if YOU win, which you won't, but let's say that this is the .01% where you do win, I will be forced to remain an interviewer, and you can keep your job as WoW's ring announcer. But keep in mind, if you lose... not only are you only an interviewer but.. none other than myself... HOLLYWOOD,  becomes the NEW ring announcer for WoW!!! Oh and I almost forget... it's a MICROPHONE ON A POLL MATCH! Now, have fun on the job while you can.. so go ahead and announce this next match up.

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) Hollywood walks back behind the entrance curtain with the fans booing her, as Lillian Garcia stands in the ring a little  nervous... but continues to announce the following match.

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) Uh.. the following match up is scheduled for one fall... making her way down to the ring at this time... hailing in from Baltimore, Maryland... weighing in at 117 pounds... she is STACY KEIBLERRRR!!!

Stacy's Famous Way To Enter!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) "She's Got Legs"  hits the P.A. system as Stacy Keibler walks out from behind the entrance curtain, in her lone some, without Test or Scott Steiner by her side... Stacy makes her way down to the ring... and steps over the second rope as the fans cheer, as she gets into the ring.

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) And her opponent.. making her way down to the ring at this time, hailing in from Boise, Idaho.. weighing in at 123 pounds.. she is TORRIIIIEEE WILSONNNN!!!

Torrie Is Ready For Stacy!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) "Need A Little Time"  hits the P.A. system, by Lillian Garcia, ironically, as Torrie Wilson walks out from behind the entrance curtain and makes her way down to the ring. She climbs in, and the bell sounds... DING DING DING!!! Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson immediately go after each other, with Torrie knocking Stacy down to the mat first... Stacy Keibler kicks Torrie Wilson in the stomach and shoves Torrie off of her, and sends her flying nearly half way across the ring... Stacy gets up and then kicks Torrie AGAIN right in the center of her back, between her shoulder blades. Torrie arches her back and arms in pain, as Stacy Keibler pulls her back up to her feet by the hair... Torrie reaches back and slaps Stacy right across the face!! Torrie then grabs Stacy's arm and throws her up against the ropes...  Torrie drop kicks Stacy Keibler over the top rope! Torrie heads to the outside of the ring, and Stacy Keibler trips Torrie, slamming her down on to the padded mat, Stacy Keibler gets on top of Torrie and starts slamming her head against the ground as Torrie screams out in pain and the referee starts the count ...1 .... 2... 3... 4... 5.... 6... 7... Stacy Keibler finally gets off of Torrie and slides back into the ring, Torrie shortly following right after the 9 count. Stacy Keibler begins to stomp on Torrie Wilson, shoving her wrestling boot in her face... Torrie grabs Stacy's leg, and flips her on to the ground, then goes for a quick pin fall... 1... 2... kick out by Stacy Keibler! Stacy grabs on to the ropes and uses them to help her get back up to her feet. Torrie grabs Stacy's arm and tries to irish whip her into the corner of the turnbuckle but Stacy Keibler reverses the hold, and winds up throwing Torrie Wilson into the turnbuckle... she then puts her foot up on Torrie's neck and chokes her out... the referee tries to pull her off and starts the count...1... 2... 3... 4... Stacy Keibler lets go of the choke hold.... Torrie falls down on to the mat and Stacy Keibler picks her right back up again, and body slams her down to the mat. Stacy Keibler then looks over at the turnbuckles and you can practically see a light bulb shining above her head... Stacy walks over towards the ropes, and begins to climb them. Once she reaches the top rope, Torrie Wilson has just about gotten back up to her feet.. and this is an odd move because we NEVER see Stacy Keibler take it to the top rope in a match! Stacy Keibler leaps off of the top rope, flying through mid air here tonight in Chatanooga and she high cross body slams Torrie Wilson right back down on to the mat! Torrie Wilson is surely out of it as Stacy Keibler goes for the pin...1.... 2.... 3... DING DING DING! WE HAVE A WINNER!!!

((( ::: ·The Singing Songstress· Lillian Garcia ::: ))) And the winner of this match up... STAAAACCC---

((( ::: ·The Trillion Dollar Tycoon· Stephanie McMahon ::: ))) Whoa, whoa, whoa.. ((walks out from behind the entrance curtain)) Hold it right there Lillian... Now, I know that Stacy Keibler won the match fair and square but... in all reality, Stacy Keibler will be unavailable to attend Bash at the Beach, there fore, she won't be wrestling for the Undisputed World Championship in her itty bitty bikini in the sand box match. ((fans boo)) Now, don't you people start booing me because I'm  not quite finished yet! NOW... Since Stacy Keibler is unavailable to attend our first pay per view next week... then I see it fit to grant the spot in the match to well.. none other than TORRIE WILSON!!

((( ::: S C E N E ::: ))) The fans cheer loudly as "All Grown Up" hits the P.A. system as Stacy Keibler folds her arms, yet knowing this was coming because she was unable to attend the pay per view, and Torrie Wilson is jumping up and down in joy as WoW Friday Night Fall Out cuts off the air... that's all for tonight folks!