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Has contributed since the site's conception.  His column, "Sean's Yard" is the most-visited part of the site.  When I'd decided to do a wrestling site, Mr. Leeds was the only person I could think of who would be able to review a WWE show in an entertainment-entertainment tone.  I met Sean during my tenure as a web administrator for a computer store that was haunted.  He is also one of the best video gamers on the face of the planet.


Not only contributes to this site in written form, but also behind the scenes as Project Administration General.  Her role is crucial to me as she's the only one who knows how to get my sh*t together.  Positively one of the most rhythmic human beings on the dancefloor and one helluva singer/songwriter, she's usually my go-to person for just about anything and everything.


One of the best recources a wrestling website can have is a solid connection to the local independent scene.  One of the reasons I decided to create a wrestling website is because of Josh's vast knowledge of how the 'Net affects the local feds and organizations.  This dude is also the one who gets me into most of the local shows as well!


Who is also one of the regulars on the Southern CA indie scene, knows his sh*t about the local feds.  As I mentioned, I always hit SoCALFranchize up for updates regarding production and crew members on the local scene, I hit up World's Biggest Mark! for the entertainment value of the scene.  If there's a dude or chick wrestling on the scene, he knows their angles (current and past) and their gimmicks (current and past).  He's also one helluva show reviewer as well.


You gotta dig chicks that know how to handle a Playstation controller- that's always impressive.  Not only can Teri race 4x4 but she's into shootin' sh*t up as well.  She'll be posting her reviews, strategies and possibly reveal how she f*cking impressed the crap outta me with her 'SSX: Tricky' scores (which landed her this 'snug' gig).


Anything else regarding submissions guidelines, comments, suggestions, critiques and 'Ffet Culture stories can be sent to  Please be sure to include a reference in the subject section.

You can also send snail mail to: Workingsnug  9114 Adams #154  Huntington Beach, CA 92646 is a 110% group type effort on the part of everyone involved.  The editors and writers of this site are doing it cuz they're making so much money and living a lifestyle not unlike the rich and pretentious.  No, no... That's not happening.  Everyone who contributes to the site does so because they enjoy doing it.  So the rumors you hear of me whipping and beating the contributors until they give me something usable are totally untrue!   Without the contributors, workingsnug would not/could not exist.

And of course...

All the cast and crew members of each and every wrestling organization out there.  Without all of you, there would be no better yet, there would be no sports entertainment.

Looking for some old-school LJM figures to complete your collection?  Or are you a belt-collector?  Either or and much much more (including some great exclusive signed items), you've gotta check out the booty!!!

Oh, boy!  It's time for a new section here on  Presenting the first-ever Weenie of the Week Award, which will go to anyone that has anything remotely to do with sports entertainment that does anything lame or acts like a weenie.




All contents herein copyright and trademark their respective owners.  Any logos, trademarks or likenesses of WWE, Inc. are used with the sole intent of journalistic reporting and therefore will hyperlink directly to any corresponding merchandising or anything like that thereof that  they can make money off of... blah, blah, blah...  So basically, we're not associated with the WWE organization, or any federation, alliance, stable clique (except for maybe WEE and WWWWE) and if we use anyone's graphics or pics, it's only cuz we're trying our damnest to push the hell out of it!!!  So bite me, fanboy!