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This layout was made for me, Chris Benoit in the WWF efed and it's only for myself only. So, please don't steal/rip it! Get a life, make one yourself!! And if you steal, I'll Prove You Wrong!! This page is also no way associated/affiliated with WWE/WCW/ECW and all the wrestler entertainment. Thanks and you can start to read the roleplay now!
End Of Disclaimer):.

This past monday there was a huge match between Chris Benoit, Kane and RVD with Kane coming out on top and defeating all odds but he never pinned Chris Benoit...That monday night Kane was within an inch of tapping out to the Crippler Crossface but RVD saved the match but soon felt the rath of the big red machine as he put RVD down with a huge powerbomb to end the match Chris Benopit though...gets stuck with an uppercard match vs. a rookie named Shleton BEnjamin and a cruiserweight named Billy Kidman, hopefull Benoit can win and add a win to his column Kane will go onto wrestlemania to face The Rock but will he already have the Intercontinental Championship???? Because he faces RVD tonight and RVD has already been pinned once by Kane who says he cant do it again....and will The Rock even beat Eric Bishoff and retain his WWF championship or will Eric Bishoff have one of his goons do his dirty work, find out right now....

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|Scene 1: The crowd hears Benoit out for a 3rd time|

benoit makes his way through the hallway once again and heads toward the ring. his music hits over the loud speakers and benoit comes out to his music. The fans begin to chant benoit as he makes his way out onto the stage with a microphone in his hand. He stops at the top of the ramp with the mic in his hand and makes a mean look on his face and then he looks at the fans and smiles and begins to laugh as he makes his way down the ramp once more he stops in the middle of the ramp and the fans begin to cheer louder as he slaps some of their hands he then gets back in the middle of the ramp and puts his hands to his midsection like gesturing to himself and then he smiles again and makes an imaginary title belt around his waiste. He continues to walk back down the ramp and he climbs up to the apron and then hops through the middle rope he then stands in the middle of the ring and points to himself three times and then he goes over to the ropes and stands on the top and raises his hands high into the air. He gets down and finally settles in the middle of the squared cirlce as Earl Hebner leaves the ring. benoit then raises the mic to his mouth and the fans get quiet as he starts to speek. And the fans get louder as they wait in antivipation for Benoits words

"The Rabid Wolverine"Chris Benoit: Ladies and gentleman boys and girls what you saw the other night on RAW was a conspiracy it was a embarrisment and it made me want to puke, quite freankly Rob Van Dam brougt his whole DAM show and got his ass kicked by the big red machine...but you see Kane couldnt do that with me he couldnt pin me and I doubt if he ever will or anyone else in the WWF will because unlike all of the other wrestlers in the back I have talent, once again I am going to tell you I came here for one reason and that is gold I dont care whitch belt because it doesnt matter one of those belts deserve to be around Chris Benoits waiste actually one of those belts would have a privledge being around the best technical wrestler in the businesses waiste. I may not be going to wrestlemania to face The Rock but you better believe I will be at wrestle mania and I will have a match and when my match is all said and done they wont be talking about the main event that night they will be talking about how The Crippler Chris Benoit deserved to be in the main event, each and every one of you fans know it and hell even Eric Bishoff knows it but if I have to beat Shelton benjamin and Billy Kidman?!?!?!? two people I have never even heard of then why not do it...I guess that will make The Rock happy but soon enough I will get my hands on the rock and I will cause him pain. The kind of pain you get when a pit bull bites you and its jaws lock and you cant get away from it so you bleed and bleed and bleed until you die. Well it will be kind of like that but when th wolverine gravs onto you you will be bleeding and bleeding and bleeding until you are crippled by The crippler Chris Benoit.

"The Rabid Wolverine"Chris benoit: You know I sat back in my dressing room the other night and listened to The Rock as he blabbed and blabbed about how I havent done anything in the WWF to get the stardom that I did...well ROCKY, what have you done? You have beaten Brock Lesnar and Stone Cold, but youve lost to Kane and you know what...Kane has never pinned my shoulders Rock so come Wrestlemania I think that you better watch out because Kane has pinned you once what makes you so sure that he wont pin you again I dont care if you walk out the WWF champion or not Rock but I prefer that you do so you can find out for yourself why exactly I deserve the stardom I got, but you know im going to bring up a little point that is pretty much worth listening to, Rock you didnt want me to win monday but I didnt lose either does that make you scared? you were asking why I got a number one contenders match for my debut, are you jealous... Well its ok you can be jealous just because I am a better wrestler than you doesnt meant hat you have to cry about spilled milk, you run around calling people sick freaks and jabronis but you never stop to realize that you are pain and simply the WHININGEST BITCH that I have ever seen so why dont you shut your trap, wrestle or hell just go back to Hollywood pretty boy maybe you can get a pedicure and a manicure for the movies you star in you know but you might bitch some more if they mess up your pretty hands. And I dont think Hollywood would want The Rock to come back just yet because if he does leave now then he wont be able to tell all his loving co workers how it felt to be proven wrong and how Chris Benoit beat the living hell out of him.

"The Rabid Wolverine" Chris benoit: Well I am not going to run my mouth much more I am just going to get straight to the point. This monday I will beat Shelton Benjamin and Billy Kidman there is no doubt about it and win I win I hope Mr. Bishoff can see that I deserve a title shot and when he does see that then there will be gold where it belongs around my waiste. So Rocky hold on to that belt monday when you face Eric Bishoff because he knows martial arts and as much as I would like to see Eric kick your ass I would like nothing more than to do it myself once and for all and prove to everyone in the world that I am a prime time player in this business so this monday I start the era called Always-Right-Era and everything that I do will be perfection and everything I say will be right because I am Mr. right and like I said noone had been able to prove me wrong and I plan on keeping it that way because like the late great Mr.Perfect I am so similar because you know when they say noone is right all the time then I must be noone because I am right and monday Shelton Benjamin and Billy Kidman will find out just how right I can be and if they doubt me they can just try like the rest and fail in trying to...


Benoit drops the mic and then heads to the back smiling.