°+ °+ Roleplay Information + °+ °
Roleplay Number
Thirty - Something
Next Match
What Match?
W|L|D Record
? | ? | ?
People Mentioned
Ummm ... Read It
°+ °+ Out Of Character Note + °+ °
This is where you should type all of that lovely ooc stuff.
°+ °+ Forward + °+ °
This is where you should type your forward.

Type the rp here.

°+ °+ Disclaimer+ °+ °
This Layout and roleplay was designed and written by Michele Bergeron (Me). That means, that unless you have my permission (which you don't) you aren't allowed to copy, steal or use any of this. So, let's play by the rules and keep our hands off, shall we? Also, I have no connections to any professional wrestling organization, or for that matter Stacy Carter aka The Kat. I do not know her either, so don't ask me about her, I'm just a kid in an efed playing her. This roleplay was written for Wrestlemania Entertainment and uses Angelfire as a web host.