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' T H E B I G R E D M A C H I N E '

Role-Play # : 05 || Record : 002 - 002 - 000 || Achievements : Hardcore Champ(Current)..


Goths DONT Like Snakes!

|| The Expression number shows us who we truly are, what we came into this life already knowing. This is where we feel most comfortable and how we automatically act. We attract people and situations to us that require our Expression so that they can further evolve. In this way we play the role of teacher. Naturally we are attracted to occupations that we resonate to, so the Expression number can be a strong factor in our choice of a career as well. Our Expression is the vehicle, with all its virtues and vices, that drives us along the path of our Destiny. It is the essence of our identity. You are the builder of the world. With your organized, efficient approach everything gets done right the first time. You emanate security and would sacrifice your own desires for your family and anyone or anything else that you considered a responsibility. You have a relentless eye for value and quality and you have the patience and determination to work for it. There is an air of mystery and secrecy about you. You are poised and sophisticated, and prefer to dress in a clean, well-groomed and understated way. You seem unapproachable to others because of your introspective and analytical temperament. You are the philosophical loner, the probing seeker, and only those of like-mind really understand. This Is what Kane Has Grown Up Knowing and He Will get Older still knowing this CWF is now His Home What Will He make of his time here? ||

Scene Opens up as we see Kane laying on a hospital bed, being checked over as he just opens his eyes he starts to push everyone out of the way when a doctor nears him Kane looks at him!

-|[The Big Red Machine]|-

Stay the hell away from me with that!

-|[The Doctor]|-

Come On Kane Just one Jab it aint gonna hurt

-|[The Big Red Machine]|-

I Said Stay away Damn it Now STAY AWAY!!!

Kane looks round and finds a syringe! He then turns back round

-|[The Big Red Machine]|-

Now Just Stay The Hell Back

-|[The Doctor]|-

Just Calm Down Kane and i wont stick this needle in you! Just take a seat

Kane sits down and the Doctor sits in a chair next to him

-|[The Big Red Machine]|-

What The Hell Happened?

-|[The Doctor]|-

I'll Show you the footage

The doctor puts a video into a video player and the footage shows Kane being attacked by Billy and Chuck, and them calling him a Gothic Freak! and Taking his title It Then Shows Billy and Chuck Talking about their attack and saying that they heard something break! The Video then stops and Kane looks at his arm!

-|[The Big Red Machine]|-

So Is Anything Broken? Cos It Dont Feel like it!

-|[The Doctor]|-

No For Some Reason It Didnt Break anything Which Is Very Strange you must have a strong arm or your made up of Super human strength and i doubt its the latter dont you

-|[The Big Red Machine]|-

Actually I Like To Think I have Super human Strengths anyway this is not about having Super Human Strengths ya see on Smackdown i won that Hardcore Title Fair and Square then two little homos think its funny to attack me call me names because im different and steal my god damn title, im just not having it they wanna mess with me, they want to attack the Best Man In the CWF they better think again, if its a fight they want, then its a fight they gonna get, im sick of people making fun of me for not being the same and its all gonna come to an End Sooner Rather than later i dont take these sort of things lightly i have been through so much pain that i want to let all my anger go and if it happens to be on those two Homo's then so be it im not worried I want my Hardcore Title back and im gonna go through anything to get it back!

-|[The Doctor]|-

Yeah Well Your Gonna have to take it easy for a couple of days you took a nasty blow to the head when you got attacked by Billy and Chuck and Not Only that but you kinda went through alot of pain in the match against Brock Lesnar!

-|[The Big Red Machine]|-

No Listen Here Doc Im Gonna Be Getting that hardcore Title back I AM Not going to take it easy you can be sure to see me at Smackdown next week i dont care weather you tell me i have to take it easy or not im doing what I want to do, im not listening to some over qualified asshole like you, do you even undestand how much having a title in CWF means to me? No you dont, im gonna turn Billy and Chuck Into Fried Rag Dolls, and make them wish they never took that step into CWF! Now if you'll excuse me

Kane stands up and walks out of the Medical Room and walks off down the hall feeling a bit light headed from the attack by Billy and Chuck

-|[The Big Red Machine]|-

hmmmmm Maybe the doctor was right about me taking it easy! Hold On Kane What the hell are you saying to kick some Redneck Texan Ass

Kane continues to walk he then sees a Mirror he looks into it he looks to be getting a bit emotional!

-|[The Big Red Machine]|-

Hey Look at you! Man Your Actually Not That Bad Looking With A Mask On!

Kane Stops Talking and then raises his hand and smashes the mirror

-|[The Big Red Machine]|-

What The Hell is Wrong with Kane? Your Turning into Billy and Chuck and We Cant let that happen can we!?

Kane turns the corner and walking towards him come Billy and Chuck

-|[The Chuckster]|-

Hey Look Billy Its the Gothic Freak!

-|[Chucksters Bum Buddy]|-

wow So It is Chuck ya know i could have sworn we damaged his arm

-|[The Big Red Machine]|-

Look Shut Up, Both of you just Shut Up, Now I Have Reason To believe you Two have something that belongs to me is that right?

-|[The Chuckster]|-

Oh No You Would Be talking about Chilly and Buck and they went that Way

Both Billy and Chuck Point in different directions and Chuck looks at Billy a bit pissed off that he just gave it all away

-|[The Big Red Machine]|-

Now Now Boys No Need To Lie To Me

-|[The Chuckster]|-

Ok Ok Follow Us And You Can Have The Title Back!

Kane Smiles and Billy Waits for Kane and Chuck to walk past they get to their locker room and then out of the blue Billy smacks Kane over the head with a lead pipe and Kane goes down in pain

|| 10 Minutes Later ||

Kane Opens his eyes and his still down on the floor after the attack from Billy and Chuck he then gets up to his feet and looks angry

-|[The Big Red Machine]|-

Grrr I fuckin hate Homo's

Kane walks off in the direction that he didnt come from so we start wondering where his going, just then the scene goes black! The Cameras then open back up and Kane is sitting looking into the camera

-|[The Big Red Machine]|-

I Accomplished my goal that i set for Smackdown, And then i go and get robbed by those two...well erm ya know what they are, well anyway im not to worried about my title at the moment my main sight is set on this Smackdown when i take on Stone Cold Steve Austin, now i aint really had many problems with him, but i will tell ya one thing, i dont actually like him, he walks around thinking his a tough son of a bitch, now we all know that aint true and come Smackdown his gonna be one Dead Son of a Bitch! His Gonna be Stepping into the ring with the most feared most hated man in CWF, and He thinks his gonna win? His gonna have to think again, he is gonna be stepping in the ring with me at the wrong time, see i have been attacked and ridiculed these last couple of weeks and i have had about enough of it, first there was Undertaker attacking me, then we had Buff Bagwell thinking he was the Stuff, And Then Hurricane thought he would make me lose my match, and on that same Night Rvd thought he would have a little joke at my expence, and if that wasnt enough i got attacked last week by two people who complete and utter Jokes and they took off with my title! Its Getting Ridiculous now, Whats Wrong With Me Huh? Do You all have a problem with me being different? You Think Goths aint worthy of being here? Well Not Many goths have lasted here have they well guess what this Goth aint going nowhere ya here me? Now Back to Austin you think your a BMF well your one BMF thats gonna be sent to hell, you think a Stunner will faze me? Think Again, You think you can Get me down for the 3 count, No Way! Austin your gonna become another victim to be chokeslammed to hell and i aint gonna regret doing it! Austin your End is Here be Ready Cos Its Me that you Fear!

|| The Scene goes to Static ||
Chokeslammed -2- Hell : Matt Hardy, Brock Lesnar, Austin? ||
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