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"F R E A K Z I L L A"

Role-play Title: "Dreams Can and will KILL!"

Role-play # : 42 Next Match: V.Scotty 2 Hotty
Won: 10 Lost: 11 Drawn: 00


The night air smells of alcohol and smoke. The only light being spread are those from street lamps placed along the sides of the road. The area looks rather dead as most of the stores in the local strip malls are closed off, and boarded up. There is only one store with signs of life inside, but you can’t really tell it from the outside. All of the windows are painted black from the inside. As a few people stumble along using the wall as some sort of support, a van pulls up to the front of the strip mall. As the van comes to a stop Out steps Matt Morgan he begins to speak to Scotty 2 Hotty

Matt Morgan:Scott thinks, that a Legacy is created by pinning one man, and winning a title. He wants to think that six years of being second best can go away in one night and that is the rational of this man coming into this promotion. But what I am Reaper, I didn't win in one match, I didn't pin one person and all of a sudden I was King... It doesn't work that way and you should know that. Our Legacy's, our pasts, our accomplishments, they don't suddenly go away because of one match, one win or one loss. Should I beat you at SD this week, that won't be the end of everything you've done, your past accomplishments won't suddenly go away and be meaningless... All's it means, is that on that given night, we both had a job to do, and I did my job better...You were the reason I came here...

Did you come here to prove a point to me? To prove your point to everyone who told you for years that I was the best up and commer? Or did you come here to prove a point to yourself? Do you question everything you've done before and do you feel like it hasn't been enough yet? You came here because you have one more challenge to undertake, one more mountain to climb... And to you, I am at the top of that mountain, and this mountain is a steep climb... A climb your not afraid to undertake... Booker T Sandman, they were all nothing but a warm up to when it comes to this, the last victory you need to accomplish... But accomplish it for what? You think that one night and one victory will all of a sudden make the world start calling you the Champ? If your going to climb this last mountain Scott, you need to climb it for the reason of wanting to prove to yourself, not to the world, that you are everything you think you are...

And Scott, I don't think you'd be here right now, if you didn't think you were always second best...

I can't take anything away from you, your the Legendary Reaper, you have a body count a mile long, maybe two miles long. You are the only man in this business that I could honestly call my equal, you are the only man in this industry that I can say has a right to challenge my throne. It's not like I've done anything that you wouldn't you do or vice verca, it's not like either of us know where to draw the line, we are both fearless Scotty, we are both the last of our kind... Maybe we're the last because we've essentially killed off the rest of our kind, intentionally or not... But if we are so similar, if neither of us afraid to do the things the other has done... What makes me the One Man Army, and you, the Danceing QUeen? Because Scott, when our kind was in danger of becoming extinct, the things you did were for yourself, while the things I did... were for us... For our kind Scott, for people like us to have a chance to exist in this world, to pave the way for the next Tyson Tomko and Matt Morgan... I did the things I did to prove that Hardcore wrestlers were not freaks, misfits and outcasts, I did the things I did to prove that we were the true warriors in this business, I did it to prove that we were not something of a cult, that we were strong in number and would not fade away... I kept our kind alive Scott, so you could exist and fullfill your own needs Fairy... Thats why I am King, because I am the leader... You, you are everything I am Scott, but you didn't help us as a whole, you did everything to help yourself, and there is nothing wrong with that... But if it wasn't for me making the impact I made, there might not have been anything left for you to help yourself to


Died At the Hands of the One Man Army:
Konnan - Jamie Noble -Booker T - Hardcore Holly -Road Dogg-Sandman-

RP By Justin Gibbons