My Arrival, And First Corporate Decision.

The Good Will Ambassador

William Regal

The Good Will Ambassador

People Used:

People Mentioned:

Current Fueds:

RP Number:

General Information:

Next Match: None
Next Event: WOWA's Monday Mayhem
Current Championship: None
Win Record: 00
Loss Record: 00
Draw Record: 00
Alliances: None Yet
Corporate Stance: Commissioner.
Last Corporate Decision: None As Of Late

E-Mail Address:

Character Information:

Name: William Regal

Height: 6'2

Weight: 245 pounds

Hometown:Blackpool, England

Quote: "You Bloody Miserable Cretin"

Affiliation: Neutral

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JR And Jerry The King Lawler Are Sat At Ringside.

JR: What An Explosive Event We Have Just Witnessed King, Weiler Making A Phenomanal Huge Announcement, Naming The New Commish, William Regal.

King: Finally WOWA Have Class, Courtesy, Manners, Dignity And Honour, Its Good To See William Regal Here In WOWA JR.

JR: I Beg To Differ King, I Really Do. Regals Nothing More Then A Male Sophenistic Pig, Who Has no Respect For Anyone Or Anything Other Then Himself, And The UK!

King: Theirs Nothing Wrong With That JR, Plus Regal Is A Bit Of A Tart (Laughs) For Insulting The US, But If That's His Opinion, We Cant Stop Him Coz, USA Is The Country Of Free Speech.

JR: Damn Right King, But If I Had The Slightest Inkling Of How To Wrestler, Id Have Regal In That Ring So Fast You Wouldn't Be Able To Say Boomer Sooner.

King Laughs

JR: Anyway Folks, Welcome To This Special Broadcast Where We Will be Receiving An Appearance From Out Brand New WOWA Commishioner, William Regal. But Shownan, Didn't Look To Pleased Being Handed The New Ultimate Title To Him Without A Fight, He Looked Pretty P*ssed Off To Say The Least King.

King: I'm Sure William Regal Will Just Touch On That Subject Here Tonight. Plus I Think His First Act As The Commishoner, Will Be Put In Motion Here Tonight!

JR: Well We Just Had Worded, Let’s Get Ready Folks Here Comes The Commishoner!

The Fans Erupt In Boos As William Regal Walks Out Onto The Ramp. Regal Looks Shocked At The Fans Although Being Disgusted He Waves At Them And Smiles.

He Then Sets Off Down The Ramp.

Regal Keeps walking Looking At The Fans Lined Up Along The Ramp Way, Regal Waves From On The Ramp Then

Regal Smirks, And Walks over To The Steel Steps.

Regal Walks Along The Ring Apron, He Wipes His Feet And Steps under The Top Rope.

Regal Then Waves At His Fans

The Fans Boo Regal And He Looks Utterly Disgusted In Them.

Regal: HELLO, All Of My American Frie, Counterparts. I Am William Regal The Goodwill Ambassador From The United Kingdom, And The Newly Appointed Commissioner Of The WOWA.

Regal Looks Proud Until The Fans Start To Boo And He Then Begins To Scowl.

Regal: Listen Here You Little Bloody Piss Worms, Do You Know Who I Am, I Am William Regal. The New Bloody Commissioner Of the WOWA, I Don't Deserve To be Treated Like I Am Something You People Have Trod In, On The Conterery, I Should Be Treating You Fat Pathetic Excuses For A Waste Of Human Skin And Air, Or As You Like To Be Called, Americans.

Regal Giggles

Regal: I Crack Myself Up Sometimes. (he Laughs Again) Down To Business, As Your Commissioner I Feel I Have To Do The Utmost To Represent The Superstars Backstage. So If Any Of You People Feel Like You Want A Match Or You Want A Friendly Ear, Come To Me With Your Problems And We'll Sit Down And Have A Nice Cup Of Tea, Or A Crumpet Or Two, I'm Quite The Conversationalist. But I Have Been Inquiring About A Match. A Very Important Match For Me, And It Will Be My First Act Of Commissionership And Also MY First Match Here At The WOWA, And It Involves The WOWA’s Very Own, ULTIMATE CHAMPION, Shownan.

King: WHAT.

JR: Oh No.

Regal: Oh Don't Worry Shownan Ill Explain Now, That It’s Scheduled For 1 Fall, It’s A Non Title Match And It’s A HANDICAP Match.

The Fans Gasp As Regal Has A Sly Grin On Her Face.

Regal: Oh Sorry Shownan You Probably Feel Its Unfair But It Is A Non Title Match, And My Partner Was Ecstatic To Jump At The Chance To Team With Yours Truly.

The Fans Laugh As Regal Turns His Head And Looks At The Fans In An Irate Disgust. He Adjusts His Tie And Then His Cuff Links.

Regal: Shownan Vs. WILLIAM REGAL And

The Fans Go Silent And Regal Laughs.

Regal: Bloody Hell Its Not Like This Is The End Of The World, Might Be The End of Shownan. My Partner For The Match Is Non Other Then Bay City, Michigan's Own.

Regal Does One Of The Mans Taunts To The Humour Of King And Himself, And The Disgust of the Fans

Regal: Big Popper Pump Himself. Ladies And Gentleman My Partner, Is Scott..............Steiner.

JR: Oh My God King, This Is Huge, That Has To Make The Main Event For Monday Mayhem Jesus King.

King: That's Huge And If That's What Regal has In Store For Us Over The Time Of His Reign, Well Ill be Damned This Will Revolutionize WOWA As We Know It!

Regal Laughs: So Lets Just Test The Ultimate Champ And See If he truly Does Deserve To Be Cheaply Handed The Ultimate Championship, By The Very Successful Owner Of The WOWA, Who Had The Common Sense To Name Me William Regal Your Commissioner.

Regal Smiles At The Camera: And Shownan, If Your In Ring Talent Follows Your On Mic Talent, Then I Think I Have Bugger All To Worry About, Don't You.

Regal Gos To Drop The Mic But Puts It Back To His Lips!

Regal: And One Other Thing Shownan, IF ANY Of Your Little Friends Feel Like Getting There Nose Stuck In And Interfere OR Attack Me And Scott Steiner During The Course Of The Event/Match. Then Ill Have All Of Your Arses On A Bloody Silver Platter.

Regal Drops The Mic And Laughs At The Fans, He Steps Through The Ropes And Wipes His Feet On The Ring Apron.

He Walks Down The Steel Steps And Walks Up The Ramp Adjusting His Tie And His Cuff Links.

Regal Walks Backstage And Enters His Office Where He Takes Off His Jacket, And Places It On His Stand, He Sits Down And Gets Down To Some Paper Work!


Shownan(c) Vrs William Regal And Scott Steiner

(Sorry Its Crap, I Was Rushed And Had Only The One Point To Get Across!)