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Travis "Ice" Phillips

  • Height: 5'8"
  • Weight: 182 lbs.
  • Finisher: The Melter
  • Career Highlights:Defeated BcL at X-treme Indepndence 2003


Travis Phillips is another wrestler who is going to help lead the new generation of superstars. He is no longer a rookie and things are looking up for the Iceman of WhW. He is the best submissions wrestler to ever step foot in a WhW ring and has so many moves and holds that he can put on you its not funny! He will be title status eventually. He has also done some memorable things like sleep with The Masters wife and defeat BcL at a major pay per view event. He came in with Blue Scorpion and was part of Avalanche but now he is out of that and things are looking brighter for him than they ever have. He may also be one of the greatest in WhW history!

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