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.: WFR RAW :.

FBI (Taz and Scott)v.Edge & Christian

DDP:We're back now for our first match.

King:I am telling you DDP these guys have a great future. If these two can get the tag titles and Palumbo is already IC champ these guys will be on top of the world.

DDP:Maybe. But lets not forget whats going on between Jeff and Scott Hall. Scott has been harrassing Lita as of late which is the reason she is NOT here tonight. But when Jeff takes on Hall at First Impressions Lita will be in Jeffs corner where he can be sure to protect her from Hall.

DDP:Christian and Edge havnt been so lucky as of late so far in the WFR. Maybe they can get a win here tonight.

DDP:Taz talkig alot of trash. He seems to be getting under Christians skin.

King:Christian whipped into the turnbuckle.

DDP:Taz follows through with a huge closeline into the turnbuckle.

DDP:Tazz has Christian up,what is he going to do with him here?

King:This match looks like its going to be over quick.

DDP:Christian looks to be trying to wiggle his way out.

DDP:Woah! Christian turned it into a huge DDT.

King:Christian quickly and wisely makes the tag to Edge.

DDP:Edge quickly picking up where Christian left off.

King:Tazz fighting back. Taz now...

King:He has Edge on his shoulders. What is he going to do here.

DDP:Scott Hall climbing up. I think I know what theyre going to do. This could be it.

DDP:Wait check out Edge!

DDP:Edge turning it into a pin!

DDP:1..2...3! Edge and Christian win! What a quick and crazy victory!

King:They cheated DDP! No fair!

DDP:Oh no! Wait a minute. Sore losers! Taz taking out Edge with a steel chair while Scott Hall works on Christian.

King:Hall beating on Edge on the outside of the ring.

King:Taz is beating on the ribs of Christian with a steel chair. You don't want to make these guys mad!

DDP:HHH pulling Hall off of Edge! I knew HHH would improve WFR.

HHH: TAZ! You and your group want a fight? You'll get one. Scott already had a match against Jeff at First Impressions. But lucky you and a partner of your choice will take on Edge and Christian for the Tag Team championships in a Tables,Ladders and Chairs match!

DDP:I dont belive it! Who will Taz pick as a partner with both FBI members already in matches?

King:Thats not fair! Damn HHH.
