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.: WFR RAW :.

World Title #1 Contedership Battle Royal

DDP:Well here comes Jeff followed by Edge. Its been a real good night for Jeff with an amazing victory over Big Show.

King:It wasn't such a good night for Christian who lost the IC title match.

King:Look at Dreamer all bloody and bandaged after a hellacious match that he lost might I add against the Undertaker.

DDP:Speaking of the Undertaker..

King:He is my pick tonight ,DDP.

DDP:Kurt Angle showing that intensity. He is my pick for tonight for shure!

DDP:How dare Palumbo show his face around here!

King:Hey theres no proof he did it.

DDP:Well this is defintly Mick Foley's pick. A very impressive Batista.

DDP:Chaos already! Everyone seems to be going for Big Show which is a smart move.

King:Its discrimination!

DDP:Undertaker trying to finish that job on Dreamer.

DDP:Kurt going for the other big man Batista.

King:Not to smart doing that alone.

DDP:Has the FBI even entered yet?

King:They are playing it smart.

DDP:They got the big man out.

King:That monster Batista lifting Kurt high in the not yet!

DDP:Kurt has been eliminated there goes my pick.

DDP:Complete chaos. Edge beating on Christian,Credible going after batista.

King:And Dreamer has the upper hand on Undertaker ah!

DDP:Looks like Credibles going for a ride.

King:Another man down.

DDP:Dreamer with a superkick to Undertaker!

King:I dont belive it!

DDP:Undertaker talking to the FBI..

King:Jeff trying to get Christian out.

DDP:Batista eliminates them both.

King:I fear Edge is going to be another victim to Batista.

DDP:He sure did.

King:Wow its between Dreamer and Batista!

DDP:Oh no I forgot about the FBI! Damn it!

King:Looks like Dreamer is gone.

DDP:I guess its between the FBI and Batista..

DDP:OH wait! Dreamer held on and Taz is out!

King:Ah Palubos gone too!

DDP:Batista ahs Dreamer up. Come on Dreamer this is your chance!

King:Nah he will just blow it.

DDP:Aw he hits a tombstone like manuver.


DDP:Well its Batista who has a 100% spot at the PPV First Impressions main event for the World Title.Thats all for tonight. What a night it was. I am DDP see you next week!
