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.: WFR RAW :.

Jeff Hardy w/ Lita vs. Big Show

DDP:Here comes the very talented Jeff Hardy.

King:Not to forget the very hott Lita!

DDP:What a mismatch here. We have the largest man in WFR,Big Show fighting the smallest in Jeff.

King:I dont know if he is the biggest..fattest maybe..but did you see the size of that Batista?

DDP:Impressive indeed.

DDP:Wow Jeff leaps over the ropes and takes down the Big Show!

King:How could he take down that 500 pounder?

DDP:They are back in the ring and Big Show is embarressed and angry and beating on Jeff.

King:He has Jeff by the throat...but look lita is on the apron.

DDP:Oh no..Big Show..he..he wouldn't..

DDP:Jeff to the rescue.

King:Not for long...

DDP: Big Show has Jeff in a bear hug.

King:Just tap out kid you will never win!

DDP:He is not letting go!

DDP:He slams all his weight down on Jeff Hardy.

King:Jeff must be finished.Plus look at Lita she is back on the apron.

DDP:OH MY! NO. Someone stop him now!

King:I cant watch!

DDP:Chop block! Jeff taking out Big Shows leg.

King: A low blow! What a cheater! DQ him now!

DDP:Jeff is on top!

King:No way he will hit this ,DDP.

DDP:He hits it!

King:No way!

DDP:He is going for another!

DDP:He hits it and hooks the leg 1..2..3



DDP:Hey King thats lita she must be proud of Jeff after his big win.

King:Thats Scotty from the FBI..talking to Lita.

Scotty: Hey yo babe. You almost got your head ripped off out there by big show. Why don't you hang with a real man like me..cuz next time won't be so lucky.

DDP:She went to slap him and he blocked it.

Jeff: Is there a problem here.

Scotty: None..none at all.
