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' S A N D M A N '

Role-Play #: 1 || Record: 000 - 000 - 000 || Achievements: None As Of Yet...


I Put The X, In Xtreme!

Suddenly The the lights go out as ENTER SANDMAN blasts over the PA system As the guitars kick in, The lights come on and the Sandman is in the cheap seats He is smokeing a cigarette and has a cold beer in the other hand. In his hand where he holds the cigarette is his famous singapore cane.The sandman drains the last of his beer and begins to make his way down to the righ through the sold out crowd.All the way down people are trying to high five him or slap him on the shoulder as he passes,

Sandman is about to hop over the gaurd rail but before he does he sticks his singapore cane high in the air and the fans just erupt with cheers, The Sandman hops over the gaurd rail and walks around to where austins beers are held he opens up the cooler and chugs a beer and begins to pumle his forhead, he tosses the dented beer can away and begins to bleed, Sandman askes for a mic and the ring announcer gets up and tosses him one he gets on it and begins to talk to the chanting fans (SANDMAN SANDMAN)

'Original Hardcore Icon' The Sandman" Iam finnaly back in the ring and ready to wrestle. But id like to start off saying that since i have been gone i have noticed that the Hardcore divison has gone to shit so iam looking to make that better and not have punks like Ron Killings makeing a mockary of the word Hardcore"

The fans begin to chant ECW ECW ECW

'Original Hardcore Icon' The Sandman"Many people might sit at home and think DAM Sandman is still wrestling WOW i thought that Fat Bastard would have retired by now...News Flash ASSholes iam back and better then ever iam here in WDW for one resion and one resion only and that is to raise hell.Not like the austins or Rocks of the busisness but like the Dreamers Ravens, Tazes and i have a chance to do that Monday night"

Sandman walks around the ring and begins to talk again

'Original Hardcore Icon' The Sandman"Who is my first opponent in WDW Who well i face off agenst 3 jackoffs that shouldnt even be in the same ring as me. Many have said i should be worried about wrestleing again since i have been gone from it for so long.Why should I be worried? The higher power’s will be watching over Me in that ring, and whatever they desire to happen will happen. I have come back to wrestling for only one resion and that is to win some gold i forget how it feels to have a title wraped around my waist and if i have to kick Ken Shamrock,Shelton Benjamin and Kane's asses to step up to the next level of WDW then so be it, i will teach those kids what it really feels like to go 'OLD SCHOOL' see i have heard lots of fools since i have been gone resting my ECW injurys talk about how they are Old school well WDW you havent seen nothing until the Sandman gets in the ring"

The fans erupt with cheers and begin to chant SANDMAN SANDMAN

'Original Hardcore Icon' The Sandman"WDW i have had my eye on a title and that title is the US Championship, The title is held by a Fucken joke of a wrestler The Rock he is not american he dosent slap back a few beers he dosent open a carton of cigs once and awhile he cant do nothing he is a paper champion and if and when the Fucken clowns up stairs realize iam championship material i will get my shot and ruin the regin of loser champions holding that belt, The US need's a american hero the Us needs a man that dosent give a dam about nothing or nobody the US needs Me as champion"

Sandman raises his cane high in the air as he calls for a beer

'Original Hardcore Icon' The Sandman"I have had 3 of thease and i have to start bringing my own who ever punk ass drinks thease is nothin but a fairy homo this shit is waterd down so things in WDW are about to change iam going to take it apon myself to make sure WDW is taken to the next level and it all starts next week on Raw when i Take 3 little boys and cane their asses until they drop and cry like the bitches they are now hit my music"

Enter Sandman hits once more as the fans erupt again Sandman's forhead is red from blood after he slamed a can on his forhead and the fans love it, Sandman walks up the ramp to the back.....The Scene cuts to STATIC!

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