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Uncensored 2000...

Just before Kevin Sullivan was kicked out for crap booking, he left us with this little gem otherwise known as Uncensored 2000. Although Liz appears frequently, you don't get the same feeling you do with other PPV's like Halloween Havoc 1997 or Souled Out 1998. At this point in time Liz is either carrying a bottle of mace, but after the Sting incident, has decided to go for the black bat. During the course of the match Liz whacks Sting in the back. Vampiro tries to grab the bat of Liz but Liz just drops to the floor. Jimmy Hart grabs Liz and whips her to the backstage area. I'm sorry but what is the point of that? I mean I think at this point in time, the WCW executives should have sacked Sullivan and hired a expert team of monkeys with typewriters and had them write the storyline. Believe me, the laws of chance alone would have produce better storylines than he could. 



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This is not the official web site of Miss Elizabeth, nor does it have an affiliation with the WWE or WCW