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Game Vs The World (Royal Rumble for World Title)

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Being the Game!

You know I just hate disclaimers. So why don't we just fucking forget it.

.::{Scene}::. The Scene opens up with a limo pulls up intot he parking lot of the arena. Then from out of the limo comes none other than THE GAME TRIPLE H! The fans errupt as they see him on the titan tron. Then he begins to walk down the hall ways and passing by a bunch of wrestlers. Triple H has a stern look of pure determination on his face. He can't be shaken and he is on a mission. He starts up the stairs to where the entrance way is. The cameras cut to a shot of the crowd when the lights go off. All of Triple H's lights turn on and you being to hear "Time to play the game... Time to play the game... Time to play... THE GAME!!!!" The fans go wild when then Triple H walks out the entrance way. He walks down to the ring. He jumps onto the apron and then he turns around and gives his little pose for the fans.

Then he jumps into the ring. The music is still going and he just stands in the ring soaking up the energy. Then the lights come back on and the music fades out. Triple H is handed a microphone and the fans are still cheering. But then they begin to die down so they can hear what The Game has to say.

.::{"The Game" Triple H}::. That is right The Game is here and it is time to play! Because I have come here to World Championship Wrestling to destroy all! You know it seems that the one running this federation is Ric Flair. You know what Flair you did the best thing and the worst thing in the world by hiring me. Because everyone knows I am the best in this buisness so of coarse you needed me, but on the other hand look at it this way Flair you now have the most uncontroable person in the history of the game here! Flair you think you can control me, but the truth is you can't do shit! And you know what Flair another horrible thing is putting me in this Royal Rumble for the World Title. Not only am I going to be in this federation, but you want me to have the world title this fast? Flair it's fine with me, but you better realize what you are getting yourself into! Because I am the game and I am that damn good! Flair you can strut around like you know what you're doing, but we all know your ass is lost! Flair you may be the owner but I am the franchise! You stay out of my way and I stay out of yours and we can keep it nice and calm between me and you!

.::{"The Game" Triple H}::. That's enough about Flair lets get to the real buisness and that is that in a little over a week it will be THE GAME VS. THE WORLD! Becuase that is how I will be taking this Royal Rumble. I am not here to make friends I am here for one thing and that is to prove that I am still the game! And I will be proving that when I take all other of these WCW "superstars" and detroy them one but fucking one! And you know what I've been watching in my limo and yeah already some are talking some trash. So why don't you we look at the biggest joke in the federation. Hurricane Helms...."STAND BACK THERE'S A MORON COMING THROUGH!" I mean come on this guy is such a joke! What makes anyone think this kid should even be in the same ring as some of the other people? I mean like me... No way in hell can "The Hurricane" come anywehre close to THE GAME! IT is the stupidest thing I think I have ever seen. And you know what it's all fine because he will be easy pickens for me and it will be a nice time. But I wonder if anyone noticed when you began to talk about who he was going to defeat he failed to mention Triple H! You wanna know why that is? It's because Hurricane Helms was praying to himself "PLEASE GOD... LET HIM NOT REMEMBER I'M IN IT!" He was hoping that I would be eliminaited before he even go tot the ring so he would never have to feel the wrath of the game! But what you don't understand Helms is that I will not be eliminaited and I know and see all! Because I know all who are in this because you are all personal taking a shot at me by standing in the way of me and what I deserve and that is the world title! Hurricane let me give you this little bit of advice from someone who has a chance... DON'T BOTHER! Because if you step into that ring you will get nothing, but an ass kicking for your troubles and instead of your costume being green it will be drenched in your blood. That should make it a nice crimson color! And that will teach you to ever step into the ring with the game again!So you know what Hurrican all I got to say is... It sucks to be you! Because you are the one that has to step into the ring against someone like me. You are in my game now Hurricane and I hope you got a lot of lives, but one way or another for you it will be GAME OVER! Hurricane I might just take your little "Hurriccycle" and runyou over with it!

.::{"The Game" Triple H}::. Sense we are on the subject of running over people why don't we talk about the man that thinks he is the true franchise player. The man who claims he can run over THE GAME! That's right I'm talking to you Goldberg! It must be nice Goldberg. Living in the little world that you created for yourself where you rule supreme! It must be nice to live in that great world that the rest of us know as ignorance! Because if you had any sense whats so ever you would understand the fact that you are no match for me! You are damn right I am the game! I am the cerebrial assasin! I am the best thign that ever happened to this goddamn buisness! Goldberg you were not as smart as the Hurricane! IT seems you want to play the game and you know what that is fine by me! Because I have always wanted to destroy you Goldberg! You were some stupid little "superstar" that was a last resort when WCW was going down! And you knwo what Goldberg maybe in the old WCW you were a franchise player, but welcome to the new WCW! This WCW is based on actual talent, you know that's the thing you don't have. The only thing you have is the spear and the jackoff hammer! Goldberg those are your only two moves and they both suck worse then Ric Flair on a slow buisness day! Goldberg what I have to ask you is do you really think you are worth something? I mean look at you and then look at me. You know what Goldberg don't answer that because actions speak louder than words! So when you walk into this ring and you face off with The Game then my actions will speak that it is time for you to leave the game. Even though we all know you should have never started playing in the first place! So you know what Goldberg talk your trash and then step into my world and see how far that brings your bald headed ass! I destroyed one bald moron known as Stone Cold Steve Austin. So I know you will be no problem!

.::{"The Game"}::. You know who else has absolutely no talent and is getting on my nerves? This stupid mother fucker KANYON! Does that guy need a speach therapist or what my god! And Kanyon big ups on getting that chick man. I mean I do believe you are the smoothest man alive. OH WAIT THAT'S RIGHT YOU GOT REJECTED BY A MOTHER! And I saw her you called her hot, but hot to you just meant she had atleast 4 teeth in her mouth so I mean you really don't have the highest of standards! Now Kanyon as for your ring ability... what can I say? Oh I know what YOU HAVE NONE! So you know what Kanyon the fact that you say no one is better than you just disgusts me! And maybe you should stop worrying about Lance Storm not having any pants because what you do behind closed doors with his "Canadian Maple Leaf" is your own buisness don't throw that to us! But what you need to do is be worried about being in the ring with the me! Because Kanyon....what you see in this ring is the most dominant force today, tomorrow, in the future! So you keep digging your grave a little bit deeper Kanyon, but remember there are some points you can't dig yourself out of and when it comes to those points Kanyon you will begin to drown in your own words! Then when I come in your will begin to drown in the blood that will be flowing from your skull when I crack it open! Kanyon I will make the same promise to you that I made to The Hurricane! Your face will make a great crimson mask of your blood if you get into my way! This is your warning Kanyon I suggest you take it because if you don't I can not be held responsible for my actions! You are standin between me and that WCW World Title and anyone who does that is in serious danger! And Kanyon you are actually on the top of that list battle with Goldberg for the top spot. Because you both have big mouths that you can't back up a single thing you say! But you know what you will both pay for it and you know what it's just so nice to have everyone in a little match together so I can desperce the pain nice and evenly! So you know what this is a warning to every single perosn involved.... DO NOT TRY ME!

.::{"The Game"}::. You know someone that has tried me time and time again and just doesn't not get it? That is you Undertaker! Undertaker you can talk all this goddman respect bullshit until you are blue in the face, but that's all it'll be BULLSHIT! No one has to respect a damn thing you've done. I have been here almost as long and I have caused more destruction in about 8 years then you have in almost 12! So you know what Undetaker you can take your respect and stick it up your ass! No one is scared of you and you know what I do have a sledge hammer with your name on it! that's right Taker you remember those 16 stables that where put into your head because I cracked it up with my sledge hammer! And that was just for fun Undertaker what do you think I will do when there is gold on the line? I'm sure you remember when Austin and I destroyed you and Kane for the WWF Tag Team Titles! Oh yeah that's th eone where you were both on the shelves for about a month afterwards! I know you just hate the fact that I am better than you Undertaker! But the fact is you are a little dog compared to me. What I have told you time and time again is this Undertaker. Your yard.... IS IN THE MIDDLE OF MY WORLD! So you know what you should Undertaker is realize that you are no match for me and go to the back with your tail between your legs like the bitch you are! You see Undertaker just because it's a different federation doesn't mean a think it is still the same story and that is you can't win this game! It's time to play the game Undertaker and I'm afraid your luck is all run out! Your failure is my success Undertaker and we all have seen how great I do! Undertaker you better than anyone here should be able to realize you don't fuck with me! But no you keep coming back for more! You know what Undertaker it doesn't bother me that you keep comign back for more, but for you to still be in denial and actually think there will be a wrestlemania lucky repeat is just complete stupidity on your part! But you know what Taker as long as you keep coming back I will keep kicking your ass because frankly it's just so much goddamn fun to watch you be destroyed. It's so much fun to pin you and then look back from the top of the ramp and you are laying in the ring with all your dreams crushed again! It is like Christmas over and over again and I just feel like a kid again when I beat your ass! So you know what Taker step into your yard and I will throw you out and prove why I am the true big dog! And you know what you are the old dog that needs to be put to sleep. And believe me Taker that will be no problem for me!

.::{Scene}::. He drops the microphone as the fans errupt again. His music starts again and the fans are on their feet as Triple H goes through the ropes and makes his way up the ramp to the back.