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Christian and Trish

Canadian Warfare is still at the arena through Los Angeles after they saw the Lakers crush the Spurs. Christian was upset since he bet on the Spurs. Christian then meets up with Jack Nicholson and goes to talk to him. Christian: Hey man, why do you always run out on the courts for this shit? You think the refs care about you? Piece of crap they don't. Why don't you learn how to sit your butt down in your seat and stop getting the front row seats? You're a TV hog. You know the Lakers get all the TV games and they always show you in the front row at Staples. The media is a piece of shit and they can go to hell. What makes you more special than the others fans? Jack: Hey man. I'm just a diehard fan. Yes, there are tons of diehard fans, but I have the money for the front row seats, so I use them. Do you still have a problem with that? Christian: Yes, because these people actually work for the money and how are you treated? You get all the money or what? Doing 3 movies a year? Sure isn't how you earn the big bucks. You don't understand the meaning of workman. All these stupid celebrities are getting off the hook at these court cases. Kobe Bryant, Maurice Claret, OJ Simpson, Jayson Williams, every single one of these celebrities is getting nothing when if people in Asia didn't know them they'd be shot before you could say Jack Nicholson. Christian loses his temper and punches Jack right in the jaw. Christian and Lance are now in their jet as it heads towards other Hollywood areas. Canadian Warfare is now playing Texas Hold em' and Christian deals. Christian: You know what's odd about America man? The 2 Best Golfers are Black; the tallest Basketball player is Chinese, and a Bush, Dick, and Colon run the country. The guy’s chuckled. Christian: Yeah, I win 500. Nice job Kurt, Tough Break with the 4 of a kind and flush. Needed rulebook for that one. Christian now turns the channel on to the news and Listens. Reporter: As you can see it's still a known fact that the US soldiers felt it was the right thing to do as about 2 weeks ago they stripped the Iraqi soldiers naked and killed them. We are waiting to see if the soldiers here want to tell us anything about their behavior. Christian turns off the TV and releases his anger about this situation. Christian: Yeah, this is the problem with America. What the heck have the Iraqi soldiers done? They've just tried their best to help the US in defeating Osama and Saddam and the US is being selfish and thinks that the Iraqi soldiers actually agreed with what Osama and Saddam have done? God, I'm not going to be biased here, tearing down the World Trade Center was not a good thing to do and I hope Osama gets punished for starting the event. New York is a great business city and I'd actually like New York if the media didn't make so much of a big deal over the damn city. No city is better than another. Just because I don't know some cities in Nova Scotia doesn't mean they're not better than Ottawa or Toronto. Every city in the world should be treated equally. And that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with Iraq; it just means there's something wrong with Osama Bin Laden who has played a big deal in the events with Iraq. America should feel ashamed for what they did to those Iraqi soldiers. It's another example of taking little incidents way too far and they think they make it right, but instead they're just making it worse. No wonder I never liked America. They've been around for 200 years and have never shown an ounce of respect to any other country. Whether it is France, Spain, Germany, Japan, China, Canada, Iraq, or any other land America is just jealous and they take things and make it look like they're doing the right thing. Ha, then how come this time most of America disagrees with the soldiers’ decisions? At least the citizens are smart enough to hate what the soldiers have decided on now. The jet then lands and Canadian Warfare heads off to a country club with tennis, B-Ball, and Golf as some available games. The guys then choose to work out on the tennis court first. Markus is the ball boy and Lance and Christian are playing against each other. Lance: So how do you feel about being the only Canadian Warfare wrestler without gold? Does it bother you? Christian smashes an ace down the middle and it bounces between Lance's legs. Christian: It gets to me when people mention it. Christian takes a ball after Markus bounces it too him and Christian smashes another ace Christian: But I think i can deal with it. In 5 days I won't have any problem with those questions because it'll all be a lie. You see that American Flag on the top of the pedestal? Check this shit out. The US Soldiers feel they can kill some Iraqi soldiers; well I'll kill their precious flag. Christian takes a lighter from his pocket and lights the flag He then pours gasoline onto the flag, Boom. The pedestal and the flag burst into flames and Christian runs to the center of the tennis court to get away from it as he takes a fire extinguisher and blows it out. Christian: America deserved that. Just then HBK walks into the Country Club and finds Storm and Christian HBK: Hey wasn't there a flag there on top of a pedestal? Christian: Yeah, I burnt it; anyway, did you come to play some tennis? Need some sweating man. HBK: I want to sweat, but I want to play something I'm experienced at. How bout we play at that Basketball Court over there in a Game of 21. Christian: Fine with me, but a stipulation. If I win, I get to put on your belt for 60 seconds just to see what it's like. HBK: Sounds good enough to me. I'm confident enough in my basketball game as I am in my wrestling game and I know I'm not joking either. HBK and Christian then walk over to the court and Lance plays ref and Markus is coach. HBK checks it to Christian and he flips it through Shawn's legs and drives it upon the basket for a 1-0 lead. Christian then checks it to HBK. HBK then nails a swish jumper for 2 points. After 3 more possessions Christian leads 4-3. HBK ball and he bounces it off Christian's head but Christian stretches for the ball and gets it. He does a slipping cross over and misses an off balance jumper. HBK gets the rebound, checks it and does a no look swish. 5 more possessions and HBK leads 6-5. Christian then does a spin juke fake and dunks it home to tie it at 6. HBK then gets the ball and Christian steals it and drives a floater in for a 7-6 lead. 12 more possessions and they are tied at 10. Both men are sweating. They consider this a preview of Judgment Day. Christian's ball and HBK blocks it. he then spins it around Christian's back and flips it through Christian's legs as he alleyoops it off the backboard for a one handed jam. Few more possessions as its 19-17 HBK lead. Christian checks it and swishes, Tied at 19. Christian calls a Timeout. Markus gives him some advice to get a preview with the belt on. Christian then goes Bruce Bowen on HBK and slaps his wrist and steals the ball and jukes backwards as he releases it, 2-point jumper and Christian wins. He takes HBK's belt off the top of the backboard and cuts down the nets as Christian has the belt around his waist. Christian: Shawn, you and RAW meat have something in common, you both CHOKE. Will Christian wearing HBK's belt be reality as his own Sunday?