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1. To win matches you MUST roleplay in the interview room. Quality over quantity.

2. Feel free to say whatever in the Interview room but keep it sensible and don't go to far.

3. You must have at least three people to a stable and no more than eight at this time.

4. Do not place sounds or pictures in the Interview Room.

5. If you wish for anything particularily special to be placed on the news bulletin, ask the Prez and it will be considered.

6. Wrestlers can be either real or fake created by yourself.

7. To request a match, ask the Prez, Vice Prez or Commish(when appointed).

8. Anyone can challegne anyone for a non-title match.

9a. The Prez or Commish will sanction the match.

9b. Matches do not have to be accepted but wrestler will have to wrestle if the match is signed regardless of their will to decline.

10. The World title may be defended at an optional twice per month and must be defended at every PPV unless special circumstances apply.

11. The IC title must be defended twice a month including a PPV.

12. The National, Harcore, and Asian/Pacific must be defended three times a month includining an optional defence at a PPV.

13. The Tag titles must be defended at least two times per month including a PPV.

14a. The Top 5 consists of the five best roleplayers decided by the Prez and Vice Prez.

14b. The Prez and Vice Prez decide who is to win, lose or draw. The Prez has the last word and that is final.

14c. A draw is only decided if either neither of the competitors roleplays or if the two competitors roleplay to an extent where the Prez and Vice prez both agree that it is too close to call.

15. If you want Interview time on Lightning, Vengence, Firestorm or a PPV, ask the Prez.

16a. If you are sick, on holiday or temporary unable to roleplay the prez must be informed by you or a friend that you trust.

16b. We are not responsible for your wrestlers if you do not inform us.

17. Your wrestlers become the property of the w.CC.w during events. We can have them say anything we want to further angles.

18. You are allowed to come up with angles and can inform either the Prez or Vice Prez. We are not responsible for the angle backfiring upon you.

19. We will not ask others to job for you or your angles.

20. The combat rules states that you cannot attack another wrestler during your interview/roleplay or have him speak without his permission, especially incases involving a title match up. You can only attack jobbers or jobbers wearing masks resembling your opponent. This must be stated.

21. The Prez has the right to change, alter, add, or remove rules at anytime.


1. Overly excessive bad-mouth in the interview room will result in either suspenion or job to a lesser wrestler.

2a. If title holders avoid matches and do not accept them when requested on numerous occassions to the point of deadline, they will immediately be stripped.

2b. This consequence (2b) is void if the wrestler is sick, has matches in reference to tournaments or other titles.

3. Arguing or disagreement for not notifying the Prez for being sick or on holiday can result in being fired.

4. Breaking the combat rule will result in job or stripping of title belt.

Consequences may be altered form time to time if necessary for excessive rule-breaking by a wrestler or wrestlers.