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Roleplays, otherwise known as Interviews are done in the Interview Room under the Wrestling section. Do not roleplay or do Interviews in the OOC Board.

O.O.C. stands for Out Of Character. You can run discussions or voice your opinion on anything you want. You can also ask for other peoples email addresses in hopes to create your own angles, then tell the Prez what is to be done, and it will mostly likely happen

Your roleplays are judged by the President and somethines on occassions the VP. Everybody judges differntly, I will be fair and look at it from different angles to see who out roleplays who. Originality and lenght usually helps. Roleplaying up to three times maximum is easy if your against an opponent of similar skill and talent who can reply to everything you say and vice-versa.

Do not, and I mean do not immediately ask for a title shot, you should at least have five wins and beaten a contender to the particular belt you are after. Exception will be made if necessary.

If you use footage during roleplays like in the WWF, we do not have a Titan-Tron. WWF has a Titan-Tron because they are affiliated with Titan Sports. Although we are not affiliated with anyone, we do have the Buffy-tron. I am a huge Buffy fan so added their link (check links section under Misc.) to my fed.

Feel free to issue challenges for titles or certain matches during interviews. You may not even wish to do an interview, you may just state in the message subject 'I challenge ????'. That is ok. If you are challenged, please respond ASAP.

It is best to inform the President if you are going away or want a break. That way, you wont be involved in any matches or angles, this also avoids losing matches. (Check rules for more info.).

Once you have sent a form to join, the President will reply with a 'Yes, you're in' or 'No, you're not' or even 'You're in, but change your wrestler'). If you get the third option, that is because there's already that wrestler or because you are using a real-life wrestler but your roleplay doesn't suit your wrestler.

When asked for a sample roleplay, I will accept ones from other feds that you have been in. If you choose to do this, you must include the federation and web site address. I may wish to check up or recruit.

You can use real-life wrestlers. ie. WWF, WCW, ECW. Or your own personal creations. It doesn't matter. If you choose a real werstler roleplay/interview like that wrestler.

All images, logos, and all other picture files were created by KanCo. You are allowed to use these pictures. If you use them for another federation, you must acknowledge on the Main Page that images/logos/picture files were created by KanCo. and I must be informed beforehand.

Please do not advertise on either the roleplay/interview room or the OOC Board.

You can contribute to the w.CC.w if you wish. You could create a logos or images, you may ask to write up a match, you can even recruit people if you wish. Please e-mail me anytime about this.

This w.CC.w is an original. Any other federation is a replica, a rip-off. If you know me or know of Mimic/C-Man, you know that this site is an original and any other is a federation to be avoided. I do not job people unlike other Presidents in the other federations.