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- I have joined but have not yet been put on the roster, why not?

- Once you have joined, you will be notified if your application has been successful. Once that has happened, you are required to do an introductory roleplay. Establish your main focus and start your first fued. Do not however pick a fight with a title holder or it's topn contender.

- I'm on the roster, when can I expect my first match?

- Depending on how many people are on the current roster, it is likely that you will get your first match on the next card that is not currently full.

- How should I set out my roleplays?

- The best way to set out your roleplay is exactly like an essay. An introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction consists of your entry. The body can be molded into any number of paragraphs. This is were actually roleplaying with the mic occurs. Just say what you want and what you're going to do, explain it clearly. The conclusion consists of you're exit, which on most occassions is less elaborated than the entrance.

- I believe that I out-roleplayed my opponent but lost my match, what the hell is going on?

- I cannot please everyone. It was obviously a close match, If it had of been closer it would have been a tie, but on most occassions someone runs out of luck. ie. I thought the lot was from both competitors, but I found the other wrestler to be a little more entertaining.

- What if I believe that I won, when I clearly out-roleplayed the other guy, but I still lost. What will happen?

-If that is the case, you must tell me immediately, I will go through all the relevant roleplays. Then you will be contacted on whether or not you are correct. If not, the loss stays. If so, your record will not suffer from a loss, but you wont get a win either, you will however be compensated with a title match.

- How do I interfere in someones match?

- First you need to fill out the interference form. And it must be done atleast 24 hours before the day of the card. This will allow time to alter the results. Interferences can occur in two ways. During a match or after the match. You cannot decide this. Your interference may also result in an involuntary interference upon, so, be careful!

- What if I'm sickor available to use the internet a week or so, and I have matches and loss, and end up with ruining my record, what will happen?

- I'm sorry, thats you're own fault. The rules state that you should hav someone contact me. If you told them to and the losses occurred, take it up with them, I cannot be responsible.

- I plan on retirering, will I be entered into the Hall of Fame?

- You must firstly, inform me of when you are going to retire, whether it be on the roleplay board, OOC board or email. That is the first step. The second step, requires you to hold a record that is reputable, and you must have held at least one title or a major tournament victory.

- What if my question isn't in the FAQ section?

- Well, D`uh, email me.