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You have just entered room "no."
RaspberryMinkFoo: i probably wont remember
Ash for reals has entered the room.
take away me NOW: ash
has entered the room.
take away me NOW: remind me tomorrow
: 8====D
JerseyMikeX: scuse me, cummin through, JPN invasion
take away me NOW
: i have a game
: zankies, zankies
: its hard, i tried before
: whoa, 2 ashes...
has entered the room.
JerseyMikeX: hey adam
Ash for reals: erg
Bitsurfer5: lol
JerseyMikeX: 2 ashes...
Ash for reals
: ?
All Hail Me AJMW has entered the room.
take away me NOW: who's the other
: the guy who says "ash"
: raspberryminkfoo = ash
All Hail Me AJMW
: jerseydyke is in here
: Whats new Mikey-kun? Like my ims from before?
JerseyMikeX: ash for reals = ash ... for reals
take away me NOW
: shes ash?
: adam, oh yea
: Jersey is everywhere. because i'm just that damn good.
: Jerz, he thinks I'm scared of him, because I don't normally do the freestyling thing.
RaspberryMinkFoo: damn
JerseyMikeX: even though you whupped the pants off him already?
: this backgroud is sexy
I phr3ak I has entered the room.
JerseyMikeX: background?
: Yep, even though I did that.
JerseyMikeX: wow, he just dont learn
All Hail Me AJMW
: man i'm ready to battle anyone of u fools
: and lose
I phr3ak I
: Wow... why am I in here... with all of you... again
JerseyMikeX: dont forget the losing part, it's the only part you do half-well
: Ok, I'll take you on... in a ninja battle to the death
CheZiForever: Look, AJMW...
Bitsurfer5: Gimme a time and a place.
RaspberryMinkFoo: ;-)
All Hail Me AJMW: what?
: on the day of paintball
All Hail Me AJMW
: who wanna battle me in freestyling?
All Hail Me AJMW
: step up
has entered the room.
too hour delay has entered the room.
CheZiForever: There's only one way you'll beat my rhyme, and that one way is a federal crime. I'm hotter than the sun, deadlier than ebola. I've got more pop than the prez of Coca Cola.
WinterishDesert has entered the room.
SchoolsOutFools has entered the room.
JerseyMikeX: as i choose our weapon to be ... coffee!
: You said you'll take on anyone. You set a challenge, the opponent chooses weapons
JerseyMikeX: raspberry, your good at backgrounds?
: you set the challenge
: hehe
RaspberryMinkFoo: um
SchoolsOutFools: whoa
: i choose the weapons
: everyone else gets to watch
: no thanks
RaspberryMinkFoo: not right now
too hour delay: ok good
Bitsurfer5: Thats why I don't challenge you mike.
WinterishDesert: cant wait
: :-P
JerseyMikeX: look at all the pretty colors!
: I'm not into exibisiomism
Bitsurfer5: Alot of new screennames around tonight
JerseyMikeX: this be the JPN Warzone Part 2
All Hail Me AJMW
: man i will take u down under the ground kill u. u will be deased. i'll stand over ur grave sayin rest in peace. then i'll spit in ur grave and say this fool is a discrace to the human race so i took him out. i burried him. wid nuts
: Que?
All Hail Me AJMW: in his mouth
ive got pretzles
has entered the room.
JerseyMikeX: deased?
Vincent De Boule
has entered the room.
Bitsurfer5: ... dude, you really don't listen to a word I say.
ive got pretzles: whoa thats a lot of people
Bitsurfer5: I'M MOCKING YOU
JerseyMikeX: half of them are russian. true story.
has entered the room.
Bitsurfer5: I'm russian...
take away me NOW: russians are sexy
: no your not, your polish, there's a difference
take away me NOW
: when they're female
: I'm not polish
Bitsurfer5: I'm italian and russian
JerseyMikeX: fine, asian, whatever
: exactly
JerseyMikeX: say sumtin in russian then
: i'm eurpean in the bathroom
Jjskata15: who's everyone
: Dos vidanya
JerseyMikeX: i know what that means
: say sumtin i cant understand
: it doesnt work like that, raspberry
CheZiForever: I don't get you, kid. What the fuck is deased? It sounds like you got something in your nose that made you sneeze. I see you're back to the gay jokes, that's just lame. All of your rhymes are horribly tame.
Jjskata15: Hi Im black
: Everyone is a grouping of people, a bland generalization.
JerseyMikeX: jj, thanks, i was DYING to know
: lol, and I said I wasn't gonna do this ever again...
Jjskata15: N/p
: Chezi, that was probably the most I've ever seen you type.
JerseyMikeX: sarcasm is great, aint it?
: very
JerseyMikeX: but that's sarcasm too
: well
Bitsurfer5: No, because most are way to idiotic to understand it.
Jjskata15: Hi im jamaican
: lmao
: i'm going to go make some puppets out of tampons now
RaspberryMinkFoo: so
JerseyMikeX: so your sarcastically saying sarcasm is great which means you DONT like sarcasm which causes a question since your using it now
: i'll talk to you guyz later ;-)
WinterishDesert: i use tampons
: Damn, lots of people in here.
Jjskata15: I stick tampons im my ass
: JPN Vs. Non-JPN part 2.
: That wasn't sarcasm, it was an observation.
Vincent De Boule: Lots of people I don't know
All Hail Me AJMW: fool i'm crazier than a russian soldier. i want war i already killed the peace holder. who's next on my list. cheziforever that son of a bitch. i break my guns out. i'll give u a free colon cleanse. and then u can end it wid mens
All Hail Me AJMW
: penis
: Jeese i dont no anyone hi
: JerseyMikeX: sarcasm is great, aint it?
JerseyMikeX: MediocreAnemone: very
SchoolsOutFools: im anti-anime
: That took you a very long time Hail.
JerseyMikeX: he types slower than he thinks
Vincent De Boule
: I'm anti-otaku. I treat anime as just another form of animation
RaspberryMinkFoo: ::skips off::
JerseyMikeX: that's also why it makes NO offense
: ::follows her::
: or no sense either for that matter
: I'm anti-mike, I treat him like every other bitch.
JerseyMikeX: mike is a JPNer
: you is a JPNer
: and azn
JerseyMikeX: error! error!
: hey
CheZiForever: I wish you'd rhyme, son, it'd make this much tougher. You blow more hot air than my car's muffler. You wanna mess with me again? You're gonna get fucked up. Just like my man Rikishi, I'ma back that ass up.
RaspberryMinkFoo: i'm back
JerseyMikeX: no your not
ive got pretzles
: goody
ive got pretzles: im busting at the seams
JerseyMikeX: do you even know where your seams ARE?
: Yes hello i dont anyone in here thas ok/ i already know that chiziforver is gay/ So i'll skip to the greeting part/ Jordan colon clenxe/ nutty professor fart/ My rymes golden shiny like a baby ass/ Your rymes fragile/ i brake em
Vincent De Boule
: hehe
Jjskata15: like glass
ive got pretzles
: zzzzzzzz
Vincent De Boule: "I can'
Vincent De Boule: gah
JerseyMikeX: wow, there's TWO people who can't spell, make sense, or freestyle
I phr3ak I
: lol
Bitsurfer5: I don't anyone in here?
Thermometors has entered the room.
Bitsurfer5: What the fuck does that even mean?
All Hail Me AJMW: i got michael grave holdin me back from ur grave. tryin to make me behave. u ain't safe. i'll slice ur face and make them burn u put u in a vase and have u up on the shelf in ur mommas place
: hey guyz asl?
ive got pretzles: i can make a free style rhyme mixing apples and oranges into lemons and limes
I phr3ak I: do it
I phr3ak I: lol
JerseyMikeX: thermometetors. life. get. now. please.
take away me NOW
: ..
take away me NOW
: 17/m
: yah lets c this preztles
: 13/f
: 15/m
ive got pretzles
: see what
Thermometors: 16.f
Ash for reals: WHERE THE FUCK AM I
MediocreAnemone: 19/f
Bitsurfer5: Jesus, stop answering, get a fucking life.
Jjskata15: your lime apples thing
ive got pretzles
: only on tuesdays
Vincent De Boule: "I can't fricking rhyme," I said with a flourish, "even though I have a body to nourish." I sound like a half-assed Dr. Seuss, let's stop this crap now before I wear shoes.
All Hail Me AJMW: i
: anyone want to cyberz?
JerseyMikeX: fig, just pick up a chair and start throwin at anyone you dont reconize
Vincent De Boule
: And yes, it took me exactly that long to come up with that
DrkPhoenixZero has entered the room.
JerseyMikeX: Thermo, stick your dick in the floppy drive, pour some water on it, and call it a day
: meteor, u a lezbian 2?
: no i'm straight
Thermometors: sry
ive got pretzles: my tower doesnt have a floppy drive
JerseyMikeX: yet your saying 'anyone want to cyberz?'
: ...Every word you say makes me want to cry. I never thought a person could be that dumb, even if they try. I'm tired of listening to you blow off steam. I'll whip you so much, people'll call you Cream.
Jjskata15: no your just gay
ive got pretzles
: floppy drives are stupid
JerseyMikeX: see, to have sex, it can't be through the internet.
: as are you son, as are you.
ive got pretzles: i use a zip drive
GuMbYgIrL23 12 has entered the room.
WinterishDesert: :'(
WinterishDesert: any lesbians in here?
All Hail Me AJMW
: i'm tougher than a knight in shinning armor. u battling me is like u grabing a pitchfork like a farmer and steping up to me wid my sowrd held high then i stick it straight through ur head and now ur dead wid blood dripin.
: im just gay
: guy though
Vincent De Boule
: If I were female, I'd probably be a lesbian, buit I don't think that counts.
WinterishDesert: ewwwwiez gay guy??
: wtf you're a gay girl
: no i just lyke girlz iz all
: there's that pre-pubescent homophobe fever sweeping the nation again
: ne1 want 2 cyberz?
SchoolsOutFools: what the heck
: No he's a pathetic boy with no life and a glandular disease.
SchoolsOutFools: im gay not homophobic
: im homophobephobic
: now you, dork
: what is it with lil boys and them actin like someone has the plague everytime they hear the "gay' word
: scared of homophobez lmaololz
: hm
MediocreAnemone: homosexuals are gay
take away me NOW: agreed
: You've got some violent tendencies, you'd better get that checked. You remind me of an old building; no use, then it's wrecked. You should read some Dr. Seuss, try to get your rhymes down. Maybe then, I won't make you look like
CheZiForever: a total clown.
Bitsurfer5: lmaololz? How fucking redundant can you get?
GuMbYgIrL23 12: hmmm hey chezi
: yes they are
JerseyMikeX: mediocre, it took you this long to figure that out?
: here's a pretzel!
: Hey Gumby, what's up?
CheZiForever: I was challenged again, lol
All Hail Me AJMW: this is swordfish i know i'll pay u 6 cents to show ur tits. cuz i know u got them. i'll take a pen and pop ur fake boobs u transvestite fruit.
ive got pretzles
: huh
DrkPhoenixZero: jesus christ look at all the sad little children....this is why schools should be open year round to keep pre pubescent ignorant fucks like these off the internet...
GuMbYgIrL23 12
: lol
: Do not waste the pretzels you fool!
JerseyMikeX: not you, pretzels...
ive got pretzles
: you used fuck as a noun
JerseyMikeX: true, i'll just keep the pretzel then
ive got pretzles
: you must be pretty fucking proud
DrkPhoenixZero: Yes I did
ive got pretzles
: holy fuck
ive got pretzles: look
DrkPhoenixZero: You didnt capatilize I in I've you must be prouder
ive got pretzles
: i just used it as an adverb
ive got pretzles: you didnt punctuate your sentence
Thermometors: more proud you idiotz!
ive got pretzles: you must be illiterate
GuMbYgIrL23 12: i want some pretzels
: Neither did you
: Steam/ the only steam im blowin is off your girls ass/ i come go over her house and filler up w/ gas the unstopble force i come with the fury/ Like asama i leave in teh dessert/ sun brunt and burried
Vincent De Boule
DrkPhoenixZero: You have a serious lack of periods
ive got pretzles
ive got pretzles: HOLY FUCK
ive got pretzles: red on sky blue?!
JerseyMikeX: you dont even know what that means
: i want some prezels 2
Thermometors: ;-)
All Hail Me AJMW: i'm sick on the mic i got a straight guy turning into a dyke. i got people wantin to fight over my polite words and my violent slurs that i spit to chezi. i'll chop him up to lil pieces then eat him like a canabal like he was a
: What the fuck, man? That didn't make sense. You're sitting at your computer, trying to sound intense, when really, you're just making yourself look like an ass. Your rhymes are less entertaining than the growing of my grass.
All Hail Me AJMW: reese
ive got pretzles
: oo00oo
JerseyMikeX: go back to fucking your floppy drive, junior
ive got pretzles
: i wanna thermometor shoved up my ass :-P
JerseyMikeX: great....really...
: omg grozz
: Want a not wanna
: you spelled it wrong
: thats sooo ewwwiez
: :-P
ive got pretzles: spelled what wrong
ive got pretzles: its slang, che
DrkPhoenixZero: Wanna... that is not a word
GuMbYgIrL23 12
: ewwiez?
: you can just IMAGINE lil 13 year old winterish hikin up his skirt and saying 'ewwww gross! i'm telling mommy!'
ive got pretzles
: neither is Drk
Bitsurfer5: Che?
ive got pretzles: dork?
ive got pretzles: dork phoenix zero
GuMbYgIrL23 12: lol mike
: ive isnt a word either
ive got pretzles
: che is short for cheif
DrkPhoenixZero: its I've
ive got pretzles
ive got pretzles: dumbass
Thermometors: pretzlezzzzz
ive got pretzles: ive = i've
DrkPhoenixZero: dumbass isnt a word either
ive got pretzles
: yes it is
DrkPhoenixZero: show me
: look it up
: gumby, who keeps inviting you? or do you just smell the chaos a mile away and follow?
: You're a waste of my time, kid. You just don't get it. You searched for your owner, and damn, son, you met it. Ain't it past your bedtime? Don't you gotta go count sheep? A rhyme is a small stap for me, for you, it's a quantum
CheZiForever: leap.
ive got pretzles: one second
DrkPhoenixZero: show me this dictionary
: You abreviated a five letter word? Why not just abreviate I into . while you're at it.
CheZiForever: *step
GuMbYgIrL23 12: yea mike
: i guess everyone is getting some pretzels but me :-(
CheZiForever: Well, there's my typo for the night.
JerseyMikeX: good nose
: raspberry ... pretzel fetish?
: ^^ yupperzz
GuMbYgIrL23 12: lol
: quiet you
: hm maybe
ive got pretzles: thermo, asl?
MediocreAnemone: motherfuck
DrkPhoenixZero: you are ignoring my request
All Hail Me AJMW
: i'll put u in ur death bed wid 10 bullets in ur head. now u more famous then 50 cent i did u a favor i'm more than god i'm ur savor. i saved u from the wrath of my rhymes. i can beat u any time i want. i'm no waste of time.
All Hail Me AJMW
: ur a waste of a luife
: lol dork phoenix
Thermometors: 16.f.cali
All Hail Me AJMW: *life
: asl = just another calling card of someone who is despertly in need of getting laid and a life
: where is the dictionary definition of dumbass
ive got pretzles
: i like cali girls
DrkPhoenixZero: and what the fuck is an asl?
: which he needs more depends... this poor sap needs both...
: you are one sad little child
: i like pretzelz
Bitsurfer5: MediocreAnemone: lol dork phoenix
WinterishDesert: Bitsurfer5: MediocreAnemone: lol dork phoenix
JerseyMikeX: age/sex/location, it's how you know someone is under 17 and a virgin
too hour delay
: WinterishDesert: Bitsurfer5: MediocreAnemone: lol dork phoenix
JerseyMikeX: or atleast, a heterosexual virgin ...
: too hour delay: WinterishDesert: Bitsurfer5: MediocreAnemone: lol dork phoenix
Bitsurfer5: It took him 10 minutes to understand a bad joke.
GuMbYgIrL23 12: lol
: You should quit right now, kid, just declare me the winner. I'll pound you just like chopped meat, and serve your ass for dinner. Your rhymes don't got no wrath, if anything, they make me laugh. If a brain equalled a penny, you
Thermometors: i'm not a virgin ;-)
JerseyMikeX: wasn't funny the first time...
ive got pretzles
: are you a virgin?
CheZiForever: wouldn't even have a half.
ive got pretzles: no??
JerseyMikeX: thermo, microwaves dont count
: nopez
ive got pretzles: i bet ill be better than your first ;-)
ive got pretzles: dont isnt a word
DrkPhoenixZero: neither is isnt
ive got pretzles
: microwaves isnt a word
ive got pretzles: then why did you just use it in a sentence dork
Thermometors: :-P
JerseyMikeX: a thermometer and a pretzel hooking up over the internet .. man, those babies are gonna be butt ugly
All Hail Me AJMW
: i'll take the mic and hit u. your rhymes are fake. faker than the news when they said lil bow wow got raped wid his on chain. ur rhymes are plain boring i'd rather listen to a bed time story.
GuMbYgIrL23 12
: lol mike
: Because I am allowed to...Im not attempting to be smart
ive got pretzles
: you like cybering , meteor?
DrkPhoenixZero: you are just a kid trying to be tough
: yezz
take away me NOW: ok
: Ohh cyber...nothing like fake sex to make a guy feel big
take away me NOW
: you all need to get out of my room
take away me NOW
: mine and minkys
: yes
Bitsurfer5: It's not your room.
RaspberryMinkFoo: yes it is
Bitsurfer5: It's our room now.
DrkPhoenixZero: and if I refuse?
ive got pretzles
: im only 14 dude
JerseyMikeX: take away, sorry aint gonna happen
: How unsuprising...
ive got pretzles: are you saying i should go out and have sex at 14?
RaspberryMinkFoo: now i'm going to kill you all
DrkPhoenixZero: yes I am
: I'd love to see you try.
Thermometors: 14?!
DrkPhoenixZero: use a condom, for the love of god dont make more of yourself
ive got pretzles
: try isnt a word
JerseyMikeX: why not? pretzels cant have babies anyway
ive got pretzles
: reproduction is different from cloning
JerseyMikeX: except salt packets ... they can have more salt...
ive got pretzles
: salt isnt a word
All Hail Me AJMW: i'm the universal king. my balls are bigger than Yao Ming. homie now u have steped into my ring. i'm better than Ali. if i fought Joe Frazier i'd knock him out in 3. it'z ur turn i'll knock u out in to.
: thatz just silly
DrkPhoenixZero: I never mentioned cloning.... but your traits would be passed to your offspring
: and thats the last thing we need
All Hail Me AJMW
: *two
ive got pretzles
: ::takes off my shirt and sits by the campfire::
Jjskata15: Yo rmyes good a great but they remind of somthing loose/ yah rymes from that cat in the hat/ or wait doctor suess/ the time u spend geting rymes u already shok/ i read up in fable tales right out of a book
: ::rubs your tummy::
WinterishDesert: ::movez closer 2 pretzles::
: in two, TWO you clueless bastard, TWP
Bitsurfer5: TWO*
WinterishDesert: back off zlut hez myne
ive got pretzles
: ladies ladies
ive got pretzles: please
RaspberryMinkFoo: FUCK OFF YOU IDIOTS~
ive got pretzles: theres plenty of pretzle to go around
RaspberryMinkFoo: you arent' being funny
take away me NOW: lmao
GuMbYgIrL23 12
: wtf?
GuMbYgIrL23 12
: lol
: ::bitez off some of pretzel::
Bitsurfer5: I doubt that pretzles..
WinterishDesert: ::bytez hiz tung::
: mmmmm
ive got pretzles: oh baby
Bitsurfer5: I doubt theres enough for one.
JerseyMikeX: raspberry, you can just move along, i doubt anyone's gonna leave cause you want them to
: guys...thats enough
RaspberryMinkFoo: leave please
Thermometors: nooo!
JerseyMikeX: no thanks
: oh yes.... Text on a screen...gets me SO hard....
: Oh, I am... I am saddened by him.
CheZiForever: You insulting my rhymes is like a pot calling a kettle black. You better go take a break, cause I think your mind's off track. I don't know why you challenged me again, you must love to lose. I'm putting some good rhymes forward,
ive got pretzles: looks like you're really hot thermometor
CheZiForever: and you're just singing the blues.
Thermometors: ::humpz da pretzel::
Thermometors: :-P
Bitsurfer5: Damn, chezi... where the hell is this coming from?
WinterishDesert: ::plays wif hiz hair::
: ::Shrug::
ive got pretzles: oh baby
JerseyMikeX: chezi discovered a hidden talent for freestyling last time
: hmm..
has entered the room.
Bitsurfer5: He's shockingly good.
UnknownAngel5588 has left the room.
JerseyMikeX: we thought he just looked compared to hail over here but he really is quite good
: ::slowly kissezz down ur chest::
WinterishDesert: ::smaks thermometer::
: hoo boy...
: :-D
WinterishDesert: BACK OFF BIZNITCH
All Hail Me AJMW
: Chezi it blows my mind how sorry ur rhymes are. u've come so far. dun quit now. or maybe juz bow down and say i'm tight cuz my rhymes are better than watching Mike Tyson bite ears off. u lose homie juz stop
GuMbYgIrL23 12
: omg
ive got pretzles
: ladyz plez, calm down
ive got pretzles: plenty of me to go around
MediocreAnemone: wtf
JerseyMikeX: dude, internet, get life.
: ::unzipz pretzelz pantz::
JerseyMikeX: those 'ladies' could just as easily be 400 pound 80 year old men
: ::throwz her on otha side of room::
GuMbYgIrL23 12
: lol out comes a pretzel stick
has entered the room.
RaspberryMinkFoo: ok kids...time to go to sleep now
RaspberryMinkFoo: not with pretzel though
take away me NOW: pretzle stick lol
has entered the room.
RaspberryMinkFoo: lol
trashykt666: ...
Thermometors: back off bitch
UnknownAngel5588 has left the room.
Bitsurfer5: find idiotic things funny now don't you?
ive got pretzles: oh im hard
Thermometors: you just want him
trashykt666 has left the room.
RaspberryMinkFoo: um
All Hail Me AJMW: i challnged u to regain my title. i'm like a tidal wave cuz what i got to say should win me a gold medal it'z more important then ur tea kettle
: no
Xv IsamuDyson vX has entered the room.
WinterishDesert: ::meads his balls::
: shut ur mouth bitch
JerseyMikeX: meads? well said.
too hour delay
: meads..
GuMbYgIrL23 12: lol
Xv IsamuDyson vX
: I'm the ULTIMATE JPNer
: quiet you
: How do you regain something you've never had?
Xv IsamuDyson vX: ya girly bastards
: I demolish and vaporize like a cartoon i be the pin yah rymes be the balloon/ teh reason for your silent ness is beacuse yoru out for doom/ Rymes do not pentrate my wall of verbs and noun your lost like the people in ppenny
: No, you're the court jester...
Jjskata15: be qiet no sound
ive got pretzles
: oh i dont know what that is but it feels good
Bitsurfer5: No, thats too complimentary...
CheZiForever: The government should really hire you to freestyle in some jail. Your rhymes are cruel and unusual punishment, the prisoners would beg for bail. What title did you own? There must be no contenders. The only group you could be
CheZiForever: champ of is a bunch of sad pretenders.
Thermometors: ::suckels ur ballz::
DrkPhoenixZero:        .·´¨¯`·.·´¨¯`·.
:      .'       '       `.¨·.
:      '.       .´`. _   .'   ´¨ · .
:    .·´¨¨¯¯¨¨`  ¨¯  ¯¨          ' . 
:  .'     ˆ` ´ˆ       ,                '.
:  '.                .·`·.             .'
:   ` · .        .·´               . ´
:         ` · ./'·  .         . · ´      
:                    `.      ;\¨¨`·.´¨¨¯¯¨¨ ·  .
:                   -Koopa Troopa-
:                      -Amao 98-
:                    By: Altered
has left the room.
Thermometors has left the room.
CheZiForever: ...
JerseyMikeX: meow no taka
too hour delay
has left the room.
RaspberryMinkFoo: df
Bitsurfer5: I be the pin "yah" rhymes to the balloon?
RaspberryMinkFoo: ok kids
RaspberryMinkFoo: stop
take away me NOW: cut it out
take away me NOW
: fucking assshit
take away me NOW
: that fucks shit up
has entered the room.
JerseyMikeX: mmm assshit
: God, atleast make sense
Xv IsamuDyson vX: heeheheh........assshit
: lol
GuMbYgIrL23 12: thats a new one
: pretzel...
JerseyMikeX: pray tell, what exactly is a assshit?
: WHO is a assshit?
: WHAT is a assshit?
ive got pretzles
: mm
JerseyMikeX: Where may i find this assshit you speak of?
: WHY do you care?
JerseyMikeX: Is it human? or not?
Vincent De Boule
: Hey, chat progs still work?
Thermometors: do u lyke cyberin wit me?
ive got pretzles: yea
Bitsurfer5: He just used one Vin
Xv IsamuDyson vX: is it slang for asss hit???
: ask the 3 guys who wound up leaving
All Hail Me AJMW
: a sad pretender is what u are. ur rhymes are more cruel and u belong behind bars. so u can get raped. ur grammar is good so use ur intellegence to escape. my rhymes are like alkatraze there is no escape and ur fate will be decided
Vincent De Boule
: er
All Hail Me AJMW: but too bad my lines are great
Xv IsamuDyson vX
: heeheheheheheheh
Xv IsamuDyson vX
Vincent De Boule
: Hey, I'm lagging indefinitely
Vincent De Boule has left the room.
Xv IsamuDyson vX: sounds like a freaking sssssssnake
: Hail, you're contradicting yourself...
ive got pretzles: thermo??
Thermometors: ::givez u lots of kissiezz::
ive got pretzles: winter??
Xv IsamuDyson vX: sssssssslither .........sssslither me bunghole
has entered the room.
JerseyMikeX: he does that a lot
: stop it
ive got pretzles: o der u r
RaspberryMinkFoo: leave
DrkPhoenixZero: ahh that felt good...
: Jesus, Isamu god...
Bitsurfer5: Get a fucking brain.
JerseyMikeX: now if we didn't leave the first time, why would we leave later?
: pretzelz feel good on me...
Thermometors: and in me ;-)
Bitsurfer5: Yes sir Mink!
Bitsurfer5 has left the room.
DrkPhoenixZero: Hmmm
: why dont YOU head on over to another room? problem solved, no?
Xv IsamuDyson vX
: quiet Adam.......Sir Adam of Grayskull!
has entered the room.
Jjskata15: chiziforeva.. your done u washed up like hammer man career its nationaly stated that yo've lost please to tear/ all hail jmw brng you down for good/ its hammer time chizi i bang against the wood
: ok, I left now what?
JerseyMikeX: who's chiziforeva?
Xv IsamuDyson vX
I phr3ak I
: I undertood like 5 words in that
ive got pretzles: im gonna sperm
Thermometors: ::bitez ur earz::
MediocreAnemone: lol
MediocreAnemone: is sperm a verb
RaspberryMinkFoo: leave kids
CheZiForever: I looked for a rhyme scheme in that last one, but I just couldn't find it. Half your words don't exist, even Webster couldn't define it. And your little punk JJ spells even worse than you. If your friends are like that, you've
CheZiForever: got a pretty pathetic crew.
GuMbYgIrL23 12: haha
has left the room.
All Hail Me AJMW: i got the right to bare arms so imma shoot u and u won't live for long. i'll put ur balls in a blender and make u drink them til ur body surenders and dies as i watch the flies crowd around and i laugh that u are lifeless on the gro
Xv IsamuDyson vX
: Rapper wannabe's 2003
: 0 babi squirt it in mah mouf
All Hail Me AJMW
: *ground
: Imma shoot u and u won't live long...
ive got pretzles: ok
Xv IsamuDyson vX: lol
: the wigger event of the century is going down right here!
Bitsurfer5: Accually read the shit you type.
take away me NOW: im glad to be a part of it ó.ò
: ;-) hey take
DrkPhoenixZero: hmmm...
take away me NOW
: whats goin on
Vincent De Boule
has entered the room.
Thermometors: u tell me ;-)
take away me NOW: not a whole lot
Xv IsamuDyson vX
: if so....I need beer goggles, because of all the buckteeth women and ghetto booty.........ohhhhhhh GAWD!!!!!!!!
: hehez
ive got pretzles
: thermo??
Thermometors: pretzel
ive got pretzles: ur done??
Jjskata15: Your false a curution of uncharted fakness/ the relentless games u play explains that u cant shake this so understand your down for the count drop yah like ali/ one punch yah face blasted can u c/that i can spell Its ova chi
: Your rhymes make my brain hurt, if they can be called rhymes at all. You're like a bad basketball player, you always drop the ball.
MediocreAnemone: some manish font you have, pretzles
Xv IsamuDyson vX: mmmmmm.......fakness
: g00d l0rd, how can there be THESE many dorks breathing in one area?
: not until u want me 2 b babi
CheZiForever: Gah, hit Enter too early. Eh, I'll make my next one longer.
Bitsurfer5: cntntion? what the hell?
JerseyMikeX: i thought they had a special kind of oxygen .. hopefully, a limited kind...
: is pretzel still having is amazing virtual lovin/... I wonder how he cleans his monitor screen...I hear cum leaves streaks ...
: ask his lips
: think he has his own jizz mopper...?
ive got pretzles
: i use a ziplock bag
Bitsurfer5: Thats not even a word
Bitsurfer5: lol
ive got pretzles: one time i used aluminum foil
ive got pretzles: but i got all scratched up
JerseyMikeX: i think he IS a jizz mopper
: not if i waz there though ;-)
WinterishDesert: aluminum foil iz zooo zexy
Xv IsamuDyson vX
: is that 15 in your SN your reject number, age, address or what??????
: Nono Mike theres a difference between jizz mopping and cum gargling
take away me NOW
: ugh
: Oh my god.. .it's steve/dave!
All Hail Me AJMW: my rhymes are raised above all and urs juz took a sudden fall from the ranks as u feel me shank u. fool dun ever talk bout my crew. they'll roll up on u like u was a blunt and eat u like candy like u was the banana flavored runt
Xv IsamuDyson vX
: stop
Bitsurfer5: No
JerseyMikeX: how so? don't people like him cumgargle during their break anyway?
ive got pretzles
: no i want to keep going
RaspberryMinkFoo: get out of my room
Xv IsamuDyson vX: stop? STOP???????? WE WILL NEVER STOP!
ive got pretzles
: suck on it minkfoo
ive got pretzles: im gonna cum
Bitsurfer5: I'm sure he swallows, thats the difference.
JerseyMikeX: raspberry, i'll tell you again.
: no.
ive got pretzles
: i like how cum tastes
Bitsurfer5: Point in case.
WinterishDesert: me too :-P
Thermometors: ::rubz ur 8==<iii>D::
MediocreAnemone: oh shit thats sick
Bitsurfer5: That is too sad....
ive got pretzles: ooh yeah
DrkPhoenixZero: Raspberry... honestly is it worth all this??? why not simply gather your things and create a room with a less obvious name?
: and Winter goes from homophobe to ... well, he still sucks so it really doesn't matter what happens to him
Xv IsamuDyson vX
: :'(
take away me NOW: we live in this room though
: No, no too much logic for him.
JerseyMikeX: that's kinda sad...
take away me NOW
: me and the minxy
: how about you go stick your dick in an outlet?
Bitsurfer5: No, you live in a box. This is a chatroom on the internet.
ive got pretzles: id like to stick my cord in your outlet ;-)
JerseyMikeX: raspberry, that's thermo's routine, not mine
: oh baby you're making me so hot
: pretzelzzzzzzzzzz
JerseyMikeX: oh man, that was L-A-M-E!
Xv IsamuDyson vX
: take away me NOW: me and the men........MANY MANY MANY MANY men...
: oooooooooooooh
GuMbYgIrL23 12: omfg
: oooooooohhhh pretzelzzz
take away me NOW: thats funny
: i drope the ball but u drop the soap hoppin for hit the jail mates praise saying hes good i like his dick.... Your rap is like star wars withought the force.. or the the show married with children your r ymes makin them, devorce
: stop
RaspberryMinkFoo: please
CheZiForever: There's two of you battling me, and that ain't even enough. I'm whipping both of you, while you're trying to act all tough. You're talking about drugs now? You've probably never tried. Though I may have to take that back, cause
Bitsurfer5: Man, even my worst insults make me sound like a fuckin einstein in this chat.
CheZiForever: you sound like your mind is fried.
Xv IsamuDyson vX: lol
take away me NOW
: you werent in this room at 12:38
: adam, that's the ONLY thing people like them are good for
Xv IsamuDyson vX
: 15 is his IQ
: oh yeaaaa pretzlezzz
All Hail Me AJMW: juz surrender my rhymes are cooked medium rare they taste so tender and well cooked and i didn't even have to steal them from a nursery book like you. readin Dr. Suess. i say damn Sam i must be the man
: you cum yet pretzle?
: if we ever screw up and say sumtin that makes no sense, we're STILL brilliant in comparison
: ::ddrinkz it all up::
DrkPhoenixZero: Hrmm...
ive got pretzles
: yeah all over your tits
Bitsurfer5: No, you see medium rare is OVERCOOKED.
Thermometors: oooh babi
WinterishDesert: lolz she licked it up off ma boobz
ive got pretzles
: o yeah
JerseyMikeX: what's scary is they are both probaly 13 year old boys who haven't even reached puberty yet
: thats it
MediocreAnemone: im out of here
Xv IsamuDyson vX: hey, just look at there AIM THATS stupid
: Steaks are ment to be rare, any more and it just means you have no taste.
MediocreAnemone has left the room.
JerseyMikeX: i'd call you smart, mediocre, but you should have left half an hour ago
take away me NOW
: nice how she waited til after they were done
: Well thats one down.
Thermometors: ::relaxezz::
RaspberryMinkFoo: oookkkkk
All Hail Me AJMW: feel the my lyrical torpedo hit ur body. i got u speakin like u from New Orleans " shawty" fool u a waste of time but i figure i could get a practice rhyme in on you cuz u stink like an athlete's shoe
ive got pretzles
: ::lays on couch by thermo::
DrkPhoenixZero has left the room.
DrkPhoenixZero has entered the room.
Bitsurfer5: What I find sad is I've spent the entire day having a life, and I come home to a chat you've probably been in since this morning.
Xv IsamuDyson vX: Thermometors: ::relaxezz in a tub of six yr old cummmmmm::
Bitsurfer5: lol
JerseyMikeX: *shudder*
: ::evil glarez at pretzle and thermo::
: ::putz mah head on ur tummy::
Xv IsamuDyson vX: I hope thats not the head I think it is..........
: You seem well read on Dr. Seuss, it's closer to your level. I laugh at how you try to sound tough, like you've sold your souls to the devil. Every time I read your rhymes, they make me want to vomit. I'll make you my bitch like I
CheZiForever: was Wallace and you were Gromit.
Bitsurfer5: fool and shoe don't rhyme....
Xv IsamuDyson vX: but somehow, its not
: ...
DiRgE of DeSpAiR has entered the room.
DiRgE of DeSpAiR: hahaha
JerseyMikeX: saw the size of your penis or sumtin?
DiRgE of DeSpAiR
: vile little children
Xv IsamuDyson vX: .....ok, someone entering laughing = scary
DiRgE of DeSpAiR
: Cyber sex and rap...
ive got pretzles: anyone no good porn sites
Xv IsamuDyson vX: would you be referring to your boys??????
: I think yah threw barney got better rymes than you i love u u hate me think about how wak yah rymes may be pause for a sec and think about yo stuff yah your battlin 2 peeps 2 yah can handle we 2 tough.. buts its's all good the
: ur horni again?
DiRgE of DeSpAiR
: and now children asking for porno?
ive got pretzles: no but i will be soon
Jjskata15: wallace likes it rough
DiRgE of DeSpAiR
: how sad
JerseyMikeX: that's the way of the children
: i like it rough
DiRgE of DeSpAiR
: how utterly pathetic
CheZiForever: ...I'm ignoring Jjskata until he learns to spell.
WinterishDesert: any other guyz wanna cibur?
: i like 2 b spanked
GuMbYgIrL23 12: lol chezi
All Hail Me AJMW
: u think u all big and bad but that all changes when u in jail wid the rest of them fags. i'll let u slurp a dick like Smiley did. ur rhymes are so gay i think that i'm wid Cuba Gooding Jr. on the gay cruise my rhymes are so fresh
All Hail Me AJMW
: and smooth
DiRgE of DeSpAiR
: Why these children were allowed to live this long is beyond me
Bitsurfer5: thtew?
WinterishDesert: ::spankz her playfully::
: hehe :-)
Xv IsamuDyson vX: SHUDDUP IQ 15!!!! Speak only with spoken to, with your broke up worlds you stole from Ghetto Amusement Park
: "You can handle"? Are you complimenting him?
CheZiForever: Hell, by that logic, I should really ignore AJMW too. But his stupidity is like a magnet.
All Hail Me AJMW: and ur like a faggot
GuMbYgIrL23 12
: lol
: hey pretzle?
: Ooh, great comeback. I remember hearing that one in 3rd grade.
DiRgE of DeSpAiR: if it were in my realm of power thes children would have perished eons ago
ive got pretzles: yaz?
WinterishDesert: wanna phone sex?
DiRgE of DeSpAiR
: before they were even a idea in some humans head
ive got pretzles: huh?
All Hail Me AJMW: i remembered hearin u had to pay kids for sex
: calm down, chez. hail might still be in the 3rd grade.
: ...
WinterishDesert: call me
Xv IsamuDyson vX
: lol, I wish I had a dollar for everyone thats been called a faggot in my life, I'd have billions
DiRgE of DeSpAiR
: especially the winter girl....
DiRgE of DeSpAiR: she is especially irritating
ive got pretzles: wots your #
All Hail Me AJMW: u still do have to pay them
: itz in mah profile
: winte'rs probaly a guy who doesn't know it yet
: pretzel
ive got pretzles: o
ive got pretzles: my mom would get mad thoguh
CheZiForever: This is ridiculous. I'm here arguing with a 7 year old.
WinterishDesert: call collect ill pay for it :-P
Xv IsamuDyson vX: mmmmmmmmmm.........thoguh
ive got pretzles
: ooo00oo
Xv IsamuDyson vX: dun you mean toga?
: your rymes fallin apart.. floating away like a nutty professor fart the stench that colides making everyone frown and yell" qite spitin yah words worse than a shit smell it seems to me that your qiiet adn absolite i think we when/
: engizer bunny i can go on for weeks
: Look, kid, no more freestyling. I feel bad for making you put so much effort into your shitty rhymes, if they can even be called rhyes.
CheZiForever: *rhymes
Xv IsamuDyson vX: Nutty Professor is SOOOOOOOO old
: plezz call
Xv IsamuDyson vX
: plus its Eddie Murphy
: I believe it's clear that I won again.
ive got pretzles: i dunno if i should
GuMbYgIrL23 12: hmm lets see.....
All Hail Me AJMW
: u be watchin porn and jackin off wid candy corn like the fool from the bates motel i would slap u but hos tell the cops u like a fag u drop ur pants when u see a guy like they hot
ive got pretzles
: im not horny anymore tho
Bitsurfer5: qiiet adb absolite....
DiRgE of DeSpAiR: Winterish... are you a slut of some kind?
Thermometors: i am :P
WinterishDesert: so?? ill orgasm for you
: not of the best kind, the dead kind.
: jacking off wid candy corn
ive got pretzles: really
CheZiForever: OK, who here even understands a word that AJMW or Jj says?
Xv IsamuDyson vX: what about the webcam????
I phr3ak I
: lol
WinterishDesert: you betcha
: i dont think even they do
: I under stood... no wait, no...
JerseyMikeX: though i gotta wonder who wins when they freestyle against each other
: Or is able to find a rhyme scheme within the train wrecks that they call freestyling?
Thermometors: ok guyzz
Thermometors: i gotta go
JerseyMikeX: the repetitive nomakingsense-ness vs. the bad spelling nomakingsense-ness
GuMbYgIrL23 12
: im kinda used to it
: by pretzelzz ;-)
WinterishDesert: bye thermo :-P
Jjskata15: )=
: :-*
ive got pretzles: bye hot stuff
Jjskata15: damn....
: leave
RaspberryMinkFoo: please
JerseyMikeX: oh fuck off already
: okiez
Thermometors has left the room.
RaspberryMinkFoo: wow
All Hail Me AJMW: he quit i win all my friends get out cuz we all can tell this fool took many nuts down south and he is choking up. so i guess the nuts should juz turn him around and stick it in his butt.
: what an annoying little bitch
Jjskata15: ok im done i think we lost
: lol
take away me NOW: almost there
Xv IsamuDyson vX
: is that an upside down smiley???? true the number IS his IQ
: You think you won?
CheZiForever: You're a sad little man.
I phr3ak I: lol
take away me NOW: we have a rap-off going on..
I phr3ak I
: haha
JerseyMikeX: he knows he lost
take away me NOW
: sorry ive missed it
All Hail Me AJMW
: peace non-negro
All Hail Me AJMW
has left the room.
Xv IsamuDyson vX: or maybe dislexic
: call me pretzle??
: lol
Bitsurfer5: It's only a rap-off if they were rapping.
Jjskata15 has left the room.
CheZiForever: That was such a waste of my time
ive got pretzles: ok
Bitsurfer5: This is pathetic.
Xv IsamuDyson vX: BOOYA! ADIOS 15!