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:: Pizza, fights, and Chaos...
Title of RP: Pizza, fights, and Chaos

Opponent: "Twisted" Johnny Jack

Event: Flatline

"Johnny Jack!? WTF is that?!..."

* The scene fades in.... The ringing of a door bell. The camera shows a door, a door to huge house. Perhaps even a three story. There is a small window towards the top of the door, and a head pops up into the scene looking through it. On the other side of the door, the man that rang the door bell is a pizza delivery boy. Dressing up in uniform. The hat on his bald head says "Speddy Pizza"... The man stands there with a smile on his face. The door flies open quicker than a bolt of lightning... Chris Wattz, the current W3 rookie stands there.. He looks at the kid from Speedy Pizza, and gives a cocky smirk... He shakes his head, then snatches the pizza from his hands.. The pizza boy looks odd, but he doesn't dares to say anything, not to Chris Wattz at least.. Wattz opens the pizza and looks inside it. Its a Canadian Bacon pizza, something that makes Chris Wattz irate... He opens up on the pizza boy and explodes... *


::Pizza Boy:: Ummm... Sir, we must of made a mistak...

::Wattz:: Na, ya think!!

::Pizza boy:: Would you like a refund or what?...


::Pizza boy:: You can't eat this one..?

::Wattz:: You expect me to eat Canadian Bacon!?! First off, I hate Canadians!! They can't cook, or even talk! I ain't eating their god damn food EITHER.... EH? I mean Bacon anyways! Anything but bacon!Why can't there be Canadian bread or something... Cause their too god damn cheap...

::Pizza boy:: So would you like a new pizza delived sir... ?

::Wattz:: Your damn right I want a new pizza... AND MAKE IT SPEEDY..... STUPID ASS!!

* He then gives a sigh... And slams the door right on the pizza boys face.. Wattz turns to his manager Thedore... He shakes his head and then talks... *

::Wattz:: Can you believe this Titodore..?

( The fat lazy no toothed manager )::Theodore:: Umm, Wattz, me name issa Theodore

::Wattz:: Yeah, thats what I said Titodork... You know what really iritates me.. Minimum waged pizza boys, who can't get orders right... And low card jobber, named Johnny Jack... I mean now in the 24 years I've been alive have I ever heard the name Johnny Jack. This is the stupidest name I've ever heard in my life. Not only will I beat him so bad, he'll be forced to change it due to humility. But, I'll beat his face so bad, his momma won't even reckonize his sorry ass!! Oh, and yea since the brains of W3 are too small to comprehend this.. Its with a Z!! Just remember C... W.... Z!!! But, back to Jack... The man with two first names... The man that sounds like he's masterbating, the man that sounds like hes carrying a jock strap or something...After I defeat you. and send you home humiliated. Just remember, when you go back, and everyones laughing at you. Just tell 'em who bea ya. The future of W3. Chris Wattz. You see what Chris Wattz does, is he makes impacts on feds. Wins titles, leaves his mark... and then vanishes with out a trace... Here I might stay a little longer, win a few more titles... Beat a few more asses. Bring a little bit more ratings. But, you see whens it all said and done. I'll prove it here, just like a I did it everywhere else. What my name is. What I did. And how I'll be known. I don't know anything about this place, amd this place probabaly doesn't know anything about Chris Wattz, but they will... They damn sure will. I talk the talk, and keep on talkin'... Then I walk the walk, and talk some more... Just like I'll do to this Jack. I'll laugh at him in the ring. Get the three count, then laugh at his ass some more, after I win. It's how I work. You don't like it?! Shut me up then...

::Theodore:: Hey Wattz, when is the pizza gonna be here again...

::Wattz:: Why do you care bitch... You aint gettin' any anyways...

::Theodore:: But, but, but.... I payed for it..

::Wattz:: So what do I care...

::Theodore:: I think I should get a piece, since I payed for it...

:Wattz:: I dont...

::Theodore:: But, I'm...

::Wattz:: Shut up bitch....

::Theodore:: ......

::Wattz:: Haha, simple minded people... Simple to outsmart them, yet still hard to beat them... I don't know what it is about em'.. I haven't heard this Johnny Jack talk yet, I'm just assuming things.. I'm assuming that he's retarded, looking at his name... Also that he has no wrestling ability at all. Thats he's probably about 5 foot 3, and weighs 4 hundred and tens pounds... Maybe, maybe not.. I dont know that. But what I do know, is that it'll be a sinch to beat this fool. He doesn't know what he's matched up against, nor doesn't he know who.. For all I know, he probably can't even read. He's probably looking at the card and thinking... Whos the hells Cheerio!??? I dont really know why your hiding, or why your avoiding the situation.... Is this due to fear? Beats me.. Your one funny looking sum-bitch. But damned if I know, if your a smart one. Your could have only passed the three grade like your dad, or you have a college education, I don't care. I sure have an education, in wrestling, and in school. Not only can I outwrestle a man, I can outsmart him too. And chumpstain, I'll do both to your ass!! Its not really a question of if? But, its a question in when? The world know, soon Chris Wattz will be holding the title...Colin Ronning is probably sleeping in his pj's. Dreaming happy thoughts... But soon the happy thoughts will become nightmares. And when Colin Ronning wakes up in the morning and relizes the piss stain in his pj's... He'll fear the unexpected. The unexpected being 'Wattzilla' Chris Wattz. Jack is just a toon up. Nothing more, thing less. I'm overconfident, and right-fully so.. I mean who wouldn't if they were Chris Wattz. The greatest wrestler to ever grace a W3 ring.... It's just a matter of time... Maybe not this time, but next time you'll realize it. I'm the next greatest thing you guys got. Wake up and realize it... Because there's a place that didn't, and let the greatest thing they got slip away.... W3, Johnny Jack, I'll make my impact be heard... throughout the world...

* Ding dong!!! The sound of the door bell... Theodore starts to rush over there to grab the pizza. But, he gets tripped by Wattz, and falls on his face... *

::Wattz:: What in the hell, this better be right.... this time.

::Wattz:: Who the hell are you, where'd the little pimpled face chumpstain go??..

:: The big buff pizza man:: He said you gave him problems, and he didn't wanna come back... Is this true..

::Wattz:: Damn skippy!! now gimmie my pizza...

::Pizza man:: Not so fast... Pay up first...

::Wattz:: Pay for this shitty service... No way! ( he snatches the pizza )

::Pizza man:: HEY!

::Wattz:: Hey Titodork come here...

* He then throws Theodore at the pizza man and slams the door... The pizza man gets ahold of him and then begins to beat the innocent Theodore's face in, to the laughter of Wattz... *

::Wattz:: Ouch thats gonna leave a mark... ( he quickly locks the door.. ) Now that the non-sence is all done, I can get back to business.... That dude didn't want none of me anyways... He's scared of me!! Just like Johnny Jack, and all the rest of these W3 chumps... They all know its true. They can't compete with me. I'm the greatest thing to grace a W3 wrestling ring... I want some to answer me, whos the greatest in this place, show me em'. And I'll kick their asses... Plain and simple, and with ease. I'll make an example of this Johnny Jack, and continue with the same punishment. When god gave out athletisism, looks, and sheer ability... I think he overdosed on me!! But hey, who can blame him! In a few days, if Jack doesn't answer me, or doesn't respond to me.. I'll just make it be none. If he decides to run his mouth, I'll be fine with that. I can respect a guy that runs his mouth, and talk shit about everybody than he can. Hell, I like those kind of people, they reflect a sort of image of me... So, I hope you do answer me.. And I hope you those sort of guys that like to run there mouth. Because I'm those sort of guys than can shut it!! Then keep on runnin' mine... You don't scare me Jack, not the slightest. Your big bad intimidating name!! You horrible small testicles! or even your pimply ugly face! None of those factors will key in while I whip your ass. I'll end ya short or I'll end ya quick... I'll just set an example for the rest of W3 to watch... Watch it and be known.... and next time get it right.... It's C....W....Z!!! Thats Chris WattZ..... BITCHES!!!....

* He opens the door to see Theodore still being beaten on... He spins the big guy around and takes a cheap punch. Wattz then hurries, and grabs his keys. He hops in the car and takes off as fast as he can... *

::Wattz:: Can't catch me!! I'm the Wattzilla man!!...